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Mothership over MO? With vid!!

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posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 11:52 AM
It looks very similar to the recent video from the Texas sighting.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:15 PM
Look at the daylight shot and the video , and compare the lamp post.
the diogonal part ist of the same proportions. and indeed the trees are different.



posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Allred5923
reply to post by malignant_tumor

I would like to know how you maintain your constitutions of this being written off as a hoax so quickly, and adamently as well. I have emailed Rob, the original Filmer of this footage, I have not heard nothing from him yet, but as soon as I do, you guy's will be the first too know of his reply.
I also asked him to join us here at the ATS forums to defend his footage and his experience's, with some validation, maybe we will all accept thing's as a higher and more complicated plain of existence that kind of turns our "Self Proclaimed" reality may not be as cut and dry as one would think.

er... are we still talking about the op footage here? if so, I can't wait for 'Rob' to come on here and defend this footage as that of an aerial craft.

It's obviously a forest fire on a distant hill.

I have no doubt but that the guy who shot it knows this.

Theres plenty good footage of ufos out there -- this footage, and this thread, is a waste of time.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Tesla 'bulbs', solid hemispheres of aluminum, focus incoming charges for
motion in that direction. Not moving the charged craft still has a charge
collection around the bulb in Tesla's Radiant Energy Patent, look it up. Light
come from electrons, look up Edison. That Tesla craft is at plasma voltages
and look that up with the cartels holding on to Tesla's atomic gas physics.

Now, how did I know that you were going to somehow relate this to Tesla? Gosh, I must be getting psychic!

Do you get paid a dollar every time you mention Tesla? Because at this point you must be able to buy a Ferrari with that cash.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by eniac
I would like to know how you maintain your constitutions of this being written off as a hoax so quickly, and adamently as well.

To answer your question:

It's simple actually,

If it looks like (explative) and smells like (explative) it must be (explative).

I believe, I just don't believe in nonsense.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by eniac

I see you have just joined ATS back on Nov. 5th of 2008.
Which is understandable from your post, but one thing you have to take into "Yours and My" considerations is that "I have had my own experience's to validate these so called sightings all over the globe." Not the same exact sightings for everyone, but other worldly to say the least, without further explanation.
I also was a A.M.T. (Aircraft Mechanical Tech.] and don't know everything that "Flies in the skies" but am damn sure of the thing's I have seen that "Don't" belong in the sky.
If you find this as such an uninfluential waste of time, "Why bother posting ridicule to the people that are very interested in this thread?"
There are the debunkers and the skeptics on this thread as well, but for the most part, I as the poster allowing his own evaluation of this thread being truthful and not a hoax is only part of it, you see, "I am the one trying to contact the individual to either defend his video and experience, or blow us off and thus creating a different way of perception of this being a bonofiable sighting with evidence." Cut and dry, but, to me, these phenomenon are as real as you or me, to myself, I owe it to look into everything I hear of such thing's, at the same time remain grounded in thought and not wavering in just blurted out retaliations of different views.

If , by chance, I do get a response from "ROB" , the taker of the video, you will surely know, because I like you have to go the extra mile to deny ignorance to the extreme, until it is proven/dis-proven with tangible evidence, i, for one remain open to the possibilities of this guy being for real and not a hoaxer, as so many have already written off this guy to be.

"I will wait and see, for myself, and for no one else. But I will be honest and share the over all finding's with you, no matter what the outcome of this inquiry. You deserve the truth just as much as I do, and the guy after you , and him and so on, and so on."

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by malignant_tumor

At the distance of the mountains in the foreground, there is no way this could be a fire in the brush, even at that trajectory of filming the footage, it is next to impossible for it to be anything else but "Something in the air" and not anything to the ground.
So, your close minded analogy allows me to contrive you have made your decision without any applicable research or study, yo have produced anything about the individual who had recorded it and you definitely have made up your mind on where you stand.
"Get some proof of your accusations, or move on to the next thread malignant." I haven't got the proof to show it's a factual and undeniably artifact of a sighting, but you haven't got anything but different angled brush fires and a firm belief that this is what this video is.... "To each his own, and then there comes common sense."

