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Behold, the black horse of Revelation!

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posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

Thanks again Red

Ok. I see that we know the common problems we all have so far.

So i dear to go a bit further.

What dose the bible and the prophet revealed to us. What should we really know if we live in the time of John's Revelation's.

What should we really understand. What should we see that is hidden in the signs and text.

You have done a great job with your deciphering of the text so far. It is very objective.
But can you help me understand what i am about to explain.
What i want is a point of whew.

I am about to try and explain what we might not regard as part of John's Revelations. But i see the connections.
Maybe because i look at the Bible and John's revelation's from a different point of whew.

The only one who is worthy of opening a seal is the butchered lamb "Jesus".

As we fulfill our actions/duties predicted by Jesus and the prophets. Jesus will open a seal. And a event will happen on earth.
It's this event that God gave the prophets to prophecies in the Bible.

Now have do we set the stage for the predicted events that is going to happen.
What part do we play!
And have do we do it!

I think that this is very important to understand. If we are to understand what you have just written about.
And about have things are going to happen.

To shine some light on what i am about to tell. We have to think about the book of life. The book that only God can open.

Revelation 20:15
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

This will maybe explain why we humans do what we do as predicted by God.

Some might say that who's name that is not written in the book of life is the tribes of Cain.
For me that is not really that important.

What is important to know is that the people that is not written in the book of life. Shear this world with the names that are written in the book of life.

Now what dose that mean!

next post comming under

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by tyranny22
reply to post by A child of the King

I'm not sure why your reply was directed at me.

Any relation to what I had to say in my post?

Yes, I thought what you said about the rider of the black horse possibly being not a single entity but the corruption of our government was a distinct possiblility. Also, what you said about the people being outside the compartmentalized structure to change anything about the way our government operated seems why we are at the fate of powers beyond our control and at it's mercy and will. Yet, for me, I have a hope in God who gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Through Him we have the power to overcome that will which seeks to destroy what our forefathers created; namely, a democracy...for the people. I believe it was James Madison who said that the citizens of the US are responsible for the greatest trust ever confided to a political society. What do we believe is that trust? That we are a force for good in the world?

[edit on 22-11-2008 by A child of the King]

[edit on 22-11-2008 by A child of the King]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 12:32 AM
If the US is a force for good in the world then why would it be the black horse of the apocalypse? I have read other interpretations where it is the Middle East that is prominent in the writings of the book of Revelations, where Turkey, as the revived Ottoman Empire, may be the black horse and Saudi Arabia is the daughter of Babylon and radical Islam being the beast system. It seems plausible.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 12:33 AM
About the names not being written in the Book of Life.

You'll recall the story that there was a certain rich man (notice he is not named) and Lazarus (we are given his name), who lived in the street, who begged the scraps from the table of the rich man, whose sores the dogs licked.

They both died. Lazarus was lifted to the bosom of Abraham. The rich man raised his eyes in great torment. He looked across the great gulf that divided the two, and asked Abraham if Lazarus (notice that he recognized Lazarus) could dip his finger in water and touch his tongue.

Remember the story?

This wasn't a parable. This was Jesus relating the events of two men.

Notice that we are given the name of the saved man, Lazarus, and there is no name of the rich man who went the other way. Now recall the Book of Life. Lazarus name was in it, but the rich man's name was not, and we don't know is name.

As far as these wild interpretations of Revelation, if you don't systematically examine and use good historical background, anyone can claim anything.

And why the fascination with the Black Horse? Each horse is a different condition of the same entity. Now, what is that common entity that passed through four historically documented phases?

I guarantee you the Black Horse isn't Napolean, Obama, Malcolm X, or the planet Nibiru. Unless the White Horse is Michael Jackson, the Red Horse is Carrot Top, and the Pale Horse is Ozzie.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by dooper
About the names not being written in the Book of Life.

And why the fascination with the Black Horse? Each horse is a different condition of the same entity. Now, what is that common entity that passed through four historically documented phases?

