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Gaza families eat grass as Israel locks border

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posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Britguy

would not be a problem if the arab terrorists were gone---long live isreal!!!!!

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:39 AM

This isn't a land dispute or a territory dispute. This isn't a conflict between invader and native.

Its a religious war of Muslim vs Jew.

I have no doubt that even if a two state solution emerged, and even if Palestinians had their own secure country with plenty of food; that Hamas would still send rockets at Israel and terrorists would still blow up civilians in Israel.

History has shown that pan-Islamists never sit quiet even when they have their own country. Conquest and annihilation of the infidels has always been their motive, and the creation of a worldwide caliphate their cause.

You can decry the "injustice", the "ethnic cleansing", the "genocide" and the "holocaust" that is purportedly being carried out by Israel; but I am convinced that the very same people you feel sympathy for today will end up biting you tomorrow.

There are far worse situations of humanitarian concern for the world. Zimbabwe comes to mind...and the Zimbabweans have never even attacked anyone.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 09:51 AM
This last post on Zimbabwe is relevant and appreciated.

No Jews involved, so people on conspiracy sites don't get too enflamed by the other large scale mass genocides happening around the world.

An uncounted hundreds of tbeen murdered or had their villages destroyed and been left to die of starvation and disease by Arab militants the Muslim administration has sent out to cleanse the area. Egypt in Saudi Arabia are complicit, as the Sudan is one of the major sources for untapped oil reserves.

Millions have already or will die in the Congo region in a major resource grab by countries like China, Russia, Europeans, US, etc.

The scale of suffering, murder, rape, disease, starvation, in these and other places is imposssible to quantify. But our media and the online self-righteous have zero concern for innocent black people dying by the millions in these places.

They reserve their outrage for the Arabs in Gaza, who are being sent hundreds of millions by a guilt-induced West. But their leadership finds it more to their advantage to hurl rockets at Israeli border towns and build up mass weapon resevers rather than feed children.

Jew-hating under the pretext of criticizing Israel''s efforts at self-defence has become so ingrained and endemic to conspiracy sites online it's disgusting.

Mike F

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by 44soulslayer

This isn't a land dispute or a territory dispute. This isn't a conflict between invader and native.

Of course its a territory dispute, Zionists came twadling along from Germany and started to bomb the crap outa local muslims to create their own 'holy land of g-d'.No one is ready to give up their own land be it either hindu,budhist,christian etc.Its a fight for the Palestinian right not over messiah or g-d.

History has shown that pan-Islamists never sit quiet even when they have their own country. Conquest and annihilation of the infidels has always been their motive, and the creation of a worldwide caliphate their cause.

Another pila bull crap coming from a hindu who hates muslims.If you look at modern history its countries like US and Russia that want to spread their influence not muslims.Name me a muslim country that has recently invaded another country,killed all infidels and established their caliphate?
Its the muslims that are being invaded,killed,tortured and when they fight back they suddenly become 'pan-islamist terrorist' that wana take over the world?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by t0ken

why are you getting agitated ?

he's lives in UK , and seems to be influenced by pro-israeli propaganda ....

as for hating muslims , he does seem too , but most indians don't hate muslims, they are concerned about living their lives and feeding themselves

'pan-islamist terrorist'

this thing is nothing but smoke and mirrors , and these 'islamic terrorists' are nothing but CIA pawns in the project for new American Empire

[edit on 16-12-2008 by sadchild01]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by sadchild01
reply to post by t0ken

why are you getting agitated ?

I have got many reasons to be agitated about.We have people here that keep repeating the same ol bullcrap no matter how much info is presented to them.They feel that muslims are to blame for all the ills of the world.

-Muslims lived in peace until the zionists were shipped to Middle east.

-Muslims lived in peace until US and Soviets decided to settle score in Afghanistan.

-Muslims lived in peace until US decided to fund/supply WMDs to puppet saddam to fight iran because the israelis felt threatened by Iran and its influence in lebanon.

-Muslims lived in peace until the British decided to devide india and pakistan and now both countries are hell bent on destroying each other.

-Muslims lived in peace until Serbia decided to ethnic cleanse muslims in bosnia.

-Muslims lived in peace until Russia decided to ethnic cleanse muslims in chechnya.