This is in no way a "Bash" it is a request of your evidence(s) for what you are suggesting. "Cut and Dry."

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:22 PM

As promised, I made contact with a member of the phoenix fire debt.

Have a friend, who dated a fireman here in Phx, met the guy a few times, after a few days of trying I got a hold of him, sent him the links and had him examine them and ask around his dept.


It's a Fire

He talked to a buddy of his in West Phx

and confirmed, they have seen this and that it was a FIRE near Surprise that day and they had a guy on crew who remembered it... it was allowed to burn out, it was started by Teenagers partying up there.


They are trained in how to respond to a UFO incident, specifically trained for it out here...

I asked him:

So were there any UFO situations to attend to in the time frame

He responded

"No not in the time frame"

I said what does that mean

he responded... by explaining that they were trained to deal with ufo crashes but he had never had any call to but wouldn't speak for the rest of the fire dept and then repeated that It definitely wasn't a fire

and he was on his cell... from work

and at that point in the background I had, firemen, yelling "there wasn't an Effin ufo Jack a$$" and "people need to stay off the mountains at night" and "oooooooo eeeeeeeee oooooooo" in the background until he hung up

It wasn't a fire dept conspiracy, the firemen looked at the picture said it was a fire and Laughed at Me and one of his pals from the est side apparently remembered it as well.

so this use of my time here confirms that "where there is smoke there is usually a FIRE"

He himself said "bro... I know what a fire looks like on the hill at night... I'M A FIREMAN"

so for me... this is settled

[edit on 23-11-2008 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Allred5923

I live in San Diego, CA. That's proof enough for myself. I do not need to convince you of anything.

Your "hope" for this to be something it's not is getting in the way of your common sensible thoughts.

I see this many, many, MANY times throughout the year, every year where I live.

We that live in Southern California, I guess it would ok to say that we are fire experts.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:21 PM
Yeah, I want the sightings to be real too, people act like you debunk in order to dismiss the phenomena, but in reality I LOVE when i can't debunk.

I just took the time to check this out, because I KNEW that no major sighting had gotten past my notice in my town.

I'm a guy who goes cave diving looking for ancient civilizations and aliens, i'm not... NOT a believer, but I can't figure out anything if I don't know what's Not Real

A good debunk isn't proof against anything it's just... one step closer to the truth

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:23 PM
Cripes. This again?

If you'd like to know what the shooter of the video has to say about it then read the posts by Worldblend when this video made its first of 100 appearances on ATS almost four years ago...

No doubt in my mind it's a fire.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by IAttackPeople]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 07:15 PM
Mopusvendictus and milignant,
I truly appreciate your input and efforts towards concluding this event as an other explainable situation, but for me , it has rattled my world to the core, I have seen this thing (At least very close to it) which I have stated in earlier post. I haven't had much luck with getting a hold of Mr. Rob Kritzky via email, so I stepped up my request and decided to contact Mr. Jerry Pippin from "Talk Radio". His website sports the Kratzky sightings to their entirety, and has a few of Rob's sightings in the same web page.
It was short , Sweet and to the point, as emails go, but I need validation of this being a hoax, not he said, she said.
And for IAttackpeople, I thank you for that thread, but it leads me to nothing other than a "Seagull/pelican" picture of it in flight. Thanks for trying though.
If by chance you are all right about this being a debunk-able and explainable event, "I will never talk of my experience again." This really caught me off guard though, to see that "thing" again.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Allred5923
Mopusvendictus and milignant,
I truly appreciate your input and efforts towards concluding this event as an other explainable situation, but for me , it has rattled my world to the core, I have seen this thing (At least very close to it)

Yes, it rattles my core everytime I see it as well. I just worry if i'll have to get evacuated again the next time I see it.

