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What is with you people?!?! Ask me questions...

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posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by ashamedamerican
Nothing like a little dogma to kill a thread.

/listens to the crickets

isn,t that what started it?

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by Darthorious

Then what would you say to a young girl of 14 years old who prayed and cried and begged god to show himself to her just a little proof is all she asked.

A girl who devoted her life to doing right, reading the bible, praying every night, helping other people as best as she knew how?.

Games you say? God will not answer those who toy with him? Interesting, because this little girl doesn't remember ever taking the situation lightly.

But she should still just have blind faith right? Just keep trusting. Or maybe she's doing something wrong?

Yes, that was me 10 years ago. I'm really actually glad when that whole religious facade crashed down around me. It really opened my eyes to a whole new world of infinite possibilities, infinite love. No more guilt, no more fear of making god angry or accidentally screwing up. No more praying every time I made a mistake for Jesus to come back into my heart and save me again.

No, I do not hate christians, I do not regret what I went through (and I went through a lot when it comes to religion), but I do see with a much more clear perspective now. Now finally, I truly feel free.

It makes no sense whatsoever that an infinite, omnipotent god would need to incarnate himself as a human and then subject himself to an agonizing and bloody death just so he could persuade himself to forgive us and save us from the cruel fate he created for us. It makes even less sense that the all-wise creator of the universe would manifest himself in an isolated corner of the world during a primitive age of its history, teach proverbs identical to those of the other belief systems of the day, promise to return quickly to destroy the world, and then vanish utterly for a span of time now going on two thousand years, leaving behind no trace except for a few hazy memories and anonymous writings that he had ever been here at all.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by YoungBlood

Yeah but the OP logged out and we had a pretty good 5 pages of honest, open, constructive discussion ripped out in no time.

Maybe we can keep it going, we'll see.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by seeker11

As you should feel... free. It is only in that perfect freedom that a person's true intents come out. Went through this exact same thing myself. 12 years to be exact until He finally showed ME that He knew my heart all along... I just didn't know it or trust it.

The problem with religion is it says everyone must conform their personalities and such to this one ideal (although, it is not a problem in the bigger picture, because the orphans... the ones who run from it can be used in great ways once they come to terms they have a place in Him, but not in someone else's view). THAT is not what G-d is after. YOu have to trust your own heart first and know that it is seeking the right thing. When you are ready, He comes in and it isn't a bond and chain kind of thing, it *is* freedom; but it is an understanding of where you come from and who you are BECAUSE of HIm.

And you are right... false belief is a no no. That leads you into a mundane life. LIfe is sobering right now, but it is anything BUT mundane.

Much truth can be found in "if you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it is yours." He already knows your heart. He wants YOU to know your heart. Hell, I can tell you your heart from your post because that is me posting

Follow the path as it is set in front of you and just be aware. It will come.

[edit on 12-12-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 02:13 AM
If anything the forums are being flooded by christians. I dont think anyone is left desolate. There is atleast one of you for every 2 people to help save us.

By the way you sound i would say you were aged in your early 20's. Surrounded by christians pumping the druggy love feeling about Jesus while taking the stash off cash out of your wallet while the place off worship is free off tax and making you feel apart of the family and feeding off your paranoia so you enter a euphoric state just from thinking positive about Jesus.

Then it goes further into belieiving that the revelations tie in with todays hapenings when trhroughout history the revelations tied into the sometthing.

2012 will come and go with you thinking Jesus was meant to come and then history repeats itself until a new end of the world date comes along. How fun.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 02:33 AM
By the way i wanted to ask the chritians this for a long time.

Why does the bible make you see the negative in everything and everyone?

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by meadowfairy

I am not a christian, but the answer to your question is this. The Bible acts as a mirror. What you see is your own reflection/how you view the yourself and the world. I asked the same thing and am amazed that now, though I don't expect you to believe me, I see hope, love, faithfulness, and longsuffering that is our Creator.

It ISN'T lovey dovey. Those who say it is and those who tell you EVERYTHING will be better when you trust have quit trying to understand and just accepted it. Anyone that tells you that you must give them cash to be accepted is lying to you. Anyone that tells you to "just believe" and that you should faith that is blind is to be avoided.

It is simple what you gain when you understand. "peace that passeth all understanding." Some have added on happiness to this (most likely their misinterpretation of the joy that is spoken of).... Happiness is not a goal, it is an emotion; peace is a goal.

There is MUCH wisdom coming from the person who tells you (regarding the Bible and G-d) anything along the lines of "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear." Whether you believe or not is not anyone's concern but your own. Blind faith based on nothing but a desire for self improvement or a place in heaven or for social status is NEVER something that should be encouraged unless you are being encouraged to RUN from it. G-d is not a mean G-d per se, but He is going to do whatever is necessary to expose the hearts of man

[edit on 12-12-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 01:14 PM
I find it funny that the OP said he would answer any questions and he didn't even answer one LOl Point grabber LOl Very Christian. I for one believe in God by faith, and don't need prove to make me believe. Most true Christian that have any bible understand and knowledge would know that we cant find God through knowing and proof.

