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How Can They Be So Blind?????

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posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox
reply to post by sir_chancealot

Dude....dont be so gullible. What he wrote was from a letter he posted on another thread here at ATS:

......Between then and right up to and through the night of Sept. 10, 2001, I told about 130 people, many in high detail, exactly where the attacks would be carried out, how they would be executed (with commandeered, fuel-laden aircraft), and approximately when.

I was absolutely right in every specific detail. Among those I told were law enforcement in three countries, including law enforcement authorities in Stuart, whom I told repeatedly in 1998 and in early 2001.

I have written a manuscript detailing my experiences getting the information, and passing it along to others over the four years before the attacks actually were committed. The document is 90 pages and more than 54,000 words.

John Gobin Shaw

Stuart, Florida

Funny... this John Shaw also blogged at a Bike Forum in 2002 where he talks about surviving explosions while on a bike tour.

That was from a letter posted in the Stuart News. Another similar, somewhat more detailed letter was published by the Palm Beach Post.

That military barrage happened in the Czech Republic in 1994. I have bicycled about 34,000 miles through nineteen countries---USA, Canada, Mexico, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Former Soviet Union, China, and a little in Korea.

After that barrage---automatic weapons, mortars, artillers, mines, hand grenades--- it quieted down. Then there was the sound of a very loud, rickety, clanky train making its very noisy way over tracks, or it was a loud recording of one because I could not find any tracks anywhere near.
there. The next morning I woke up with some serious illness that set in right about the time of the military tactic. The sickness stayed with me for quite some time. It may have been deliberately induced, but I have no way of knowing for sure if it was or was not.

The barrage was very near me. I could smell the spent gun powder, and the burning metal of the shells.

I keep journals which can be extremely detailed in every regard.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
reply to post by CameronFox

Mr. Shaw goes into quite a lot of detail on this webpage:

The responses to his story are quite amusing. My favorite: "Ever heard of the FBI?" He seems to have told everyone but the FBI about the coming attack.

I tend to agree with you. I don't think "Jailhouse" is Shaw.

I don't even think Shaw is Shaw now.

[edit on 29-12-2008 by ipsedixit]

Had I ever heard of the FBI? Yes I had. They are as useful as tits on a boar hog unless you are SOMEBODY. That's my take on it anyway.

Law enforcement authorities in Florida whom I warned repeatedly and in detail in 1998 and in early 2001 about the coming attacks of 9-11 had also heard of the FBI, and were required by law to report such information as I gave them to the FBI, which, so far as I have been able to ascertain, they did NOT.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox

Originally posted by Jailhouserock

On the night of September 10, 2001 I called a law enforcement or government number in Fort Pierce, Florida
I am not sure I know what you mean by what level I operated on.

I also called 911 in Stuart, Florida early in 2001 telling of guerrillas or terrorists in the area planning attacks and using airplanes.


We have seen many hoaxes brought about here at ATS. From UFO video's to abductors, to fake witnesses on 911.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt for now. I would however like some information.

- Can you confirm who any of the 130 people are to us?

- When did you call a law enforcement or government number in Fort Pierce?
Who was the agency? What's the number?

- What was the approximate date when you called 911 in Stuart, Florida early in 2001?

If you do not want to post this information please feel free to U2U me. I would like to validate your claims.

Thank you,


[edit on 29-12-2008 by CameronFox]

You would like to validate my claims? Sure you would. Oh sure.
I have heard that one before. You want to influence readers that my claims are invalid, and you need ammunition to do that. I am not the one to ask for that ammunition. I have been on several forums, and one thing has been made perfectly clear. Validity and truth are not what you all are interested in. You cannot fool someone who knows for fact what he is talking about. The best you can do is influence others to believe one way or another about it. Too much lying, negativity, incredulousness on forums.

Yes, I know who several of the people are that I told. I have written a manuscript of 90 pages and 54,000 + words. It's all in there. Names, places, times, conversations, settings, introductions, etc. But what is the point. I tell you I called a law enforcement or govt. number around 8:30 pm the night of Sept. 10 or 9, 2001. You contact them. They deny. You come here and say I am lying and you have proof. The fact that 911 blatantly lied to me several times when I was collecting information for my book would be irrelevant to you, right? The fact that schools where I was teaching the attack plans refused to even answer my enquiries, and refused to release information would also be seen by you as proof I am lying, right?

Who do you think you are fooling? The more I detect of American attitudes, the more I see the point in allowing those attacks to be carried out, and I can see why people in your own government saw it that way too.