I hate it when the Millenium Falcon decides to hover over our moutain sides and ignites the landscape with it's warp drive.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 08:35 PM
Well, malignant, mopusvindictus and other "Nay-Sayers", I have finally gotten some confirmation to the exact details of the "Rob Kritzky" stories first hand, and by all means of the word, you guy's/gals appear to be wrong on your consensus of your initial thoughts of what this was.
I had told you I had written to Mr. Jerry Pippin of "Talk Radio" and he has graciously replied to my email.
I don't know how to post the hyper link to my email here, and I don't want to take a chance on giving out any private information, so, if there is a problem with the way O am posting this,"Please MOD's, let me know how to verify either through one of you or how to post the link without giving up some private contents and information."

original email sent to Mr. Pippin is attached at bottom of email:

Re: recent reader, first time inquiry..Sunday, November 23, 2008 8:01 PM
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "[email protected]" Add sender to Contacts To: [email protected]: "Paula Schermerhorn" , "James Smith " , "Farah Yurdozu " , "Rob Kritkausky"
Bill- First of all thanks for contacting me. We have been to Rob's house and the location and I can vouch it is for real. While I was there I actually saw a flying triangle come out between the two peaks behind the Sandra Day O'Connor High School. It was my first sighting. I have not heard from Rob in quite some time, we still have lots of audio and some video in connection with this story that we will be doing along with an update on Rob sometime after the first of the year and before the Phoenix Lights anniversary. I personally am convinced it is real and not a brush fire or any other thing but a definiite UFO with some evidence of super natural events surroundign these sightings as well.Jerry ----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Allred To: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2008 7:04 PMSubject: recent reader, first time inquiry..
Hello Mr. Pippin,I am emailing in regards t a very debated discussion on an individual that goes by the name of Mr. Rob Kritkausky, "Are you familiar?"He was debuted on one of your web pages for your show and he had had a sighting that was caught on tape near his home in Phoenix AZ.It was, what appears to be a UFO flying in a low trajectory over some hill-ed areas and had a light post and some trees in the frame, it was a night sighting, thus leaving little evidence of the true angle and little ability of triangulation of verifying this particular incident.I for one think that is a for real and respectable video of this craft, and I have some of my associates finding it hard to believe that it is anything but a "Brush Fire" in the hills of the local surroundings. Of which I do not see, with the angle of the camera and how far back the mountain/ hill line is from the daytime and night time shots.I have written to Rob personally and have not received a response from him thus far, and with limited connections to being able to settle this in a timely fashion, you are my last hope."Was this video debunked, or is it still at large for the exact nature of what this object/video may be?"You can find the discussion I am speaking of here, I am Allred5923 in the posters column on the left hand side of the pages:' I am sorry to have to resort to having you verify this particular situation for me, but it has some very unique and familiar qualities to it that permit me to investigate this for what I see it as, "A true UFO footage and not a hoax."

With respect and with great thanks,
Your newly found Fan,
Bill A.K.A. Allred5923

I want to thank you guy's for allowing me to dicipher these points of views for myself, with your short stabs and satire, I have talked to someone that had talked to Rob Katzky first hand about this situation for my own personal eveidence of persueing this further and with moer confidence of it being a factual and varifiable sighting caught on video tape.
Also notice that Mr. Pippin had his own experience as well during the said documentation while with Rob.
"Thanks you all, 'Denying Ignorance' signing off!!"

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 08:51 PM
From early writings and observations of cultures that plotted our solar system we hear of their contact.Information they recieved boosting their knowledge sophisticating their technology in agriculture, city planning, and civilization. They've built strutures that we still try to decipher their building process. Our current generation created devices of destruction we can't even phanthom the cost of damage we can do to ourselves.
We are a primitive people pushing steam through tubes, combusting gases thru pipes, polluting what sustains us. Our sun isn't the center of our universe it rotates around something more powerful then it. The people that govern us are vain and only hiding what they know.It could destroy their wealth maybe create a wave of power and consciousness that can pause their system, maybe even destroy it. who's telling the truth ? Are lights in the sky some hallucenigetic drug? Or maybe it is all the things that keep us workin to put money in the pockets of rich people that will abandon us in our time of need? Especially if there maybe a pole shift.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 09:35 PM
Obviously, there is nothing more convincing to another than a story told to another then another.

