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Why most people may not wake up! The Sad Truth

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posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

Love is the truth to this world, and the only truth..
For a long time I have tried to live by this adage. And its not easy.

When someone hurts you.. Its put into our minds.. You hurt back!

Or you hurt someone before they can hurt you!!!

Yet an eye for an eye.
Leave the whole world blind!

I think you get the point.. and I like your message.. While we might have some things that differ.. I think we are on the same page here.

Love is never an easy thing.. And love comes with many other emotions.
Its like love is pain, love is hurt, love is fun! love is sad.
But love never hates. becasue love and hate, is postive vs negtive.
the are the same thing, yet polar opposites.
Much like Neo and Agent smith at the end..

Hate consumes loves.. Yet love wins in the end, becasue hate can not consume love.. Love consumes all.. Hate can not consume. It can only be fed!

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 10:09 PM
Since love can not be exhausted I would never call it emotion.

I'm not starting an argument here. It is a principal matter.
Emotions are result of ignorance, they are affections, while love is a superior attitude.

You can't love if you are affected, you can only decide to love. It's all about personal responsibility and it is accessible only to personality.

That's why love is unconditional.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

I wont say Im wrong or you are wrong.. but the greeks had 9 types of love.
And its getting late and just dont have the energy to link all those tonight.
But there are many types of love.
And the type of love you speak of is one type.
There are many types of love..

Thanks for your input Danger

Edit-- Upon a deep thought.. who am I to say what is valid here..
To each their own.. And this is not MY thread alone.. Its everyones here!
And if you feel you need to get something out.. This is the place to do..
Sorry for imposing like I just did..
Sometimes I try to keep things together nice and neat.. But honestly.
This thread is like a tree, and it should have the chance to grow and branch out in the way my reader see fits..
My deepest apology in the most humble manner..

[edit on 16-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 11:44 PM
a shared mind is not quite yet a unified mind. (but a clear perception of its different components will well lead to it though.)

to make one with all, first make one with you

and yes (again) dd,

love, out of any condition whatsoever, is going through ages and civilisations always and always carrying and creating the same unifying power.

Love is absolute and universal ! (myself absolutely never perceived any other absolute thing in this world, in this life- but i am open to suggestions)

(but they want us to think love is just about ego, attachment, passion and sex - but this is a lie!)

what is absolute is truly real and what is truly real is hidden purposely by the conditioned and conditioning matrix.

They know this and they of course don't want us to know it.

So that we'll keep our divided mind creating divided societies that believe that the matrix/private property/fear/war system is the unmovable reality. Then the extreme perversity of that being that the sum of those beliefs will make it appear even more real to all.

so they don't wake up because it is real in their mind.

set you free from conditions,
and become pure love
it is the path.
when 50,000000001% of population will have become pure universal love, and no matter what kind of nuke they have, their card castle will vanish as the illusion that it is
in the real universe.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:11 AM
the same saying "an eye for an eye makes the world blind" (yeah gandhi) also said "become the change you want to see happen in the world".

[edit on 16-12-2008 by ::.mika.::]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by ::.mika.::

Well after a reveiw of my feelings, this is not just "my" thread..
This is also your thread, and everyone elses..

I was wrong to tell you what to say here...

I just didnt want this to get to lovey dovy.. As Im all for love and light..
Yet I know we as humans all have dark thoughts, and dark sections to our souls.. energy, prana.. chi.. Call it what you want..

But by all means, after thinking about it.. Please go on my friends..

This thread is about what keeps us asleep.. And its not my place to say what you need to get out..

Prehaps you would have added something that would help someone else.. And I tried to block that.. Im still learning here.. and Im in no way perfect.. Thanks for teaching me something here tonight..
A little lesson in compassion.. And if Im the OP.. then I need to take my own advice and listen to others willing to add to my research..

So again.. dont stop!! Speak your mind.. And sorry to impose my feelings when I thought it was going to get off track my good man!!

Keep up the good work, and thanks for the input!!!

Infact tommorow when I get done fishing..
I will add a Zysin style post.. that speaks of the 9 different types of love known threwout this world...

