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PARA: What You Should Know About Lower Astrals

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by chickenshoes

Children's eyes. It reminds me of Jesus saying to enter heaven you must be as a little child. (paraphrased from the Bible) It is so difficult to maintain that open innocence, the anything is possible attitude in the world we live in. I see the river when I am at my happiest, tuned into God, working the soil and sort've getting dreamy and voila there it is, which I would guess was very similar to how you felt when you saw it. As to the why's, the what is this place, I still don't know for sure. A member has U2U'd me with some info and I'm still working through it with her. I hope she posts some of the info she has on these places, the good and the bad.

BTW I've been enjoying your posts and have starred them as they went up, look forward to more,

Highest regards,


[edit on 11/11/2008 by seentoomuch]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by mystiq

Thats great, it really is but,
Where is all of this darkness you girls keep yammering on about???
I see beauty all around me.
Everywhere I go I see beauty. It is in everything.EVERYTHING!!!!!
It is a cold rainy day where I am right now and it is beautifull.
I meet some of the most cranky, cold, A-holes, you ever want to meet and they are beautifull to me.
Even you people are beautiful to me and I think you are ALL nuts and need mental health evals.

So where is all of this darkness that I am missing?????
Where are all of these EVIL, sinister, malevolent forces that I am apparently missing????
I suppose my soul is just Not as evolved, or I am not at a High enough level to comprehend all of the daarkness that you all are.
And from the sound of you all, I don't want to evolve if it means I have to see darkness everywhere I turn.

I am somehow able to go thru everyday of my mundane existance without encountering "dark forces".

There are no enemies.
There are Friends and potential friends.
There is no hate.
Just LOVE and potential love.
There is no evil.
Just good, and potential good. [hey that's a pretty good one, don't use it without permission from the author]

It is all in the way you choose to look at it.
You choose to see hate and there it is.
The same forces you see and call them dark, or evil,
I could just as easily see potential love and Good.

Your fixation on darkness and the acknowledgement of evil will only bring more of it to you.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by cbass]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by cbass
Now I'm sure the mods are looking for me to pop my head up out of the sand so they can spank me again but I am not attacking anyone and am not ridiculing. I am simply asking questions that I would like answered.

The thing is, that you have the right to ask the questions and she has the right to not answer.

Your questions have been asked, they are still here in the thread from when you first asked them. It is noted that you question her sanity, believe she may have been involved in drug use, wonder why custody of her children was given to her ex-husband, and pointed out that she has the title Writer, which means that she has written something for the fiction/poetry area of ATS.

If she doesn't want to answer those questions, that's her business. They are prying, and they are tangential to the story she's telling.

I have followed her story because I am interested in it, because I have seen Antar around and I always wonder about the personal stories of people I encounter.

I'm having a hard time "believing" parts of it – when I do I remind myself to try to read it as an allegory instead of literal truth, if that helps me to accept it and continue to read and hear what she has to say.

As far as her influence on others, I think you're making a big deal out of nothing. So far, the only specific advice I've seen her give is to start practicing yoga and drink lots of water. That's pretty decent advice for anyone, in my opinion.

Are we nearing an apocalyptic change? I don't know. The people in the political forums would have us believe we just elected the antichrist. The people in the economic forums would have us believe that we should consider our cash worthless and stock up on canned goods. Antar is expressing similar concerns only in a spiritual dimension. Let her speak.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by cbass

I'm glad you see life in this light. I do the same. Remember though, this world is very perfectly balanced, for all the bad things there is plenty of good and vice versa.

On a personal level it is good to be positively oriented. Don't forget though, when you look at the big picture, and I mean 'globally'... there is still alot of darkness that surrounds us. Even in America in the past decade, you know things have been going down-hill.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by americandingbat

I am letting her speak.
Stop being so defensive.
No one is trying to silence anyone. You all can stop trying to be the victim.
Which is another common thread that runs thru most of these posts.
There is some sort of victim mentality, or "woe is me syndrome" as I call it
that you all adhere to.
Let go of it.
It doesn't serve your higher purpose and only serves to keep you down in the Lower Astrals..LMFAO.