3rd party stories must be genuine.

Let's deny reality and accept fish stories.

I once knew this guy who had a friend that his cousin told him.....

I believed him!!!!!

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by malignant_tumor
Obviously, there is nothing more convincing to another than a story told to another then another.

You must have not read all the posts on this thread, I was not a second or third person for my sighting in AZ, And from rereading all of your input and my responses, "You are stuck on your ideals of what this is too you."
My sighting was first hand, uncannily familiar to this object, unfortunately, "I didn't have a camera/video recorder/pic. cell phone or any recording device, and seeing this "Thing" (for lack of a better analogy) again after so many years, huh.."You just don't see the big picture as I do see it from my prospective."

3rd party stories must be genuine.

Once again, "Your analogy of this is 'Wrong' and it wasn't the "Third Party" story in my case, it was my own "Personal experience" that got me to investigate this sighting and footage further, something you decided not to do, and for your own "Personal reasons."

Let's deny reality and accept fish stories.

"I have denied 'Ignorance' and it has led me to possible answers for what I had seen that evening in AZ, and there was no fish or fish story involved in my episode."

I once knew this guy who had a friend that his cousin told him.....

Your banter is endless, you have everything all figured out, "Don't you?" I for one am glad that this thread had came up, it has created the 'Curve' that I needed to validate something that was a "Reality" check for myself, not something I heard through the proverbial "Grapevine" synopsis carried on by a legend or story as you so implied.

I believed him!!!!!

After further investigations, "I am leaning towards the fact that this footage is what I had seen that evening in AZ and 'YES', I do believe him, with the evidences presented, with what I had seen with my own eyes 20+ years ago, indubitably believe Rob's footage is accurate and very authentic, but I will be tracking other bits of information as to better my knowledge and acceptances for this being a "Multiple UFO" sightings in different times and eras and different places of the same object."

Everything you have "ASSUMED" is nothing but slurs and self implied conclusions, you have not did any research to back your testimonies of this being a hoax/brush fire or anything of the like to contribute to this thread, you have been here to give "Your own opinion." Nothing more nothing less, and I wish you luck with that kind of "Acknowledgement" here on the ATS forums, "Doubt it will get you far though."

One more thing malignant,
"Do the research and get back to me, wait, you own your opinions, never mind..."

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:14 AM
Yeah but... I did do research and

I also lived on 35th Ave at the time of this alleged photo taking

and the night time footage is from about 5 miles west for the back mtns I picked out to be the same as they appear and firefighters confirmed a fire in the location I believed it was... near Surprise

and the day shot is close to 35th ave, I can tell by th mnts

so now after your last posts and a relook, I can absolutely tell you, there was no UFO by my house that Day

I didn't realize exactly where it supposedly was in Phx until your lost post...

But now DEAD On it can't be, I'd have seen it from my yard at the time.

I wouldn't say, I remember the exact day, but I have kids and don't go outside until evening in summer because of the heat nor at the time was I going anywhere

There's no way i'd have missed it

and I recognize what I see as the mtns silhouettes in night time shot, and it's not the same neighborhood It's surprise and that's where I was told there was a fire

and it's monsoon season, there's lightning every evening, A friend had their palm tree set ablaze in the same time period, not sure if it was the same day, but I recall the issues

I'm sorry my friend

It definitely is not a Ufo

Wish I could say there was even a chance it was, but I WAS THERE, now i'm certain it's a hoax with address.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
Yeah but... I did do research andI also lived on 35th Ave at the time of this alleged photo taking and the night time footage is from about 5 miles west for the back mtns I picked out to be the same as they appear and firefighters confirmed a fire in the location I believed it was... near Surprise

You are telling me that you single handedly have verifiably "proven" that the Kritkausky footage is a provable and undeniable hoax?
Your opinion, or tangible proof?

and the day shot is close to 35th ave, I can tell by th mnts
so now after your last posts and a relook, I can absolutely tell you, there was no UFO by my house that Day

so, you were out side, (The footage was at night) and you didn't see anything other worldly? The same exact night? You should come forth with your finding's to allow the debunking to commence for the rest of the public UFOer's to not be swayed by this particular footage..Ya think?

