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Scores killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza

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posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 12:36 AM

Hi People,

Firstly - much respect to you all who have discussed the topic, debated the topic and generally tossed it around...awesome.

However...some of, well lets be real honest here A LOT of the recent replies are kinda sliding over into that snarky petty back-bitey insinuation rubbish...or downright rude backhanded attacks against eachother.
You guys don't need to go down that road to make your point - no matter how frustrated with someone you may become.

So...can we hold off on that kinda stuff please...

Cheers Muchly.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by John Matrix

I removed the rest of your rant after reading this first line which clearly is an attempt to impress upon us with how intelligent, witty and studious you think you are. Then comes the condescending dig, "you might want to try it sometime".

Why hey John you might want to try actually responding to the questions the pro-Israel faction seems to be avoiding at the cost of having to endure my witty repertoire and love of humor as you try to wear me down avoiding it.

Lets review the thing you haven’t been able to honestly address and neither has any other pro-Israeli faction on this thread.

The British Mandate of Palestine that legalized Jewish Immigration to Palestine…

Why did the Zionists wage a long bloody terrorist campaign against the British?
Why did the Zionists wage a long bloody terrorist campaign against Jewish Shopkeepers who hired Arabs and favored making efforts to living side by side in peace with them?
Why did the Zionists wage a long bloody terrorist campaign to drive Arabs from their lands and property?
Why did the Zionists agree to be a party of a biding agreement and then do everything including using terrorism to make sure that agreement would not extend to the Arabs in equity as it was meant too.
Why did the Zionist relocate peaceful Arab villages at the point of a gun and confiscate their property and never pay them one dime?

See this is why I think you have a terrorism problem and you can’t even address these crimes or Zionist participation in them, even though they are well documented and subject to independent United Nations official fact finding records.

Well sir, you might want to try some humility, meekness, patience, and brotherly love. You would be amazed with the benefits to your character as well as your spiritual and physical well being.

The British Mandate of Palestine that legalized Jewish Immigration to Palestine…

Why did the Zionists wage a long bloody terrorist campaign against the British?
Why did the Zionists wage a long bloody terrorist campaign against Jewish Shopkeepers who hired Arabs and favored making efforts to living side by side in peace with them?
Why did the Zionists wage a long bloody terrorist campaign to drive Arabs from their lands and property?
Why did the Zionists agree to be a party of a biding agreement and then do everything including using terrorism to make sure that agreement would not extend to the Arabs in equity as it was meant too.
Why did the Zionist relocate peaceful Arab villages at the point of a gun and confiscate their property and never pay them one dime?

See this is why I think you have a terrorism problem and you can’t even address these crimes or Zionist participation in them, even though they are well documented and subject to independent United Nations official fact finding records.

What do you think about these issues John?

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by dooper

America hasn’t so badly refused to live up to its treaties. No one is firing rockets at us.

Alright, then lets give the Arabs the non-declared U.S. Special Forces combatants this time and the U.S. Weapons and munitions.

Will that make it more exciting for you?

Or would you prefer we U.S. Tax Payers continue to provide you this help?

You will make a lot of us very happy if we can cut all aide and wash our hands of the Israeli Super Zeros!

My son.
Knowledge is the raw material.
Wisdon is the ability to use it.
Pray for wisdom my son.

May the God of Israel open your eyes and pour his love and blessings into your heart.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by GamerGal

There are more then one video. But you wouldn't know this because you refuse to watch them. The courts found Pallywood is real.

Which United States Court heard this case? What's the case number of the United States Court that heard it? Who brought the suit and for what purpose?

Finally you start narrowing things down. Good work.
That would be the French Court....the video explains it all. Pallywood is real......real fake footage passed off as real. A must watch for anyone in need of a good laugh. Bad acting though.

May the God of Israel bless you.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Your first link would not open, and your second link is wiki which means it does not count as a reference. Anyone could have posted that nonsense. The Mumbai terrorist have been identified as Muslims and as Paki's, Pakistan just refuses to admit it. None of them were white, or had blonde hair and blue eyes, as you claimed earlier.

Here is another accurate portrait of the situation.

