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Pope attacks blurring of gender

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posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by Mikey84
Well the fact that you choose to be straight, doesn’t that mean it’s not natural? Surely if it was natural then you wouldn’t have had to choose?

I didn’t choose to be gay; I was naturally born this way. Just as peple are born naturally straight. But most thing's in our life today are not natural anyway, Clothes, Food etc etc...

what I meant when I said what I said is that a society full of gays could not naturally reproduce without science

I know I said homosexuality is not natural
but understand why I said it and debate that rather than the surface

big difference

Originally posted by GamerGal
First, you've probably watched more porn then I have and I have over 400gigs of it.(What can I say when they're gone or I'm on vacation...) Second, why haven't you tested the theory of Gravity yet? Third, you chose too be straight so you could procreate? How many kids do you have? I'll wait for the answer...

400 gigs? what do you have an external hard drive serving as a porn file server on your home network? LOL

no I haven't tested the theory of gravity, now how about being less aggressive in a mature debate?

I have no kids at the moment, what does that have to do with anything?
I'm still young, im' not having kids during what I knew would be an economic crisis

now a question, what do u as a female see interesting in porn?
out of curiosity

[edit on 23-12-2008 by ModernAcademia]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

what I meant when I said what I said is that a society full of gays could not naturally reproduce without science

Of course, but where is this society of gays you talk about? We only make up under 10%... if even that. You are a long way off from a society full of gays.

Plus, how do you know that “gays” are not nature (or god’s) way of population control?


[edit on 23/12/2008 by Mikey84]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Actually I have a 1tb external Hardrive marked soley for it, so what? I like sex, and feeling good. Second, so you have no kids but claim sex is ONLY for procreation. So you admit you go against the natural order, even more then gays and lesbians! Move to Saudi Arabia where they think and feel the same way you do about Gays, or test gravity.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Mikey84
Of course, but where is this society of gays you talk about? We only make up under 10%... if even that. You are a long way off from a society full of gays.

Plus, how do you know that “gays” are not nature (or god’s) way of population control?

As I said one way to judge a situation is by picturing the extreme version of it.
Because who knows how far things will go

Of course you would want gays to progress, or do you mean 10% is the natural percentage that god intended?

Let's not bring god into this, especially in today's time
if god was an interventionist then we wouldn't be in today's global state

[edit on 23-12-2008 by ModernAcademia]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Of course you would want gays to progress, or do you mean 10% is the natural percentage that god intended?

Let's not bring god into this, especially in today's time
if god was an interventionist then we wouldn't be in today's global state

What do you mean I want gays to progress? Do you think we have some evil plot to take over the world? If you’re that afraid just keep your bum to the wall, you’ll be fine, we won’t go near you and take you to the dark side!

Gays have always been around and will always be around, they are not increasing or decreasing – just the number of people coming out is increasing and the world is moving forward (or so I thought until reading your posts). So people are not so afraid to be true to themselves and who they are.

As for not bringing God into this.... Sorry, but the thread was started because of the Pope – God is already brought into it!


posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:31 PM
GamerGal I will stop responding to you now
You do not know how to conduct yourself on a moderated board

Originally posted by Mikey84
What do you mean I want gays to progress? Do you think we have some evil plot to take over the world? If you’re that afraid just keep your bum to the wall, you’ll be fine, we won’t go near you and take you to the dark side!

what the hell???????
I want my people to progress too does that mean I have an evil plot???
Damn, all the offensive people were the people arguing with me not the other way around, im' sure most people will agree.

No need to see insults where there aren't any man what is this?

Originally posted by Mikey84
Gays have always been around and will always be around, they are not increasing or decreasing – just the number of people coming out is increasing and the world is moving forward (or so I thought until reading your posts). So people are not so afraid to be true to themselves and who they are.

So be around, when I did I say you should disappear?
this could have been an excellent mature debate, so much for that

and number of people aren't increasing or decreasing
great, i guess you are a vampire and have eternal life
you've seen the number of gays since the 1600s or even before as you've lived through it

excellent! number of gays decreased or increased or stagnated, we are both just giving opinions neither of us are sure and will never be

[edit on 23-12-2008 by ModernAcademia]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

I want my people to progress too does that mean I have an evil plot???

