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Why most people may not wake up! The Sad Truth

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posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:01 AM
what i have seen, the light u have shown me, shocks me still to this day, my lil brother has just had the mmr vacine, and my mother called me stupid, for even suggesting that the drug cud cause autism, my family and even mt girlfriend av become, perfect examples of Brainwashed society and iv given up on tryin to enlighten them on the issues we discuss, even a small amount of information bores them and depresses them instantly, we have to make a stand,
a world wide protest syncronised and organised, just as pretty and dumbed down like their News channels and media entertainment, simple and effective with maximum effect, not that itll change the goverments mind about anything, but to awaken some of the zombie's who will have no choice but to take note, we have to but or "Crazed" and stupid minds together!!!! We must make a stand

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by DangerDeath
I think you are wrong when you say that others are the cause of people's stupidity.

For being stupid one must make a decision to be so, only then you can add the whole story of how society and authorities add to that. But the real blame is on the individuals.

Somehow I think that is not correct.. narrowmindedness imho is the result of only listening to 'the experts' , be they scientists, politicians or clergymen via the official channels of 'learning'. True learning and wisdom can only come when taking as many different opinions into account, which is not encouraged by TPTB, and is, in fact, ridiculed, downplayed and discouraged.

To be stupid means to be irresponsible. This is the reason. And until this decision to be irresponsible is replace by the opposite one, there is no point in trying to "wake" such individuals.

I think narrowminded people will never wake up if nobody is around to challenge what they think they know. I wouldn't call it stupid because intelligence is only a small portion of the equation, smart people can be narrowminded and 'dumb' people can have an open mind.

Being stupid is cozy and gives one a feeling of security. And that is the word everything revolves in our society, isn't it? Emotions, and the so called emotional intelligence are the means to adopt this kind of behavior, highly susceptible to this huge manipulation of which size we are all aware.

In this sentence I think 'stupid' needs to be replaced with ignorant. And this ignorance is, in large part, nurtured and grown by our trusty Mainstream Media Entertainment Divisions.

People won't wake up because they don't want to. You tell them the truth, they turn their backs on you and ignore you, in best case. Or call you insane, or worse...

That's because, if they have to acknowledge their education is seriously lacking, the way they perceive society comes crashing down around them.
A véry scary proposition for most people who just want to live their lives, raise their children, do their work and not be bothered with politics, science and basically any knowledge which they perceive as unneeded to live their lives under those premises.

I believe it is not possible to change that until people change their original decision - their original sin. The material that you offer here is usable only for those who have decided to educate themselves and that is the only reason you should keep doing this.

I think the material offered in the post is exactly what could shake people out of the lethargy of life, to question what they have been brainwashed to 'know', and to break out of the box. I fail to see how ignorance can be a personal sin in today's society, where learning independantly is seen as socially suspect. Imho the only cure to ignorance is knowledge.

Kudo's to you again, Zysin.. S&F once more..

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 07:48 AM
If, for instance, the material offered here, or any amount of truth which you say to someone "asleep" affects him, it will provoke a reaction which will not be based on the intelligence.

My definition of intelligence is: creativeness.

Most or rather many people are not intelligent in this respect, they will instead follow protocols, that is, their behavior is conditioned. This kind of reaction I call reactive.

Both you and me are exposed to propaganda from all sides, but it does not affect us. Why? Because we know what is going on. People who don't know what is going on will be affected. What I say here, is that no matter what propaganda you are exposed to it will only affect you if you allow it to be.

If I get affected by some propaganda, I sure as hell won't blame "them" but only myself, because I fail to understand. My "reaction" will be a decisive attempt to debunk, to deconstruct whatever is affecting me because I know it is the only way to deal with it. Once you know what is happening you are in good position to avoid it affecting you.

Now, why are some people susceptible to affections? The only answer to that I have is: they are ignorant. I say "stupid" because it is their choice to trust external sources of knowledge, which are always in form of some code, laws, rules, protocols, coming from persons who are authorized and experts in this field. They never believe or have faith that they can do it on their own. This fact is heavily and mercilessly exploited by unethical people. And unethical people are all those who confuse cunning for wisdom. Cunning man counts on other people's ignorance and uses it for his own advantage. Wise man never does that, he always tries to avoid manipulation.

This is inherent in society, because society is a system of distribution of responsibility: not everyone is responsible for everything, everyone has only partly responsibility which defines his task in society. Therefore, such people are practically at mercy of others when it comes to seeking solutions for their problems.

