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Study finds only 'mystery planes' produce persistant 'contrails'

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posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:49 AM
How does one inoculate against barium and aluminium?

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 01:05 AM
The study is flawed for several reasons.

As the webpage points out, military aircraft are not included and therefore their flight levels cannot be determined. It is not valid to include incomplete data in a "scientific study".

A number of invalid assumptions are made about the upper air data being used. The data used does not come from physical soundings (by balloons), it is derived from GOES satellites. While the GOES data is generally accurate enough for forecasting purposes, it can vary quite a bit from the actual upper air conditions. The GOES data often misses changes in temperature and dewpoint which can appear in thin layers of only several hundred feet thick. These differences can and do result in difference in contrail production. The "researcher" believes that by taking the "best case" conditions from the GOES data, he is arriving at valid conclusions. He is not.

Because of the inclusion of incomplete data, invalid assumptions, and probable invalid data, this "statistical study" is worthless. There is no way to say that the unidentified airplanes were not flying in a regime conducive to persistent contrails nor that the contrails produced by them were any different than those produced by the known aircraft.

A clarification about the unidentified aircraft. As the website itself makes clear, these aircraft are not unknown by ATC. They are omitted from the publicly available flight tracking software. They are not "flying around without permission".

[edit on 26-11-2008 by Phage]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot

Is it really that difficult if the target population is the whole U.S? and it wouldnt matter if the wrong people got sprayed... I am sure those are innoculated againts any future attacks.. so it wouldnt really matter... who ends up being sprayed... as its the maximun amount of people.. the more people that get sprayed and were not innoculated the more the chance of more people dying from a biological attack......
Ummmm look up project Clover Leaf... you are correct if the military did this alone it would be impossible..... but if you enlist the help of airlines and tell them this is for the good of the population... Then you can see how its being done...
They already have implemented chemicals and viruses in the water supply and vaccination programs... its a multi faceted approach.. you really think that they would depend on one approach on this?
The chemicals, particles are obviously designed to weaken the immune system and to make it succeptible to infections.. if the NWO\illunminati are smart... they are innoculating themselves....leaving them immune to any attacks.. and keeping there immune system on the up and up...

The target population is the whole US?! Enlist the airlines..? Tell them it is for the good of the population? Viruses in the water supply?!

I am sorry, I can not go on commenting on this avalange of mindless paranoia. I just want to say to you that when you elaborate on an already very silly theory, you just keep adding layers and layers of silliness to it.

To me you come across as a person who desperately needs something to worry about. If that is the case, I suggest that you start to worry about all the starving and suffering children in the world. Join an organication like the Red Cross or Save The Children, I support them both with monthly donations, perhaps you could do the same or sign up for volunteer work.

That way you would make yourself useful in this world instead of just spreading paranoia, stupidity and fear.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by marsha law

Strangely only the mystery flights(unknown to the FAA) created 'contrails

In the UK at least, flight plans are not required for VFR flight in unrestricted airspace - therefore making them unknown to the CAA - doesn't make them mystery chemsprayers.
I would imagine a similar system in the US is in place?

[edit on 26-11-2008 by vonspurter]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 05:53 AM
Something I noticed

From the "study"

The unidentified jet is shown leaving a contrail of 20 seconds on the right side of the photo. Other identified flights at similar altitudes were observed to produce contrails of 10 seconds this day. On the left side of the picture, a highly persistent trail with a length equivalent to about 10 seconds of travel time is left after the plane is gone. The plane continued along its northward vector with the 20-second trail. The trail segment persisted for as long as could be observed as it slowly drifted to the east. At 550 MPH this relatively short segment would be approximately 1.5 miles long.

This is junk. From the ground, without radar confirmation, theres no way at all the guy could know the height of the planes. They could be 1,000ft or more higher - in colder air - and therefore be making normal contrails.

At no point at all in the "study" does he give altitudes for the so called "unknowns"

In other words, he's assumed. And that means he's proved absolutely nothin.

Oh yeah...will add this - what kinda person does a study of airplanes without a pair of field glasses to see what they are?

[edit on 26-11-2008 by Moon Knight]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by tarot1984

Sweet post.....nice find

So nobody cares to elaborate more on this......
Seems credible for sure.

Millions were in germ war tests
Much of Britain was exposed to bacteria sprayed in secret trials

[edit on 26-11-2008 by GodshipForAll]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:22 AM
Ok now this is compelling these articles are they not?

US admits chemical weapons tests

Civilians were exposed to the simulated agents, Pentagon officials say, but they add that these were harmless and the US military insists it has no evidence that anyone suffered medical effects from the tests at the time.

US planes sprayed Wiltshire with Sarin

As well as Sarin and VX, the tests involved Soman and Tabun. According to the documents, seen by The Times, the chemical weapons were used on open grassland and woodland. The Ministry of Defence said last night that none of the tests was carried out on human beings or animals. The only people concerned were the military and scientists studying the effects of the chemical and biological tests

Still Chemtrailing no?

Insider account - clouds of secrecy

So what? There's no such thing as planes spraying chemicals in the air?

