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If aliens exist they are of no consequence to you!

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posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:08 PM
If aliens exist they are of no consequence to you!

Let's first assume that aliens are real. This leaves two choices. Either they came from
Earth at some point in the past or they came from somewhere else. Simple enough so far.


If they came from Earth and left the planet at some point in Earth's history there must've
been a good reason for leaving. Exploration, conquering or lack of resources would be the
three obvious choices.

If they were explorers then not all of them would have left.

Surely an advanced society would be full of nature lovers and homebodies that would never
choose to leave. Where is the evidence of their society? A society capable of creating
self sustaining ships to traverse deep space or possibly time/dimensions. Surely this
would've left some serious scars on the face of the earth.

If they were conquerors then they would have left a home base.

All great conquerors have a supply line running from their homeland that is full of young
boys and of course the women. No sensible leader would leave his homeland undefended and
would only send out percentages of his army to do the dirty work.

If it were a lack of resources then they would not have returned.

The universe has been found to be full of water and the neccessary components for life.
Why would they return if the world had been destroyed or been rendered incapable of
supporting life? Obviously we would not be here had the Earth been put in either of these


If they came from elsewhere then the chances are that the universe is abounding with
different alien species. Possibly millions of different lifeforms capable of building a
society and possibly even space travel. A prerequisite of space travel would be an
abundant source of energy. This would have to be a given as it would provide the prime
sustanance for survival in deep space. What need then, for enslavement of humans? What
could make us so special that even advanced alien cultures spend thousands of years plotting
our slow, painful demise.

If aliens are on Earth it's more likely that there are many different races on the planet
and they all have their own agenda. Possibly the Earth has some quality about it that
makes it attractive to aliens as a waystation or rest stop. What role could humans play
that would allow them to be so interesting that aliens would take such an interest in us?

Possibly only "teenaged" aliens are involved with us and are still interested in causing
pain and suffering. This is a possibility but it still adds up to the same thing.

Unless you have been abducted or otherwise harmed by aliens then you are no consequence
to them and vica versa.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:11 PM
What? utter non-sense. You are saying if aliens exst it doesnt matter to us?

Bull! If the day ever comes where we can confirm another inhabited planet in the universe, or if first contact so to speak ever does occur it will change the foundations of humanity forever, especially sociologically. Humans wont view themselves as a particular race or ethnicity, or what caste or what ever they are in. When aliens are found it will fundamentally change the way humanity views itself as a whole, as a species and rock our foundations of knowledge.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:19 PM
yes and thats the thing, osmosis, do people understand the way its goiong!

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:25 PM

Bull! If the day ever comes where we can confirm another inhabited planet in the universe, or if first contact so to speak ever does occur it will change the foundations of humanity forever, especially sociologically.

The foundations of humanity will not be changed regardless of what we find. Sociologically, people will be shocked for about 5 seconds and then they will continue to watch Dr. Phil until the new Alien Expert gets his own talk show.

Humans wont view themselves as a particular race or ethnicity, or what caste or what ever they are in.

Yes they will, and even more so. They will now have more competition to be better than. You're assuming that finding aliens will benefit mankind. If we discover an alien race that eats there own feces and their art consists of smearing their nostrils on paper then humanity will very much keep their divisions.

When aliens are found it will fundamentally change the way humanity views itself as a whole, as a species and rock our foundations of knowledge.

It probably would rock our foundations of knowledge but it would not fundamentally change the way hujanity views itself as a whole. Humanity will continue to do exactly what they are told to do and nothing else.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by Mozzy

again instead of what rce or ethnicity wed all just be human.
aliens wou;d be a huge deal, especiallly to the religous. to think that after 1st contact it will just be business as usual is non sense.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by NavalFC

Star for you my friend.

I could not have said it better, it is of major consequence to every last human being on this planet, whether you live in New York, Moscow, Tokyo, Zimbabwe, Bogotá, or a cave in Afghanistan. (sorry had to throw that one in)

I don't think there is one single aspect of human life that wouldn't be irrevocably altered in one way or another.
With all due respect, what the OP is stating sounds to me like the logic of government officials who know damn well that we are not alone, but who would love nothing more than to keep this knowledge for themselves.

OP, you my friend need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:35 PM
Hah, I can see it now. All the preachers of the world conjuring theories about alien life and how it fits into their religion. Throwing bibles at the sky and kindly requesting a tithe for their trouble.

But you are MISSING the point. Threads on ATS aliens are not about inert aliens that will be meeting humans at the same time humans are meeting them. We're talking about planet ruling, abductive, self serving aliens that are here to "eat your face off" and make your mom watch.

This is what this thread is about.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Mozzy

So now your saying if aliens bent on conquering Earth arrive here that nothing would change?!! what bullocks! That would creae such a state of desperation that all of humanity would unite to fight the aggressor.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Mozzy
The foundations of humanity will not be changed regardless of what we find. Sociologically, people will be shocked for about 5 seconds and then they will continue to watch Dr. Phil until the new Alien Expert gets his own talk show.

You are joking right?
Research the Orson Welles War of the Worlds broadcast from 1938, and look at the panic and hysteria it caused.

Another thing to think about, if 'billy bob' can't get over the fact that his neoghbor is from China or Pakistan, you think he would just turn on Dr. Phil and grab a bag of Cheetos when aliens from god only knows where land on earth with any number of possible intentions?