Honestly its very valid here... And I shouldnt have said to stop..
What was I thinking!!! allow me to say. sorry.. All this is very important!
As long as it stays close to the topic than we are golden!!!
And as I think about it.. its more than prudent!!!

[edit on 16-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 07:51 AM
I think you have something mentally wrong with you...... I think that people like you need to be feared.... You are one of those people that wants to put fear into people to get them to believe your crap. Believe it or not more then 1/2 of America is smarter then you think.... Nice try though.

I have 1 enemy: librals seeking to push their agenda's through bull*^@#.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by zysin5

You have provided us with lots of material to go through and so discussion here cannot go very fast. Give people some time to study it.

What I am trying to do is to find a way, a method to deal with the underlying problem, and I believe you are also for that. Because the overwhelming material is not going to spark change in people. They still need a method to deal with it, and the problem of division/connection between people is crucial.

Why are the "evil ones" so organized and efficient, and the "good ones" are so helplessly divided and uncoordinated?

If the good ones try to organize themselves, they are creating something that belongs to the authorities and the evil ones will destroy it.

So we are looking for some kind of connection which cannot be even perceived, not to mention destroyed.

This connection you call "love". But for many this is just another word. They don't know the true meaning of love. How does it really work? Many will confuse love with emotional affection. Such affection will fail them as soon as it is not fed with reaction...

So Love we are talking about has to be something inexhaustible and appropriately defined and understood.

In my opinion, it can only come out of knowledge, so the first concern is how to make people "open" to this possibility, without using all those historical methods which are a proven failure (religions, secret organizations, etc.). None of those organizations was capable of enlightening masses of people.

The true connection between people can be attained only through knowledge, and knowledge is an "inner" feature, the connection is from within.

Increase the knowledge in people and you will have this connection (sharing which actually means the same as communication). This kind of connection can never be broken.

People connected in this way will always be synchronized (which is analogous to organized) only this organization is not external. That is in practice a step ahead of any form of social organization, because the distribution of information is instantaneous.

The more we know the more we are alike (ethically). AT some point we are like one, and all our actions are in accordance.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by Victoria 1

I'm not a Lieral, niether are many CTers.

What you have is a collectivist mindset, it's exactly what the government wants, devide and conquor, devide the american people and conuor them, that is what is going on as well, that'sthe whole purpose of the two party system.
I'm not a repulican or a Democrat, I want what's right for humaniy, now according to my religion though, things are not going to get better, they are going to geta heck of a lot worse before they get better.

Before you start labeling people, take a look at what there sayin with an open mind and think logically about it, only a fool has answer before the question is asked.


posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Victoria 1
I think you have something mentally wrong with you...... I think that people like you need to be feared.... You are one of those people that wants to put fear into people to get them to believe your crap. Believe it or not more then 1/2 of America is smarter then you think.... Nice try though.

I have 1 enemy: librals seeking to push their agenda's through bull*^@#.

I am very glad you stopped by Victorica! Let me guess? Right wing? Pat robertson follower?
All you need to do is look threw the data and do the research yourself, but you refuse becasue you have already made a choice.
You made a choice a long time ago to follow your path.

Formost I am not a libral! Just thought you should know that tid bit.
I do not keep any gates.. Not a left wing gatekeeper, like Bill Mahr.
Not a right wing gate keeper, Bill O! (papa bear)

IM more like a Colbert gut seeker..

I follow a path.. and like yours, our path just crossed and met with great energy! You feel as if Im the scare monger here.
I said something in my post about Pat Robertson.. You must have taken deeply to that comment. Didnt you? Was that the point that hurt you?

You didnt read the whole post either did ya? You skimed threw.. Noticed I have gotten the attention of my peers. Open some eyes, turn some heads.
And now you come along. ITs all part of the puzzle you see.

But in my many posts I said.. Im not doing this out of fear or BS.. Ive calmed many people down.. And if you didnt notice.. We have all just been talking about love and understanding.. You should try it out.

I didnt just post my own words.. I set something up that is beyond myself.
Links, sources.. HOMEWORK.
If you can't be bothered to do the homework yourself.. Then that is not my fault you wish to remain in the world you live today.