Also what if an additive is introduced into the fuel and is able to survive combustion process or even meant to be altered in combustion process whereas it is then able to exit via exhaust intact? This would eliminate having to install a spraying system. And may be undectable while doing an engine rebuild. All in all IT'S strongly possible I see for them to be doing this as with previous governmentsand militaries addmissions.

As to what chemicals is open to debate and for what purposes?
To help vaccinate large populuses against viral threats?
To prep for a depopulation scenario?
Screen and filter for high frequency penetration?
A chemical sunblock to refelct back the many or some rays throughout the suns spectrum?


Or nothing at all and the governments just continue to poison us in our water supply, FDA corruption, genetically modified foods (although not all modified foods are evil), proccesed foods, aspartame, Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex, ( anti-perspirant) etc. etc. etc.
Nice post on the effects of
Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex And You!

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by GodshipForAll
Still Chemtrailing no?

Insider account - clouds of secrecy

So what? There's no such thing as planes spraying chemicals in the air?

Complete straw man. Nobody denies you can spray chemicals out of planes - crop sprayers do it ever day and the US military have been spraying plant killing chemicals out of planes in Columbia in an attempt to destroy the coc aine crops.

The point with aerial spraying is that you do it at a low alitude and you don't leave a TRAIL. This is to ensure that the chemicals you are spraying land on their intended target, not hang around in the upper atmosphere - where they could easily land 3000 miles from where you actually sprayed.

This is why the chemtrail conspiracy doesn't make any sense to anyone with a grasp of science or logic.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by GodshipForAll

If the government/NWO/reptilians/David Icke wanted to poison anyone with chemicals, they'd do it through the water supply. It's far more precise than spraying at high altitudes, where the chemicals would go anywhere.

It seems the believers in this have somewhat limited understanding of the atmosphere, and plane physics.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:06 AM
The chemtrail issue is one of the dumbest conspiracy theories next to the stupid hologram 9/11 theory. Seriously, those two theories are just complete bunk.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by AirTrafficController
Well this "researcher" obviously has no clue what he's talking about.

All flights have to register with the FAA. There are no flights whatsoever that are a "mystery". Even military planes get recorded into the FAA's system.

These "mystery" flights this researcher claims to witness are just like this chemtrail nonsense - they don't exist.

I see that 'Free Patriot' addressed this post but I want to bump it.

Yes, all private, commercial and military flights are registered with the FAA.
The author of the study purchased a program that details all flights known to the FAA system. Go back and read the study.

Ok. So you have a secret program to chemtrail the whole world. Do you keep the flights secret?
Don't know cause its a secret.

The debunkers can't touch this one because it is such an obvious flaw in the chemtrail plan.

Mystery planes produce chemtrails. Period.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by marsha law

Mystery planes will still get picked up by radar won't they?

Or are they stealth now too?

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by marsha law

Ok. So you have a secret program to chemtrail the whole world. Do you keep the flights secret?
Don't know cause its a secret.

The debunkers can't touch this one because it is such an obvious flaw in the chemtrail plan.

Mystery planes produce chemtrails. Period.

That makes NO SENSE! So, now you have these "secret planes" that are invisible to ALL RADAR (HOW???) flying around other planes. So tell me please, why we dont have more collisions up there???? How do the "known" planes avoid the paths of the "secret planes"?

STUPID. This entire theory is just STUPID. It is flawed. It makes NO SENSE. There is absolutely zero logic behind. Every point can be debunked easily.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by marsha law

Yes, all private, commercial and military flights are registered with the FAA.
The author of the study purchased a program that details all flights known to the FAA system. Go back and read the study

Maybe you should go back and read the "study"

All flights utilizing IFR (instrument flight rules) submit a flight plan to one of the regional ARTCCs (air route traffic control centers),

Military flights are filtered from the datastream by the FAA for security reasons. The filtering algorithm used removes flights that don't include a number, which reportedly may filter some foreign jets

So you see, ATCC's know about the flights. The public program that the "researcher" used does not display them, as well as some other flights. The flights are unknown to the "researcher" but not the FAA.

Just one of the flaws in the useless "study".

[edit on 26-11-2008 by Phage]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by dave420

Ever hear of fluoride? You probably get it in your salt but most people get it in their water.

"MSDS for sodium fluoride

Section 1 Identification
Product Number: C1770
Health: 2
Flammability 0
Reactivity 0
Hazard Rating:
Least Slight Moderate High Extreme
0 1 2 3 4
NA = Not Applicable NE = Not Established
Product Name: Fluoride Standard 10,000 ppm w/v Aqueous
Trade/Chemical Synonyms
Formula: N/A
C.A.S See Below
Section 2 Component Mixture
Sara 313 Component CAS Number % Dim Exposure Limits:
Water, Deionized ASTM Type II CAS# 7732-18-5 Balance V/V None Established
Sodium Fluoride CAS# 7681-49-4 2.21% W/V OSHA TWA 2.5 mg(F)/m�
Section 3 Hazard Identification (Also see section 11)
May be fatal if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed thru the skin Avoid all contact. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after use. Keep container closed.
Section 4 First Aid Measures
May be fatal if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed thru the skin Avoid all contact. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after use. Keep container closed.