So you are saying each horse represents a stage of the antichrist? The white horse is him coming upon the world stage. The red horse is the antichrist taking peace from the world. The black horse is the antichrist forcing the mark to be able to buy and sell, and then comes the pale horse with the results of the previous events; death and destruction, and all the martyred souls.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 01:22 AM
Continuing from my other post.

What is important to know is that the people that is not written in the book of life. Shear this world with the names that are written in the book of life.

And God explains the difference between the two. One is with God. The other is not. Unless he changes or is reborne as the Bible is telling us.

Now what dose that mean!

I am going to try and explain that by using some known people of our recent history.
Some might say that is just a bunch of mambo jumbo. But is it!
It might be important and worth looking into.

Because the thoughts and actions of these people is just what God is telling us about. In Revelation. 21:8

And are the actions being predicted to happen in Revelation so Jesus can open the seal's.

I am going to start out by telling about Albert Pike (1809-1891)

Have dose he fit into the book of revelation. Well his ideas and our recent history and ideas for the future world.

Pike designed a plan for world conquest and wrote of it in a letter to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. He said three future world wars would prepare the world for the New World Order.

"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."

"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Now that's something ha

But as no surprise the letter dose not exist anymore.

But you can finde other clues that there is something simular going on.

I could have used at least three other very known people do expres this.

By Norman Dodd.

Now, we are back in the period of 1908, and these minutes reported the following: The Trustees of the Carnegie Endowment bring up a single question; namely, if it is desirable to alter the life of an entire people, is there any means more efficient than war to gain that end? And they discuss this question at a very high academic and scholarly level for a year, and they come up with an answer-- there are no known means more efficient than war, assuming the objective is altering the life of an entire people.

Now i am going to bring up some whews of whats going on today. That can support what i have talked about above.

More comming.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by dooper

You are missing the point.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Gunsron

Originally posted by Zealott
It has been my understanding that the horseman would be a little bit more coordinated than this. It's counter productive for them to be so spaced out in time allowing us to recover and overcome one horseman before the next.

In my reading of the book "Obsession" i have found one of the greatest trueths of all time. To bring people hope, and then to crush it, this is ultimate power, for power depends on fear and hope together... Alowing each "horseman" to end brings hope of a new day of living without fear, but when the next "horseman" comes it brings fear in the relization that our world is falling apart.... Just my interpretation... and it would make since for it to be spread aprart the way it is, just long enough for us to think everything is going okay, and then as everythings looking good, it all starts falling down.... If i was satan, thats how i would do it.

By the way, Obsession is written by Ted Dekker, for anyone interested He's a great author....

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by spy66

I think I see your point. The four horses and riders could indeed be seen as differing aspects of the purposes of the beast. I quote from Revelation 13:1 and 13:11:

Revelation 13:1

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Revelation 13:11

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

(all emphasis mine)

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

The first beast comes out of the sea, and the second beast comes out of the earth. Both were already there, only hidden. Just as the Illuminati (PTB, Bilderbergs, whatever name you want to give them) are hidden today. I have to point out the common name 'Illuminati' bears a striking resemblance in meaning to 'Lucifer', the angel of light. Lucifer is now an oxymoron, as the very concept of light connotates wisdom, not just in Jewish tradition, but throughout many cultures. Yet the workings of Satan, he who once was called Lucifer, is exactly the opposite. The name Illuminati would seem to mean light in some respect as well, and yet they are hidden...

So you may be absolutely right that the four horses and riders were tools of the true evil in the world. At the same time, they may also be warnings of what those true evils would need to accomplish in order to fulfill their end goals.


posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

The four horsemen are evil, but not the true evil. It's not the devils work. It's actually Jesus that opens the 4 seals one by one. And lets the damnation come upon us.
That's when we are going to see the reactions of our human actions. And that's going to be the evil part, it's going to bad. It's our punishment brought up by our own actions.

