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Pope attacks blurring of gender

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posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by LovingSoul
Okay, now I'm really going to throw the cat among the pigeons....
I agree 100% that "an unmarried man in a dress" has no room to complain about the blurring of the genders and I also agree (someone close to me was a victim) that too many boys were very badly abused at the hands of catholic priests HOWEVER I do also believe that homosexuality (male and female) will be the downfall of humankind. When men no longer procreate with women and women no longer procreate with men - how will the human race continue?
Enough said.

O please now. You must really think that behaving gay must be sooooo yummie and addictive that just everybody and anybody will fall prey

About ten percent is gay, enough people to keep on breeding o sorry having babies.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
I agree with the Nazi Pope unfortunately.

Yes there are a few homosexuals, but that percentage grows everyday.

homosexuality is not natural, if something is right or wrong you can judge but imagining the extreme version of that truth.

if a society is full of homosexuals then there will be nothing but test tube babies, that is not natural as you all know.

I also wouldnt want to raise my kids in that type of society.

Ooooo that is why men are so horny. They just want to procreate! Now what about all those zillions of prostitutes
The ones who are on herione, crack you name it, look like they have been long dead and dug up again, but still find their Johns? Because men just want to procreate. Yes. Right.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Anti - Government

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
homosexuality is not natural, if something is right or wrong you can judge but imagining the extreme version of that truth.

Yep it did'nt take long atall for the "Its Not Natural" argument to come up and im not really surprised it has to be honest and it just annoys me soo much still because we arent really in a position to comment on what natural

think about it everytime you step onto an aeroplane because flying isnt natural is it or when ever we go out for a meal the majority of our food isnt natural anymore is it

so please dont give me "Its Not Natural"

Or even better, when you use protection as not to make a woman pregnant (or get pregnant in case you are a woman).

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
I agree with the Nazi Pope unfortunately.

Yes there are a few homosexuals, but that percentage grows everyday.

Please show me the scientific research to prove this.

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
homosexuality is not natural, if something is right or wrong you can judge but imagining the extreme version of that truth.

Why do people completely fail to see the stupidity of this statement.
Nothing is Unnatural, otherwise it wouldn't exist in nature!
What you mean to say is that it is "unacceptable to you", in which case, don't be gay and you won't have a problem!
Pretty simple isn't it?

What if I suddenly decide that all people with brown eyes are against what I believe? Does that mean I therefore have the right to tell you that you don't deserve rights? Can I therefore limit your life and bully you into believing what my religion says?

The Pope, Catholicism, Christianity are all no better than the religious fanatic who blows himself up taking other people with him. They just use different weapons to demonize, inflict damage and hurt people in different ways.

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
if a society is full of homosexuals then there will be nothing but test tube babies, that is not natural as you all know.

I also wouldnt want to raise my kids in that type of society.

When will society be "full of" homosexuals?
How long has homosexuality existed throughout nature without this happening?

I'm sorry, but you are believing some of the most ridiculous, predictable, hate-mongering BS the right-wing have to offer.

It's a shame that there are people in this world who are so easily led and lied to.

Organized religion = control and manipulation of the masses.

Ignorance isn't bliss in this case.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:08 PM

And I like how one poster says that it is just a "theory". So is gravity, test it please, off of a really tall building or bridge.

Sorry.But that made me laugh.


I most certainly did NOT choose to be gay. Why would I have done that? To choose to be bullied,picked on,osctracised by society,discriminated against by goverments,hated by religios nutjobs who hide their hate behind a god,face bigots who are willing to attack me because of who I am. Yeah,I "chose" all that.

Of course we chose that,we're obviously very sick people in need of a good dose of religion.But which religion...hmmm


Can a

I am very conservative


I am a libertarian


Any religious leader willing to openly condemn a whole group of people, regardless of belief and the "politically correct" BS they use to cover it, is not representative of a healthy religious system, they are a hateful creature trying to cause their followers to preach intolerance.

