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over population simple solution

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posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:41 PM
Well I for one completely agree with you, the world is overpopulated, and it's getting rather crowded.

And as long as there are certain types of people who feel the need to breed like flies, popping out 4 or 5 kids, things will get a whole lot worse.

Instead of giving guys a vasectomy though, i think a drug could be created to sterelize or perhaps even just sterelize the person for 10 or 20 years, just as a countermeasure.

I also agree with you that breading should be selective, so that diseases and genetically transferred diseases can get phased out over a few generations, along with mental\retarded people.

In a couple of generations major genetic illnesses will be almost non existent, people will be healthier and stronger, and there will no longer be 6 billion people on the planet, i'd say we should aim for around 1 billion people across the earth and no more.

My 2 cents anyway.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 03:59 AM
China only thought they had a good idea with their one-child policy. Now there is an excess of more than 2 million men that can't find wives because the female children were aborted, killed or abandoned. The Army of 2,000,000 in the Book of Revelation? They don't want your money or land............they will want the woman! LOL You try fighting 2,000,000 horny Chinamen!

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by Shystargazer

LOL fair comment.

I'd hate to be in that situation.... might a well just drop me in hell.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:17 AM
The people who rule. Uses war as their depopulation tool..
Starvation in the 3'rd world countries takes so many lives
that we wouldn't believe it if we knew the real number..
The problem isn't overpopulation, it's to many people overusing resources..
We need to cut down our passion for materialism..
If we all as a people worked together instead of giving all our energy and hard work to those few on the top, things would get better faster than we think..
And some alternative energy resources wouldn't be so bad to develop either

I guess they have had the technology in their hands for many years doh..

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by Shystargazer

I agree China is a good example of a failed population control attempt. Yes they have managed to control the population but it has caused a lot of turmoil. People go in debt for paying off fees for not registering to have a child or for having a second, and many times these couples keep these babies secret. Sometimes the kids are hidden for so long that they don’t get to go to school and get proper educations in their youth. Then there is the booming child abduction and child selling business in China now. People kidnap teenage girls so that they can sell them to a wealthy couple who needs a son for their wife, people sell their baby boys for pretty high amounts of money to couples who really want a boy- possibly who already got “stuck” with a girl.

The government needed to do something but I feel they completely over stepped their bounds. We probably need comprehensive population control. However why do we think our government should be given ANOTHER power over us? Why do you want to give them the ability to choose when you have a baby and how many you can have? Because they handle everything else so well? Because they haven’t corrupted other systems before? We are one step closer to them controlling us like slaves if we give our government those kinds of rights over our bodies.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 03:56 AM
It is a myth that the world is overpopulated. Rather, resource management is skewed so that starvation and war is encouraged.

One thing that you may not be aware of is that infertility has a higher rate of depression than even cancer. Of cancer survivors who have been studied, the majority say that dealing with infertility is even more emotionally devastating than their cancer diagnosis.

Eugenics, which is what you are suggesting, has long been considered an atrocity - despite the use of plastics, GM crops, and dioxins to sterilize the public.

Also, unless you, yourself have decided to prevent yourself from having children in such a permanent way as vasectomy, you should never ever suggest it as a policy.

Shame on you.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 04:08 AM
and just who decides who breeds and who is worthy to pass on genes?


even if you create the perfect human, nature will create the perfect disease to kill the perfect human.

genetic variation is what stops species from dying out, insects can become immune to certain pesticides if they only get a small dose and pass on that resistance to its offspring.

humans will eventually reach the saturation number and a natural cull would take place, just like it does throughout all of nature.
No need to stop the over population, it will happen naturally

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 04:35 AM
"over population simple solution"
There is no over population.
This is a mind trick the elite use on you, so you don't mind them killing millions of people and sacrificing them to there evil God.
The fact is we could fit comfortably another 150 billion people on this earth.
Although people overpopulate city's and tend to clan together all in the one place.
If you look at the size of the earth and the uninhabited space on it you will see currently it is sparsely populated at best.
Global warming is real, the Globe is warming, but 6 billion little carbon life forms are not causing it.
The Globe has always warmed and cooled.
And currently we are recording temperature from one of the coldest periods in the last 1000 years.
So basically anything after that point is going to be alot warmer.
There has been far greater warming periods than this.
And there was hardly any humans when this happened.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 04:45 AM
what a waste.... why dont we kill 90% of the population..? its the best solution... i'll begin it to myself...

