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Did Hitler Really Die In the Bunker or in Argentina?

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posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 07:54 AM
The point about Reitsch not knowing anything of a wedding is a good one and adding to that the skeleton attributed to Gestapo boss Heinrich Muller was compiled from the bones of six different individuals.

With Bormann's skull (confirmed by DNA) when it was dug up in 1972, it was caked with red volcanic soil. It had dentistry performed in a style not used until after the war, it had teeth missing which were not missing in WW2 and also they had sockets grown over with bone meaning they could not have been teeth lost in the final days of Berlin 1945.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 10:19 AM


With Bormann's skull (confirmed by DNA) when it was dug up in 1972, it was caked with red volcanic soil.

Nicely spotted.

Thanks to Wiki, Spain turns out to have old volcanic action thus volcanic soil.

There are several volcanic areas in mainland Spain, such as:[1]

Cabo de Gata, Almería
Campo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real
Cofrentes, Valencia
Columbretes Islands, Castellón
Garrotxa Volcanic Zone, Girona

1 "Areas volcánicas en España - Volcanología - Geofísica - Instituto Geográfico Nacional - Áreas de actividad - Ministerio de Fomento:" [Volcanic areas in Spain]. Ministerio de Fomento (in Spanish). Retrieved 21 March 2012.

Sure you knew that, but just in case you did not.

Is there any link between Spain and the South American community of Germans?

Could Hitler have gone that way to S. America?

The idea that the Germans were looking for an exit certainly indicate that it was uppermost in some minds. Thinking the Russians, after Hitlers traitorous change of plan and attack on the Russian front, however would help was a non starter I would have thought.

That there is more to WW2 and probably WW1 than is obvious becomes more and more plain.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 05:41 AM

With Bormann's skull (confirmed by DNA) when it was dug up in 1972, it was caked with red volcanic soil.

The remains of the flak tower that you can still see in Berlin was not the one that produced Bormanns remains. Or was it? If you dig back through James O'Donnell's 'The Bunker' Bormann died by poison at the Weidendammer Bridge. That is no where near the flax tower.

Also, something most of you don't know, is the first manuscript of Traudl Junge's 'Until the final hour' she states that Axmann told her that there was a "tunnel to get through to the Yanks" meaning, I guess, a way through the Russian lines to the American zone.

I know she had recurring problems with the truth however that statement is so puzzling. All the U/bahn tunnels were crammed with civilians-could Minster Goebbels or Bormann had a tunnel dug?

Is that how Axmann and Muller escaped?

Fascinating to say the least.

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by spooky24

Just by knowing human psychology, the man did not kill himself. Did Saddam Hussein kill himself? Did Bin Laden kill himself? Did Qadafi kill himself? Heck no. They fought it out till the very end.

Hitler did not kill himself. None of these men are the types to commit suicide. Sociopaths do not commit suicide, they fight it out till they can't anymore

So first, you just have an understanding of basic psychology, to make you confident they did not kill themselves.

THEN you have the fact, that not one scrap of their body's were found. The skull piece was not even right. The only thing they had were a couple teeth, and I saw on TV that the dentist who treated Hitler went by MEMORY on that. He did not have dental records. Okay, how accurate is that? Besides, it would be super easy to plant some fake dental records in there somewhere, in advance, and just leave a few matching teeth at the scene.

Of course he did not kill himself.

How stupid are we, that we accepted all that BS for all these years? We just accepted the idea that Hitler was a man of "great dignity", and of course he would kill himself, because of his great dignity and his unwillingness to accept defeat.

BS! They said the same thing about Saddam Husein, and he was going around as a taxi driver and hiding in ditches. Yeah, so much dignity. Riiggght.

Perhaps there was some deal with Jews and the US back then, that they would not look into things too much, to get some more survivors at the concentration camps, etc.

We see from Bin Laden, that a very famous man can go underground for years, and stay like that. And Hitler probably did the same thing. Probably in Argentina. Or maybe closer by. Spain. Or maybe Spain first, then Argentina some years later. Who knows, it could be anywhere. He gets on board any ship with some disguise, a few years later, no one will know. Did they know with Bin Laden, as tall as he is? No.

All Hitler had to do, was have a quiet house somewhere, with some good walls and some trusted staff, and no one would know. He had the discipline to stay low profile. And that was it.

Curious to know what Hitler thought of the modern world. Just like, what did Bin Laden think before his death.

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by sylvia123

Your post is so off topic it's hard to respond however the Fuhrer was not a sociopath or a psychopath and he never displayed and symptoms of a chronic mental disorder. Hubris and megalomania perhaps but these are personally disorders not a mental condition.

As for how he view the world-he told everyone.

Both his political and personal testaments, along with his last will, can be read on the internet and he never wavered in his beliefs.

It's always been my belief that the Fuhrer was a great man-as long as he was winning. Once he was no longer winning and knew he was losing he went from a great man to a tyrant-and became lost in a world of reprisal and revenge.