Remember the case of a man brought down by car? When no one stopped to help him? This is why: because in society not everyone is trained and "authorized" to help the injured. And yes, there are cases when those who received help sued those who acted impulsively and tried to help, thus perhaps causing more damage.

The whole fuss about it was a false flag operation. It is the same as taking law in your hands. No authority will allow that. That was an expected "reaction" and all the fuss was actually false. A false dilemma, good to fill news with such empty contents.

Because of such conditioning, people will easily give up their own ability to find solution for their personal situation and helplessly await for help to arrive from the assigned members of society. Such people you can never awake because they will refuse to listen to you, they will only seek help from doctors, psychiatrists, journalists (who are to be ultimately trusted, aren't they by definition?), from the politicians because they have been "elected" and "entrusted", and so on.

This division, distribution of responsibility in society I call schizophrenic, because that is the definition of schizophrenia - the divided mind. In my opinion, that is a disease. It doesn't allow all to develop their personality to its full, on the contrary it insists on dividing. The result: catastrophic ignorance and state of dullness. The only situation in which schizophrenic people will not react is when they are asked to accept responsibility for their lives. It's as simple as that, and very difficult to overcome, because one needs lots of energy to invest, and that precious personal energy is constantly sucked out by million excuses which all come to one thing: I am ignorant, must seek help from others...

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by DangerDeath

nice prose, and before going back to the schyzophrenia point, let me make clear i think just about the same as you put it quite clearly about this whole manipulation/indoctrination process.

because i do believe you are missing something about schyzophrenia, do consider a new perspective that this webpage explain much better than I could:

After an awakening we become psychosomatically differentiated from the images, symbols, myths, stories and personal identity that we were so involved in before. Thus consciousness has become separated from its contents. Perhaps this is the difference between a schizophrenic and a mystic. The mystic has become emancipated from the persuasions of psychic content, while the schizophrenic has become lost in them.

edit, forget to make my point: schizophrenia is not a disease and has nothing to do with corrupted biological processes in the brain

[edit on 14-12-2008 by ::.mika.::]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 11:07 AM
do reverse osmosis and distillation... get yourself a shower filter with activated carbon.. start growing your own food using filtered water.. don't forget that in farming this water is used to grow food...I am starting to take steps to protect my future and my families future.. its no wonder we lost 8 years in our average lifespan...

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Adonsa

For decades millions of people have been conditioned to rely on a flu vaccine for protection when good ole fashion nutrition to bolster your immune system and the washing of your hands frequently does more to protect you. Now millions are conditioned to take the flu shots while dying of fat clogged arteries, poor nutrition and bad hygiene. Now that you are hooked on the flu shot, the next step is to deliberately contaminate the entire lot of vaccine with a death sentence for whoever is injected. They will blame the millions of deaths from the contaminated vaccine on terrorists.

John Matrix

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 11:26 AM
This is the crucial point and I think the explanation from the quotation is very accurate. However, I disagree with you, and this is why.

My understanding of consciousness is that it is the contents. Empty consciousness doesn't exist.
What else we have is what we call mind (in my interpretation it is the force, or analytical and creative mind). The "mind" that belongs to consciousness is perception - both emotions and ideas.

What I understand as schizophrenia is the divided mind which consists of emotions and ideas, so this is one meaning of schizophrenia - the consciousness itself. The important thing is that it forms the opposition to the creative mind - the true schizophrenia.

So the opposition is between the physical and metaphysical.
Body-consciousness is the physical and force-mind is the metaphysical (consciousness without contents).

The "awakening" as mentioned in the quotation emphasizes this.
If we deal with the contents of consciousness passively, we get used by it, by emotions and ideas which exhaust us. If we deal from the position of the force (knowledge) we are the active principle and we are awake.

The fact is, the most common misunderstanding (as in Marx) is that we as human beings do the work. In my opinion it is the ideas who really do the work, and we suffer from that work. That is how we are being exploited. The "result" of our work is appropriated, also by an idea, the idea of the collective, society, system,state... name it however you want. This energy that is taken away from us is then redistributed throughout the "system" (that is the highest idea). And then we get "what we need" - as in communism. But what we need is decided by someone else. Therefore, we don't really get what we deserve, but what we are allowed.