And many of my right wing buddies.. Thats right, I am a Rep. Can come to me and thanked me for this thread..
So hate your hate else where unless you want to answer my question about you and Pat Robertson. OR of some faith that is a mirror of his.
There are many you know.

Westboro Baptist Church
And faith is all good and great! Belive what ever you want!
Its all about the conmen, and crooked deals that surround religion is my problem.

Foot note.
What church does not exert its belief or try to in governmental affairs or have secretive efforts to gain influence ? Do not Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc. have influence in Government policy? What church does not expect Tithe of some sort? What Church does not have members lobbying or in Government positions that affect all of us? Where were all the Anon's last year? Did not Muslims riot over free speech in Newspaper Cartoon Editorials? People Died, if thats not stifling free speech not sure what is. Do Christians not try to outlaw abortion, birth control, the list is far to long to put here. Who Ran Europe until maybe 100 years ago? Who runs most Muslim Nations? Have you looked South of the Border Lately, who is trying to run that Government and have made significant inroads? Would it not be the Fundamentalist Religious Right?

[edit on 16-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by DangerDeath

I do thank you very much for all your thought.. We can learn much from eachother here! Im always open for a new line of thouht! I keep my mind open so that I dont allow my ego to override all else..

I will keep this short as you are right.. theres alot of context to go over here.. So going to sum this up in one video..
Tell me if this is close to what you feel with the topic of Love..

All else aside from what I laided out.. I think human emotion ties into this very nicely.. And should be understood more if we are to understand ourselfs, and have the chance to DO anything about it..
AS I do know, you must first love yourself, before you can love anything else. Or care for this world in any true sense.
If you hate to much, how can you expect others to listen?

1. Life is basically a static.
Definition: A life static has no mass, no motion, no wavelength, no location in space or in time. It has the ability to postulate and to perceive.

2. The static is capable of considerations, postulates and opinions.

3. Space, energy, objects, form and time are the result of considerations made and/or agreed upon, or not, by the static and are perceived solely because the static considers that it can perceive them.

Or that is something I have read.. And felt it could be looked into a little bit deeper.. does any of that make sense?

[edit on 17-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:47 AM
your a very sick person for thinking God is evil, yeah the gov try's to keep us in the dark on alot of things but God is our only escape! And once you turn your back on him you have noone else to lean on except the ppl of this world and you might not care but God does and one day if dont stop believing that God is bad you'll find out how wrong you were for thinking that way against our Lord and savior!
Good luck to you and your probs man, hope you change one day!

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by b3r6a8d8
your a very sick person for thinking God is evil

You didnt read anything did you? I know you didnt read my posts..
Where did I say God was evil????

I said Satan is evil.. Please go back and re-read my post there..

Something went WAY over your head..

I happen to have a great relationship with God. But its not Pat Robertsons God, Nor the extreamists God..
No sir you jumped in here and made yourself look a little ignorant...

Ive had so many great chatts on this thread with folks of the cloth.
And they fully understand me..
Where did you get that I said God is evil????
Satan or what ever you want to call it is evil.. And many people of the supposed faith follow so blindly that they follow the dark masters down a dark path.

Opps sorry didnt notice you have negtive 4k points.. When I see that.. I see trouble maker.. A troll.. Prehaps I shouldnt have fed you..

[edit on 17-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 06:57 PM
After looking around on youtube, someone put this video back up!!!

Thankfully! This video was Banned, and taken down.. How long it will last? I dont know.. But I have downloaded this to my data, and if it gets taken down again. I will put it back up..
We have the power still folks.. We control the internet for now..

[edit on 17-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 05:34 AM
Since I have more time I could read the thread from the start.

Originally posted by b3r6a8d8
your a very sick person for thinking God is evil, yeah the gov try's to keep us in the dark on alot of things but God is our only escape! And once you turn your back on him you have noone else to lean on except the ppl of this world and you might not care but God does and one day if dont stop believing that God is bad you'll find out how wrong you were for thinking that way against our Lord and savior!
Good luck to you and your probs man, hope you change one day!

