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Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip

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posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 09:13 PM
Tried to read thru all the posts - but the number kept growing. Sorry if this has been beat to death already.

I think this reporter represents the true disregard the Iraqi people have for the sacrifices we made for them. Our soldiers died to free them from a dictator and shoes get thrown at our President.

My first reaction was I wished our President's body guards had put a bullet between the man's eyes. But restraint, unfortuneately, was probably the best avenue.

Don't bother to reply to my post all you America and Bush haters. I ignore you anyway. I wouldn't even bother throwing my shoe at you. Merry Christmas.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 09:26 PM
I think that guy did what everyone's been wanting to do to that dummy. Too bad he didn't have steel toed boots to throw.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Tippys Dad
Our soldiers died to free them from a dictator and shoes get thrown at our President.

Originally posted by Tippys Dad
My first reaction was I wished our President's body guards had put a bullet between the man's eyes. But restraint, unfortuneately, was probably the best avenue.

Yeah, throwing shoes is so much worse than fighting a war of greed and killing over a half million people in the process. It's understandable how you would see this man as the evil person in the room.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 09:49 PM
so where is dana perino in these vids? they are reporting she got a bruise, o poor lying baby. but she is clearly not anywhere in that scuffle, or am i missign her bright shiny blonde hair and evil liar of a smile?

bush is lucky those shoes didnt have explosives in em, isnt that why we have to take our shows off at airports?

bush almost got beaned in the face!

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by Tippys Dad

our soldiers did not die "to free the iraqis of a dictator"

they died to "protect america from saddams weapons of mass desctruction and terror"

some people only want to believe what they want to to justify their actions i guess...

i think this guy is showing they didnt want us there in the first place, period. isnt everyone here always saying let iraq, or gaza, or any other country resolve its own problems? maybe they should have let the iraqi people handle saddam then

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:08 PM
maybe VISA should use this for one of there commercials.
that was "priceless". someone should have been coaching the shoe thrower , ok now a little to the right now release. ha ha ha ha

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:23 PM
Many posters on this thread think this is a joke, but I rather think this will end up being a public relations disaster for the Bushistas as well as the war effort in general. For years we have been told we are in Iraq to "help" the Iraqis achieve freedom, etc. This incident gives the lie to this way of thinking. The thrown shoe, depending on how it is publicized, is equivalent to the death of scores of US soldiers in terms of its effect on American morale.

[edit on 14-12-2008 by starviego]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by crawgator406
maybe VISA should use this for one of there commercials.
that was "priceless".

That's MasterCard...

War: $580,000,000,000.00

Pair of shoes: $30.00

Gullible Americans seeing this as an attack on America: Priceless

There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's Fox News.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:40 PM
Awesome reflexes from the Prez.

I wonder how long some smarty will make a (flash)game out of it.
I can just see it. Are your reflexes as good as GW? lol

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi

There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's CNN.


posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:45 PM

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:45 PM
The only time that anyone would get a chance before bush leaves office and they threw shoes?!?. besides I would like to know what sat this man off, what was said that made him go into a rage.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:55 PM
I believe this was staged. I have worked in security at embassys and at NATO. Presidental bodyguardes are the best of the best. They are very fast, alert and extremely deadly. They do not hesitate to take action even to kill. The moment the reporter stood up the bodyguards are in alarm mode and should be moving in front of the president and the guards in the back should be moving behide the reporter. The moment the reporter leaned down the bodyguards would have been on top of him before he touched the shoe. This is not fantasy this is fact. Most of you have noticed that alot took place before you saw one bodyguard move. You did not see one bodyguard anywhere near the president until after both shoes were thrown. It is very obvious to me that it was a staged event. I cannot believe that presidental bodyguards are that incompetent!

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:55 PM
Here's what I think about it...

1. This was not a staged incident. It was real. This kind of thing is not staged ever.

2. It's amazing that Secret Service didn't stop this guy before he got the shoe thrown. Behind the scenes in D.C., Secret Service bosses must be furious and scrambling to make sure this can't happen again. They will no doubt have agents at every reporter's elbow in a room like this from now on. The dude should have been tackled before he got the shoe into the air.

3. It is not a joking matter. I'm not a Bush supporter at all and never voted for him, but I don't like to see anyone treated like that. Throwing something at someone, that could hurt someone, is a criminal act.

4. The comments about Americans having to take our shoes off at airports... this is one reason I hate to fly and keep my air travel to a minimum. It is unnecessary and degrading to require people to take off shoes at the airport. They need to come up with some other way to screen.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 11:09 PM
Thanks for the reply, I'm beginning to think it was a set up, you now that these people would have to be screened first before entering a meeting like that I'm no supporter of bush either. did you noticed how bush smiled during this whole ordeal.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Tippys Dad
Tried to read thru all the posts - but the number kept growing. Sorry if this has been beat to death already.

I think this reporter represents the true disregard the Iraqi people have for the sacrifices we made for them. Our soldiers died to free them from a dictator and shoes get thrown at our President.

My first reaction was I wished our President's body guards had put a bullet between the man's eyes. But restraint, unfortuneately, was probably the best avenue.

Don't bother to reply to my post all you America and Bush haters. I ignore you anyway. I wouldn't even bother throwing my shoe at you. Merry Christmas.

I think your post represents the true ignorance of a large portion of our population. Instead of actually considering the war has cost at least 10 to 1 deaths of Iraqi's to American's you still think that American deaths are all that should matter. You think you know more about what an Iraqi should think about our invasion than a person who is actually living through it and affected by it.

You like your hero bush ignore opinion polls which clearly say the majority of Iraqis don't want us there and that life was better under Sadaam. You then proceed to say anyone who disagrees with you is worthless and you will not listen to their argument. You then say anyone who dares show anger to someone who very likely was responsible for killing someone they knew should be killed for throwing a couple of shoes at them. Did you actually read that before you posted it? You sound like a Nazi.

You have constructed a marvelous cell of ignorance for yourself.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 11:16 PM
After the first shoe I know he had to be thinking...

"Is this guy seriously throwing his shoes at me? *waves off secret service* This is going to make a great drinking story."

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 11:45 PM
I couldn't read through all this, but I am going to put in my lame two cents in.

I think now all news conferences will be barefoot. anyone with in a 25 foot range will have to remove all foot-ware.

This is by far the wackiest administration ever. For it to go out on this note is a dark note for a lack of respect for the president from its own people that I have ever remembered. I can only imagine how the rest of the world looks at us now.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by bodrul
reply to post by MischeviousElf

that man should be given a medal
if only one hit him on the face

Whatever one may say of Bush and his policies, throwing a shoe at a dignitary and that too the president of a country in front of the whole world....

IS OUTRAGEOUS. Period! This needs to be strongly condemned. Should we condone such uncivilized behavior? This journalist, who likely has at least basic education to be one, needs to be taught some etiquette too.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by mind is the universe
If I had a gun, it sure wouldnt be just shoes I'd be fireing.

It would be a bullet left with a terrible bang. I'm a pretty sane man and quite sympathetic in nature. BUt that man flith has got to leave this world. He doesn't deserve jail G.W.B deserves death penality, take his father out too, would be lovely.

Enough is enough. He is scum.

Either way alive as he is. I'm watching his family from now on
. In all the good ol way's that I do best.

His family on the steak!

I'm glad you're in Ireland. Maybe the Secret Service won't be knocking on your door.

I'm inspired by the hateful rhetoric in this thread.

"Liberal and bitter reporter throws shoes" overshadows the main story of "Bush signs agreement with Iraqi Prime Minister on Time Frame for Total Troop Withdrawal".

That wouldn't be PC would it?

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