Every system is a collection of functions. We all have a function in a system, and we are rendered to being a function instead of being free and creative beings. The system has a hierarchical order and distribution of energy is such that the highest functions get the greatest amount of energy. In practice, it is the "authorities" who get the most. It is pretty obvious to me.

This is exactly what I mean:
"The mystic has become emancipated from the persuasions of psychic content, while the schizophrenic has become lost in them."

Yes, the mystic, the awakened understands what is going on, he is no more in function, actually he is a "free resource" and will have to struggle to avoid being used. But being the one with free energy at his disposal, having knowledge, he is free from ideological and emotional delusion and can only be physically destroyed by the system. It can by no means be re-converted into the sleeping state.

The one who is not awakened, is in function of a system, and because he is depleted of its energy, he has no strength (knowledge) to even conceive his position, not to mention fighting back.

What I believe, as a "mystic" is that energy or force translates directly into knowledge. The way force affects matter (which is in this case consciousness = "images, symbols, myths, stories and personal identity...") is immediate, by annihilation, because there is no procedure in force's affecting matter. It happens instantly, and the only explanation is: because it KNOWS HOW. That is knowledge: knowing how.

(edit, to add)
So, my understanding of schizophrenia, as for instance, a virus (a code or program) embedded into the human genome, is that this state of "divided mind", knowledge and ignorance, is reflected in consciousness as the division of emotions-ideology, for which there is no cure within the such created system, which is not aware of the other, mystical side. That is what I call the disease. Being subjected to schizophrenia, human beings follow the rule of "divide et impera" without being able to step out of the vicious circle - because it is "so obvious" that things must be like that.

As Pindar wrote: man is a dream of a shadow.

[edit on 14-12-2008 by DangerDeath]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 11:52 AM
"For those that are breaking out of consensus mind and who are leaning toward inflation or the schizophrenic end of the scale, this vulnerable condition is NOT the time to be intensive meditation, shadow work or primal processing. For these people stabilizing and structure building is needed more than uncovering therapies as the interpenetration of the levels of consciousness proceeds. Humor, because of its trickster element is a great tool for establishing rationality, because laughter builds up the prefrontal lobes. The practices for the periods of unstable integration between the levels of consciousness should be of an embodiment and boundary building nature. Of self-definition through internal exploration via neo-shamanistic practices of a self-originating nature. The work of Miguel Ruiz, Byron Katie and Alberto Villoldo would be valuable at this stage to establish the self/other boundary and build up the core-self".

From the same site:

In my interpretation, humor, or laughter, is a release of energy which is not enforced by an emotion or idea. It is a surplus energy released because of the limited capacity of a person. Contrary to this, surplus energy which stays within a body system is experienced as anxiety (often masked by various feelings like fear, stress, etc.). Releasing this surplus energy is beneficial if one cannot use it in a creative way.

But to be able to act in a humorous way and control your energy fluctuation, you need to understand what is happening to you. Once you understand the source of oppression you are free to play with those ideas which normally haunt you, and your awakening will slowly, but steadily take place. Because in doing so your capacity will grow and you will have more and more energy at your disposal.

Listen to the laughter of the oppressed ones: it is often impregnated with uncontrollable convulsions and obviously nervous.

Typical art form in expressing state of awakening is the so called "archaic smile" - like in archaic sculptures from Greece, or Buddha, even the Mona Lisa has this mysterious smile...

Edit: formatting....
[edit on 14-12-2008 by DangerDeath]

[edit on 14-12-2008 by DangerDeath]

[edit on 14-12-2008 by DangerDeath]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 12:06 PM
The Perkins Story

When 1971 was drawing to a close, I received a paper containing a strange story. This story was to haunt us repeatedly throughout the long, drawn-out battle. It was a story resembling science fiction -- bizarre and unbelievable. There are those who warned me not to even mention this story, and I can appreciate why. On the other hand, the task of a historian is not to relate thins as they should have happened, but as they actually did happen.

What did happen was that this crazy story appeared just like Kilroy in the Second World War, even though no one ever met him. So, with apologies to my friends, I still include Perkins. Perkins did happen, even if he perhaps never existed. The Perkins saga was different from other fluoride stories.