-Muslims lived in peace until US decided to kill its own people and chase its own created AL CIAda terrorists bombing the crap outa civillians both in Iraq and afghanistan to rape those countries resources.

And than we have people here on ATS that feel that Muslims are the real radical terrorists that want to take over the world by killing all the infidels and establishing Caliphate.For some reason people don't want to know who the real terrorists are.

Like i said i have got alot of things to be agitated about.

[edit on 16-12-2008 by t0ken]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by t0ken

Israel is facing off these Islamo architects of terror. Israel is being attacked by the locals in Gaza right now, they are firing rockets at Israel in that typical Islamo terror way, kids at school and guys at pizza huts being killed by pure terror.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by ufoorbhunter
reply to post by t0ken

Israel is facing off these Islamo architects of terror. Israel is being attacked by the locals in Gaza right now, they are firing rockets at Israel in that typical Islamo terror way, kids at school and guys at pizza huts being killed by pure terror.

The only reason the 'islamo architects of terror' decide to attack israeli civillians because they don't have any other way to fight off israeli army or IDF forces.Stones,bullets and lame home made rockets don't even make scratch on merkavas, apaches,artillery and F-22s.Than we also have US supplying israel with hi-tech weaponry every year.So you can't blame palestinians when they vent their anger out on israeli civillians.

I guarantee you if palestinians had their hands on latest weaponry like israel,they would never attack or kill civillians.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Chris McGee
Don't they have a border with Egypt? Why can't the UN go in through the Egyptian side?

exactly,what is stopping all these oil rich nations from helping them

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by t0ken

Token, that is the most inaccurate, inflammatory, irresponsible statement that I've ever heard. You clearly don't study secular history, and instead, repeat by rote whatever Jew-hating crap you've been indoctrinated with.

It is this very hate-filled, pure, unadulterated ignorance that contributes to the turmoil of the Middle East. Ignorance is just rampant.

When in 1948 Israel declared itself an independent State, this fledgling nation was immediately attacked by a force that comprised the Jordanians, Egyptians, Syrians, ALS, Lebanese, and Saudi's.

Exactly how does that square with your claim of Israel bombing the crap out of local Muslims?

Your Muslim hate rhetoric precludes one from making a sane, prudent, rational, or accurate statement, apparently.

Break out a secular, non-Muslim history book. You will discover that the crap you've been fed is just about 10% hot air and 90% sheep droppings.

And the rest of us wonder why there is such ignorance in the ME?

[edit on 16-12-2008 by dooper]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by t0ken

Look mate..... there is no such thing as a "Palestinian." Are you talking about Jordanians or Egyptians taken as POWs during the Six Day War?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by t0ken

By your own words. You ever wonder why the Muslims don't have, and never developed technologies to war?

Ever wonder why Muslims never created the equivalent of an M1 Abrams, or F-15, or nuclear carrier group?

Ever wonder why they never developed the equivalent of an M-16, or AK-47, or RPG, or any other personal weapon system?

Ever wonder why these people can't get along with any of their neighbors? Ever wonder why when outsiders are unavailable to fight, they fight among themselves?

The reason is that Islam is one of the most restrictive, backward-assed religions in the world, suitable only for restrictive, contentious, backward-assed people. And they just want to spread that misery.

No industry. No capability to develop industry. Even the oil industry was founded, discovered, built, and manned by Westerners. You buy all your Western-developed weapons from Western countries. Or copy them.

You ever wonder about all of this?

I say arm all the Muslims. The more you arm, the more they kill each other, and the fewer to fight us. Just stand back out of the way and watch.

If Ishmael was the father of modern Arabs, we find that he and his mother were so contentious that even his own father kicked them out.

Some things just pass from generation to generation.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Britguy
reply to post by FlyersFan

If you bother to do a little research, you'll find that other Arab nations and even Israeli Human Rights groups are trying to deliver food and medical aid but Israel will not let it through.