FIRST AID: SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash exposed area with soap and water. if irritation persists, seek medical attention.

EYES: Wash eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lids occasionally. Seek Medical Aid. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen

INGESTION: If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately after giving two glasses of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. "

That looks like poison to me.

The reasons for chemtrails have not been determined.
In my opinion, however, you must be very young or completely oblivious to deny their existence. Or a paid minion. IMHO!
Did your grandfather suspect Hitler(Whose scientists first put fluoride in water)
was as coldblooded as he turned out to be.
(Did he know where hitler's financing came from? check out G.Bush Jr's Grandpa.)
You seem like a bloke who just finds it hard to contemplate such a huge and evil program.

You of all people(ie.deutsche) should know better.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by ziggystar60

Originally posted by thefreepatriot

Is it really that difficult if the target population is the whole U.S? and it wouldnt matter if the wrong people got sprayed... I am sure those are innoculated againts any future attacks.. so it wouldnt really matter... who ends up being sprayed... as its the maximun amount of people.. the more people that get sprayed and were not innoculated the more the chance of more people dying from a biological attack......
Ummmm look up project Clover Leaf... you are correct if the military did this alone it would be impossible..... but if you enlist the help of airlines and tell them this is for the good of the population... Then you can see how its being done...
They already have implemented chemicals and viruses in the water supply and vaccination programs... its a multi faceted approach.. you really think that they would depend on one approach on this?
The chemicals, particles are obviously designed to weaken the immune system and to make it succeptible to infections.. if the NWO\illunminati are smart... they are innoculating themselves....leaving them immune to any attacks.. and keeping there immune system on the up and up...

The target population is the whole US?! Enlist the airlines..? Tell them it is for the good of the population? Viruses in the water supply?!

I am sorry, I can not go on commenting on this avalange of mindless paranoia. I just want to say to you that when you elaborate on an already very silly theory, you just keep adding layers and layers of silliness to it.

To me you come across as a person who desperately needs something to worry about. If that is the case, I suggest that you start to worry about all the starving and suffering children in the world. Join an organication like the Red Cross or Save The Children, I support them both with monthly donations, perhaps you could do the same or sign up for volunteer work.

That way you would make yourself useful in this world instead of just spreading paranoia, stupidity and fear.

ummm You were asking how it would be done and I merely told how it would be possible.. Goverments have publicly admited to spraying unknowing populations in the past so how exactly am I spreading paranoia stupidity and fear??

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by rocksarerocks
The chemtrail issue is one of the dumbest conspiracy theories next to the stupid hologram 9/11 theory. Seriously, those two theories are just complete bunk.

if its so dumb then why are you always in this "dumb" threads arguing againts it and wasting so much of your time in such a "dumb" conspiracy?
Aren't there better things to do then spending time with people with "dumb" ideas?

[edit on 26-11-2008 by thefreepatriot]

[edit on 26-11-2008 by thefreepatriot]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by Phage

So why do only the secret planes leave chemtrails?

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by marsha law

Mystery planes will still get picked up by radar won't they?

Or are they stealth now too?

being picked up on radar and having there transponder on are 2 totally different things... if the transponder is not on it WILL NOT BE IDENTIFIED.. it will show a blip and be"unidentified" It would be like driving a vehicle without a license plate.. Sure you can see the car.. but I wouldnt call it stealth.. and for obvious reasons if a vechicle is driving without a license plate.. it would be suspicious...

Definition of a transponder:
Another type of transponder occurs in identification friend or foe systems in military aviation and in air traffic control secondary surveillance radar (beacon radar) systems for general aviation and commercial aviation. Primary radar works best with large all-metal aircraft, but not so well on small, composite aircraft. Its range is also limited by terrain and rain or snow and also detects unwanted objects such as automobiles, hills and trees. Furthermore it cannot estimate the altitude of an aircraft. Secondary radar overcomes these limitations but it depends on a transponder in the aircraft to respond to interrogations from the ground station to make the plane more visible.

Depending on the type of interrogation, the transponder sends back a transponder code (or "squawk code") (Mode A) or altitude information (Mode C) to help air traffic controllers to IDENTIFY the aircraft and to maintain separation. Another mode called Mode S (Mode Select) is designed to help avoiding overinterogation of the transponder (having many radars in busy areas) and to allow automatic collision avoidance. Mode S transponders are 'backwards compatible' with Modes A & C. Mode S is mandatory in controlled airspace in many countries. Some countries have also required, or are moving towards requiring, that all aircraft be equipped with Mode S, even in uncontrolled airspace. However in the field of general aviation, there have been objections to these moves, because of the cost, size, limited benefit to the users in uncontrolled airspace, and, in the case of balloons and gliders, the power requirements during long flights.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by marsha law

They aren't secret. The FAA is notified of ALL air traffic over the US, military and otherwise.

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