See this is the difference, you consider straights “your people”. I don’t consider gay’s “my people” I consider both gays and straights “people”.

As long as you have the attitude of seeing people as “my people” and “their people” then it will never move forward.


posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by LovingSoul
Okay, now I'm really going to throw the cat among the pigeons....
I agree 100% that "an unmarried man in a dress" has no room to complain about the blurring of the genders and I also agree (someone close to me was a victim) that too many boys were very badly abused at the hands of catholic priests HOWEVER I do also believe that homosexuality (male and female) will be the downfall of humankind. When men no longer procreate with women and women no longer procreate with men - how will the human race continue?
Enough said.

You make it sound like an outbreak and everyone needs to be quarantined.

In that case, we'll hit this disease where it started.... San Francisco!

"This just in... homosexuality is the Bubonic Plague of the 21st century!"

Just send in Hugh Hefner with his vaccine of Playboy and we'll all be saved....

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by dalan.

Playboy is nothing, give me Hustler! Also, that right there is a flaw in your plan. San Fran has gay guys and girls! And bisexuals. So sending in a vaccine of Playboy wouldn't do much.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
reply to post by dalan.

Playboy is nothing, give me Hustler! Also, that right there is a flaw in your plan. San Fran has gay guys and girls! And bisexuals. So sending in a vaccine of Playboy wouldn't do much.

I know.

I was being a smart a$$.

I think all of the fear of homosexuality is so ridiculous...

I have had conversations with men in there sixties who were in tears because their entire lives had been spent trying to pretend to be something they weren't. These men told me about how they were just naturally attracted to other men, and they had no choice but to pretend to be straight and get married and have children.

Could you imagine how sick that would be?

What if homosexuality were the norm? Then straight guys would have to pretend to be gay or else they will get the crap kicked out of them.

People are so annoyingly ignorant. I don't think anyone on this board understands that all humans start out female in the womb, and at the right time a hormone is released that begins the transformation of that fetus into a male. So I could see something going wrong and a male being born who will still be attracted to other men. It just means Gay men didn't "mentally mature" all the way.

[edit on 12/23/2008 by dalan.]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Mikey84

See this is the difference, you consider straights “your people”. I don’t consider gay’s “my people” I consider both gays and straights “people”.

ya ok i was talking about Indian people

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
homosexuality is not natural

I'll agree with you to the extent that for REPRODUCTIVE PURPOSES, homosexuality isn't the best arrangement.
I mean you need both sexes to create a baby right?

But then again it brings in the argument of what is natural, what is "Nature"

if nature is the observable operation of our universe and all the inhabitants..... then it's safe to say that it is natural. That their behavior is natural.

Whether it's a desirable behavioral practice for you to be around is a personal preference.. which in its self .. is YOU'RE NATURE.. to desire to not be around it.

I think people with you're nature should go around and round up all the animals on your god's green earth, animals which pair in same-sex couples to raise their young.
Also, if you ever see a dog humping another dog of the same sex.. which if you know dogs.. they do so very often .. for pack dominance or play..
Then you should segregate those dogs.. in kennels.. and hold them against their will in order to prevent unnatural actions of other organisms on this planet.... but we all know what happens in doggie-jail though don't we.. uh oh..

question is.. is it un-natural for you to hold this ideology, when nature.. around you clearly demonstrates this type of behavior.

are you a seriously committed naturalist? stating that you have all the exacted and specific Laws of Nature on some stone tablets or parchment or data file.. and if any of these "Laws of Nature" are broken, then it should be deemed "unnatural"?

I think gays should be left alone. /shrug//
and if it's continuation of the human species you're worried about.. i think there are plenty of us straight people that have the "urge" to keep it going... a little too much in my opinion (stupid people multiplying like rabbits) )

BUT I'm really not as concerned with them, as I am people who claim to understand Nature.. down to a completely quantifiable level as to determine, determine and state aloud to the world, that which IS natural and that which ISN'T natural, while living within nature.

You dug this hole, you stated what is natural and what is unnatural.. on a site that's filled with people that will pick apart your every word and intelligently analyze the theories and ideas at hand.