If you want the truth, you have to have it by faith. Faith in God is everything. If we don't have faith in God we don't have faith in his works. Did you not know that Satan and a 3rd of his Angels had proofs. Did you not know Jesus Christ disciples had proofs. And yet Satan and his angels and Judas still betrayed God and his Son Jesus Christ.

And I must stress to all the Jesus is the Son of God. (Jesus is not God).

Did you not know that if God did show himself to you one time, 20 to 30 years from now you will wonder if it was true. (Hell I forget my first love face all the time!!!!!!!) And maybe not you but others would still turn away from God even with proof.

God sent us to have faith in him who gave us everything. He even gave us free will of choice. And free will of choice comes at a price of having evil in the world. Faith is the key to God, faith is the key to God's heart. Without faith their is nothing.

God is alive, Jesus is God's son. And the bible is the will of God. God bless.

[edit on 12-12-2008 by slymattb]

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by ashamedamerican
reply to post by furiousracer313

Take a look at this video.
If you actually watch it with an open mind, and really think about what he is saying I can promise you this will change your beliefs.
Breaking the last great taboo: how irrational religious belief is hurting mankind as a whole

Great video! Do not be afraid to watch unless you are irrational. If that is the case you need no longer seek to be part of the growing awareness in this country.

Yes....we know you already have all your answers in your book and we know where to get the book should we choose read it...again.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by ashamedamerican
Irrational ancient superstition is holding man back and doing nothing but dividing us. We don't need an invisible man in the sky threatening us with eternal damnation to be good people.
Throwing off all the irrational beliefs of religions doesn't even mean that you can't believe that a higher consciousness created us, it just means that you don't believe in an irrational, hypocritical fairytale from 2,000 years ago.

Religious people think that there's an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do, and if you're bad he will send you to hell to burn and suffer and scream and cry... but he loves you!

They follow a book that tells them that if their wife isn't a virgin on their wedding night that they should stone her to death. If your neighbor worships another god you should stone him to death. If you don't stone them to death, someone else who isn't a sinner like you should stone them AND you to death.
This same book that tells you that you should stone people to death, also tells you that murder is a sin...
This same book also says that it's ok to beat your slaves as long as you don't beat them so badly that you put their eyes or teeth out.

I know some people love to 'pick and choose' which parts of the bible they will and will not follow but that makes them hypocrites, there's nowhere in the new testament where it says you no longer have to follow the barbaric beliefs of the old testament.

It's an irrational belief system based on a 2,000 year old fairytale, that mankind would be well-served to get rid of.

Breaking the last great taboo: how irrational religious belief is hurting mankind as a whole

Ok So i see where your coming from. I watched the first 30 secs of it, and herd evolution vs creationism. (I'll make a post that officially will debunk the evolution theory.) I want to watch the whole thing but its 1hour and 22mins. Could u summarize some points for me so i can answer it that way? For all the rest of the people i am on my way to answering your questions....

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by cluckerspud

Originally posted by ashamedamerican
reply to post by cluckerspud

That depends what you mean by god.
Are you referring to the "biblical" god?

What are my options?
So far we got "biblical" god.
Can you please comprise a master list.

There is only ONE God, which is the same God from the Bible.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Mozzy


If I may ask........what do you believe in? Your spirit seems to feel so alone, without a sense of something to hope for.......something to believe in. What is your faith in?

Just wandering,


posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by justamomma


Very good post. I hope someone will understand your puzzle and begin to fit the pieces together.


posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:58 AM
Question 1.

Why are you angry at people who do not share the same beliefs with yourself?

I never get angry at anyone for believing in God. Really I never do. Some of my best friends are devout Christians and we get along fine. Why? Because we never try to push our beliefs on one another.

I don't get angry when people believe in God. I get angry when the people who believe in God try to convince me to believe the same.

Question 2.

This isn't actually a question, more like a request. PROVE TO ME THAT YOUR GOD EXISTS.

When you do, I will admit that I am wrong and kneel before your God and accept all the punishment I deserve.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by furiousracer313

Originally posted by cluckerspud

Originally posted by ashamedamerican
reply to post by cluckerspud

That depends what you mean by god.
Are you referring to the "biblical" god?

What are my options?
So far we got "biblical" god.
Can you please comprise a master list.

There is only ONE God, which is the same God from the Bible.

Well that is easy to state without any back up.

Might as well say, there is NO god.

Could you explain why any of those statements is right or wrong.
Just saying it is does not leave much room for discussion and you might as well be talking to your self.

Why would your truth be more truth than mine ?

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 07:44 PM
Yes i like to ask questions that make people think long and hard and that philosophy was very good justamomma.

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