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Why most people may not wake up! The Sad Truth

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posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by DangerDeath
How to make someone think without wishing to impose your will and establish control?

with love !
(real, ie unselfish)

but here is a little fable to bounce on the idea that the concept of private property is at the root of th fear and exploitation of masses:

A divided world

Once upon a time, some adventurers got into a boat and sailed into the deep. For days on end they forged ahead into those perilous seas with the hope of discovering some land, some day, some how.

As luck would have it, at last, they sighted a small island lost in the high seas. They approached the island and looked. It was a virgin island, beautiful beyond compare!

They set foot on that little paradise and they decided to stay there. They built a small cosy cottage for themselves and started a new life there.

The soil was generous, they could enjoy for the asking of the most nourishing and tasty fruits. They were very happy.

One day, a ship loaded with tourists passed by the island. One of the tourists spotted the little cosy cottage and in wonder exclaimed: “look, there is a little house on the shore! There must be people staying in this island. Let us visit them.”

Many tourists went ashore. They were enthralled at the beauty and charm of that island. Some of them made up their mind to return and settle there!

The news of the existence of that island very soon spread wide and far. So, in the course of time, many people came and settle on that little paradise.

Some time later, one of the islanders seeing the crowds come to settle on the island cried in alarm: “at the rate people come to our island to stay, very soon there will not be place for all to live. Better let us be wise.”

The wise islander and his friends, at night, and in a hurry began erecting fences over the most fertile parts of the island. Then, they fixed sign posts and labels with words unheard of before, such as:
A few days later, you could see locks and iron gates appearing all over the fences.
Very soon, the richest and most fertile part of the land was completely fenced and barb-wired. The minority of the “wise” took possession of it all. On the contrary, the larger majority of the “unwise” were pushed and forced to stay on the rocks and on the barren outskirts of the island. They were poor, destitute and homeless.

The minority of the wise on the contrary within the fences, lived in palatial mansions rolling in the lap of luxury.

When the poor looked through the gaps in the fences they saw plenty of food being thrown into the dustbins and garbage pits. In desperation they spoke to those inside the fences: “give us some food. We are starving outside here!”
Those inside replied: “If you want food, you will have to work for us.” Those outside, starving as they did, had no other alternative but to work for the insiders. In return for their work, they got some crumbs of food thrown to them over the fences – not much though – just enough to survive.

Bit by bit, the patience of the poor wore out, and they tried to pull down the fences. The fences were strong; they did not succeed. Then they tried to come together, unite and organise themselves to break down the fences and get inside the island.

When the “wise” had a hint of what was happening they summoned the stronger and most influential leaders of the poor and cajoled them with words such as:
“Please, join us, come inside our fences, we shall give you as much food as you like, we shall give you many privileges and luxuries; in return you will have to defend our fences and protect our interests against the onslaughts of the outsiders. You will become our army, our police and our guards.” And many of them joined the ranks of the insiders.
The army was born.
Then the leaders of the “wise” called those outside the fence who were cleverer and more intelligent and won them over with words like this: “if you join us, we shall give you all facilities to study and do research. We shall teach you all we know, we shall build for you schools and colleges. In return, you will have to teach those outside to listen to us and to live in peace and harmony and to respect the law and order of the island – of the “wise”.” And many of them joined the ranks of the insiders. They became their “philosophers and thinkers”, their “intelligentsia” and so,
capitalist ideology and culture was born!

Then again the leaders of the “wise” called inside the most pious, religious minded and devoted members of the outside and brainwashed them thus: “Join us, we shall build for you beautiful seminaries and churches and faculties of theology. You will be able to preach to the outsiders meekness, forgiveness, resignation to the will of god and obedience to legal authority.” And many of the outsiders agreed – rather they were bluffed into - and joined the ranks of the insiders. They became the religious leaders, the preachers, the interpreters of God’s will. And so
religious ideologies and religious structure were born.

And so oppression and exploitation went on for long, long years.

Finally, some of the insiders became aware that they had been unjust to their weaker brothers and sisters outside the fences.

Some of the strong realised that the weak, by becoming united and working together, could one day overcome their weapons and bring down the fences.

