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Us Marine Drill Sergeant Boasts Of What They Will Do To Civilians Under Martial Law In The Usa/monta

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posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Red Cloak
Again, the people questioning that this could happen must seriously have ZERO knowledge of history.

This is a common doomsayer response.
I believe it's just the opposite. We've learned from history and will refuse to let it happen again.

Let's take a quick survey.
If this were to happen,
Would everyone ignore it and hope it goes away
Would you stand up for your rights?

Personally, myself and everyone I know, would stand up. WWII has taught us that we cannot stand by and hope it won't impact us.

For me, the lesson I think we've learned can be summed up with these words

"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."

I can only speak for myself but I understand that if "they" come for anyone, I must speak up.

So please don't call me naive or ignorant.

Your conclusions are only based on your opinions and not fact. Currently serving personnel are telling you, you are wrong, regular citizens are telling you they won't allow it and you are wrong.
Your whole argument is that people won't stand up and they're all telling you they will

I don't think anyone here will tell you that our government only has our best interests at heart or even cares about us as individuals. What we are telling you is that regardless what the government "TRIES" to do, they will only do what we allow them to do.
I think if this were to happen, you'd find very quickly that "We the people..." actually run the country.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 03:02 PM
I'm no good at this 9 to 5 life check to check stuff anyway,let's start the show already.I've been reading this for years and a lot of homeless are in the same boat, all just do what we are good at doing for our flag and all who live under it.
I am not alone.
Praise God and pass the ammunition.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 03:15 PM
this thread is getting recockulous.....

first of all, boot camp is not a mind wiping school, i was never trained to blindly follow anything. i was trained to think on my feet and MAKE decisions not have them made for me. we were also trained to disobey any unlawful order.
military persons are citizens too, and "everybody else" are their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandparents, cousins, wives, and children.
also, stop assuming citizens are just helpless little sheep that would just tremble in fear. 1 in 4 american homes maintain atleast one firearm, and a LARGE majority of "citizens" are former military many are combat vets. and down here in the south even the ones that are not military are devoted hunters with the kind of weapons i don't want to tangle with and no fear of blood. god help whoever knocks on my door!
but yes, if there was some deadly outbreak, deadly force would be used to contain a virus to save the rest of us, i don't want someone with eboli walking around the local walmart.
but to say any marine/soldier is some reprogramed government robot who can't wait to kill their own home town in the name of the evil empire is an insult to anyone who ever wore a uniform.
any president that orders the military to turn on the people would quickly find the white house surrounded by M1 tanks with the guns pointed inward.
i'm a marine and i love my COUNTRY, but i fear my government just like everybody else and i am not alone.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 03:22 PM
JFJ, when you say we have learned from history what do you mean, we still fight wars, we still rob, murder maime and torture, the World is full with as much hate today as it has been for millenia. Indifference and intollerance is rampant despite the best efforts of some. people are living in constant man made fear be it war, terrorism, global warming, loss of income or home.

There can be only 2 reasons for this. 1 humans aare genetically flawed and will not eveolve beyond a certain point or 2 everything is has been planned that way.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 03:32 PM
As a Prior Service Marine , I can assure you that this is all speculation & BS / Fear Mongering. Those of you that believe this simply don't understand how the military works and are letting your imagination run away with you. like Zindo said this is one of those , "I know a guy that knows a guy that has a brother in the Marine Corps that said XYZ" we don't have drill sergeants by the way we have "Drill Instructors". Drill instructors teach exactly that..."Drill"! they teach you how to follow orders and "pivot on your left foot while singing ditty's "Momma Momma Cantcha see!"..... I've had friends that were DI's and they are pretty much in their own little world down there on the Island and are with Recruits more than family. They are not in the field and would not be privy to any "Elite" information due to "Drill Instructor" being a "Billet/Secondary" and not a Primary MOS. Before you become a DI you can be a Legal clerk , a cook , a bulk fuel man or a mechanic.... I would call none of these MOS's "CRACK" and they're not high speed low drag super squirrel CIAMUFONMI6ATFKGBIRS Scuba Calvary Snipers either.

I know this is entertaining stuff to read about but there are actual "Serious" Issues going on in the world that you should concern yourself about. And no I don't mean how you are going to pay those bills after christmas. I Mean real Humanitarian Issues not the "Buy , Work , Consume , Die" Problems that you create for yourself.

Happy Holidays

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
reply to post by Power_Semi

Here are some problems with that.
How many US soldiers are going to actually follow orders to kill their brothers in arms.

