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Gaza families eat grass as Israel locks border

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posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 03:53 PM
I had to respond even though it is off topic. What is the Dome of the Rock built on top of? You can't imagine hard evidence that you can touch.

[edit on 15-12-2008 by on_yur_6]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by ufoorbhunter

Don't you see that by mistreating the Palestinian people, the Israeli's are creating a fertile ground on which radicals like Hamas can thrive?

If the situation changes so much that they do not have to resort to eating grass, look to the skys for fear of airial bombardments and not be treated as the Jewish people where by the Nazi's, I doubt Hamas will thrive much longer..

The Israeli 'solution' is creating a cancer that will eat Israel from the inside out.. A situation that will only work in the advantage of the countrys you mentioned.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 03:57 PM
Jam, do you beleive that people have the right to self defence, that they have a right to protcet their homes, lives and land from an occupying force. Or do you think they should let the Israelis commit an Holocaust on them.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

Jam, do you believe that people have the right to self defence,

Huge difference between self defense and a die hard desire to destroy Israel. Does Hamas recognize Israel? Has Hamas shown any interest in making peace with Israel?

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by jam321

Which only should fuel a desire to take the wind out of Hamas' sails..

We're not only talking about Hamas (a militant political extremist party) but about a people comprising of 1.5 million people.. when the majority gets treated decently, Hamas will revert to a state I can only compare to the Neo-Nazi party in the 50's and 60's: a bunch of fanatics with their own gathering spaces, discussing how much better the old days where. (for their political goals anyway)

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Phatcat
Don't you see that by mistreating the Palestinian people, the Israeli's are creating a fertile ground on which radicals like Hamas can thrive?

An apt biblical quote that would fit in nicely here is this one:

"As you sow, so shall you reap"

Lasting peace and happiness generate nothing that can be deposited in a bank vault, whilst the politics of fear and oppression create huge market-profits from the greed and suffering of others

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

The Palestinians and Hamas receive hundreds of millions every year from the West and other Middle East places. Per capita, the Palestinians should be among the weathiest people in the region.

No one can quite say where the money goes. It is thought that Yasser Arafat himself stashed away possibly billions in Swiss Bank accounts.

The Arab world and Iranians supply military support to Hamas, but will not take Palestinians as immigrants. Israel offered to return Gaza to Egypt, and they refused to take it back.

Hamas has found it expedient to have their constituents suffering as it attracts even greater inflow of world sympathy money.

hmmm... so what about the $3 Billion per annum that is given by the USA to israel and has been done so since 1976.

According to the source cited below, it will soon increase to 3.1 billion per annum. Makes the charity aid to the palestinian's look like loose change. And guess where this money is coming from... the pockets of working american's. this is your tax money people.

Congressional research report

[edit on 15/12/08 by 04326]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by 04326

hmmm... so what about the $3 Billion per annum that is given by the USA to israel and has been done so since 1976. According to the source cited below, it will soon increase to 3.1 billion per annum. Makes the charity aid to the palestinian's look like loose change. And guess where this money is coming from... the pockets of working american's. this is your tax money people.

Israel only accepts Euros because the Dollar is not acceptable any more. That demand was made to Condi Rice last year.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by on_yur_6

I had to respond even though it is off topic. What is the Dome of the Rock built on top of? You can't imagine hard evidence that you can touch.

[edit on 15-12-2008 by on_yur_6]

The proper name of the Golden Dome is Qubbat Al-Sakhra. The term 'Dome of the Rock' is an artificial cultural insertion. It refers the rock in which the long gone Solomon's Temple sat. For 50 years Israeli archaeologists have been around looking for remnants of the temple. Nothing has been found but a retaining wall on one side of the Al Aqsa grounds has been declared by rabbinical decree as being original to Solomon's Temple and used as a wailing wall.

Israeli doctrine states that the Temple was demolished by the Romans or the Arabs depending with whom you speak. Most likely it was decayed thousands of years ago as Jews converted to Christianity and later Islam.