Some of the “intelligentsia” discovered that outside the fences one could find values not found in their learnt books and universities, values such as solidarity, unity, brotherhood and sharing.

Some of the religious minded people remembered that Christ, the son of god – was born outside the fence, lived outside and died outside the city!

Those insiders who had realised all these things tried to come out of the fences to work for, and with the poor. Yet, they had to face enormous difficulties: the large majority of
the insiders considered them traitors and renegades; besides a large portion of the outsiders were totally indifferent to their well meant efforts, there were mountains of prejudices.

In spite of all the efforts of those generous people, things went on as they were and people outside the fences went on dying of want, hunger and exploitation.


copied from a book called fable for modern man (sorry no more details avai

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 11:24 AM
Reinhardt has a perfect method of explaining things

But, that's poetry.

Ain't it?

Move on...

edit: link

[edit on 15-12-2008 by DangerDeath]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 11:41 AM
My friends and readers. There was a time that I watched fox news diligently and somehow I was under some kind of trance. I flocked with others who bought into the lies, and many lines where drawn between people I once knew. The left and right in this country hold many ties to keeping us at ends with eachother.

The past has been covered in this thread, and what is leading us up to this day right now where we sit.

A beautiful day covers the clearwater skies in which I exsist today so I will be going out to enjoy this lovely after I have written out this post.
Sometimes just going out to the park, or going fishing can have a great affect upon your mental state.

Sometimes we just have to leave it be, and let it not bother us personally so much at times, or it will consume you.

Its much like when an unstoppable force meets unmovable object!
We the people are an unstoppable force to be noted.
While the governments and power players are unmovable objects!
What happens?


Now dont get me wrong. I like Obama. I even got caught up in the whole zombie mind set, we must vote! So I went out and voted for Obama.
Knowing in my heart the whole time. He is but a puppet for masters that rule the Bush dynasty! Those who have their hands in the Neocon movement, aswell as the neozionist movement that has been killing millions for many decades, And they still kill today.
All these power players fight, and they are a big puppet show. However to note theres more than 1 puppet master. I belive all together we have 13 puppet masters. Each with their own idea, and thought on how it should be. Do they fight eachother? I dont know. Im still processing my data and source links for this information.
But I can add those in the purest amount of control have little to next no data about them in our data. We have plenty of data about the puppets, and they shills. We have an overwhelming amount of dirt on these folks.
We can cut the strings to the puppets. We have to find the source.

However all I can provide at this point is some information about Obama and what his masters have planned for us.. Its the same old same old.
Put into a new package.. That lifts us up, and gives us hope.

That hope is called Obama.

Friday, July 25, 2008 The media hailed Obama's Berlin speech in front of hundreds of thousands yesterday as a call for a vision of America as part of a "new world order".

This has nothing to do with skin color, and everything to do about mind control. The haves, and the have nots.
Its always been about money. Not so much the color of ones skin.
Skin color affects the ignorant who can not see the bigger picture.
Its all part of the plan you see.. Those people who judge by the color of ones skins plays on the strings of their own puppet masters.

You see this puppet show is not your average puppet show where one person plays 2 puppets. You have a grand show. Where the puppets themselfs have puppets! And those puppets have puppets!
Its much like the logical loop of our universe.
If God created us.. Who made God? That old adage.
Puppets down the line. To where the average man and woman must look at themselfs and try their best to see if strings control them?
And do not parents puppet master their own children?
And in turn the children are left at the bottom of this maddess?
And in turn they play this out threw their toys, and games they play daily?

[edit on 15-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:11 PM
I think what's more appalling is you have the title of "writer" as an ATS credential and you use "threwout" instead of the correct word "throughout". /*cringe*/

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:15 PM
Barak Obama
is a perfectly tanned
white man

What I noticed about him is that he is a true chameleon
(well this is true for them all politicians)
He would say something, and after being criticized,
he would step back
thus satisfying the needs of all and
Mirroring expectations of all in his expression.

