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If aliens exist they are of no consequence to you!

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posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 04:11 PM
There's been enough evidence throughout our written history of some type of off world or advanced civilization visitiations. If it's their objective to intefere as little as possible than it's wrong to conclude they aren't already here and won't make a huge change in our evolution.

Some way or another, the truth gets out. But if it's their objective to keep us from advancing and than become a threat to other worlds, than they still have a huge impact on our future.

Just by the notion of UFOs seems to be enough to change they way we view space travel. Apparently enough for our militaries to shoot down and copy their science.

I can see the point in keeping humans from possessing certain technologies we could destroy ourselves even quicker with such as with some alleged terrorists.

If alien visitors have already been here for several thousands of years, we might not actually see too many advances technologically until we reach some level of trust as if ascension.

In that respect I see the OP's point.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 04:23 PM
well i'm a pretty good cook but i probably wouldn't say no to steak and potatoes. eh, didn't quite get what you meant.

but, again i'm not saying aliens aren't real. i find it hard to believe that they wouldn't be. i'm saying that due the contraints on interspace travel a sufficiently advanced species would very likely be no wehre near us and pprobably not even in this same galaxy.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Mozzy

If they came from Earth and left the planet at some point in Earth's history there must've
been a good reason for leaving. Exploration, conquering or lack of resources would be the
three obvious choices.

we are not on every square inch of the surface of the planet at all times, monitoring.
we are not on every square inch of the ocean floor at all times, monitoring.
we are not within every cubic mile of subterranean crust at all times, monitoring.

we are, at all times, inhabiting and monitoring, a VERY small sliver of the very surface of this massive planet. A FRACTION of a thin layer that surrounds this orb.

you don't have any method of detecting whether the ocean floor, highest mountains, or deepest caverns are inhabited by something that's been here millions of years before us.
And if they ARE on earth, then they'd be places they know they wouldn't be detected, at least by joe public on a regular basis.
If they wanted to cover up traces of them having been on this TINY SLIVER of a surface...

If they can manage inter galactic transportation, then I'm sure they could technologically manage to cover up their traces.. wipe the surface clean somehow so that future civilizations wouldn't find their evidence... (though some would say some does remain)...

don't try to be all know it all.

you haven't thought everything through.


posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 04:39 PM
Even Science fiction depicts what may actually be the case and as some suggest, is preparing us for disclosure. Michio Kaku makes statements and than goes on with his own theories as if more plausable and distant.

He apparently lies and tells the truth at the same time it's as if he explains how and why they get here and why they don't publically interfere.

So many are in denial of the evidence and than they come to a conspiracy site like some skeptic that's also a guru and savior. (This IS NOT Happening!!) it

[edit on 4-12-2008 by aleon1018]

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 04:41 PM
uh, you're the one assuming you know so much about how aliens live their lives. i'm assuming i can tell what their general actions would be. you're trying to tell me about their psychology and social structure and you're forgetting that it doesn't matter if aliens live on earth that cannot be detected.

if that's true then guess what.... it's inconsequential to you!

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Mozzy
uh, you're the one assuming you know so much about how aliens live their lives. i'm assuming i can tell what their general actions would be. you're trying to tell me about their psychology and social structure and you're forgetting that it doesn't matter if aliens live on earth that cannot be detected.

if that's true then guess what.... it's inconsequential to you!

That's like saying; "It's none of your business!!"

Which also reminds me of the so-called men in black and their mantra.

Unfortunately, as a life long abductee and government experiment; it has already been consequentual. (sorry, that's classified)

At least they gave me disability.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 05:00 PM
please don't hesitate to share

let's hear about all those tests.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 05:04 PM
Having in mind the following context:

Using a high-potency light source, the Soviet cosmonauts used
Morse Code to welcome the visitors in Russian. There was no reaction
from the aliens. The Soviets tried English: "Are you reading us?" again,
no reaction. On the third try, still in Morse Code, the cosmonauts
tranmitted a binary number: 101101, which expressed a certain geometric
figure. The aliens responded with another sequence of numbers, not the
same as theirs. Later the cosmonauts verified that the aliens had
transmitted the value of the letter "E," based on a logarithmic
applied frequently by the computers on Salyut 6, when
programmed to graphically linearize the relative curves of a complex
mathematical function.