Russia got aid through

23/09/2008 11:48 GAZA, September 23 (RIA Novosti) - Russian trucks carrying humanitarian aid have arrived in the Gaza Strip, Russia's envoy to the Palestinian National Authority, Sergei Kozlov, said on Tuesday.
The medicines, food, and tents will be transferred to the UN mission in Gaza. Part of the aid cargo was donated by Jordanian charity organizations.
"This is the Russian aid to the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian people," Kozlov said. "This part of it has already reached Gaza and will be transferred to its residents."
Israel and Egypt sealed Gaza's borders last summer after the radical Islamic group Hamas seized power in the enclave. The blockade has led to a deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
"We would like to reiterate that aid will continue in the future," Kozlov said.
This is the first Russian aid to reach the Gaza Strip. Last year, Russian humanitarian aid was delivered to the West Bank, controlled by the pro-presidential group Fatah.

I will search for more

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by t0ken

Don't get so angry dude. The vast bulk of the sheeple have mob mentality switch and Muslims are in the unfortunate position of having been targeted by zionists who are flicking away.

Historical interaction of Britain and Islamic umah is a product of cultural transition. As Islamic nations diminished in cohesion and the West took over with Britain in the lead, it was displaced culturally, technologically and commercially. Like all similar changes throughout history, the new power always sticks the boot into the previous. What is happening to muslims around this world is terrible but not as bad as what the Romans did to many other ancient cultures.

There is a philosophical concept that suggests that the only truly living things are ideas and human beings are merely biological vessels specifically designed to carry and transmit these ideas.

Items of thoughts and ideas are called memes. It is these memes that empires and civilisations make their battle grounds with the carriers of either side attempting to eradicate each other. It has never really been about race, class or nationality. For the vast majority of man's existence, when resistance by one side is destroyed, the defeated are first enslaved economically and culturally then biologically absorbed into the victor population. Generally the males of the defeated are emasculated and the females valued.

Unusually in our era, the zionist movement has managed to ride shot-gun with the Western juggernaut and has caused some detours from normal processes. With the emergence of post colonial Islamic nations that aspired to emulate the Western countries, the appearance of Israel disrupted natural processes. Because Israel and zionists could not displace Islamic memes in anyway, it has hijacked and subverted the transition from the East to the West at its final hurdles and re-invoked the process on the basis of mythology and propaganda. I call these anti-memes or lifeless ideas.

The existence of anti-memes is something new and I really do not know how this would effect humanity in the long term. All I know is that for a false idea to exist, you need to harvest barren and stupid minds. I also believe that these anti-memes will die out because they give nothing and destroy cultures in which they are propagated. This is why I say Israel is doomed and the US will be severely harmed by zionist anti-memes.

Whether this benefits Muslims or not depends on whether a defunct Israel sparks a second enlightment, the removal of dogmatic fundamentalism (Taleban types) and if a rising Asian tiger ignores the Middles East in the foreseeable future.

[edit on 043131p://pm3141 by masonwatcher]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by masonwatcher

The Pals are never going to get territory when they practice terror. If they want terror then they will get terror pure and simple.

Terror post 9/11 does not go down well in this world. Terror is evil pure and simple.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:53 PM
EU aid to Palestine is funding the conflict

Palestinians receive more assistance, per capita, than any other people on Earth, and live in one of its most violent spaces. The two facts are connected.

How can this be?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
EU aid to Palestine is funding the conflict

Palestinians receive more assistance, per capita, than any other people on Earth, and live in one of its most violent spaces. The two facts are connected.

How can this be?

How can this be? Isn't it obvious? You first stuff millions of people behind walls, destroy the infrastructure and keep check points and curfews inside the walls then they will rely on foreign aid.

The violence is delivered by snipping watchtowers and cobra gunships for added spice. Israel is really good at that.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 05:03 PM
Guns Versus Butter in the Palestinian Authority

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 05:08 PM
Dooper , Have you ever wondered that maybe Muslims are smarter than us and how does one equate inteligence by the means to destroy oneself. Can you list all the Muslim wars that have taken place, all the countries invaded and occupide by Muslims. I think that crown goes to the US does it not.

The ME is the birth place of math science and a whole list of other subjects , whilst we were living in caves the ME had culture, medicine and education. What did we have nothing, nothing but war and ignorance, virtues that we peddle this very day.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 05:13 PM
Disgraceful, seems like a concentration camp to me. Israel should know this better than anyone else, not to do this...

Hate only brings more hate.

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