I just love when people read one thing and misinterpret it so much, that they stop reading further. It's similar to a conversation I had with my frieds some time ago discussing gnostics and other old theories concluding that god was more of less an evil entity and that the true Prime Creator was something completely detached from god.

Wheather the above statement was true or not is not the point. The point is the group splitted up. There were those who were willing to discuss the topic with open minds and those who refused and started an "attack" for stipping god (Yhwh) of its divinity.

Of course none of what we told mattered. Even reassurance that we didn't mean god as in God (the Prime Creator) didn't help. We were considered outcasts and heretics.

Of course I can't blame people. There were times when I reacted in a similar manner. I can't honestly say what made me act in a similar fasion. So to quote bible (really, I don't use it that often, but from time to time it becomes handy):

Father Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do

Since truth cannot be found thoughout the system that has made us sleeping, the first thing that's left are the consipiracy theories. But there are so many and many of those spread fear that they are rebuffed almost automatically by people.

I have had my share of meeting people asking me to get a flu shot. The last innoculation shot I got was the second one of three shots against pulmonary tuberculosis (it's mandatory in my country). I didn't got the third since I got a strong reaction from the pre-innoculation test (the one you get into you arm) and was told I cannot ever take that. So I didn't.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:50 AM

It's spreading everywhere.
Cheap medicine...
It's all about making money.
Exploitation of the ignorant.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by DangerDeath

We have seen this before.. I will dig into my links and research to find the info.. But when I think back about the cough Med. the government once handed out killed 1000's of people!! And it was all due to saving money on cheaper medications.. Don't take my word for it however.. I will dig up the links here later today..

However more importantly is this...How we get our infor out to people.
They want to shut us down, and shut us up! for good!
YouTube Censors and Deletes Accounts of 20+ Leading Government Conspiracy Critics.
U.S. government and law enforcement agencies are planning to completely censor and control the Inte

There are other places we can go to share our ideas and knowledge.
Its comming down to the wire folks.. Many people are being woken up threw videos and others talking..
We right now own the internet.. But for how long?

How long before they step in and censor everything we do here?
How long before they seep into our webpages, and destroy all we have done!
If non of this was truth, then why bother spending so much money in lawsuits, lawyers, and effort in getting this stuff censored, banned!

I have kept very low key on my youtube page. How long is it before they come after me and shut me down?

As long as we have ATS.. We are somewhat okay.. But more and more these days I feel as if my posts are being read into.
And Im being labeled a terroist becasue I belive what I belive.

When in no way do I wish Harm on anyone! Not even the bastards in charge.. No I dont want to see anything like that.
I just want justice. I want to see them put in jail, and made to answer for their crimes.
Things need to Change.. And Obama isnt the one who will change anything.
Sadly enough Ive looked at Obamas pick.. Same old run of the mill Builderburgers, elites, and conmen as before.

Dont be fooled by the Magical sense Obama gives us all.
While yes, I like the man, and all. But sadly enough he is another puppet.
And now you will see places like ATS, and other places seemingly shift to the right.. When all threw Bush dynasty.. ATS and other places where "liberal" sites.. Blah! left and right.. its pure bullocks!!

BULLOCKS! These guys are playing for keeps folks.
And its our lifes, and our childs lives who must suffer the bad times..
But together, we can make it!

[edit on 18-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 02:09 PM
Resistance is inevitable.
Those who are dominated by ideas commit violence.
Those who know don't.
They resist.
Life is temporary, prepare for eternity.
Nothing can prevent that.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:59 AM
Most people won't wake up because the truth is far too terrible to wake up to. Instead they choose to bury their head in the sand. If you were plugged into the Matrix all your life and had a comfortable existence there, would you have wanted to be woken up to the REAL world?

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by animekenji

In keeping within the essence of your post.. It can be summed up pretty quickly.

Cypher: I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here: Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?

I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.

Cypher represents something very real in this world, and has happened to many folks who have done the research, and come to find out either they really didnt want to know, or now that they know, prehaps they can become a disinfo agent, and get inside and break apart small truth groups.
Purely a metaphore, however it makes a good point.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by zysin5]

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