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Mothership over MO? With vid!!

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posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:26 AM
I wonder what was the weather like on the date in question was it dry or wet? the topic of monsoon season is remote to some here is a link that I found describing.I wonder this because if it was extremly dry the fire theory would be possible by nature..however if it was wet that doesn't explain how the illumination occurs then does away then re occurs.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by malignant_tumor

Bill- First of all thanks for contacting me. We have been to Rob's house and the location and I can vouch it is for real.

Last time I checked "bill" was not a female designation.Nice try!

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

If I live in the area ... there might be variables

What variable I wasn't in the area, I was on the same Avenue lol

and what variable will hide a craft that could be seen for 5 miles from my eyes, and all my neighbors and everyone else in the community?

It's not, my kid went to school there

all his peers, the local store people who I spoke to every day, the whole neighborhood...

This thing, would be gigantic by all reason given the sighting and distance

Yet NO ONE in my neighborhood mentioned it no friend for miles around in very direction said a word, let alone me being outside with a camera

what Variable, allows a giant craft to pass by the neighborhood when photos were allegedly taken from my very block... and I'm out with a camera at the same time as well

and there was nothing, no mention from anyone

How would I miss that, let alone all my neighbors a school full of children, local store owners that... Knew me, that I converse with daily and know me as paranormal kind of guy lol

Not only does it fly right over my head when I'm outside with a camera or be in sight from a location I would of had to have in view and ... I never saw it,

But with a house load of people... no one else noticed it, and none of my friends, neighbors, the guys from the gas station on the corner.. no one came in and said Holy smokes there's a mother ship outside?

Come on

Whatever lol, Guy knows better in North Dakota than I do on the avenue as it turns out to be the Images were supposedly filmed?

these are things people mention, the PHX lights made MSM, Huge Buzz

This, the big red lights and all... no one saw? Or Hardly anyone?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:48 AM
When I can get "Rob" to come out and agree with my claims...

Rob? The only person who got a shot or that I know of even saw from among 500,000 or so people in eyesight of a Giant hovering Light in the sky?

The guy is a sci fi buff and makes this sort of stuff...

Phx lights, seen by Hundreds of thousands

This, seen by Rob

and it never moves once on tape...

and no one else I know in the neighborhood saw it, and trust me... I have a lot of free time on my hands, I'm the friggin Mayor where ever I live...

No flood of police calls, no news article, no mass sightings, no witnesses

I'm outside taking pictures... somehow miss the mother ship

There is ZERO credibility to this

Gosh, the guys with the Tin Pie plates at least hook them up to a string and make them move

The Guy... videoed something on the mtn side by surprise lol

Theres nothing in terms of local sightings, a couple of reports in a dense area... One of them was him probably lol

I seriously can't even believe having someone that was there that night... you 2 are going to go on from a vast distance insisting it's real when the thing never moves, why'd he shut the camera lol, where did it go?

I'm done lol...

believe what you will

I guess I missed the mother ship that was parked in front of my house when I was outside with the camera that night....

silly me...

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

there might be variables

You mentioned nothing of time that I mean sinply given what is known of the video that there is roughly 1hr45min of "footage" you mean to tell me that you as well as your neighbors skywatch all hours of the day and night.Sorry I don't buy. I too live in the "burbs" and very near to Denver Int. Airport I might add, and I (as a functional human being) do not observe my Air space as much as I'd like, not enough time in the day..Or night for that matter.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Rob? The only person who got a shot
Wait a minute what? Got a your just being condisending..

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

and no one else I know in the neighborhood saw it, and trust me... I have a lot of free time on my hands, I'm the friggin Mayor where ever I live...

Wow your D-resume is ever growing, if you continue you will only discredit yourself further please consider the respectable(including yourself) people who have made this thread possible and refrain from self induced promotions.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

no witnesses

Did you listen to the pod cast provided by Allred as well as the E-mail?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 02:13 AM
I want to reiterate the purpose of this thread.I wanted thought on this event.I would love for this thread to continue until either proven or disproved,however, I feel that this is no place for general accusations or name calling.Please let it be known that I respect opinion's weather pro or con.Were not going to get anywhere by fruitlessly attacking one another,and if that continues the mod's will interrupt.So please keep that in mind when posting(as will I) My goal is to accomplish a genuine "thought exchange" not engage in a UFC. All who have posted, I want you know that I appreciate all of your thoughts as well as material insights.(this is a tough one has generated some amount of rudeness )I would like to see this thread continue in a manner consistant (spelling?) with denying ignorance.I feel like nobody here should have to defend themself, rather prove or disprove while presenting evidence.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 10:05 AM
1. The members in question are NOT the same person.