Well done Pope, while the rest of the world is trying to move on and create societies where all are treated equal, you've just pushed us all back another decade and made your entire religious following into pariahs of the "alternative" communities.

Well said.
And it should be noted that his views do not represent all Catholics,but many will tar them all with the same brush.


Why do people completely fail to see the stupidity of this statement. Nothing is Unnatural, otherwise it wouldn't exist in nature! What you mean to say is that it is "unacceptable to you", in which case, don't be gay and you won't have a problem!

Oooh,i like that.Think I'll steal it.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by DantesLost]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:20 PM
How can a comment from the Pope really suprise anyone here? You know he's christain and you know his stance on such subjects as gays and abortion. He is just as entitled to his beliefs as anyone else. I'm sorry but I dont see how this is such an earth shattering revelation.

I too disagree with the homosexual adgenda and dont care for that life style. I have a hard time understanding alot of people on this site. Many preach that everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, but when someone touches on a topic that doesnt agree with thier world view. They are villified and ridiculed.

I'm curious about the homosexual activity going on in the wild. Where and what channel are you watching? Granted im sure some poor critter in heat may get confused, but if you place an animal of the opposite sex in with them. Which one do you think they would choose? My moneys on doe in heat.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by HooHaa

I completely agree with your post
well said!

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

I've known I was gay since I was a child. I spent a good portion of my adolescent years 'in the closet' not because I was ashamed of who I was, but because I was afraid of people who took similar positions to yours. Stop proving to the world just how different we are from each other and start showing how similar all our capacity to love is.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 03:02 PM
Dear Pope you know nothing about us.

we are born this way as transsexual.

this is not some sort of life style choice.

why would we spend over $30,000 on surgery and hair removal if we did not have to.

why would we be perpered to loose family ,freinds and have every body look apon us as freaks if this was a life style choice.

yes you maybe able to screw up some of our minds for a time having us bellive we can be saved but in the end you will just make us depresed and suicidal.

we never asked to be born this way but we know there is no cure so we make the best of what we have.

i would like to see you spend time getting to know and understand us you may then change your mind.

i am happy in my self now days in the past i was not.

in the past i was living a lie.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 04:03 PM
Let's not forget this is the Catholic church, the same ones who had all of the scandals recently. Not to mention it says in the bible itself that Angels are androgynous and choose the form they want to appear does that mean all of a sudden the Catholic church is against angels now too?...wouldn't surprise me, they did cast new born babies to limbo if they weren't baptized as Catholic until only months ago...

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 04:43 PM
Again, I don't know why the Catholic church seem to "flag" homosexuality above other sins.

Like many Christians and Christian denominations, the Catholic church seems hellbent on highlighting and castigating homosexuality, while at the same time adultery, sex outside of marriage, babies outside of marriage etc are, relatively speaking, put to one side.

What I don't understand is that all of the above are sins in the Bible and all are - to an increasing extent - becoming socially acceptable lifestyles. And yet, once again, the hammer falls upon homosexuality.

So for the second time today, I ask - what's so 'special' about homosexuality that it deserves such prominent and repeated focus - when all of the above sins are becoming more prevalent in modern society

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I've known I was gay since I was a child. I spent a good portion of my adolescent years 'in the closet' not because I was ashamed of who I was, but because I was afraid of people who took similar positions to yours. Stop proving to the world just how different we are from each other and start showing how similar all our capacity to love is.

I understand what you are trying to convey and respect your path in life
I actually do
it's only the gay couples adopting that I am strongly against

but it's not people like me that is needed to fear
because im not violent against gays nor do I mock them
here i am just stating my opinion

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 05:46 PM
To the straight people on here who believe that being gay is a choice, I have a question.

When did you choose to be straight?

If you believe that we chose to be gay then you believe that at some point in life everyone makes a choice to be Straight, Gay or Bi..... so I’m just curious.

When did you choose to be straight?


posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by lizziejayne

So for the second time today, I ask - what's so 'special' about homosexuality that it deserves such prominent and repeated focus - when all of the above sins are becoming more prevalent in modern society

Its always easy to attack a minority,especially such a controversial one.