The story of industries hoodwinking the public into buying a pollutant as medicine is simply a 'whodunnit'. Grotesque though it may sound, it is no more than 'the consumer fraud of this polluted century' (as described in Fluoridation and Truth Decay by Gladys Caldwell). But the story I now read was different: it gave one the cold shivers. It told of a chemical engineer, Mr. Perkins, who related how immediately after the Second World War he was one the Americans put into the well-known IG Farben Company in Germany. There he discovered that IG Farben had developed plans during the war to fluoridate the occupied countries, because it had been found that fluoridation caused slight damage to a specific part of the brain. This damage had a very particular effect. It made it more difficult for the person affected to defend his freedom. He became more docile towards authority.

"The level of fluoride the government allows the public is based on scientifically fraudulent information and altered reports. People can be harmed simply by drinking water."

"…In the 1930's, Hitler and the German Nazis envisioned a world to be dominated and controlled by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism. The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control, which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population in any given area through the mass medication of drinking water supplies. By this method they could control the population in whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would produce sterility in women, and so on. In this scheme of mass-control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place."

Source Link

The Use Of Flouridation

"The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children`s teeth. If this were the real reason there are many ways in which it could be done that are much easier, cheaper, and far more effective. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty.

I just want to quickly thank everyone who has taken the time to give your thoughts and ideas into this thread. I can not do this alone, its good to know I have a backbone of support here.

As easy as it might sound to want to say, people are to blame if they have one pulled over on them. Its up to the person, to see and not be tricked by propaganda and lies.
If you are asleep you can not see the lies, you can not tell the difference.
All you know is what you are told.. And when you find reports and other data that counters it, you must chose who you belive.
Which in turn is what this is all about who is right? And what is really going on here.
I am but a vessle of data. I am not a doctor, I am not a prophet.
I bring forth data I have collected in my time on this earth to help you the reader decide what is best for your life!
In the end its up to you what you want to belive. And how you want to live your life. But those awake, can see it with ease. Yet those asleep will deny and counter your every move.
I am happy to note I have no met much counter reaction upon this thread yet. A couple, but thats to be expected, and if my data can not hold up to their voice then thats what I want.. If data can not hold up to the counter measures of others, then I need to go back to the drawing board. However so far I have reached a bit further than I hoped with this thread.
We are all pretty much on the same page here.
A few slight differences, but thats to be expected in such a large world.
With so many ideas, lifestyles, and culture.
In one form or another we are slightly dependant upon eachother. No one human could live on this earth alone. We need to know we are all linked together, and this stuff they put in our waters, and our food, is the start to disconnect us from our higher selfs.
They dont want free thinking humans who can figure this all out.
They want conspiracy theoriest, as it protects them.
However this is becomming more mainstream everyday.
The house of cards is slowly being exposed.. And with the work of like minded hearts and souls we can slowly help bring forth a better tommorow.

Predecessors of IG Farben

At the begining of the 20th century the German chemical industry dominated the world market for synthetic dyes. The three major firms BASF, Bayer and Hoechst produced several hundred different dyes and the five smaller firms AGFA, Cassella, Chemische Fabrik Kalle, Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron and Chemische Fabrik vorm. Weiler-ter Meer concentrated on high-quality speciality dyes. In 1913 these eight firms produced almost 90 percent of the world supply of dyestuffs and sold about 80 percent of their production abroad.[2] The three major firms had also integrated upstream into the production of essentials raw materials and they began to expand into other areas of chemistry such as pharmaceuticals, photographic film, agricultural chemicals and electrochemicals. Contrary to other industries the founders and their families had little influence on the top-level decision-making of the leading German chemical firms, which was in the hands of professional salaried managers. Because of this unique situation the economic historian Alfred Chandler called the German dye companies "the world's first truly managerial industrial enterprises".[3]

IG Farben is very key important to understand in all of this. And how operation paperclip helped them become a powerhouse in the American standard.
Source link

On the eve of World War II the German chemical complex of I.G. Farben was the largest chemical manufacturing enterprise in the world, with extraordinary political and economic power and influence within the Hitlerian Nazi state. I. G. has been aptly described as "a state within a state."

The Farben cartel dated from 1925, when organizing genius Hermann Schmitz (with Wall Street financial assistance) created the super-giant chemical enterprise out of six already giant German chemical companies — Badische Anilin, Bayer, Agfa, Hoechst, Weiler-ter-Meer, and Griesheim-Elektron. These companies were merged to become Inter-nationale Gesellschaft Farbenindustrie A.G. — or I.G. Farben for short. Twenty years later the same Hermann Schmitz was put on trial at Nuremburg for war crimes committed by the I. G. cartel. Other I. G. Farben directors were placed on trial but the American affiliates of I. G. Farben and the American directors of I. G. itself were quietly forgotten; the truth was buried in the archives.

