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so how long till obama is assassinated

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 01:30 AM
WOW..I cannot believe the topic of this post either..Im not sure where you are going with this OP but I will throw my nickles worth into the fire. There has been alot of watercooler talk lately about this topic and frankly I do not know why because as somebody else stated that the man has not even sat in the hot seat yet so to take bets on how long its going to take to zero him out is funny. It seems to me that every new president that gets elected is trying to clean up his predecessors mess and there is a big mess left behind for him this time, Do you realize how much money old GWB and Cheney and the others bilked out of this country and the taxpayers? Im willing to bet there have been talks about taking GWB out as well and we wont ever know about it and I wont rule out one of those putzes getting taken out after they settle down back at their homes. I do know for fact that the Secret Service has done alot of hiring lately and Im talking alot of new hires especially for Uniformed Division. Im going to say that BO wont get taken out and if he does then we surely do have alot of hatred in this country. I shudder to think

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by Mercenary2007

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
reply to post by Mercenary2007

You doubt the will of liberals in this country. We want to fix the country from the mess it's been in the last 8 years. Most of us support him. The only people who would try to kill him would be people who don't want him in power. What kind of change are you against?

You really believe bush did this all by himself and in only 8 years? I guess it would be a supprise to you to know that this mess started under a democrat. Probably before you were born. Does Jimmy Carter ring a bell to you? How about Bill Clinton? See billy Boy signed the bills that removed the regulations that would have help prevented this mess. Yes the bills were passed By a republican controlled Congress But he signed them. and at least one of the Bills was never debated in congress it was passed on the last session of Congress before Bush and the New congress was sworn in.

Obama is just the same S%%% in a different wrapper. The only was out of this mess and pay for the policies he wants to put in place is to taxe the hell out of everyone! YOu have to pay for those policies somehow. Its onething to promise to cut your taxes before the election its after the election that once the person promising the change shows his true colors.

reply to post by nj2day

Its a pretty fair better that you can go by his votting record on most things, since that is based on fact and nt promises that can be forgotten as soon as your elected. A good salesman will tell you anything he thinks you want to hear to make the sale, then once the sale is made and its too late to see you bought a lemon what are you going to do then.

I'll give the guy a fair chance to prove me wrong But i'm not holding my breathe.

[edit on 11/9/2008 by Mercenary2007]

Classic republo BS, blame a dem president.

your full of it, but for the sake of argument lets say your not.
If what you said was true then the Repubs had all the chances in the world to rectify the situation when, you know for the first 6 years of Bushs rule, it was purely a GOP controlled government. But no. so dont even get off with that BS.
Under Clinton our economy was kick ass

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 02:57 AM


posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 03:53 AM
Obama will be assassinated within 1 year of his presidency.

This is a random prediction based on research and intuition.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 03:55 AM
He won't be assasinated because he is black though.

He will be assassinated if he does not support Israel in the upcoming war against Iran.

White supremacists will take the blame, but it will be Israel that pulls the trigger. Watch.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by freakyty

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Nope... he'll serve out his one or two terms in the White House, then he'll retire to Chicago, or thereabouts, and write his memoirs.

Seriously, the Secret Service is really good at their jobs. Not to mention that most would be assassins are basically idiots who give the game away early on. Such as the wouldbe's last week, was it?

Israel will not do anything of the sort...if only because they know which side of the bread their butter is on...not to mention the fact that every President since the sixties has supported Israel...almost guarantee, President Obama will be no different.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:26 AM
If Obama is to be assassinated..what better day than.......

January 1, 2009


1/1/ 2+0+0+9=11


He is not called "The One" for nothing. Then if he is resurrected on January 4th, we will know for sure he is the anti-Christ.

I am in no way endorsing the assassination of Obama. We would be better off letting him be the next Jimmy Carter, than to have him be deifyed as a martyr.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by mandrake

these are a few obvious examples - there are others

Abraham Lincoln
Mohandas Gandhi
Martin Luther King
John Kennedy
Robert Kennedy

people who actually believe change is possible

not just be able to articulate it - they believe it - that's the difference

people that have the ability to reach people - their hearts and minds - and change the way people think, the way they behave - offer them hope for a better world

they're a threat to anyone who opposes change - it's a simple equation

it's not just negative thinking

unfortunately, there is more than one reason that President Elect Obama is a very real target - but, I don't think the main reason is racism

I think it's because he is a very real instrument of change

I would hope we never have to go through anything like that ever again

but, it's easy to understand why people are concerned

the only thing I can say is - I see him as an idealist - but not a naive idealist

I believe he knows what he's up against

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

why would it bother you?

they aren't promotional posts - or, at least most of them don't appear to be

this is a serious concern for many people - nothing to take lightly

what possible reason could there be for people to not to discuss something so important?

edit to add:

I want to ask you something - do you think talking about it makes it more probable?

or that if we don't discuss it - the issue will go away?

I promise you - a great many people and a huge amount of money is being devoted to trying prevent this very thing from happening - thankfully

I understand why it disturbs you - I really do

sometimes it's better to drag the ugly things out into the bright light of day and discuss them - there's no telling what positive influence honest discussions might have - and not having them helps nothing

[edit on 11/11/2008 by Spiramirabilis]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by seagull

Semi agree on this one,

While they are good they are not that good.

and they are a bigger shill, than Obama Himself.
Money has no affect on these guys, Threats of a severe kind, Do.