A perfect mirror of the world to come.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by sos37
I think what's more appalling is you have the title of "writer" as an ATS credential and you use "threwout" instead of the correct word "throughout". /*cringe*/

credentials? Hate to break it too you.. But its not very hard to get a "writter status here on ATS.. Its not some high and mighty honor I have been given..
You write a story in the short story section, and BAM! You are writer too!

So if thats all you can find flawed with my Thread and posts.. Then thats good enuff fer me!!! Most the time I can go over this with spell check or have my editors do that for me.. As most the of the best writers in this world all have editors.. And my editor took the week off..

All dis water I be dwinking mush have affected me briians a bit..

So sawwy this is all you could find wrong with my work..
Go and police another thread.. Thanks!

Word police.. the next threat to ATS?
Or are we to be perfect in every aspect of our lives..
Im not a great speller.. get over yourself
And prehaps find something more to do with your time than taking a fine tooth comb and trying to deflect the ideas, and share expressions of this thread.
Its easy enough to find a small flaw in something.
However it takes much more to try to read threw a slight mistake, and take it for what it is. But you have no such desire to do such a thing?

No, I would say, you would be part of the problem of self imposed police of this world. You impose upon me. becasue you feel I am somehow better than you because I have a title that was granted to me, because I wrote a story a couple times on ATS.. Very shrewd, and how very closed minded of you sir.
However thanks for the input..

[edit on 15-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 01:26 PM
Thanks Zysin for the post. People really need to hear this stuff.

But let me just take a moment to say how I really feel. It is absolutely appalling to me to see what goes on here at ATS. It is clear that every member at this forum is seeking truth in some way and at some level sees that something is wrong with the world we live in. Or else they wouldn't be here at this conspiracy forum. But what really gets me a is how we all fall into this trap of bickering amongst eachother about the minute details in the huge conspiracy being waged against all human kind. We argue about 9/11, we argue about politics, we argue about arguing! Don't you get it? DEVIDE AND CONQUER. That is there agenda. They keep us distracted, even in the discovery of truth, so that we can't unite.

We are being poisoned people!!!! And at the end of 2009 Codex Alementarius will be in full affect and people will start DYING!! Children will start dying from preventable diseases! We have to put our differences aside at this time and UNITE against the horrible fate that awaits us! We need to be spreading the word. Not arguing the details. When we are divided and arguing we are doing exactly what THEY want us to do.... NOTHING!

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 02:02 PM

Thanks Zysin for the post. People really need to hear this stuff.

But what really gets me a is how we all fall into this trap of bickering amongst eachother about the minute details in the huge conspiracy being waged against all human kind. We argue about 9/11, we argue about politics, we argue about arguing! Don't you get it? DEVIDE AND CONQUER. That is there agenda.

We are being poisoned people!!!! And at the end of 2009 Codex Alementarius will be in full affect and people will start DYING!! Children will start dying from preventable diseases! Not arguing the details. When we are divided and arguing we are doing exactly what THEY want us to do.... NOTHING!

First most you are welcome! And thank you for your thoughts concerning this most important issue at hand.
You couldnt be more spot on with what you say dimonds!
The left and right, smoker, non smoker. ect ect.

Some people are so worried about smokers, that they will give up rights so they can be "healthy"!
Its a joke! Smoking is far less deadly than what they are putting in our water, and food supply.
The codex is very important to all this. Im glad you picked up upon that part.
The fighting and tit for that will get us no where.. Picking on the small things will get us in no better place.
And those who impose their own self will over mine.. Well thats a problem.
Its a big problem, that is taking its toll on all of us.
But one person blames the other, while another blames someone else.

Nothing gets done within this dog eat dog world. Unless you are an elite and have taken yourself out of the loop, and watch the children fight, and kill eachother over the crumbs.
While they get the full sliced fresh bread, and laugh at us with their fat bellies, and big houses..
Sooner or later it will be to late. And the time is comming quickly when it will be to late. And those who seek to police others for who they are, will find they will be getting the same dose of what they gave threwout their lifes.
No man escapes when freedom fails.
The best men rot in filthy jails.
And those who cried apease! apease!
Are hung by those they tried to please.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by AccessDenied
I. nor my children, have ever fallen for the flu shot trap. I practice all natural remedies for my family.
My kids were all breastfed, no formula.I never trust it years ago and I still don't.
I never watch TV evangelists, I'm as pagan as they come.
And I realize everything we see on the news has been filtered or created to serve a greater agenda.
Kudos to you my friend, for the research you have done.