It is these U.S. connections in Wall Street that concern us. Without the capital supplied by Wall Street, there would have been no I. G. Farben in the first place and almost certainly no Adolf Hitler and World War II.

Source link I. G. Empire

Investigating IG Farben Reveals Links to the Rockefellers, Bush Family, Blackmail, and the Rise of Those Wishing For a Totalitarian Global Community.

Source Link

[edit on 14-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 03:57 PM
When I first was introduced to pictures like this, I honestly said to myself.
Now this is none sense. We defeated the Nazi's! And I know Bush might be a bad guy, and his family rotten to the core. But come on. Nazi?

After years and years of reading and research, Ive come to the point now where I can understand why people will protray Bush W. As a Nazi!
Presay me just rambling on about why I think so personally.. Let me just share some facts with you. But this is Directly related to what is in our water, and what they do to us as a whole.. the Nazi's did it to their people. The American Government is doing it to its people why?
Ever heard of operation Paper Clip?

Following the failure of the German invasion of the Soviet Union (codenamed Operation Barbarossa), the strategic position of Germany was at a disadvantage since German military industries were unprepared for a long war. As a result, Germany began efforts in early 1943 to recall scientists and technical personnel from combat units for use in research and development:[3]

‘Overnight, Ph.D.s were liberated from KP duty, masters of science were recalled from orderly service, mathematicians were hauled out of bakeries, and precision mechanics ceased to be truck drivers


After WWII ended in 1945, victorious Russian and American intelligence teams began a treasure hunt throughout occupied Germany for military and scientific booty. They were looking for things like new rocket and aircraft designs, medicines, and electronics. But they were also hunting down the most precious "spoils" of all: the scientists whose work had nearly won the war for Germany. The engineers and intelligence officers of the Nazi War Machine.

The U.S. Military rounded up Nazi scientists and brought them to America. It had originally intended merely to debrief them and send them back to Germany. But when it realized the extent of the scientists knowledge and expertise, the War Department decided it would be a waste to send the scientists home. Following the discovery of flying discs (foo fighters), particle/laser beam weaponry in German military bases, the War Department decided that NASA and the CIA must control this technology, and the Nazi engineers that had worked on this technology.

Source Link

Okay so now we know of project paper clip.. That in turn ties together what I have been talking about in above posts.
Connect the dots if you can.
Here we go it gets easier to connect...
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

The Spin starts here...

Despite some early financial dealings between Prescott Bush and a Nazi industrialist named Fritz Thyssen (who was arrested by the Nazi regime in 1938 and imprisoned during the war), Prescott Bush was neither a Nazi nor a Nazi sympathizer.

So they can counter claim he was not.. Was he not really? Who runs the CIA? Who runs NASA?
Lets start with CIA.

He cites the example of General Reinhard Gehlen. Gehlen had been chief of Nazi intelligence in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. According to Mr. Lee, Gehlen fooled spymaster Allen Dulles, who later became Director of the CIA, in the following way:

"Gehlen was quickly spirited off to Fort Hunt, Va. The image he projected during 10 months of negotiations at Fort Hunt was, to use a bit of espionage parlance, a "legend" --one that hinged on Gehlen's false claim that he was never really a Nazi, but was dedicated, above all, to fighting Communism. Those who bit the bait included future CIA director Allen Dulles, who became Gehlen's biggest supporter among American policy wonks. "

General Reinhard Gehlen Key word there folks.. research the man yourself.
Just a Rumor???

Okay Nasa.. YOUR turn

Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr[1] von Braun (March 23, 1912 – June 16, 1977), a German rocket physicist and astronautics engineer, became one of the leading figures in the development of rocket technology in Germany and the United States. Wernher von Braun is sometimes said to be the preeminent rocket engineer of the 20th century.[2]

Wernher von Braun
Interview with Slave who worked for NASA/Nazi scientists

Now we have this guy.. And the ties get even deeper for us.. You see, its taken me alot of GUT. to even want to know this #! IT hurts me deeply to even begin to fathom this.. Why should I even know this? Would it put my life in danger? Most likely not.. Becasue its all conspiracy theory.
You see it protects me, it protects them.. Pretty even deal huh?