No thanks. I have written the book. One day it will be out. If you want to read it, read it. If you don't, don't. It is all over anyway.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
I think it is going to take more resources than I have to get the full story out of jailhouserock. I'm willing to wait patiently. I've been here before and waiting takes no energy whatsoever.

The full story is way way way too much to put here. 54,000 +words, and that was after editing out a lot words. And besides, what would you do with the information anyway? It doies not really matter that I knew, or even if I was in on the planning of 9-11. American people have low mentalities, but they arrogate to themselves some sort of superiority because of their material possessions.

You know. You can teach a monkey how to dress up in a suit. You can teach it to smoke a cigarette. You can teach it to comb its hair and ride a bicycle. You can even teach it to bang out a rudimentary tune on a piano and sing in some manner. But, it is still a monkey.

The same goes for humans. You can give them sanitary living conditions. You can let them drive cars and live in nice houses. You can provide them with all the modern conveniences. But, in the end, they are still monkeys with more highly developed central nervous systems.

Thus, 9-11 and more to come because they will never learn. It's the low-grade mentality.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox

Originally posted by Jailhouserock

I may not be able to tell you what you need to know, but then again, maybe I can. I have also written a manuscript of 90 pages and more than 54,000 words detailing the entire matter of my own experiences getting the information about the coming attacks, and telling others. Were government functionaries told repeatedly and in detail well in advance? The answer is yes. Were there coverups before and after 9-11? The answer again is most likely yes. I ought to know. I told them myself, and I had to deal with their obfuscations and lies after 9-11. Par for the course where I come from

So you are claiming to be John Gobin Shaw of Stuart, Florida ?

If you are... you have been pimping this story for almost 5 years:

Attack plans of 9-11-01 well known since 1997.
Author-John Gobin Shaw ^ | January 8, 2003 | John Gobin Shaw

Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 12:36:26 PM by John Gobin Shaw

Sorry.. I am calling BS on this one.

Call it anything you want. Airstrikes were called in on you on 9-11, and they did it, and that is no BS.

I do not have to hide behind anonymity, you do, and any honest person with integrity would stand by what he says and identify himself, not hide behind the internet like a chicken#.

I knew they were going to attack you since 1997. Not only that, I suggested the attack and coming to Florida for the training. Somebody agreed to it. Some did it.

The only bull# here is you and your word as a man---pure bull#.

I think you people could not care less when others are getting screwed over by government. Your only concern is when it happens to you and yours. You forum people have proven your disregard and contempt for the truth, and that is true of Americans in general, and that is one reason you got hit on 9-11. If you think you will not be hit again, you are still dreaming like before 9-11. How could you possibly believe that your govt. can screw people over tghe way they have without consequences? You have to be very ignorant or very stupid. I applaud the attack against the pentagon. They are terrorists and murderers. You think I would warn the pentagon if they are going to be attacked? Hell no. I would not and did not.
Why should I. It was my only chance at justice and retribution. There is far too much you people do not know to be making judgements about others.

John Gobin Shaw
Stuart, Florida

[edit on 30-12-2008 by Jailhouserock]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 12:28 PM
Mr Shaw, a serious question please. You say you were aware of the impending attacks as early as 1997. From the timeline I have seen and find credible, the decision to actually go with a massive airplane attack on the US was only solidified in 1999 and details were hammmered out as to number of planes, targets, logistics, over the next two years.

Even dismissing inaccuracies, I get the impression that in 1997, at most there was a desire to hit the US hard, and synchronized airplane attacks was at best a suggestion.

I'm not in a position to comment on the veracity of your claims, but you must be aware that there are hundreds of people with claims they also were aware of the upcoming attacks, made attempts to alert authorities,
or else claim to have proof of previously unrevealed critical information like knowledge of organizations not usually identified with 9/11 being involved.

For this reason alone, skepticism is warranted by those without proof other than your word.

Mike F

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Jailhouserock
I have written a manuscript of 90 pages and 54,000 + words.

Just a technical point. Getting 54,000 words on 90 pages is not easy, even single spaced. Was this legal sized paper?

Jailhouse, you've told us that you were recruited for the 9/11 operation by people in Saudi Arabia. You've said that you have a bone to pick with the US government. Why don't you go to someone like Alex Jones, who also has a bone to pick with the US government? What are you doing on a forum like this where you are not telling us the details and where you have little or nothing to gain by your presence?

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
what i really wanna know, is what really happened to the people who were supposedly on the flight that crashed in the middle of a field. Come on it's hard to hide a couple of hundred people, if they were hidden at all.