As i told before it's our actions and duties as predicted that makes Jesus open the seals. Or let's the four horsemen lose. He is at the alter when he dose this.
And we humans have to do certain things for Jesus to open the seals. That's very important to know.
But we will experience the horsemen a bit different then what people might imagine. '
It's not going to be something supernatural at all. It is going to be reality.
A consequence of our human actions.

But i am going to come back to the 4 horsemen. As soon as i have explained our predicted actions and duties so that this can happen.

I like use the Book of life to explain that our world has two tribes of people.

1. The once who is of god. Or like Adam. They are of Gods in spirit.

2. People who have no inheritance on this earth and no place in heaven (Genesis 4:9-14). A people descended from the murderer who killed the first and second Adams. "They are not of God in spirit".

You have to understand this picture to see what our world really is like. It is a must to know this if your are to understand the predictions.
Because it's all about reality.

If you know what world you live you can see past the mystery of the predicted prophecies.
You will be able to see past the camouflage. Because our reality is camouflaged in many ways. And i bet that you all agree on that

If you have the right spirit you will know what's right from wrong. Call it moral values.
Only the once who have the spirit of God will respect the moral values given to us by God. And Jesus wouldn't have had a reason to open any of the seals.
But this is not the case. We have people who dont respect our moral values.
We have two sets of moral values to day. The spiritual value and human values. And some people tend to mix the two values and dont see what's wrong.

Now i am going to continue from where i left of.

Need a break first

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by spy66

Good that you need a break, as I need to think on your post. I do have one question: Are you suggesting the Anunnaki theory here, with number 1 being the true humans, creations of God, and number 2 being the Annunaki and their descendants, as in not creations of God but rather creations of spiritual beings and humans mixed?

If so, that is a theory I wish I had brushed up on more. I'm afraid I am pretty ignorant overall towards it, although what I have read on the theory sounds interesting to say the least.


posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by TheRedneck
reply to post by spy66
I do have one question: Are you suggesting the Anunnaki theory here, with number 1 being the true humans, creations of God, and number 2 being the Annunaki and their descendants, as in not creations of God but rather creations of spiritual beings and humans mixed?

If so, that is a theory I wish I had brushed up on more.


To answer you question before i go on.

I am talking about "us" You and Me, the true humans.
Because God divides us up by our spirit. That's what the book of life is all about.
Our spirit is the true mirror of our actions and who we really are and what we represent. And we are going to be judged by it.

I guess that you got thrown of when i mentioned the two tribes. What i realy meant is good and bad people.
Spirit of god.
Spirit that is not of God.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by spy66

Ah, OK. Thanks for the clarification.

Do you believe we each have a choice which side to be on? Or do you think it is somehow destined when we are born?


posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 03:53 PM
Continuing for the post far above

Now i am going to bring up some whews of what is going on today. That can support what i have talked about earlier.
The road that is being predicted before us.

But first i have to remind you of The Book of life.

To enter Heaven, you must have your name written in God's BOOK OF LIFE.

Revelation 20:15 says:
"And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

Now who are these people!
Revelation 21:8
"...the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and warmongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."

The once who dont have the true spirit of God with them. They act against the values given to us by God.

Now!! Have do we see these actions done by us humans to day?

I am going to try and explain this with a well known event.
The UN sanctions against"IRAQ" This is just one out of a many.

Now this is a great and difficult event to explain, but i am going to try and do this as well as possible so that you all get the picture.

Focus on human moral and values when you reed this. Is this the spirit of God acting! Is this right ?
Is it the devil or is it just us humans doing this to other humans?
And what is our mission?

The sanctions put upon IRAQ 1990.

According to a UNICEF report released in April, before the bombing commenced, over 250 people, mostly children under 5, died each day because of the UN sanctions. More than one-and-a-half million have been killed by the sanctions imposed in 1990.

The World Food Program says more than 1.2 million Iraqi children died due to the embargo between August 1990 and August 1997 -- a generation sanctioned out of existence.