No one likes to look at what wrongs they do,so they point the finger at someone else.Its not they who are the cause of the worlds problems,it must always be someone else.

To take the sins you mentioned into account means having to look too closely at themselves,and that scares 'em coz they won't be able to escape their guilt.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Mikey84
To the straight people on here who believe that being gay is a choice, I have a question.

When did you choose to be straight?

If you believe that we chose to be gay then you believe that at some point in life everyone makes a choice to be Straight, Gay or Bi..... so I’m just curious.

When did you choose to be straight?

Society's goal usually is about many things, like educating the future, believing that children are the wealth of our future

a non-bioengineered requisite for this is reproduction

so I believe I chose to be straight when understanding the process of natural reproduction, perhaps this was in school perhaps not i don't remember. probably before

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by DantesLost

I agree. My personal opinion is that many Christians know that adultery, sex outside marriage, coveting etc are things that they have or could (in certain circumstances/situations etc) be involved in, or be tempted by to some extent.

As heterosexuals, presumably homosexuality is not going to be a personal issue. Indeed the lifestyle (due to religious beliefs) may not even be understood. Therefore, IMO, it's easy to pull out of the bag and whip.

Edit to add: Further to this, if the above were to be true, this would raise some query over the percieved "choice" issue. For if such an individual were to differentiate homosexuality from other sexual sins on the basis that it would/could not affect them personally, then would this not logically dictate that there was no choice in the matter? After all, if there was a choice then they could - at some juncture - "choose" to be gay. Therefore, the sin would fall within the remit of their person and would be included with their perception of adultery, sex outside marriage etc...

Of course, there's no way of confirming the above possibililty, but an interesting thought nevertheless.

[edit on 23/12/08 by lizziejayne]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

so I believe I chose to be straight when understanding the process of natural reproduction

Well the fact that you choose to be straight, doesn’t that mean it’s not natural? Surely if it was natural then you wouldn’t have had to choose?

I didn’t choose to be gay; I was naturally born this way. Just as peple are born naturally straight. But most thing's in our life today are not natural anyway, Clothes, Food etc etc...


[edit on 23/12/2008 by Mikey84]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

First, you've probably watched more porn then I have and I have over 400gigs of it.(What can I say when they're gone or I'm on vacation...) Second, why haven't you tested the theory of Gravity yet? Third, you chose too be straight so you could procreate? How many kids do you have? I'll wait for the answer...

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Anti - Government

This is all comming from a man who defends Other men who molest young boys..
The Vatican spends alot of hush money to cover up the fact that many of these men of the cloth are not only homo sexuals.
But they are pedophiles!!

Now if those preists wanna have sex with other grown men, thats up to them. But when they go and molest young boys who trust them is just down right evil! Sickening, and purely shows this man has no hold over most of us free thinking people of the world.

This is a very sick order, who is more worried about some Trannies, than the rainforest, and his own cult molesting young boys..

Please.. Spare me the reading material..
This is the biggest bunch of bullocks I have heard in some time..

Score another one for the Nazi Pope and his huge cult!!!

If you follow this man, I would take a good look at yourself, and ask yourself.. Do you really follow him? Or are you looking for the love of God.

Seek God all you want, but do not follow evil men into the pits of hell..

Take a good look into those eyes.. Do you really sense good?

-- Transexuals are some of the most beautiful and wonderful people on this earth!!! I would go to the ends of the Earth to stick up for their honor.
And let it be known, there is nothing wrong with them. They are highly misunderstood, and are people like you and me..

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by melatonin
The 'slippery slope' arguments are quite pathetic.

Originally posted by johnsky
Natural habitat for fascists is in a ditch covered in petrol.
Unfortunately, they're not doing it.

It's still early, but I'll firmly declare: Post of the day.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by melatonin]

interesting how murdering the "fascists" is in itself, a fascist act

and so it goes, one dictator falls and yet another rises in the ashes...

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