Can be found here (ATS Thread)

Found on this video

Taken from this subject

[edit on 4-12-2008 by spacebot]

Do a search on Google

then do a bit more

If you find more clues be free to post to relevant threads or u2u me.

I am still trying to fill in many blanks myself but I think I might be on to something.

[please re read the answer, the post is edited with more links added]

[edit on 4-12-2008 by spacebot]

[edit on 4-12-2008 by spacebot]

[edit on 4-12-2008 by spacebot]

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Mozzy
but, again i'm not saying aliens aren't real. i find it hard to believe that they wouldn't be. i'm saying that due the contraints on interspace travel a sufficiently advanced species would very likely be no wehre near us and pprobably not even in this same galaxy.

And I say there may be at least a few others in our own galaxy (maybe more than a few?). There's just as much evidence for my claim as there is for yours. You also need to take into account that the constraints on interstellar and/or intergalactic travel could become lower as a civilization advances further. Saying aliens are of no consequence to us is like saying that settlers were of no consequence to the Native American tribes. You never know when the situation might change. Aliens may be of no consequence to us at this very second, but it could change tomorrow or next year.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Mozzy

I applaud your patience, as it's obviously clear that 95% of the replies were by people that either didn't read your post, or didn't understood it.

Don't let this affect you. I assure you'll have plenty of good, serious and intelligent discussions here on ATS

Regarding your premise, I agree with with your assessments and deductions. It does sound logical, at least to us (humans).

We can't (and shouldn't) assume, however, that alien beings would think like us, or have the sort of interests that are logic, or that we can even imagine.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 05:24 PM
the topic does allow for some off topics so that's ok but i'm glad you agree.

and yes, i'm sure i would be amazed at the differences in "psychology" to an alien species.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 05:48 PM
Psychology. Yes! A very deciding factor.

There was never a research about finding out the possible social behavior and psychological motives of supposed species that could be visiting our planet, like these:

Our psychology lead us to assume aliens could be in general like this:

The truth might be somewhere in the middle.
If science does not want to deal with any of the above, should not be a concern to people that actually seek the truth. The next generation might be capable of doing this. If the current generation won't ask questions, then the next generations wont be able to seek for answers.
Someone, somewhere, somehow will find some right answers.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by spacebot

this is going to sound lame but honestly i can't remember where i read it. there was a very solid debunking of vimanas. hehe, could've been right here on ats. i don't remember the details but it was solid.

i love believing in the ancient hindu scripts and the hopis as well.

i'd like to make some additions. i figured it would come to this but it's a valid point however unlikely.

that is the "pyscho marauding random alien death squad" theory.

without an entire culture supporting this habit through millions of years of evolution in slaying each other then finally resting on science to futher their deeds this would be impossible from the get go. an opposing faction of same alien race would neutralize the threat until one or the other wins.

however, this, sadly, is a possibility. it could very well be that a maverick group of aliens stole or otherwise came across the knowledge/technology to support their heinous deeds and are now free to roam and cause chaos wherever they go.

corruption would win in any society based on these morals and would very likely not survive longer than a few thousand years, if that. which means they could only conquer so many planets before collapsing. how old is the universe? you get my point.

the only other alternative to this section of alien life would be a "galactic" overlord that has managed to gain control through a series of subversive, manipulative techniques designed with the express intent of nothing but destruction. again all we have to do is look at the probabilities to clear this up.

first off, what would cause such an overlord? surely he would not arise in a vacuum. he wuold be intimately connected to another race that pissed him off to begin with. which means he would be grounded so to speak and his methods would dictate a "just" outcome in his own mind. meaning that humans were somehow involved from the start or near thereafter and probably instigated it. we have done no such thing.

secondly, the galactic overlord would only be concerned with humanity if we were prized POW's. in this case, yes, it would affect us greatly but this entire line of thinking is so abyssimally improbable it's just plain dumb.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by Mozzy
i'm saying that due the contraints on interspace travel a sufficiently advanced species would very likely be no wehre near us and pprobably not even in this same galaxy.