According to a media report by Zahid Hussein (Islambad), Taleban have ordered the closure of all girls’ schools in the Swat district and warned parents and teachers of dire consequences. The announcement made in mosques and broadcast on radio, the taleban has set a deadline of January 15, to blow up school buildings and attack schoolgirls. “Female education is against Islamic teachings and spreads vulgarity in society,” said Shah Dauran, the chief of the taleban regime in Swat district of NWFP. Acid attacks on college girls, Fatwa attacks on Taslima Nasreen and Salman Rushdie, and destruction of 2000 year old -icons of the Bamian Buddha, in the Hindukush Himalayas -are symptomatic of the democratic challenge to the Islamic theology. The killers of th e Beslan massacre of 300+women and children, were not fighting for 'justice' for the Kashmiris or the Palestine.

As two Islamic states - Pakistan and Bangladesh - were created in 20th century, why could we not accept a Jewish state? When the Parliament was attacked Dr. Abdul Kalam was President and many top writers, poets, artists, actors, intellectuals and media professionals and political leaders are proud muslim citizens of India. I think, therefore, the conflict is between Science and Religion.

I suggest you ask Iranian President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to convene a Conclave of Islamic scholars :

1) to end the sectarian hostility between Shias and Sunnies;

2) to accept the Democratic paradigm of separation of Religion and State;

3) to accept the United Nations charter of Equality in Law irrespective of gender, race, religion;

4) to accept Jewish state of Israel and rehabilitate the Palestinian with housing, schools and hospitals.

This person has some very excellent and valid points, that should be followed as a path to peace.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by redhatty

I am sorry I live in the United States of America and French Courts have no standing nor juristiction.

The French do not have the same standards as American Courts do.

It sure seems a funny day when people who live in America look to countries like Israel and France for their standards and morals.

Get back to me if an American Court should ever be so compelled to decide on such a matter.

In the meantime the Zionists broke the British Mandate accords through terrorism that enabled Jews to legally imigrate into Palestine and have yet to honor them, spawning a 70 year terrorism problem, because of broken treaties and thefts of other people's lands and property and murder.

The British Mandate awarded one half the land to the Jews, if the Jews are on more than one half the land they are in Violation of the accord.

That's the root of the terrorism problem.

No court has legitimized that theft, in fact it's been condemned by the United Nations and the only thing that has prevented sanctions from being carried out is a U.S. Security Council Veto, unfairly cast.

So, now only the American courts are capable of administering justice?
What's next from you?

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by John Matrix

John I am sorry but this is not a religious issue its one regarding politics and war.

I haven't been able to engage you on the topic in a way that speaks to the politics involved or root causes so I am going to have to put you on ignore.

It was nice meeting you and I hope you have a nice life.

Good luck.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by poet1b

Poet1b... As well I am sorry, but it's simply pointless conversing with you, I have answered honestly every question I have had put to me by you, and you have ignored answering any of my honest questions to you.

There is no point in degrading this thread with with unrelated issues and personal attacks upon one another.

I am going to place you on ignore now.

It was nice meeting you and have a wonderful life and good luck to you.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The answer is easy, the zionists did not.

The muslims have waged bloody terrorist campaigns against Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and India, on a broad scale through the centuries.

Why does Islam wage bloody terrorist campaigns against all non-muslims?

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by dooper
You always feint your enemy. In fact, multiple feints from multiple directions is just how the mongoose defeats the cobra.

I'll do this once rather than address multiple posts.

If for example the US leaders decide that action is to be taken against a country, and the US military goes in hard, fights hard, destroys the enemy, and does so very, very quickly, then no one has time to work up an angry, no one can bitch about the costs, as they've been held to a minimum.

Every American loves a winner. If you are steady kicking ass, there will be few complaints.

The nightmare we've suffered is the same day, same way stupidity.

"What's it like here?"

"We get up, go out, and kill a few of them. Then they kill a few of us. Next day, same thing."

That is how we've been fighting, and that's a damned nightmare. It's prohibitively expensive in both funds and American blood.

But if you go in to win, without any arbitrary political restrictions that would inhibit the military from taking the most efficient approach, and win quickly, then no foul.

Your friends would want to remain friends, and your enemies would want to keep a low profile.

War is brutish. If it's done correctly. No pretty way to do it, no nice way to win. It's blood and horror, or it isn't war.