So next time you see a Nazi Bush poster.. You can say.. Hmmm I guess they are spot on.. While he may not be an old school Nazi. He is a neo con. Who is playing a new game, under old laws.
Hail to the 4th richt! The thosand points of light! Remember who use to say that? Well its over and done with now.. These guys got away with it scott free.. Bush is on his way out.. And Obama is on his way in..

Watch yourself Obama.. I will be watching you.. And I know your just another puppet to your masters.. The Nazi masters who want and will create a NEW WORLD ORDER.

Now this all goes hand and hand with IG Farben! Yep we are back to those guys again, a seemingly loop in logic here.. Much like math.
Things tend to repeat. 2009 the Codex will be put into place..
Oh dont know about the codex.. Check my OP.. Im doing the work for you here.. All you need to do is read, and back up your own sources!

[edit on 14-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 07:38 PM
Another factor keeping us asleep and unwell is the change in the "official" frequency of music.

Music used to be healing and directly help the body and soul in various ways.

Now the frequencies which produced healing patterns have all been upped a little so that the frequencies we hear these days produce chaotic, damaging effects in our bodies and do nothing for our souls.

Some great musicians, like Hendrix, naturally tuned their instruments to the old tuning. That music touches you inside and affects you in a way the "A = 440 Hz" music can't.

Great thread, by the way. You've done a wonderful job of assembling many aspects of our repression together.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 07:52 PM
i think that most people may not wake up
because people don't want to get involve

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by Kailassa

Great you are ahead of the game my friend! You too realize that sounds and vibrations is what makes up for alot of matter we dont fully understand yet. Omiverse and such. But I will get into further detail down the line on that. I have a previous thread that covers sound and such here.

Science fun (Are we vibrations?)

Now lets tie into this Denver airport. Ive done my fair share of homework to find this video covers much of what I have learned.

The Denver airport was my very first post on ATS! It caught my eye when I was scanning over it with google map. Didnt turn up much, but when I looked further into the details about the artwork and such... WOW! Its sertinly an import part of the puzzle here!

To add- Hilter was simply a boss to a group, an idea that still lives on today. Just because they took out Hitler doesnt mean its the end of the Nazi's powers, with the Zionism order of things, it starts to get really complex, and to many people from different walks of the line.

Such as today what you have going on right now as we speak.
Bush having Shoes thrown at him!
Gaza families eat grass as Israel locks border

Its just not happening in America yet... Its only a matter of time before things get really bad.

[edit on 14-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 09:48 PM
How to fight back! and how to understand.

I sometimes like to ground my posts a little bit and not overwhelm my reader with to much doom and gloom. There are ways to see this in a light where you can begin to understand how it works closely. And even with all this knowledge we can still become free. But I have covered enough facts to whom and why and how.
Now its time to break free mentally, and then break free physically!

How We're Controlled Globally.

I will keep this one short and to the point. I think this is one of the more brillant works of David Icke. Very grounded information here.

"12 Steps to Freedom"
First let me start by saying that the term conspiracy theory is often used by the guilty to eliminate articulate dissent.
Secondly "Paranoid" is the ability to connect seemingly unconnected events!
1) Admitting you have a problem Food
2) Came to believe in the power Greater than ourselves Education
3) Made a decision to get the facts Media
4) Made a searching and fearless moral inventory Religion
5) Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs Narcotics (4 times as much spent on advertising than R&D. Pot eases a myriad of symptoms and is nearly
free yet they claim it makes you insane, brainstorming this one still)
6) Were entirely ready to remove these shortcomings of society Economics
7) Humbly asked for help to remove these shortcomings Politics
8) Made a list of all the wrongdoers Conscience
9) Made direct amends for all the wrongs Community
10) Continued to take personal inventory and when we saw a wrong promptly corrected it Who Speaks for the Earth
11) Sought through meditation and fellowship to improve our contact with each other and the earth Cosmos
12) Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps we carried this message to our fellow humans Responsibility (alternatives solutions discussions OPEN debates honesty brainstorming this one still.)

We need some collective gathering place for the people around the globe, political differences aside, this is a human issue not a political one. Politics is the only arena we have left with which to enter and hope to have our voices heard on mainstream media. I'm using email, video hosting and many world wide forums to attract attention, raise doubts, cause controversy and create debate. Stir it up, wake the world, nothing good was ever accomplished while we slept.