To date no Solomaic artefact has been discovered except for small finger sized thing that was found in an antiquity market and said to have originated on the grounds of Al Aqsa by Israeli archeologists.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 06:20 PM
Guess look at this big picture of this new millennium.


What type of nation is bullying what type of nation?


[edit on 12/15/2008 by die_another_day]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Pyros
The sad reality of this situation is that the Palestinians (a.k.a. Jordanian squatters) are stuck in a past that they have invented in their heads. There has never been a state called Palestine. They have never had a government, or a capital city, or a rich tradition of borders, self-identity, or world leaders. The term "Palestinian" was not even known to the world at large until after the turn of the last century. The term "Palestine" (Palestina) was not made historically significant until the Romans started using it. After they crushed the Jewish rebellion and destroyed the Temple, they banished the Jews from their homeland (yes, their homeland) in 70 CE. Up until that point, the land in question was called "Judea". The Romans switched the name to "Palestina" in an attempt to erase any connection between the exiled Jews and the land itself. If the Jews hadn't attempted to throw off the yoke of Roman tyranny 2,000 years ago, the land would still be known as Judea to the world, probably. The Jews have a well documented claim to sovereignty over the land in question, dating back thousands of years, while the "Palestinians" have never claimed or exercised any form of self-government or sovereignty over the lands in question, until just very recently.

But that's not important..........

The Palestinians engaged in a geo-political process, which included war and terrorism, in an effort to claim a homeland...........AND LOST. DEFEATED. END OF STORY.

They will never "win", they will never see Israel defeated (at least not at their hands), and they will never be anything more that a gang of slavering extremists, glorifying death over life, if they don't accept the fact that they have lost, and they must move on. The Israelis, hardened and cold by the centuries of oppression they have endured, will show no mercy to anyone they perceive to be a threat. While that may be wrong, it is a fact, and will not change.

Yassir Arafat committed the biggest crime against the Palestinians when he rejected the Oslo Accords. Only when blood and vengeance becomes less import than food, shelter, and education will the Palestinians be able to move on.

Allah is not coming to kill the Jews. The Arab are not coming to wipe out Israel. World opinion will not change the situation. It's completely up to the Palestinians. Accept defeat, pick up the pieces, move on, start rebuilding, and live your lives. Spend 5 years doing that, and even the hardest heart in Israel may soften.

Wasn't Israel completely wiped off the map? (Assuming that it has existed on the map before WWII).

Wasn't Israel a plot of land marked off a territory on the map to become a refuge and base of Westerners in the heart of the Middle East?

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 06:28 PM
This video is an example of why Palestinians are being starved. It shows the Israeli Occupation Forces looting a girls' orphanage.

And here is a pdf detailing what happened;

[edit on 063131p://pm3125 by masonwatcher]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

Just a point of face, the land was part of Jordan before the UN created the state of Israel.

There never has been a state of Palestine. The so called Palestinians are actually Jordanians.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Wildbob77
reply to post by magicmushroom

Just a point of face, the land was part of Jordan before the UN created the state of Israel.

There never has been a state of Palestine. The so called Palestinians are actually Jordanians.

Just a point of fact, Israel never existed before 1948 and the Europeans that colonies Palestine have no connection to the land therefore your statement seeks to distance the Palestinian nation from its land as a counterpoint.

Jordan and Palestine were part of the Turkish Empire and before then, part of the Islamic Arabian Empire. By your logic Jordan never existed yet you refer to it.

Middle Eastern nations were regions and separated by frontiers not borders on a map. The idea of nation states was a European import after the Turkish khalifayid disintegrated and was absorbed by Britain and France.

The only anomaly is the Israeli state in them these parts.