Only attacking one segment of the population at a time would allow all others to organize and create an overwhelming force that could not be stamped out.

Any attack would need to be overwhelming and simulataneous and that would require a minimum troop level of 32 million (10 to 1 ratio) with the ability to mobilize them and supply them.

Not seeing it happen

There are no problems with it. They will not be killing their "brothers in arms" they will be killing "terrorists" & subversives on US soil who are a "threat" to their "brothers in arms."

Others would not organize anything, people are like sheep, they do as they are told & cower from potential violence. Your view that people would rise up like warriors against oppression is disproved not only from empirical evidence but in history.

Attacks would not be simultaneous, since the first attacks would be against "them" not "us" & once the precedent is set it is unstoppable. See the famous lines by Pastor Martin Niemöller to understand how a society is dismantled piece by piece, to understand how the Nazis did it, how other governments in future will do it, & why our societies have been fragmentalised into the "gay community", "black community", "muslim community," etc - you can have biggotry on your doorstep but not intervene since it effects "them" not "me."

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by jfj123

I don't think anyone here will tell you that our government only has our best interests at heart or even cares about us as individuals. What we are telling you is that regardless what the government "TRIES" to do, they will only do what we allow them to do. I think if this were to happen, you'd find very quickly that "We the people..." actually run the country.

I certainly hope you are correct.

I am mentioning this because I think this could be the trigger for ML and the US military being called in.

The first stage of NAIS is scheduled for implementation in January 2009. With fines as high as $500,000 and jail terms as long as 10 years it is not something people can ignore. The real choices are buckle under and sell at a ridiculously low price or fight. Compliance is too time consuming and costly and is not a real option for any but the wealthy. Veggies are also targeted for a later date.

Whether the fight is now or later when famine sets in only time will tell. The USA is not the only country targeted be we are the ones most likely to fight. Riots caused by hunger have already occurred elsewhere in the world.

There are over 2.2 million farms in the USA not counting the millions of Americans with backyard chickens or equines. Many are Vietnam vets. Many are deeply religious. The USDA is gearing up to take away American's right to farm. They are trying to sneak it in piecemeal to prevent wide scale repercussions but I think it WILL backfire.

...I even attended, at my own expense, NIAA's ID Expo in 2006 to learn firsthand about the program. It was there that Dr. John Weimers told me personally that he would drive every back road to find every backyard flock and tag each chicken. (Sharon Zecchinelli)

....and then the ugly specter of NAIS reared up and stopped the dream of a family venture into quality show stock cold in its tracks. Because our faith will not allow us to take this type of mark in order to be able to buy or sell, we cannot and will not engage in NAIS in any way shape or form. (Doreen Hannes)

...In July 2000, USDA officials claimed in our court hearing that,

“The farmers have no rights. No right to be heard before the court, no right to independent testing, and no right to question the USDA.” (Linda Faillace a USDA victim)

The trumped up charge for this raid was operating a Hunting Club. (Pigs are domesticated so were not covered by actual law) and the herd was infected with pseudorabies (the pigs did not exhibit any signs of the disease)

...agents from the USDA swooping in (9 different vehicles) and beginning the slaughter of our hogs. It is almost one week later, and it is still going on. We have 24 hour armed surveillance [The Henshaw's were held under house arrest for ten days.] The USDA and their cohorts took over 7 months to end their command of our personal property...

[NOTE:] “I am a retired magistrate and am having a real hard time getting my head around why Danny was arrested to begin with. Rather than a warrant, a summons could have been issued which would have given him a court date and not required his arrest. Also, second class misdemeanors can be permitted (sign for with promise to appear on a certain date) or not permitted which require an arrest and being taken to the magistrate for a bond hearing. What was said to the magistrate to make this type of warrant be issued is very perplexing to me...”

[The lawyer] found, after a great deal of study, there was no law at all that pertained to this case, especially how it was carried out with no notice or warning to correct the problem, if in fact one existed. Basically the bottom line is Danny was convicted on laws that do not even exist.....

The Powers that be, can take any written law and mold it to suit their own purpose, especially when they know that the way this whole event was carried out, was WRONG. Even the Deputies outside the Courtroom (Sheriffs) agreed that it was all wrong and should have been handled a lot different....a bunch of BIG BROTHER’S Agents decided that Danny Henshaw was breaking the law, by owning a Hunting Club, and set out to make an example of him. This event was set up as a training session for those involved, for future raids.