[edit on 14-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 11:25 PM
I personally believe that while ATS may well have begun as a forum for exposes and sharing the truth about any subject, it has been subverted and taken over by the same people that are controlling and censoring most media sources in this country.

This is a test of my opinion and theory about ATS but what Bill, Simon, What's His Name (Springer) and those at whatever State and Government Agency(s) they have been cooperating with don't know is nothing has been lost and while it's "Moderators" may censor here, everything is being shared and discussed elsewhere and the enemies of this country are functioning on borrowed time.

Moreover, and to use the statement of Rudy Giuliani; You Are Either With Us Or With The Terrorists, and in this case, the US are the American People, the US are those who hold true to our US Constitution and Bill Of Rights and the Terrorists are the network of State and Federal Elected Officials, Employees and their Military, Corporate and Private Sectors Co-conspirators, including but not limited to the Media.

As I said, this is something of a TEST to prove what I have been telling others about ATS, as I am expecting this to be censored by ATS or who knows, maybe Bill, Springer or some of their Wantabe Dis Information Agents will pop up with some of their sincere spin but trust me when I tell you, nothing is being censored, just block here and the days are now numbered for the enemies of America.

And so, with regards to President Elect Barack Hussein Obama II. The Supreme Court can block investigation into his qualification to hold the office of President, the Media can censor and ignore his statements about his Muslim Faith and his statements of Support for the New World Order and his overall lack of qualifications to hold the office of president but, there is one documentary everyone should watch and that has not yet been banned by Goggle and Youtube that will tell the kinds of people who are running this government and the "Club" Mr. Obama, Mr. Bush (Jr & Sr) belong to and whom Mr. Obama has recently shown clearly that he is in league with them by his appointment of Hilary Clinton. Yes, Hilary Clinton and the Clinton Machine.

If you have not seen this, it is time you have and to open your eyes. Just like Bush, Obama is continuing the farce about catching Bin Laden, who they all know is and has been dead for years now.

I won't go into my opinions, just watch the complete documentary 1 through 11 and realize that one of the 1st appointments this man has made has been Hilary Clinton and Bill is close behind her. Moreover, there are various Drgo connections between the Bush and Clinton Families but I won't go into that since, as I said, I expect this to be censored.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by DangerDeath

ok, i will agree again: i see I misunderstood the use you made of the word "disease" (as if it was related only to the individual, and not the system he's stuck in).

I believe, as i first wrote page 2 this thread, it is the system at the notch of the matter. and that instead of treating the individual, it is indeed the system to be treated : the individual should be put in situation/conditions to be able to treat by himself only to discover/understand/recollect/recover/control/be the master of his own mind.
i also believe that a schizophrenic mind is a possible genius or free man at least to become. Unfortunately the way the (neo-cons) system diagnose and treat that prevent it to ever happen.

(I must admit you are mastering the subject much better than i do, thanks for making me think !)

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 04:13 AM
I think people are purposefully coming in here and acting like they cant spell not including the ones from overseas naturally.

But ive been here for a while and only suddenly in the last few weeks ive seen an ever increasing amount off misspelling. Forgive me if im being a bit contradictory but it is increasing, getting suspicious and thought i would get it off my chest. Maybe like one or 2 misspellings but the whole paragraph come on.

What i want to know is how we can get back at the media for disinforming the people with lies?

Meadow who is getting frustrated.

[edit on 15-12-2008 by meadowfairy]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by ::.mika.::

The problem with communication is that you need consent for it to happen. Advertising and imposing is often violent and practically means that you want to control someone by filling him in with "your" information. And information, of course - (in)forms!

It is typical for emotions and ideas to project - they are projections themselves. Like, if you are happy, you'd like all to be happy. Or if you are disturbed you'll like all to be disturbed, that is, you envy those who are not disturbed, and so on...

If people who are in government feel threatened, they project this insecurity on whole society and the result is a police or totalitarian state. Everyone becomes a threat because of this feeling of "being threatened". Because it projects, it assumes that everyone is feeling the same, and therefore taking measures to prevent any preventive actions from others - it's a vicious circle indeed.

You say I'm making you think.
Let's look at this from a methodological point of view.
How to make someone think without wishing to impose your will and establish control?

There are two opposite approaches. One is adopted by the existing global (historical) community. It is about offering finished product which will then be consumed. What you offer people is digested stuff. Such goods are for one time use only because they get consumed.