AD.. As always its good to see you
You and I have been on the same page since I came to this site! We have had many great talks, and you have helped me greatly in comming to know what I must do, and how I must do.
Sure some might try their best to crack me, or tell me to shut my mouth.
Or tie my hands so that I can not type.
But I do this for the world, as I have no other way I can honestly help.
Love and light is all we can express here. In hopes it can reach more people in due time..
Im happy to know I have as much support as I do have here!
And I have not gotten here alone, I have alot of help! and now and then I might mis-spell a word or two. But when a man does this for free..
Im not getting paided to sit here and do this.. Its my hobby!

If more people made it a hobby to help the world.. And put more effort into this becasue we care.. Then what might happen?

I just know I put this out here for my friends like AD, and many others I have grown to love on here.. We are connected on a deeper level than most. And I will do everything in my power to protect the world in which I live. And not for ATS points, glory, fame, or money.
Nor do I do it for brownie points to get into heaven.
I do it becasue I honestly care. I honestly feel the empathy to this world.

Its what keeps me from flying off the handle and taking matters into my own hands, and taking those who dont agree with me, and put a bullet threw their heads.. As this is what its comming down to again.. WAR.

War never changes..

And when you have a massive group of people who disagree with another massive group of people you get this world that we have today.
When one group will not move, and the other group will not move.
So you get a weapon out, and you make them MOVE!

However War never has shown who was right.. Only who was left..

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by zysin5

Good info bro, Pat Robertson is my enemy too.
I am one of those "evil Christians" though, I'm sorta getting tired of everyone lumping us Christans into of pile and calling us evil though.

There are evil people in every group, people expoit religions for there own personal gain (the Bible calls that the Nikolaitan Doctrine and it's something Jesus hates), but just because you see an evil Christian on tv doesn't mean all of us our evil. Jesus taught us to love others as muc as we love ourseves, Do you feed yourself? Feed others, Do you clothe yourself? Clothe others, pretty good stuff if you ask me, but the Bible has been tampered with though, many pastors are ver brainwashed too, however there are those of us who long to perpetuate the Truth.

You see, there are many passages that pastors twist and that people do not wnt you to know, like the ones that say to pray for, love and even feed your enemy, quite different from what America does right? Well my friend, what you are calling "Christianity" is notreally Christianity, it's something like to call the "America Religion", where people put the government on a pedistal and worship it, uch like what the book of Revelation calls "The Beast".

I agree with practically everything you said though.


posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by TheRandom1

Thanks for understanding! I have to admit.. When I get to the christain part and Jesus part I start getting very furious, and I tend to show to much anger. When you fully understand my anger.. And you do know that some of the "faith" are the followers of evil.

So yes you are right.. I am for the most part would be considered a christain, Or considered a pagan. I am but a druid. And a druid to me is someone who exposes the darkness at every turn. Its been my part here on this world. I fight something so powerful that myself I could be consumed by its evil.

I said before, I think religion can work. As to the base root its a good thing to want to help people. Its what most of us do.. When we go to church.. We help, we offer, and we give more so than what we take.

Im all for this.. And I know there are some of the faith that I do stand with.
But in my OP I come off as if I am at ends with all of you.
Im really not.. And I didnt mean to lump you all together..
Being who I am.. on a normal basis I am lumped together, and its not fair, and I dont like how it makes me feel.. So honestly thanks for understanding!! ITs good to know you can read threw the lines.
And even if I bash on Jesus.. I am not basing your personal Jesus.
I am bashing the anti christ.. Those who mock and claim that Jesus is this or that.. I couldnt belive in evil, if I didnt feel somehow the bible held some truth to it.. I belive also that the bible has been taken greatly out of context and used for the powers of man.
And those men, are fallen, and follow the truth of what and who Satan is.

So in essence I was trying to say if you follow Pat Robertson, you blindly follow a man, who follows a dark path.