State Vet in Vermont sent this link for the APHIS Pseudorabies Eradication State–Federal–Industry Program Standards.

Two points that I can see that VA did not follow.

*Official pseudorabies herd-cleanup plan: A written plan to eliminate pseudorabies virus from a swine herd.

This plan is (1) developed by an official pseudorabies epidemiologist in consultation with the herd owner and his or her veterinary practitioner, when applicable;

(2) mutually acceptable to those parties; and

(3) approved by the State animal health official. [HA! They failed that one]

*Have undergone a 30-day depopulation with appropriate cleaning and disinfection. [Disinfection? What’s that?] Source:

Unfortunately this is only one of several recent cases of the US government's (USDA) contempt for US citizens.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
JFJ, when you say we have learned from history what do you mean,

What do I mean? Just what I said.
Am I claiming everything is perfect? NO
Did I ever say everything was just peachy? NO
Did I say people don't make mistakes anymore? NO

What I said was that anyone in authority, trying to give illegal/immoral orders would come face to face with a lot of people that would stop them. GET IT ?????

we still fight wars, we still rob, murder maime and torture, the World is full with as much hate today as it has been for millenia.

Please point out anywhere in any of my posts, where I said humanity was perfect. I'll wait patiently for you to show me those quotes...........waiting.........waiting.......

There can be only 2 reasons for this.

Or at least only 2 reasons you can come up with.

1 humans aare genetically flawed and will not eveolve beyond a certain point

evolution is a continuous process so cross number 1 off the list.

2 everything is has been planned that way.

Since this would require knowing how everything would react with everything else at any given moment in time, we can just go ahead and cross number 2 off the list also.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by EyesWideShut

Very well said

I like it when someone who actually knows what they're talking about shows up to put a stop to ignorance

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

I'm sorry but this is just fear mongering.

Nobody is going to take away our right to grow carrots.


Do you know how many millions of gardens there are in the US?
Well either does the government

There would never be enough morons to police every garden in the US.

This is just getting silly.

I think I'm going to grow turnips to see what happens

And you know what.
Those poor slobs who grow pumpkins for halloween are the first that are going down

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by jfj123

"People in the military are just like most other people outside the military. Good hearted people who are just looking for a better life for themselves and their families."

Yes, and there are people in the military who are psychotic bastards, those that are power hungry, etc...

You commit the same crime that the bashers do. They paint them as all evil, you try to paint them as all good. Yes, they are not all evil, but they are also not all good.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 07:58 PM
Wasn't the MK ultra project used to control peoples minds?

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by jfj123

I'm sorry but this is just fear mongering. Nobody is going to take away our right to grow carrots.

I wish you would tell that to the USDA official that showed up on my farm.

I suggest you read the following "official from the Government's mouth info" below, before coming to the conclusion I am fear mongering.

The USDA controls animal products, the FDA controls crops and Drugs. The USDA is further along in its plans than the FDA.



“And one of the best ways to resolve trade disputes is by bringing INTERNATIONALLY ACCEPTED SCIENTIFIC STANDARDS to bear....We now have harmonized standards for breeding cattle with our two largest trading partners in line with guidance from the World Organization of Animal Health[OIE]....Along with science-based standards, free trade agreements are another powerful tool for bringing greater access to our animal and our horticultural products abroad.

The history of the NAFTA agreements with Canada and Mexico provides ample evidence of how well they work in the agriculture arena...The short list surely must include a strong effective domestic food safety system, a well-trained corps of veterinarians in both public and private practice, AN EFFECTIVE ANIMAL ID SYSTEM, AND A CONSISTENT SCIENCE-BASED APPROACH TO TRADE STANDARDS within the framework of commitment to free trade.”

Twenty-ninth Session
International Conference Centre, Geneva (Switzerland), 3 - 7 July 2006

Regarding the International Standards Organization (ISO), the U.S. notes, with some concern, the recent food safety activity of ISO and the possibility of duplicative (or even contradictory) standards. The U.S. believes that this situation should be addressed by Codex and ISO as soon as possible

So the U.S. is certainly on the bandwagon of international farming standards.

Thirtieth Session
Rome, Italy, 2-7 July 2007

An important part of the Working Group's mission is to help the OIE define approaches to the development of standards relating to food-borne hazards arising from animals at the on-farm level.