Thats the ledge you walked out onto , claiming that something WITHIN the natural universe.. is in some way .. "unnatural" as if it came from somewhere OUTSIDE of the natural universe.

remember it is your current understanding of nature, the laws that govern your universe, and your brains own wiring that's a result of your upbringing and young genes.. that result in the natural action of you stating what is and what is not natural.

according to your own nature

oh and by the way...could you get this male dog off my leg please?
it's from a dimension outside our natural laws.


[edit on 23-12-2008 by prevenge]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 12:32 AM
you can take the pope out of the hitler youth...
but you cant take the hitler youth out of the pope!

he does christianity no favours.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 03:54 AM
Well done all the outraged pope haters for swallowing hook, line and sinker a huge MSM lie. The pope did not once mention homosexuality! It's the media which makes every sexual ethics statement into an "anti-homosexuality" one - if you're feeling hurt by what the pope said today then know it's not the pope who hurt you but what the MSM claim the pope said.

The pope is saying, if there is an increasing awareness that humanity cannot and should not do with the natural world what it can or wants to should there not be a similar morality about our fellow human beings and our own selves? If we say "you can't do with a rainforest what you want just because you can" is it too great a leap to say "you can't do with your humanity what you want just because you can."

Does this involve homosexual culture - yes. It also involves the cultures of promiscuity, greed, avarice, adultery, pornography, oppression, etc. etc.

Like the UK where the same politicians voted to restrict fox hunting and liberalise abortion legislation. Don't kill the foxes just because you can and want to but kill the babies if you can and want to.

Or, lets make breeding pairs of endangered species, protect their environment, give them all the resources they need to flourish, against, lets keep Africa poor, hoard our own resources and "educate" them to not "breed".

There's wisdom in his words beyond the headlines (nopt even his) you've been fed.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by GamerGal

So the global head of the biggest pedo network in the world is taking such a position ?
Methinks he is also a keen student of Machiavelli.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by prevenge

He already admitted that sex is only for procreation but has no kids. So he's even more unnatural then a gay person. He also says he's never watched porn,
If that is true I feel very sorry for him to be so repressed. Why people consider sex too be dirty and sinful IDK. If people didn't have it they wouldn't exist. And if gays and lesbians have it with people of the same sex so what? There are plenty of others out there having straight sex. But once again the Pope was a NAZI, a group known for pedophilia, and then protects and cover ups for pedophiles in the church. He has no room too talk about morality.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by LovingSoul
HOWEVER I do also believe that homosexuality (male and female) will be the downfall of humankind.
Enough said.

Now change the word Homosexuality with Zionists and see what you are really saying...

Live and let live I say!

And if I know my fellow men a bit, we all watch porn, albeit somewhat different at times; a quick glance at those brests in that blouse, a colleague bending over and you check out her pice of g-string, a hot parfum commercial, that nun spilling hot wax, or even those old geezers dressing up with auntie´s pink dresses.. lets them! its my instinct!

What was that line again: To deny your instinct is to deny that you are alive..

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by Anti - Government this is yet another proud moment for the pope and christianity altogether

My entirely glib response to the Pope is:

"You no play'a 'da game, you no make'a 'da rules!"

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by 152710914
And if I know my fellow men a bit, we all watch porn, albeit somewhat different at times; a quick glance at those brests in that blouse, a colleague bending over and you check out her pice of g-string, a hot parfum commercial, that nun spilling hot wax, or even those old geezers dressing up with auntie´s pink dresses.. lets them! its my instinct!

come on man that's not porn
ya i may glance at hush puppies sometimes but that is not porn
and i never check girls out while they bending over
i rather check em out while they are walking lol

and watching the responses there is somethign that I notice
i read someone saying fear of gays
I didn't read any response in this thread about fearing gay people
or anti-gays if any(not me) being over-emotional
the only over-emotional ones were the people getting offended over nothing

the purpose of this site is dialogue, it's amazing how very few people are capable of this

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by lizziejayne

I would like to remind you all that the Catholic Church does not condem homosexuality as a sin. As far as I know, gays can live together, love each other in a romantic way, and probably even kiss and things of that nature and still be in good standing with the church. It is the fornication that the Church is against. This goes for both gay and straight.

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