The other approach is to provoke people into abandoning their protocol thinking by deconstructing the process of causality. That is art.

Because art is in this manner offering product which cannot be consumed, there is no market for such stuff. Energy is indeed in abundance and merchants won't bother to have anything to do with it. Or else, everybody will be going to church, or to museums and galleries, or reading books!

Products of art are source of energy and that energy is free. It is also called knowledge. Because it is free, nobody bothers.

But those who care about art have a surplus energy at their disposal and can affect society by simply meddling with it. A work of art will always produce discontinuation in a given pattern, and society is always about patterns.

When you create a discontinuation in a pattern those who are affected by patterns only will suddenly find themselves in a situation in which they have to use their own resources (be creative) because the inertia which was carrying them suddenly disappears!

This is how you make people think.

It is a kind of sabotage. You pull the rag beneath them. Give them an unexpected answer to their premeditated questions.

This kind of behavior is strategically superior because someone who is acting in an unconditioned way always has initiative. He dictates a new logic, which is destroying the existing logic. In art and in philosophy it is called deconstruction. It can also be dangerous, because those who are dominated by feeling of being threatened will react to that as to a threat.

So you have to be very careful when doing so.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 06:30 AM
I have come to a conclusion that private property is a feeling of being threatened.
Yes, private property is a feeling.

In most societies private property is idealized and embedded in constitutions as the single most important fact. This ensures the domination of a feeling which rules over people.

If you carefully consider this, you may realize that if you lack this feeling then your relation to property will be mostly indifferent.

It is very well illustrated by the anecdote when Jesus tells the rich guy to give up his possessions to others and come with him. The rich guy was unable to do that. Because he was not himself, he was ruled by this feeling and undoubtedly he felt threatened by such offer.

Feelings and ideas are the ones who are in command, they do all the work and people simply comply.

The kind of energy emotions and ideas need to keep running is much more valued by authorities than oil or electricity. The energy which is created by existing opposition between the doctrine of private property and any other doctrine which focuses on something else, like religious abstract for instance (Allah, for instance, who is a typical metaphysical deity) is the energy needed to perpetuate an emotion.

The anxiety, which is commonly interpreted as fear, is the row energy created by such oppositions (including fear mongering as a method) and this energy is easily used to upgrade the "security" system. The more of this energy there is, the more the system will become secure, that is, it will become a totalitarian system. The war against terrorism is such abstract opposition which creates enormous quantity of anxiety and is ideal for such purpose.

Of course, there other generators of this energy, the global society is simply the society of anxiety. This civilization is the civilization of anxiety.

The other kind of energy, which is identical to knowledge neutralizes this anxiety, because anxiety is the result of affection. The one who has knowledge cannot be affected and all the anxiety is turned into creative action instantly, instead into a reactive action, which only feeds emotion or ideology.

Therefore, understanding how human beings actually function, what is affection and what is creation, will result in deconstruction of all ignorance. But it can only be done on the individual, personal level in the first place, it can never be done by affecting mass of people, because they will still be affected and will stay ignorant. It is very simple.

Churches of any provenience all fail in the assumed task to enlighten people. Because if you think personality, you can never think "mass". Personality is an abstract, it is the force, the knowledge and it is one and the same for all (the symbol of Christ for instance). It is not possible to multiply personality. Personality, as energy, is immeasurable, because it cannot be measured like material things.

Educating masses is actually a passive way of helping people. You give them the necessary articulation, but it will not prompt them into making their own effort.

To prompt them to start behaving as an active principle, you have to trick them into losing the familiar environment onto which they rely by the force of their habit, their conditioning.

For instance, if I wanted to apply the method of conceptual art, I'd sabotage some propaganda action, for instance.

A bizarre example. Instead of the advertisement:

One smoker - many victims! (from the anti smoking campaign)

I'd write:

One President - many victims!

By replacing nouns, or verbs, or adjectives, you deconstruct the underlying logic and that will prompt people to stop, and perhaps think, for an instant.

This is how koans in Zen Buddhism work, though they are much more elaborate and hit some deep mechanisms of conditioned behavior and thinking. Art works in the same manner.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 06:35 AM
The kind of schizophrenia that is considered illness is the kind which doesn't fit into the protocols of capitalist or any other kind of society. This applies to any behavior that doesn't follow the established patterns. It is always a question of authority, such behavior is actually "unauthorized" behavior. That's why it has to be dealt with.

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