Again, with all due respect... Kool-Aid = bad...

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by NavalFC
What? utter non-sense. You are saying if aliens exst it doesnt matter to us?

Bull! If the day ever comes where we can confirm another inhabited planet in the universe, or if first contact so to speak ever does occur it will change the foundations of humanity forever, especially sociologically. Humans wont view themselves as a particular race or ethnicity, or what caste or what ever they are in. When aliens are found it will fundamentally change the way humanity views itself as a whole, as a species and rock our foundations of knowledge.

But your missing one vital point. We always depend on physical evidence.

Not everything is physical, not all life is how we know it. Scientist's are coming to the conclusion that life could be living habitually on dark matter, that we cannot see. They also speculate that they are other dimension's.

It's incredibly ignorant to think we are the only ones, despite not much evidence shown to us. Btw just because you don't know does not automatically mean that the rest of humanity hasn't had experiences of E.T.
There is more evidence to suggest that we were genetically engineered. Darwins theory is not fully accurate or mapped out fully. There are far to many missing links to actually pin point how the hell we came to be.

Infact we mutilated and evolved so rapidly between 50,000 to 20,000 years ago. From body shape, hair, eye, skin colour, to different blood types alien knowledge of such, missing civilization and even more myseterious left to unpuzzle. We have different DNA to that of the rest of the earth. We have a coinciosness of the world and cosmos around us. we have wisdom, intellegence beyond any species on this planet.

Even look at the dinosaurs, they were on this planet for 270 million's years not one animal came close to been as intellegent as man. Yet it took little less than a million year's to become this advanced.

Its just wooeful to say that everything was hunky dory and we talk like this lol..

It's beyond ignorant to suggest that we have not at some point througout earth's existence, to say that we are the only ones.

It's just inane and pure denial if not totally superfical.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:40 PM
(off topic - it's you're: sorry this really bothers me)

you're talking about an alien invasion and you're asking me whether it would change humanity???

let's get real, we're NOT dealing with an alien invasion. but if we were, it wouldn't be much different than WW1 or WW2. People would commit to it and see it through to the bitter end. Same story, different characters.

We are talking about aliens that are already around, why would they need humanity? Why would they see you as an important commodity?

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by ashamedamerican

yes but that wouldn't be any different than when the stock market crashes or when soldiers commit suicide from returning from war. it's the same thing.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by mind is the universe

sorry but that was a load of dung. The Theory of evolution is one of the most supported theories in all of science in terms of evidence. The fossil record and genetic record all support it and show a clear line of ancestry and descent.

the intelligent design argument is bull.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Mozzy
(off topic - it's you're: sorry this really bothers me)

you're talking about an alien invasion and you're asking me whether it would change humanity???

let's get real, we're NOT dealing with an alien invasion. but if we were, it wouldn't be much different than WW1 or WW2. People would commit to it and see it through to the bitter end. Same story, different characters.

We are talking about aliens that are already around, why would they need humanity? Why would they see you as an important commodity?

you are the one who mentioned the alien invasion concept first,. not me, in your little list of things theyd do "dominating, adbcutive etc"

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:45 PM
I'm trying to be as polite as I can be about this but if you honestly believe that mankind, if faced with... (as you worded it)

Originally posted by Mozzy
planet ruling, abductive, self serving aliens that are here to "eat your face off" and make your mom watch.

would collectively turn on Dr. Phil and grab a bag of Cheetos, you need to step back and rethink your arguement.

Right now it's all just 'crazy conspiracy theory' stuff that the evening news laughs at, but the moment it is confirmed the excrement would surely hit the fan full force.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Mozzy
reply to post by ashamedamerican

yes but that wouldn't be any different than when the stock market crashes or when soldiers commit suicide from returning from war. it's the same thing.

No it isnt! Finding ET would impact the worl a helluva lot more then any of those events you just cited. Compared to finding ET those events ARE in cnsequential.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Mozzy
We're talking about planet ruling, abductive, self serving aliens that are here to "eat your face off" and make your mom watch.

This is what this thread is about.

Or no consequence?

Please make up your mind.

I'm sure there would be consequences of our moms watching our faces getting eating off by aliens.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:46 PM
you were off topic to start with. that was forgivable due to the nature of teh discussion but you should've picked up the pieces by now. you obviously didn't read my post.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by ashamedamerican

if you're waiting for the excrement to hit the fan you've had about 5000 chances. humanity is nothing if not adaptable. realizing aliens would only sustain our adaptability. nothing would change in the long run.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:49 PM
It will have some impact on human civilization, but not to the extent that some of you here are implying.

Humans have dealt with some amaizing things thru history and we are still here. To think that humanity will change so radically is only a guess.

Perhaps to some of you it might cause chaos in your lives, but guess what..your not the majority.

It will affect different people in different ways. There wont be a blanket result from alien verification or discovery of another intelligent life on another planet. Life here will continue, people will still go to their jobs, pay their bills, and wont run around like chickens with their heads cut off as some of you imply would happen. Stop trying to influence pre meditated fear into everyone, and keep it to yourselves.

I for one would welcome them and offer them a cool one. If they give me reason to be concerned, well they can meet my collection of 9mm glocks and 12 guage sawed off's.

If the result is futile..oh goes on elsewhere now wouldnt it.

Dont be so harsh on the possibility...the apple fell a along time ago and your head is safe and sound from any future discoveries.


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