There are alot of good out here.. And I am currently helping many churches and others this holiday season where I can..
I work with those who are good.. And those with a ground base rule. Not to follow blindly in something that hates.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by zysin5

I'm glad we understand each other.

I think one topic that should be touched on more concerning the chemical section of your OP is food, I seriously believe that our food is drastically dropping in nutrician, I'm asing this over a 3 or 4 month personal observation of the standard american diet, I've seen my own dietary health deteriorate dramatically, I feel if I don't get any real nutrician soon, my body will shutdown!
I have some heirloom seeds and i'm going to start growing my own food and I'm going to start going onto a strict vegan diet too, I know that when i was a veitarian i was in the best health of my life, so I am going to go back to that.


posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by TheRandom1

Yes! Lets get into that shall we.
And Im going to start with a little company I know called Monsanto!

Racketeering Charges Filed Against Donald Rumsfeld & Monsanto

1.MONSANTO MEN in USA Government
2.Racketeering charges filed against Donald Rumsfeld...
3.World welcomes shift in Washington political landscape

Source Link
Aspartame - Rumsfeld's Bioweapon Legacy

Before reading this article everyone should hear James Turner, Atty, explain how Don Rumsfeld called in his markers to get aspartame, a deadly chemical poison approved when the FDA said no: The entire film can be gotten at

Among the many ironies of our modern world is that Gerald Ford awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom-America,s highest civilian honor-to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on January 19, 1977. Just a few weeks later on March 8, Rumsfeld became the CEO of G.D. Searle to take point on a mission to force the Food and Drug Administration to approve for human consumption a known carcinogen and neurotoxic poison.

Source Link

Millions Against Monsanto Campaign!!!
Now Im not asking you to join any type of cause or anything like that..
Im only here to offer you some information that will help you find more info that you need!

You see Monsanto.. They are another group tied into all this..
The whole thread will come full circle now..

Ive been waiting to drop the Monsanto Information.. It should be noted that these guys are in bed with everything else I have covered here..
Just another nail in the coffin here upon this thread..
More information you should know about Monsanto!

Monsanto - World's Most Unethical and Harmful Investment
Aspartame (NutraSweet) Formaldehyde Poisoning, Health Destruction, & Lawsuits

The artificial sweetener aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, NatraTaste, Canderel) is without question the most toxic and health-destroying "food" sold to consumers. The number of people who have recognized toxicity reactions or damage from chronic aspartame ingestion is well over one million people in the U.S. (based on the reported toxicity reactions divided by the estimated reporting rate). While many people's health has already been destroyed by this product, the more serious concern is the long-term nervous system damage, immune system damage, and irreversible genetic damage known to be caused by aspartame's metabolite, formaldehyde. Formaldehyde can cause severe health problems at exceptionally low levels of exposure.

Funny thing is here.... We have people that are like big time all about health! and they turn to our own government when it comes down to people smoking.. Hmmmm now thats really odd.
You want to Bann smoking.. Yet you let all this go on under your very noses!!! Whats up with that???
You want to take away your own rights.. While the whole time the same people you are turning too, are killing you!!!!!
Prehaps we all need to take a step back.. No fighting! But its up for debate.

Lets take a look at what other ATS members have said about Monsanto in the past here.
Monsanto Getting Creepier and Creepier, page 1
Monsanto Genetically Modified Foods to End Life on Earth
The World According to Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won't ever see.
True conspiracy - Monsanto and the world food supply
All great threads with a wealth of information!
Its why I didnt open my OP with Monsanto within the main part.
ITs fairly well known.. But then again we always get people who are just starting out on their path.. Its good to know we can turn back, and take a look at everything that is out here for us to learn!

[edit on 15-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 04:13 PM
Just a bit about the religion thing..

I think history has proven that the true Evil lies in organised religion .. hasn't Jesus said something to the effect of 'your body is your temple' ?

We (humanity) do not nééd a place where we can gather once a week to compare clothing and gossip about the people who aren't there..

But since this was the way instituted by Peter (an Evil man if ever there was one imho) it gets practiced to this day.

And since many humans don't want to take time out to think things through and do research on what bothers them, they turn to 'messiahs' like Pat Robbertson (Robber's son?)