I didn't realize exactly where it supposedly was in Phx until your lost post...
But now DEAD On it can't be, I'd have seen it from my yard at the time.

I do appreciate your "Self analogy and confirmations" of this event, but there are others that would beg to differ from your findings and analogies, for example:

I personally am convinced it is real and not a brush fire or any other thing but a definite UFO with some evidence of super natural events surroundign these sightings as well.Jerry

That is an excerpt from the email I had received from Jerry Pippin on this event. I am no professional UFO hunter, but if I am sick, I go to the doctor, suppose it goes the same for beliefs of UFOs existing in our midst, and inquiries of such nature.

I wouldn't say, I remember the exact day, but I have kids and don't go outside until evening in summer because of the heat nor at the time was I going anywhere There's no way i'd have missed it and I recognize what I see as the mtns silhouettes in night time shot, and it's not the same neighborhood It's surprise and that's where I was told there was a fire and it's monsoon season, there's lightning every evening, A friend had their palm tree set ablaze in the same time period, not sure if it was the same day, but I recall the issues,I'm sorry my friend, It definitely is not a Ufo, Wish I could say there was even a chance it was, but I WAS THERE, now i'm certain it's a hoax with address.

As for the weather of the vicinity of your area, I am totally aware, I had lived in Tempe AZ for a year and a half when I was a young teenager, back in the mid 70's, and know of the monsoon seasons and aware of typical lightning strikes as you had mentioned.
To make the assumptions on the location of where you live and the angle of the trajectory of the original footage, "Go out and video record the same area at the same angle and post your finds, being's you live "Right there" it should be quite easy, just provide some kind of tangible evidence that thwarts this being an actual sighting with verifiable and undeniable proof."
I have personally went the extra mile for the reasons of self closure of my particular experience, and yet "Here we are." Right where this topic had started, and you have made your point with the Firemen and such, (He said/She said) questionable artifacts to say the least.
Trying to give evidence with your acknowledgement of geographical and local to the sighting and where the footage was initially was taken is all well and good, but nothing more than self accepted as "I didn't see anything myself." scenario.
SO, if you don't mind, "Please use your opportunity to take it upon yourself to get as close to where the original footage was taken and please...Please post it here."
And then we can go from there with your assumptions of the original footage being a hoax.

I am more convinced by my experience back in the mid 80's and the footage presented than with what you are claiming, though, like I had said before, you produce undeniable and unarguable evidence, "I'll be on your side of thoughts."
I do enjoy your insights, and do truly respect your take on this matter, you have been civil and very key to producing some other explanations, but if you would of been with me so many years ago, you would understand that this is not a typical UFO footage chat for me, it is a form of validation from something that had taken place in my life and without any closure of accptances because I had never had any proof of what I had seen.

So, I am intrigued by your constitution of your beliefs, they just fall short for me to write this event off as "Brush Fires".

With respect and understanding,

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 03:37 PM
I want to thank Allred for taking the time to do some actual "digging" here! not only did he recount his own personal sighting for all to read but went ahead and made contact with Jerry- What a great way to deny ignorance! as I'm sure he's done.This is one of the many reasons I like ATS-Good information! You all saw the e-mail this is a genuine lead that I hope will produce more info-Could it be that the alphabet boy's have been keeping this one under wraps? I don't know but that seems pretty obvious to me call me crazy.IMO this one's far from dead

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