The Working Group has held six meetings since 2002 and has addressed many important issues, including the relationship and coordination between the OIE and the CAC; OIE standards for animal diseases of public health significance; the role and functionality of veterinary services in food safety; control of public health hazards through ante- and post-mortem meat inspection; the identification and traceability of live animals and their products; good farming practices; antimicrobial resistance; good practices in animal feeding; international veterinary certification; ...

The OIE international standards can be used by its 169 Members to prevent the introduction of diseases and pests arising from trade in animals and animal products, while avoiding unjustified sanitary barriers. Source:

This is the standard they came up with
Guide to Good Farming Practices .

This is the bill to introduce the standard in the USA (it failed)
Safe and Secure Food Act of 2005

Depopulation (slaughter) Procedures:

The Animal Health Protection Act of May 22 2008 has fines and penalties of $500-$1,000,000 and up to 10 years in prison



Accurate info about why farmers hate NAIS

Statement by
Dr. David Acheson, F.R.C.P., 
Associate Commissioner on Foods
FDA On Enhancing Traceability of Foods

Before House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Thursday, July 31, 2008

FDA formed an internal multi-Center group to meet with external entities (such as industry, consumers, and Federal, state, local, and foreign governments) to better understand the universe of track and trace systems that are currently in use or being developed. FDA has reached out to various organizations, including trade associations and consumer groups, to gain a better understanding of best industry practices for traceability, including the use of electronic and other technologies that speed and enhance the traceback process and the use of systems that connect all the links in the produce supply chain. FDA is using this information to develop recommendations for the fresh produce industry to use to improve its internal traceback systems. We plan to hold a public meeting in the fall to further the exchange of information on available technology and best practices for enhanced traceability. ...

In June 30, the President signed the FY 2008 Supplemental Appropriation into law. This appropriation act provided $150 million for FDA, and these resources will allow FDA to accelerate its transformation of its regulatory strategies to meet the challenges of the evolving global marketplace for food and medical products... FDA is working hard to ensure the safety of food, in collaboration with its Federal, state, local, tribal, and international food safety partners, and with industry, consumers, and academia.

I have pages and pages of references about the "new Farming Regs" If that is not enough. What more references??

How about the patenting of third world seed by Monsanto and friends?
Global Diversity Treaty.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 10:12 PM
Me being a former Marine will defend my homeland against all enemies forign and domestic. Even if it is the Marines coming to get me.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by Darkice19

Me being a former Marine will defend my homeland against all enemies forign and domestic. Even if it is the Marines coming to get me. BRING IT!

GREAT. Find a farm and help defend it

Or at least send comments to the following about NAIS, the National Animal ID System. If we do not kill this we can kiss our locally grown food goodbye.

Stop NAIS!

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 01:40 AM
I'm more affraid of the CIVILIANS responding to this post than anything else. They are clueless about the miliatary and in general to the comnstitution the military is sworn to protect and defend. All military officers must have a BA or BS just to get commissioned. Promotion to Maj and Lt Col is contingent upon earning a short the average military officer is better educated than the average civilian. The average NCO also is educated better than the average civilian. The point being...they understand what they have agreeded to give their lives for...conflict with american civilians is not part of the deal. Unlike their civilian counterparts, they are'nt a bunch of flunky "yes men" trying to move up the corporate ladder. Yes there are exceptions like the knobs at Abu Greb but that is the exception not the norm. My point being...if this was in fact said by a marine NCO...which I doubt it it to NCIS...otherwise stop defaming the military. Most of you so called experts are clueless about the military and spewing intelectual dribble that is pure rubbish. Its great you all have an opinion, it would even be better if they were informed. If you really think this was said than get off you fat butt and become part of the it...otherwise...shut up! To all you brave military folks out there...thanks for keeping us safe!

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 01:51 AM
No such thing as a Marine drill sergeant. Only the Army has drill sergeants.

Also, they don't train martial law in boot camp.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by SpacePunk
reply to post by jfj123

"People in the military are just like most other people outside the military. Good hearted people who are just looking for a better life for themselves and their families."

Yes, and there are people in the military who are psychotic bastards, those that are power hungry, etc...

You commit the same crime that the bashers do. They paint them as all evil, you try to paint them as all good. Yes, they are not all evil, but they are also not all good.

You must not have been reading my posts because I NEVER said they were all good. Please re-read my posts so you can get an accurate picture of what I've said.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Well that settles it. This spring I'm going to plant a garden and I WON'T be removing it. We'll see what happens.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

There are a lot of farms where I live any all of them are still farming without incident.

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