I'm not saying I truly believe this but isn't it quite the coincidence that the exact same amount of people that died on the airplanes on 9/11 died in the airplane crash in Queens, NY shortly after? Off the top of my head, I can't remember the exact amount.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 05:07 PM
The coroner who reported for work the day of Shansville crash told reporters that he'd stopped being coroner after twenty minutes because they're were 'No BODIES" to be found.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
The coroner who reported for work the day of Shansville crash told reporters that he'd stopped being coroner after twenty minutes because they're were 'No BODIES" to be found.

Yes...just pieces of bodies. A Coroner would determine the cause of death. When all that is left is a pitifully small amount of bone/flesh etc, you do not need a coroner.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Mr Shaw, a serious question please. You say you were aware of the impending attacks as early as 1997. From the timeline I have seen and find credible, the decision to actually go with a massive airplane attack on the US was only solidified in 1999 and details were hammmered out as to number of planes, targets, logistics, over the next two years.

Even dismissing inaccuracies, I get the impression that in 1997, at most there was a desire to hit the US hard, and synchronized airplane attacks was at best a suggestion.

I'm not in a position to comment on the veracity of your claims, but you must be aware that there are hundreds of people with claims they also were aware of the upcoming attacks, made attempts to alert authorities,
or else claim to have proof of previously unrevealed critical information like knowledge of organizations not usually identified with 9/11 being involved.

For this reason alone, skepticism is warranted by those without proof other than your word.

Mike F

Frankly, from what I have seen on internet forums, what you people think, believe, or don't believe is totally irrelevant. To be banned from such a forum is a badge of honor I assure you.

I gave you the facts.

[edit on 30-12-2008 by Jailhouserock]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Jailhouserock
It's interesting you talk about know what was going to happen in 1997. Just after that time - I went to Seminole Fla, with my now ex-wife. We went to dinner with her mother at this restaurant and her mother asked where was Abdul, the waiter that always waited on her. The waitress she had that night said - "Oh - he's taking flying lessons today" I said to my mother-in-law "something doesn't sound right with this" and I tried on quite a few occasions to call the US State dept and they basically told me to mind my own business - they had things under control. In the words of Ron White - "I'm sorry folks, but you can't fix stupid. Stupid is forever!!"

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
The coroner who reported for work the day of Shansville crash told reporters that he'd stopped being coroner after twenty minutes because they're were 'No BODIES" to be found.

Yes...just pieces of bodies. A Coroner would determine the cause of death. When all that is left is a pitifully small amount of bone/flesh etc, you do not need a coroner.

They nver found any body parts, not a part to be found, no nothing, just a big hole in the ground.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:24 AM


posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by jmag700
reply to post by Jailhouserock
It's interesting you talk about know what was going to happen in 1997. Just after that time - I went to Seminole Fla, with my now ex-wife. We went to dinner with her mother at this restaurant and her mother asked where was Abdul, the waiter that always waited on her. The waitress she had that night said - "Oh - he's taking flying lessons today" I said to my mother-in-law "something doesn't sound right with this" and I tried on quite a few occasions to call the US State dept and they basically told me to mind my own business - they had things under control. In the words of Ron White - "I'm sorry folks, but you can't fix stupid. Stupid is forever!!"

Stupid is forever. It sure seems like it too, and education and refinement cannot erase it. I understand what you mean about the state department.
It seems like these people get in office on the strength of what they promise to do. Then they become entrenched and comfortable with power. Next, they use it for personal and political purposes. They get arrogant, and flip you off when you go to them with perfectly legitimate concerns.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Mr Shaw, a serious question please. You say you were aware of the impending attacks as early as 1997. From the timeline I have seen and find credible, the decision to actually go with a massive airplane attack on the US was only solidified in 1999 and details were hammmered out as to number of planes, targets, logistics, over the next two years.

Even dismissing inaccuracies, I get the impression that in 1997, at most there was a desire to hit the US hard, and synchronized airplane attacks was at best a suggestion.

I'm not in a position to comment on the veracity of your claims, but you must be aware that there are hundreds of people with claims they also were aware of the upcoming attacks, made attempts to alert authorities,
or else claim to have proof of previously unrevealed critical information like knowledge of organizations not usually identified with 9/11 being involved.

For this reason alone, skepticism is warranted by those without proof other than your word.

Mike F

You question my word. I question yours.

What is your source of information that plans were solidified in 1999, etc.
What do you mean by solidified?

Prove hundreds of people made such claims. Why do you find the source credible?