Anything less is inhumane. Anything less causes a war to continue without resolution. That's why you make it brutal on the front end - for a quick victory.

In the decades to follow, no one will care how nice the losers were, no one will give a $#!t about tactical excellence. They will only remember who won.

I enjoy reading your posts. Keep up the good fight.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by Government Cheese
reply to post by poet1b

If said people pose a threat to me or my loved ones, yes.

Do you have children? If so, you certainly wouldnt mind if a Tier 3 sexual predator moved into the house next to yours right?

Apples and Oranges. You draw parallels where they don't exists logically or reasonably.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by stewartw2
As a Jew let me say 'not in my name': This response by Israel is way out of proportion, way over the top and smacks of downright cowardice.

[edit on 29-12-2008 by stewartw2]

If you are going to come on here and claim you are a Jew prove it, because there is far too much decietfulness being spread here for us to take your word for it.

May the God of Israel bless you.
Pray for peace.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by Government Cheese
reply to post by poet1b

And do you believe Israel to be "good people"?

You are aware of their crimes against the U.S. correct?

If we start this nonesense then where does it stop? The crimes of the mofia = Italian crimes against the US? Shall we check everyone's ethnic background when they are arrested for crimes and then blame the persons entire ancestry?

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 01:26 AM
I'm sorry; I've been out of this.. Can someone revisit the actual military objectives Israel hopes to achieve when they say 'take this to the end'?

I really do not see how one can prevent people from launching rockets from the houses of their families and then simultaneously prevent the deaths of those families in collateral damage. Its just too messed up.

How's about depopulating (evacuating) a 50km stretch on either side of the border? Or is that the entire extent of Palestinian land on the Gaza Strip??
Really very difficult the whole thing

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 01:29 AM
CALL the Israeli Government and demand that it immediately STOP attacking the Dignity and endangering the lives of its passengers!

CALL Mark Regev in the Prime Minister's office at:
+972 2670 5354 or +972 5062 3264
[email protected]

CALL Shlomo Dror in the Ministry of Defence at:
+972 33697 5339 or +972 50629 8148
[email protected]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 01:38 AM

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by candyfloss

Excellent idea and thank you. I have called both and E-mailed both, and informed both that I have written my U.S. Congressmen and Senators demanding no United States assistance of any kind any longer be given to Israel.

I can't stress how important it is to for U.S. Citizens to write and call their representitives and clearly state any vote for anything Israeli is a vote for their opponent come the next election.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by Harlequin

Wow, Impressive Achronyms!! And how many Iraqi tanks are left and how many tanks did the USA loose from these weapons in the Iraqi arsenal?
And who cares...this thread is about Israeli attacks on Habas.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by candyfloss

i would like to phone her / him to congratulate about standing and fighting Hamas which other countires dont have courage and will to fight . Never wake up a sleeping dog .

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by Daedalus3

How's about depopulating (evacuating) a 50km stretch on either side of the border? Or is that the entire extent of Palestinian land on the Gaza Strip??

Sadly part of the problem is the Gaza Strip is only 41 Killometers long and is roughly twice the size of the City of Washington D.C. and is one of the most densely packed spots on earth with 1.3 million people living in it as virtual prisoners.

The U.N. British Mandate of Palistine that the Zionists fought a terrorist campaign to run out of Palistine was to ensure the partition of the country of 52% of the land to the Arabs, and 48% of the land to the Jews, and Jerusalem to be an open city.

The indeginous Arabs despite repeated United Nations Resolutions condemning Israel's theft of the Arab lands are herded into two widely seperated enclaves comprising less than 10% of the actuall over all territory.

It's perhaps the greatest cause of Arab disatisfaction and frustration that leads to terrorist acts hoping to garner renewed international attention to finally make Israel give up the lands they are illegally occupying.

Hamas actually offered a permanent cease fire if Israel would return to it's pre 1967 borders which still would give it a large majority of the land, but would enable the Arabs to have a contiguous mass of land and sustainable industry and agriculture.

Israel turned it down and has been planning this incursion into Gaza for 6 months while violating the cease fire brokered through Egypt 1000 times with smaller actions against Gaza aimed at key Hamas figures and vital infrastructure.

Gaza is basically an 'Escape from New York' type of prison for the Arabs.

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