You can make a case for a mental disease with Premier Stalin. However, no qualified doctor would have been dumb enough to actually make that diagnosis while he was still alive.

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by spooky24

I think it's a pretty good bet, that anyone who killed 6 million Jews, as well as starting a war that killed millions of others in the quest for a 'fatherland', was at least a sociopath. One of the traits of a sociopath is being charming and talking a good game, while lying and putting up a front. It's not like Hitler went around giving speeches that he was killing millions of Jews in gas chambers. So he was not exactly upfront about that. So yes, I think 'sociopath', pretty much fits the mold.

And we know sociopaths do not kill themselves.

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 06:33 AM

reply to post by spooky24

I think it's a pretty good bet, that anyone who killed 6 million Jews, as well as starting a war that killed millions of others in the quest for a 'fatherland', was at least a sociopath. One of the traits of a sociopath is being charming and talking a good game, while lying and putting up a front. It's not like Hitler went around giving speeches that he was killing millions of Jews in gas chambers. So he was not exactly upfront about that. So yes, I think 'sociopath', pretty much fits the mold.

And we know sociopaths do not kill themselves.

Can you substantiate that 6 mill claim? Was it not upgraded to 10 mill?

Was going to take this offtopic, the evidence seems to contradict all accounts of him being dead at the bunker. He has never been positively identified as such.

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 07:34 AM

Was going to take this offtopic, the evidence seems to contradict all accounts of him being dead at the bunker. He has never been positively identified as such.

That is very true-his remains were never recovered. However when put into context with the fact that more than 1.8 million solders in WW II Europe were never found or identified it seems somewhat trivial.

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Yusomad

Well how many Jews did you think died? 600? 6000?

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 01:25 AM

reply to post by Yusomad

Well how many Jews did you think died? 600? 6000?

Whether it was 6 Million or 10 Million or 1 Million, it does not necessitate people dismissing the holocaust as fake because of one mans decisions tens of millions died 'Russian, German, French, British, American, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, etc.' Christians, Jews, Gypsies all dead because of Hitler and his misguided thinking!

The 6 million figure for the decimation of the Jewish people is hard to argue with because volumes of records have been kept by the Nazi's themselves and are now kept at the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem, which you can see for yourself. They also include the names of victims of other faiths, Gypsies and homosexuals who were brutally exterminated in the camps.

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by sy.gunson

Very interesting information about the aircraft in detail and the whole escape can be read in the new book 'GreyWolf' by Simon Dunstan & Gerrard Williams, who thoroughly researched the end of the war escape from Berlin and the lives of Hitler and Bormann in Argentina. Along with Jim Marrs excellent 'The Fourth Reich' there can hardly be any doubt left that Hitler and Bormann escaped along with thousand of other high ranking Nazi's to South America.

Both books cover the witnesses to the truth, the doubles who replaced Hitler and Braun and died in their place at the Berlin Bunker, the escape journey to Spain via Norway, before the Uboat crossing to Argentina. they show pictures of the estates where Hitler lived in Argentina and how his life was led in secret exile.

Juan & Eva Peron did deals with Martin Bormann to keep this under wraps in exchange for money and gold. The Nazi's were sending wealth to Argentina throughout the war and their good friends the Perons were keeping it safe for them. Although, when Martin Bormann finally arrived in Argentina the Peron's did not keep their end of the bargain and cheated him out of the vast majority of funds, although the 30% (I believe) he received was more than enough (still hundreds of Millions).

Trevor Roper was tasked with setting the cover story which has effectively covered up the truth in the report which has effectively brainwashed people with the required history, taught in schools most people find it hard to question the fiction!

Why did the allies cover up the truth? Why do they do anything? MONEY!

A clue can be found in the new movie 'Monuments Men'! A deal for the escapes were done in exchange for part of the treasures and loot that the Nazi's could not take with them and were stored in mines throughout Europe. However, the Nazi's did take vast amounts of Gold, Currency and Art with them, they just could not take everything because they had stolen and looted so much. So in exchange for escape and cover story, the location of the mines with the loot was exchanged.

The Vatican was involved with assisting many Nazi's escape via the ratlines, supplying them with Vatican documentation and passports to escape to South America! Why would the Vatican do that??? Same reason = MONEY!

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by Hongkongphooey

Party chairman Martin Bormann cracked a prussic acid capsule in his mouth near the flac tower at Lehrter station May 1st 1945.

The scientific evidence is irrefutable.

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by spooky24

Really, then he had you fooled because he lived out his life in Argentina and there is much evidence of this!

History is a lie, you need to do your own research and not rely on what you've been brainwashed to believe!

posted on Oct, 23 2017 @ 09:22 PM
The Italian government together with the Dutch, British, and all scandinavian royals provided an alternative identity and secured the life and well being of Martin Bormann in Argentina. Bormann knew everything about the overall and widespread pro-nazi stance of all european leaders at the time with plenty of evidence and anecdotes.

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