Remeber, they may be Nutters, they may be super intelligent, they may be robots...But they are Mortal.

As is Obama,

Now with probably, 6000 Neo-nazis out there in the world, Millions Of super freaks, who think he is Jesus/anti-Christ, and sh*it loads of other rumor Spread throu-out the internet....

Every possible angle is covered for a motive, The main one that they are focusing on now is race.

they put out idea's to 'sheep' Through these unsucessfull Hits, If they were not supposed to Put out the message, 'they failed, but YOU can do it'(we need you! remember?) Then all the major News outlet's wouldnt have been tipped off

Look beyond the news, and get into your logical brain.
Process it all, look for the most logical answers, and work it out. Dont just say 'they are the best'[Secret service]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by IntoTheVortex

ok people here's the deal all government is againts the people in some way wake up!! And I just wanted to state from a persons point of veiw on the bottom of the economic chart..... i do not take advantage of the system... i do not like to use it..... would love to find a decent paying job so i could personally take care of my children..... the government and there high taxes and moving all the jobs to china to be cheep put me in this position so you of the upperclass can pay for me and my family.. We can all thank the Government what ever happened to the " for the people by the people?"

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by badgerprints

Hear! Hear! I didn't vote for him, either, but don't want that!
It's really a horrible thought.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:37 AM
Obama's plans for the way he wants to tax the wealthier people of this country are completely ridiculous. Why should I have to work for my money, when I can have half of it taxed away and given to lazy people who won't get off of their asses and work? What idiot running a company won't relocate when taxes become that way, Obama won't destory your our economy, he will drive everything that runs our economy to other countries

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by mungodave
I think this is a ridiculous thread , and in poor taste.
Hateful even

You gonna let this happen?

Plus one here. I can't believe some threads that people start. This is a great site, but when I see threads like this one I get physically sick. I was hoping for a Republican win (I'm not American and feel I have good reason for the best of my country), but to post something like this thread is really sickening. Obama is now your president, and he deserves the respect of every American. You owe it to your country and yourselves to support him and hope he will be a great president.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by IntoTheVortex
I'm just curios in wondering how long you folks think it will be till he is "removed from office". Indeed if you think it will happen at all?

Depends who does it. If Biden does it, then we are talking April 2010. Criminals don't like winter months for crime, so I've picked a spring-time month. And if Biden was to do it, he would want at least a year of planning.

If the neocons do it, then Feb 2009, to create massive chaos.

Other than that there is nobody who would want him dead that I know of, other than extreme racists who will never get anywhere near him. I guess some underground deals gone bad could get him knocked off at some random time, and we would never know what happened.

Personally I think he is an awful person because he flicked off his opponents, but I wouldn't want him dead because the American people chose him. In fact I'd be horrified and deeply saddened if that happened. Sure, they chose him because they are suckers, but they chose him none the less and I support their decision and wish him the best of luck.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by truthquest]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:48 AM
reply post by IntoTheVortex

Obama doesn't have to worry about being assassinated. If you look a bit under the surface "promises for change," you'll find he's backed by the most likely people to eliminate him if he opposed their agenda. Your question is not a hateful one--I understand why you asked it if it was posted based simply on the information Obama has given to the public. By all appearances, he does represent hope, until you find, as I mentioned above, that he was the chosen candidate of the members of the CFR, and has admitted nonchalantly that he is involved with them on a more significant level than the public is aware of. He's not going anywhere, and were headed right back in the direction Bush has been leading us for the last 8 years.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:49 AM
Being that the men that make up his secret service protection are all Republicans chosen by Dictator Bush, I fear for his safety.

If he does come to harm I hope those who support him will take to the streets and riot like history has never seen.

The only thing protecting him now is the love and prayers of those of us who want to bring and end to the tyranny of the past 8 years.

Yes Liberals pray too. We pray for OBAMA! We pray for CHANGE!

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:43 AM
People have tried to assassinate presidents since Washington and it will continue as long as there are presidents. It doesnt matter what party, gender, or race they are. People will remember John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald and other political assassins before they even have an idea who Rutherford B. Hayes or Franklin Pierce were. As long as the media gives a face and a name to the assassin, it will continue. How about just a first name and last initial? Lee O. or John B.? Take the glamour out of killing and while it might not stop, it doesnt let the killers name live in infamy.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:51 AM
No way, He is CIA and they take care of their own....
check out this guy's biograph ... excuse me but poor people dont go
to IV League schools... no matter how much merit ... you have to be part of the IN Crowd to do what he has done... he is protected. like a "made" mafia man.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by nj2day

If it wasn't for the handouts that you preach against, would my kids currently have any medical coverage whatsoever?

Wait until your the victim, then tell me you don't appreciate all the so called "handouts".

Its easy to talk from a pedestal, thinking it can never happen to you... but let me tell you, it can.

Here's the thing: even if the worst happened to me and my husband we would never get even a tiny handout because we don't have kids. Its not that I dont think it can happen to us. I know it can and we are very well aware of that fact every day.
Its just that when it does happen we're totally screwed because there's no handout for us because no kids = no help whatsoever.
I wouldn't mind paying taxes so much if any of it helped us at all when we needed it. Why should we lower our standard of living and work harder to pay more money into a system that wouldn't help us at all and would leave us to die and rot??? My husband and I area already getting killed in taxes and are sick.

[edit on 13-11-2008 by TrekFan]

[edit on 11/13/2008 by semperfortis]

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