And it does not mean anything. I still knew about the attacks, and told about 130 people. You have to realize that to someone such as myself who knows for unquestionable fact what he is talking about, anything you have to say to the contrary is meaningless. I am not one of your CT forum know nothings. I know exactly what I am talking about.

And I still maintain that many CTs are a disgrace to the memory of 9-11, and to the people who died in those attacks.

And what if hundreds of people did contact authorities about the coming attacks? What does that tell you about your authorities, some of whom most likely knew already anyhow?

[edit on 31-12-2008 by Jailhouserock]

[edit on 31-12-2008 by Jailhouserock]

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:52 AM


posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Jet engine

Piece of fuselage

Another piece of fuselage


Small debris

Looks like aircraft crash debris from Flight 93

As coroner, responsible for returning human remains, Miller has been forced to share with the families information that is unimaginable. As he clinically recounts to them, holding back very few details, the 33 passengers, seven crew and four hijackers together weighed roughly 7,000 pounds. They were essentially cremated together upon impact. Hundreds of searchers who climbed the hemlocks and combed the woods for weeks were able to find about 1,500 mostly scorched samples of human tissue totaling less than 600 pounds, or about 8 percent of the total.

Less than 10 % of human remains were recovered

As someone who actually walked a jet crash scene to mark any remains
for recovery can tell you not a whole lot is left - whay can be described
as "human hamburger" and random scraps

Question is why do you make such ignorant statements.....

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:36 AM
Congress should have appointed a new committee.

Bush Oversight Committee.

Of course, they should've done that with 41.
Between the Gold, S&L, and W's "Decider" policies,
Congress is a POS Puppet and should be dismantled.
If they and the Exec. Branch followed the Constitution, we would be fine and Paulson and Bernanke and their home boys would be doing hard labor for life.

Rather, they have raped the society, markets and pilfered the Treasury with seemingly no fear of retributuion.

Tax the poor to death and make up laws that are unconstitutional, Blatantly lie to Congress and the American people, and walk away dishing out more good ol' boy contracts.

I see CIA #3 is indicted in San Diego for such corruption. After Connie Spewed lies under oath, the whole sham should've been cut off at the head, but instead, they bowed even lower to prostrate themselves to the whims of a President who should be in the Special Olympics instead of the White House.

Maybe when the dust settles, escapes have been executed and pardons given, Historians will praise this Administration for such great achievements. Mainly, the destruction of America.
The Military Machine is almost a replay of Germany last century. Breaking up America by way of Domestic Terrorism is just another Scherff NWO goal.
This was, IMHO, Daddy's plan all along. I doubt W. had enough upstairs to accomplish this. He was just a proxy for 41.

Notice that W's hair is grayer than Daddy's? Now we even get the priveledge to watch as they smile and wave goodbye to our wealth and our Nation.

The Founding Fathers are turning in their graves over Congress's retarded functionality.

If they really were representing their constituants, the FED would've been abolished, All of these "too big to fail" corps. would be bankrupt, the Executive branch would have been bitch-slapped back into it's real authority, there would have been impeachment hearings and the whole lot of them would be hearing the words,

"Ready....Aim....Fire!" through their hoods, as they leaned against their shackled hands and the wall, awaiting what is truely deserved of all criminals who traitor their Oaths to uphold the Constitution and Country.

Congress should be along side them, Nancy's breasts at point blank.

I would like 1/2 hour alone with each of them, (off the record, like the Bush/Chenney 911 investigation closed door session).

I'll give a no bid contract to a friend to make sure they make it back to the wall in time for the squad.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 11:27 AM
The founding fathers may be turning over in their graves, but it is not because of what the government is doing. They understood government, and what hold power has on the hearts and minds of men. If they are turning over in their graves, it is because of the lack of opposition
by the people of the United States to those government depradations. If government are doing to you what you claim they are doing, you should be responding in kind. You should be attacking them back, but you are not.

From my own point of view, 9-11 was that attacking back. One of these days you may come to understand that. 9-11 was a retaliatory strike, and one made for good reasons. Nobody does something like that just for the hell of it.

Why is it that none of you CTs who continue insisting 9-11 was a US government operation against its own citizens have not had the courage of your convictions, formed an organization, and attacked them in return? If I knew for a fact what you people claim to know, I guarantee you I would definitely attack them is as much of an act of war as I could possibly muster. It wouldn't be much I guess, but I'll be damned if I would let them get completely away with it either. Even if I had to collaborate with their foreign enemies, I would do what had to be done to attack them in return.
If the government is bad and hurting you, it is not treason to hit back. It is your right. It is your duty to do that.

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