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by robertnesta
isnt this basically already happening with the use of plastics that cause infertility and increase feminism in men?

so they already thought of your idea, and are using it, along with many other techniques, at least i think

Lots of this guys posts annoy me to death, but I've got to agree with him on this one. Wait till they get the rest of the planet on the American FDA plan. It will make Hitler look like a boy scout.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 05:35 AM
Now that I think about it, heres one, they could try NOT paying people to have kids. How about the pay for your own offspring plan. I actually know a guy who has 13 children from 3 wives who are all wards of the state because their parents are drug abusing, welfare sucking, wastes of oxygen that don't do much besides drink, screw and spend their cash on crack. They will not ever have any responsibility for those kids. Two of them are of age and on their own and living with the parents doing the SAME THING.
And before we get into a racial thing or a poverty thing - he and she are white and literate and have a house and he makes decent money working at various companies under the table in addition to their welfare and food stamps. That guy needs a vasectomy and a swift kick in the balls.
Once again. Maybe if we all had families with children that we paid for out of our own pockets then things might make more sense. Maybe folks would have a few kids and send them to school instead of a litter that all work for minimum wage till they die.
I know that was bordering on a rant but it is a pet peeve of mine and I think it is valid.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 06:01 AM
legalize all illegal drugs and give them away free to anyone that signs a waver to medical care for the problems caused by the use if the illegal drugs. and the right to own any weapons or live in public housing

70% will kill themselves in the first year and the rest will go insane from the effect of there high drug use and we can just let them die from it.

this should get ride of about 2 million undesirables in the US in just the first year.

oh and make the castle doctrine law in all 50 states so when these drug crazed undesirables break into peoples homes they can just shoot them without warning..

that should get rid of about a million more undesirables.

this would be a law that would effect the least needed and least wanted part of the population without having to pick someone to be a target.

they would pick themselves by there actions and they all would be losers to begin with so they would be no lose to society.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by ANNED

i like it

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by Xyver
Ok. in one word, my simple solution is.... VASECTIMYS!!! yes its spelt wrong, but i mean that we need to make less people have children. mainly men. like, not cut theyre penises off, that would be too cruel. they can still have sex. but no children. unless they adopt. so we have to make them sterile. BEFORE YOU START FLAMING ME, HEAR ME OUT. YES THIS IS INSANE, I DOUBT THERE IS ANYWAY THIS COULD EVER HAPPEN, BUT IT IS A GOOD SOLUTION TO SOLVE OBESITY, GENETICALLY PASSED DIESEASES, AND MANY OTHER HUMAN INEFFICIANCYS.

so anyway, an easier way to solve all this would jsut be to kill alot of people. but, noone would like that idea. so, this is less cruel and gives almost everyone a fair chance. so what we have to do is design some test. mental test, physical test, maybe a few more. anyways, the entire population will be put through these tests, and teh people who pass will be worthy to pass on theyre genes. there will be lots of people who dont pass, so there will be alot of people who dont have kids. that means that in a couple of generations, the population will have decreased. and the people that are still there will be super smart, super strong, or both. and, mentally challanged people should be "sterilized" as well.

i kno many more will flame me, and it will take me alot of explaining to get my entire idea through to you, the forum readers. but its a good idea.


[edit on 12-11-2008 by Xyver]

how do you pick who gets the vascectomy and who is seem to be good enough to breed?

take a look at this test

Question 1:
If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?

you just killed mozart

i cannot find the best link to this but here is some that might let you find the original test

the point is - who can tell what the offspring might be like?

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by ANNED
legalize all illegal drugs and give them away free to anyone that signs a waver to medical care for the problems caused by the use if the illegal drugs. and the right to own any weapons or live in public housing

70% will kill themselves in the first year and the rest will go insane from the effect of there high drug use and we can just let them die from it.

this should get ride of about 2 million undesirables in the US in just the first year.

oh and make the castle doctrine law in all 50 states so when these drug crazed undesirables break into peoples homes they can just shoot them without warning..

that should get rid of about a million more undesirables.

this would be a law that would effect the least needed and least wanted part of the population without having to pick someone to be a target.

they would pick themselves by there actions and they all would be losers to begin with so they would be no lose to society.

a HUGE percentage of Hollywood stars are on drugs - you want them all to kill themselves too?

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:06 PM
Every time I hear about over population, I think of Thomas Malthus. This guy was talking about over population 200 years ago. I'm sure they will still be talking about over population 200 years from now.

His theories looked good on paper (like liberal policies), but don't make sense in real life.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by megabyte

Originally posted by ANNED

a HUGE percentage of Hollywood stars are on drugs - you want them all to kill themselves too?

I could live with that.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by megabyte

a HUGE percentage of Hollywood stars are on drugs - you want them all to kill themselves too?

Are you serious? Why would a Hollywood star killing themself be any different than a non-Hollywood star?

I'd be in favor of massive drug tests in Hollywood. Any positive test and they would have a 1 year ban on making any films. To have any chance of a comeback they would have to pass continuous drug tests. Hey....they do it in professional sports, so why not in Hollywood?

I know this is a little off topic...but when you have a comment like has to be commented on.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:22 PM

a HUGE percentage of Hollywood stars are on drugs - you want them all to kill themselves too?

they most likely could find "with there money" doctors that would treat them.
if not tough luck why should the public pay for any body that abuses drugs.

I can not understand why they allow drug addicts and dealers and other criminals to live in public housing but many places do.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by Xyver

The world aint overpopulated, I can not believe the Mods let this thing stay up. Every person on the planet today woud fit in Jacksonville County in Fla.

If it's overpopulated where you lve , please let me make a suggestion...


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