2. Post to the topic or do not post at all.

3. Courtesy Is Mandatory

4. The Bickering and Snide Comments STOP now.

5. The next Staff Actions are Warnings.

Considering the above, could we all just discuss the topic?


posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by alyosha1981

Alright, don't change it, but it is still a fire on a hill. Have a great day!

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:28 PM


posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:49 PM
I really enjoy the fact this guy didn't manage to film the object moving at all. Did he get bored of watching?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Hey Semper,

I am one of the interested posters here of this event, there have been very many "Personal Opinions" of this topic and thread, but for one am doing a very deep research for the facts, whether they be for the proof this was a real and undeniable sighting, or if it is proven a "Hoax" as some of the other posters have suggested.
I have contacted Jerry Pippin from the "Pippin Radio Talk Show" and have a direct connection to this event having taken place, which I had posted back on either Pg. 9 or 10, not sure at this moment, and he has told me that Mr. Rob Kritkausky is a very down to earth guy that use to be a skeptic, and Jerry also informed me that he has been bombarded by scientists and engineers, UFO investigators, etc. and may be a little timid to discuss anything with anyone about this sighting.
Even so, I have emailed Rob already, under the suggestion of MR. Pippin and I am awaiting a reply.
Hopefully it won't be "Too" long, but it may take a while, but when it does, I will share the entirety of the email with the posters here and it will be honest and untouched information, no matter what the outcome, as I had said before.
There are some individuals here that are head strong on their personal opinion's, which I can and do respect, but the back stabbing and basic disrespectful "Literary" jargon that has been posted is getting old. I try to accept the examples they have produced, but there is absolutely no research into the sighting itself other than He said/She said analogies of this topic. Oh, some self absorbed analysis of some photo's that aren't remotely close to the sighting photo's for comparison as well.
Seeing Travis as the last post here on this thread and then finding out he has been "Censored" due to his content, I ask of you to consider the implications of this footage and what it means for the truth seekers such as myself and alyosha. I agree with you that I don't want the "Saturday Night Fights" on this thread, and you have made this clear, don't punish the thread for a posters misconduct, it just wouldn't be fare and aligned with our motto of "Denying Ignorance" which is exactly what I and other interested posters of this thread have been trying to do from the beginning.

With Respect and Understanding,

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by KIRKSTERUK

The object was moving the whole time KIRk.
There is some speculation that the cloud you see around the object may be some kind of "Affect" with the atmosphere and other magnetic anomalies, from what the Ufologists had stated on the podcast.
Originally the object was "Above their home" and it moved Northward before he could get his video camera. His wife was the one to initially see it coming , the region of that area was experiencing the monsoon season, and that is why the camera is shaky, you can hear his surprise in his voice if you go back and go to the website that I have provided. There is also a 40 min. long conversation with the videographer "Rob Kritkausky" and another Ufologist giving his take on this event.

It is fare to say this guy is an impressionist new wave artist and gave up his advertising website to start posting UFO and other Paranormal anomalies , this guy was a "Skeptic" before these events taking place in his life.

Go back, read some of the websites posted, then come back and give your opinion, it is worth the journey!!

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by gandaalf

It's Arizona.

nuff said.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:59 AM
As much as I hate to say this, the photo taken in the day light is not the same as the video. Look at the diagonal section of the lamp post in the video,..its not as long as the day photo. Also the center tree (in the video) is not the same in the day photo,..there isnt even a tree centered in the day photo. I am convinced the video is misleading, really is a fire on the top of a hill.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 05:05 PM

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 10:42 AM
****Updating thread*****

I have not yet heard from "Rob Kritkausky" of the alleged UFO footage, I have remained in contact with Mr. Pippin from the "Radio Talk Show" that had initially done the interviews with Rob and the people of interest of this sighting and he says there will be new information released on to what was discovered after the analogies of the said "Specialists" of this field have had there two cents worth of an investigation.

I have spoken to Mr. Pippin via e-mail, and with his demeanor of not replying to all of my e-mails, I do believe there will be much more to this story than what I had expected initially. The new interview should be sometime after the "New Year" and should prove to be very interesting for those of us who accept the possibilities of this event being "Authentic" and "factual".

Since the creation of this thread By alyosha, there has also been another thread created showing that more people have come out of seclusion to give their testimonies to this event. With little knowledge of the "Plagiarism Rules" of the thread posts, I will post the entirety of the new thread and it's contents as a separate ATS thread post and if there are "Unacceptable" consequences of this act, "Please MOD's correct me via U2U and it will not happen again."'

Even though I haven't actually been contacted by the Kritkausky's, I am sure we are going to hear more of this "UFO' event in the future, whether it be by T.V. or other forms of media.

Then again, "Big Brother is a live and well.."

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:24 AM
I have E-mailed Rob Kritausky and will post any replies by him I have been also researching this topic further as well and will post findings

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