The loss of life caused by the UN sanctions makes Saddam Hussein's human rights record virtually pale into insignificance.
Amnesty International estimates Hussein's regime killed about 130,000 people between 1979 and 1989.
In eight years, the sanctions have killed more than 10 times that number. That's the human rights record of George Bush and Bill Clinton.

But further more what kind off people and nations are in charge of these un moral events. Is there a pattern and a goal with all of this?

More coming.

Man this takes time

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by TheRedneck
reply to post by spy66

Ah, OK. Thanks for the clarification.

Do you believe we each have a choice which side to be on? Or do you think it is somehow destined when we are born?


Now that's a good question.

Our challenge is that we are left to faith and the words written in the religious books passed down by our forefathers. And that is a big challenge for a lot of people to put faith in alone.

But one thing is for sure.The people who have the knowledge have a choice that they can make. They can decide on which side they want to stand on.

Fore the once who don't have the knowledge. It's a lot worse. But we where given a job to preach the true word of God to the world.
But what is the real words God want us to preach!
It has to be about something we all have in common.
What do we all have in common???

We are all borne equal to a point. Even if you are borne in China,Afghanistan or the United States.
What changes us from there on is the human system. Because after birth your groomed into fit that system of roles and religion that is applied where you live. Now this is where the things really start to change.
But we all have the same knowlege and feelings conserning common sense. And whats write and wrong.
We all know that killing and stealing is wrong for eks.

I know that the Bible mentions something about that.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by spy66

I'm missing the point?

You'll be able to page back in this thread where I wrote the historical parallel with the four horses. I contend that this was describing the Roman Empire, what was, and was to come at the time it was written.

Don't think it fits? Let's have a look. If you don't have a basic grasp of history, you'll never get it. And that's OK. Many folks like to tear into Revelation and chase after some wild concept that reflects some personal belief, but has no consistency. No perspective.

Read what I wrote about the other seals, and we'll pick it up with the Fifth.


9-11: These are clearly the Christians who had suffered martyrdom. Their cry denotes that the Church had suffered long and severely, and they raise a cry for deliverance. The White Robes are robes of justification and victory. They must wait a little longer as the persecution is determined to stamp out Christianity.

The ninety-two years of civil turmoil began AD 192 with the death of Commodus. They ended in AD 284. In that year Diocletian ascended the throne of Rome, and his reign was the most terrible, prolonged, and most general persecution known in the ancient history of the Church. While Diocletian was not the chief protagonist, great men of the Empire, such as Galerius, became alarmed at the growth of the Christian faith, and Diocletian yielded, forcing the effort to stamp out Christianity.

In 303AD, the secret councils were held at Nicomedia concerning the destruction of Christianity, and on the 23rd of February, an armed force was sent to the great church of Nicomedia, burned the sacred texts, and began the most general, fierce, persecution that has been called "the era of martyrs. Churches were surrounded, doors locked, and set on fire. This great persecution lasted 25 years. The 'little season' was by God's perception, not ours.


The sun, moon, and stars are symbols of earthly dignitaries, great lights in the political or religious heavens. Even in sports and Hollywood today, we have our own "stars."

The blackness of the sun, and the bloody hue of the moon point out scenes of mourning and bloodshed among rulers and princes. The falling of the stars would indicate the downfall of those who had high stations on earth, or rather, within the Empire. Mountain and Island are used to denote earthly rulers and kingdoms, the latter referring more especially to European provinces which are often called the "isles of the sea" in the Bible.

From the period of Diocletian, the great persecutor, the title, "Your Eminence," or in other words, "mountain," was bestowed upon princes. As a mountain stands above the plain, so the rulers of earth were elevated and exalted. The earth in this circumstance must in the mind of John mean the civilized world of the Roman Empire. It is within these boundaries that we must look for fulfillment.

The time: It follows immediately after the great persecution found in the fifth seal, which closed in AD 311. These events occur near the end of that time. It is a time of mourning. Who are the mourners? Kings. Great men, princes, rich men, bondmen, and freemen.