"Thank you for attending the mass today, Jesus loves you! ...and he loves you best when you give me copious amounts of money!"

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 05:15 PM
Very interesting thread!
this sort of thing has been going on for years now,guys the TPTB want to devolve us into mindless serfs with no awareness of individuality they just want passive,docile workers who are just smart enough to fill out the paperwork and run the machines.

[edit on 053131p://1526 by mike dangerously]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 05:32 PM
All slaves are volunteers.
The most precious property of a slave is his master's orders.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 05:51 PM
The food part is extreamly important part of this thread.. As its going to tie everything else I said for the most part together in a package you can take in at your own pace.
Allow me to share some more information and threads with you all here.
FDA says eating mercury tainted fish OK!
I happen to enjoy seafood. Its a shame that most of the sea worthy content we could eat has been shown to be extreamly unhealthy for most of us. Then again to note.. Im not a big health person.
I have ravaged my body with all sorts of things.. That I will not bring up here. But it was my choice to put that stuff in my body.. I had a choice.
So I limit my seafood. Its something that we should all consider limiting. As if we have the choice to do so.. Thats what this is all about.

Do you really have a choice when it comes to stuff like this?
Monsanto's Toxic Roundup

Monsanto Co. agreed to change its advertising for glyphosate- based products, including Roundup, in response to complaints by the New York Attorney General's office that the ads were misleading. Based on their investigation, the Attorney General's office felt that the advertising inaccurately portrayed Monsanto's glyphosate-containing products as safe and as not causing any harmful effects to people or the environment. According to the state, the ads also implied that the risks of products such as Roundup are the same as those of the active ingredient, glyphosate, and do not take into account the possible risks associated with the product's inert ingredients.

As part of the agreement, Monsanto will discontinue the use of terms such as "biodegradable" and "environmentally friendly" in all advertising of glyphosate-containing products in New York state and will pay $50,000 toward the state's costs of pursuing the case. The Attorney General has been challenging the ads since 1991.

Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Monsanto's Modus Operandi (M.O.)

If you're still not convinced that Roundup is a highly toxic and persistent pesticide, read on, while at the same time remembering the other contributions that Monsanto has made to society such as:

Saccharin, Astroturf, agent orange, dioxin, sulphuric acid, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), plastics and synthetic fabrics, research on uranium for the Manhattan Project that led to the construction of nuclear bombs, styrene monomer, an endless line of pesticides and herbicides (Roundup), rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone that makes cows ill), genetically engineered crops (corn, potatoes, tomatoes, soy beans, cotton), and it's most significant product to date; Lies, Factual Distortions and Omissions. Here's one of the distortions that Monsanto had on its website a while back. "Sustainability - the idea that the resources and people of this world are finite. That for any business decision we make, we must consider the effect it will have on us and our children. That the products we make must not use up all of a natural resource, or even worse, contaminate what is left behind."

Daniel Robert Glickman
This will atleast give those of you a start. Keywords are a great start when doing your own research.
AS I expect anyone who reads and takes this seriously, PLEASE, do your own homework!
Codex Alimentarius P1
Codex Alimentarius P2
codex alimentarius P 3of 5
codex alimentarius P 4of 5
codex alimentarius P 5of 5
Food as a weapon : The global population reduction agenda

[edit on 15-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 08:59 PM

so that we can't unite.

i enjoy this thread, plenty of intelligent views and great sources.

However, when it comes to "solution", "evolution", i feel i'm the only one using the magic word and what sounds to me as the ultimate solution.

the very weapon they cannot fight, the weapon they cannot do anything against,

the magic bit in life that make blossom the flower of life :


posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 09:22 PM
Love is synonymous to freedom - because it is unconditional.

What we have in society is exchange, from 1:1 to 1:100 (cunning minds). Some believe that is intelligence...
It is not.

On the other hand, we have sharing, which is not conditioned behavior, beyond mathematics and calculation.

In sharing we never lose, we only gain, both sides equally growing.
That is intelligence.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 09:41 PM
Almost forgot:

Shared mind as opposed to Divided mind.

Sounds like a solution to me.

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