[edit on 083131p://pm3130 by masonwatcher]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Kailassa

Why should he? He didn't go out and blow up school buses full of children. He didn't plant bombs in a night club killing teens and 20's. He didn't target civillians. When he sees an 8 year old walking down the street his first thought isn't to kill it. He's not a Palestinian. The Israeli's are attacked on a daily bases yet all you hear is "A poor Palestinian man was killed on a school bus today." Not mentioning that he died because HE HAD A BOMB STRAPPED TO HIS BACK and was killing a dozen school kids.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 02:26 AM
Preparations are underway for a full-scale invasion of Gaza

This has been quite a week in Israel. On Tuesday, The United Nations’ Human Rights Rapporteur claimed Israel’s current policies toward the Palestinians are tantamount to 'crimes against humanity’. Citing specifically the deteriorating situation in Gaza, and the ongoing human rights violations of a State army over its own people, UN Envoy Richard Falk claimed the UN must 'implement the agreed norm of a responsibility to protect a civilian population being collectively punished by policies that amount to a crime against humanity.’

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 03:03 AM
I’d hate to say this but the land needs to be made very 'inhospitable'; so noone could possibly live there anymore. It appears that noone has learned this simple lesson: placing too much value on strips of land over the value of lives is unacceptable to my eyes. I understand very little about the historical significance of that place, by the way. Surely, there are other places for people to live and co-exist in peace. The world is very large, too.

[edit on 2008-12-16 by pikypiky]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 03:14 AM
And how Israelis treat others? UN and neutral observers...

Israel: UN Rights Envoy is ‘Unwelcome’

The Israeli government held UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Richard Falk for over 20 hours at a Tel Aviv airport, before eventually putting him on an airplane bound for Los Angeles. UN officials complained of the envoy’s treatment, saying “one doesn’t expect a UN special rapporteur to find himself in that position.”

But Israel defended the action, with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni declaring that Falk, a Princeton professor who condemned the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip, was “unwelcome in Israel.” A later statement from the Israeli Foreign Ministry accused Professor Falk of “legitimizing Hamas terrorism.” Israeli human rights group B’Tselem condemned the move, saying that barring the entry of the professor was “an act unbefitting of democracy.”

UN official critical of Israel gets death threats

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The Nicaraguan head of the U.N. General Assembly, who has been highly critical of Israel and the United States, has been the target of death threats posted on the Internet, his spokesman said Monday.

Israel denies entry to UN rights investigator

JERUSALEM, Dec 15 (Reuters) - Israel denied entry on Monday to a special U.N. investigator who planned to travel to the Palestinian territories to document human rights conditions, Israeli and U.N. officials said.

Border police prevented Richard Falk, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Israeli behaviour in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, from entering Israel when he arrived at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv on Sunday.

- UN should send there armed forces to open Gaza torture today, and world should unite against that worst enemy of peace, and future of human kind!

( And US should pull of their *Snip* )

"Those Zionist Bastards..."

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[edit on 12/16/2008 by semperfortis]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 03:31 AM
The Israelis could lay down arms, release all prisoners, hand over every inch of Israel to Palestine and nothing would change. If every jew converted to islam and dedicated their life to kissing the feet of muslims, maybe then there would be peace?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by GamerGal
reply to post by Kailassa

Why should he? He didn't go out and blow up school buses full of children. He didn't plant bombs in a night club killing teens and 20's. He didn't target civillians. When he sees an 8 year old walking down the street his first thought isn't to kill it. He's not a Palestinian. The Israeli's are attacked on a daily bases yet all you hear is "A poor Palestinian man was killed on a school bus today." Not mentioning that he died because HE HAD A BOMB STRAPPED TO HIS BACK and was killing a dozen school kids.

You are obsessed with the idea of wasted youths at the hands of wild eyed fanatics. You are very wrong. The monsters are the Israeli Occupation Forces that commit atrocities and war crime regularly. The kill school children, torture prisoners in underground prison, have rape centres (men, women and children). One infamous story involved a 12 old Palestinian that was captured for stone throwing and who disappeared into the Israeli prison system were he was raped on a nightly basis. When was found and released through pressure from human right orgs. the boy was psychology damaged by the rape and committed suicide by refusing to stop at a check point near his home.

The last link is an exceptional and in depth report by Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association. I will post the details as a separate article on ATS.

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