Do we have, near the end of 311 after the great persecution, a mighty revolution, filled with mourning, and followed by a time of triumph, prosperity, and glory to the Church of Christ?

We do.

In the year 312, Constantine left Britain, marching through Gaul, and launched his armies on Italy. His mother was Christian, and the Italian emperor opposed to him was Maxentius, a confirmed pagan who swore an oath to Jupiter to eradicate the Christian faith. In three great battles, Maxentius was defeated and in the last, slain, making Constantine the Emperor of Rome. In the east, another emperor, Licinius, another pagan persecutor, still held the reins of power. War, truces, an battles spread ove 16 years saw six emperors strive for dominance, of whom Constantine remained the sole survivor.

When Constantine was seated on the six pagan thrones, there was great mourning for the enemies of the Cross. In 319, Constantine decreed his mother's religion should be tolerated as an acknowledged faith of the empire. In 321, he decreed that Sunday be observed in all cities by cessation of trade and labor. In 325, the abolished the bloody entertainment provided by Gladiators. He convoked the Council of Nicea to address the heresy of Arianism. While he did away with pagan beliefs and customs, he transformed the Empire into and empire of the Christian faith, which enabled its spread to the far reaches of the empire, including Europe. He then did the unthinkable. He relocated the center of power from the imperial city of Rome.

Those who insist that the opening of the sixth seal portrays the end of the world should bear in mind that the chain of events continues on through the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th Chapters, and it is only when the Seventh Angel sounds his trumpet in 11:15, that the proclamation is made that "the kindom of the world is become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ," but that they should keep in mind also that the scenes beheld by John are not literal pictures of the events, but symbolic visions.

The interpreter should ask himself not, "what would be the literal fulfillment of the visions?" but what do the symbols mean and signify? The earthquake, the blackened sun, the falling stars, the moving mountains, and islands of the sixth seal are not to be regarded as literal any more than the pale horse of the fourth seal.

If you guys want to continue this, we can always go a bit further. It really starts to get interesting from now on.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by dooper

I am sorry.
This my fault. I didn't read before i replied. My mistake.

I am going to finish your post now.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by dooper

I do have a question for you.

I see that you read history and have a opinion here.
Do you think our History is correct. Dose it contain the whole and nothing but the truth!
Or could there be more!

If i read this correct. You believe that this has happened already!

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by spy66

No history is complete.

I think that a lot of Revelation has been fulfilled. Keep in mind, John was writing to those of his time, about events that were to begin almost immediately, and would continue. Revelation is layered. You can follow secular history of the Christian faith quite easily in the Revelation.

The thing that impresses me is the accuracies, including times. Lengths of events. And they follow one right after another, just like our history books do.

A few things are yet to come, some are intentionally not told.

As I said, it really, really starts to get interesting. And it takes us all the way up to Luther.

But for any of this to make sense, one cannot just start with some frightening symbolism and start applying that to something out of context. It was not intended for that purpose, nor was it written in that manner.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by spy66

No history is complete.

I think that a lot of Revelation has been fulfilled. Keep in mind, John was writing to those of his time, about events that were to begin almost immediately, and would continue. Revelation is layered. You can follow secular history of the Christian faith quite easily in the Revelation.

The thing that impresses me is the accuracies, including times. Lengths of events. And they follow one right after another, just like our history books do.

A few things are yet to come, some are intentionally not told.

As I said, it really, really starts to get interesting. And it takes us all the way up to Luther.

But for any of this to make sense, one cannot just start with some frightening symbolism and start applying that to something out of context. It was not intended for that purpose, nor was it written in that manner.

Yes our history is complete hehe

But that wasn't my question. Of course the events are history.

But is our books telling us everything and every intention behind our history?

I dont think so. What do you think!

Your whew on revelations is of course right. Some of them have come true and some are yet to come. Not much to argue on that.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

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