Firstly, the constraints in travel you allude to are only ours. You have no way of determining what an advanced species is or isn't capable of. To suggest you do know is plain ignorant!

Secondly, do you even understand how many stars populate our Milky Way Galaxy - not to mention the sheer amount of orbiting planets we cannot yet register using current technologies?

There are, technically, about 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, but if you count the small-mass stars, however, there can be around 400 billion.

Source: WikiAnswers

So with your infinite wisdom and abilities, you are able to remote view every one of these stars and their orbiting planets (where applicable) and tell us all here today that we are the only life in our Galaxy!

Let me guess.. In a previous life you also thought the world was flat right? This kind of blatant narrow mindedness does everyone here at ATS a disservice! It's so ridiculous, it's a borderline troll!


posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by danx

oh please. He said abducting aliens were gonna come eat our faces off while our mother watches. whats not to read.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 11:53 PM
the constraints of intersteller travel are not what your are dictating them to be. i can know what they are because i am not pretending to be specific about it. to accomplish interseller travel there must be an extremely potent, probably renewable resource readily available to the travelers. they would not require frequent stops and starts to "reload" their mechanisms if it would require them to subvert a lesser race for THOUSANDS of years. that's stupid.

secondly, the fact that there are millions of stars in our galaxy proves my point even more. we are NOT being invaded by aliens so therefore there are no human interested alien invaders in our galaxy. which leads you to believe that either

a. alien life forms do not have interstellar travel


b. we are inconsequential to the ones that do.

edit to add.

don't let me forget about option

c. those interstellar travelling aliens that are just WAITING for their chance to come eat your face off but haven't made it here yet.
(don't want to deny you your drama)

[edit on 4-12-2008 by Mozzy]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by Mozzy
we are inconsequential to the ones that do.

You speak in complete circles and you back flip as your story changes. Your thread title clearly states:

If aliens exist they are of no consequence to you!

NOT "We are of no consequence to them". Get it straight will you!

In regards to renewable energy, I stand by my comment that you are ignorant!
You can certainly postulate but you cannot know - and pretending you 'know' is one of your biggest downfalls.

I won't waste another second of my energy on this Troll thread or you.


posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by NavalFC
oh please. He said abducting aliens were gonna come eat our faces off while our mother watches. whats not to read.

No, he didn’t. This just proves what I said, that you didn’t understand his premise.

I’ll give you a hand:
What Mozzy said was that that is one of the (preposterous) theories floating around on ATS, and if you had understood his OP you would’ve realized that he was actually arguing that he doesn’t find that probable.

His premise, through the logical deductions he made in his OP, is that for aliens to be visiting Earth, it would mean they are advanced in certain ways that would make it illogical they would need to enslave humans, eat humans, <insert other theory here>.

You both share skepticism on most ‘theories’, and you didn’t even know it. And instead, you spent most of your time attacking him for thinking he’s one of the ‘crazies’.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:53 AM
and also that while it is possible that an alien race could be using earth for resources the chances go from spectacularly small to infinitely small.

imagine the odds of two civilizations 1 or 2 rungs above each other on the evolutionary chain to meet up in the first place. it would be much mroe likely that the aliens would gather their resources from a much easier targets, such as asteriods.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Mozzy
But you are MISSING the point. Threads on ATS aliens are not about inert aliens that will be meeting humans at the same time humans are meeting them. We're talking about planet ruling, abductive, self serving aliens that are here to "eat your face off" and make your mom watch.

This is what this thread is about.

dos'nt sound to different to how this planet is being run in many places and in certain pockets of society, we would get on with them and have a lot in common i'm sure.

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