You all can stop playing the victim.No one is attacking.
Which is a common thread ,btw, in all religeons.....They all need an enemy, someone to rally against, someone/thing that serves as the
focal point of resistance.Something that we can FIGHT against.

I am somehow able to go thru everyday of my life without the need for an enemy to fight against.
I am not fighting darkness, probly because I am not evolved enough, as I am a "LOWER" I'm sure.LMAO.

Come on people. All I want is for everyone to stop fighting imaginary dark forces and go outsaide and enjoy the life that you were given.

As much as you women want an enemy to rally against, I am not him.
I am not a "dark force"LMFAO!!

Believe it or not, I was not sent here on a mission by the "dark one" thru a "gate" to derail this thread.

I am just trying to pull your own heads out of your ***snip***
so that you can enjoy the same reality I enjoy...Demon free!!
It is nice where I am, Join me will you? It is ok, I'll hold your hand.
Come on now.A little further, that's it>

There are no dark forces where I am, It is beautiful.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by dizziedame

That's just great.Thanks alot.
That's all I needed.
My day was going just great and then I get declared a "darkworker".
How I am supposed to explain this to my wife????

Oh well, I may as well go with it.
I hereby send extreme hatred and darkness to each and everyone of you
which is darker than the inside of a coffin on a moonless night. So dark and so hateful that all of you together could not possibly
defend against it.


[edit on 11-11-2008 by cbass]

[edit on 11-11-2008 by cbass]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:59 AM
I guess the potential good has been deliberately guiding our leaders into the most horrendous situations where countless millions have died then? This world is like hell to most of its citizens. Seeking what is beautiful, and positive is healthy, but many have had experiences which have alerted them, warned them or instructed them to the sickeness that is at the heart of this worlds mismanagement.

Its important to see. It doesn't mean for one moment that those who have had different experiences, in either dream time, or wake time are choosing to see the negative. When they are aware, they do what they can, even if it means slowing down and stepping out of the materialism driving the world, focusing on their families and shining as much love and cooperation as possible, and using prayer and meditation to tackle problem. To imply that only seeing the goodness in this world, that flies directly in the face of the suffering billions of people, and this world, enriched with depleted uranium that has bonded with our global atmosphere, the species vanishing forever off the planet like its very lungs, the rain forest, not to mention the slaughter that has nearly depleted the ocean. I won't put those blinders on.

That being said, I'm not forcing you to take them off. We are called differently, shown different experiences in our lives, for a reason. And for the ones promoting the positive, they must live it fully and share that with others.

Edit to add: and for the ones aware that darkness is attempting to undo the balance and wishes to create a negatively poled world, or universe, they are not promoting anything but the positive when they seek to pray and discover how to enhance the positive either.
So we're all doing our bit. Your visualization of holding a positive world helps, and those that are working to raise the positive are helping as well.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by mystiq]

[edit on 11-11-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by cbass


I, dizziedame, do hereby give cbass the title and dishonor of being a Dark worker.

Be it known by content of his scribblings that he has met all qualifications of a Dark worker.

It is further noted that cbass can find all the information he needs to answer his question about what a light worker is
by googling the words...light worker.

It matters not if I or anyone else believe Antar's story. Antar is a respected member of ATS and I and others support her and wish her well.
I , personally, know of these dark forces and am aware of scientific experiments conducted in our world.

I am also personally aware of the extreme evil that exists on this planet.

I implore you to stop attacking Antar. It appears you are waging a personal war against her.

Please attack her theory and not her. You have every right to question her theory but you do not have the right to attack her.

Love and light to you.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by dizziedame

Again with the victim mentality.
Anyone in direct opposition to you people are "attacking"
You need this to be true in order that your cause be valid.

And, for the record, I do not have blinder on. I am well aware of the things going on in this world. I see THEM!!!
I choose not to FIXATE on them they way you people do.
There is a difference.
I see the same things you do, I do not FIXATE on them.
I choose to fixate on beauty rather than "DARKNESS".
Everyother word out of your collective pieholes is "darkness".
Where is all of this darkness.
I'm sure you can give me a million expamples.And, for everyone, I will give an example of goodness,love,charity,and light.
It is all what you want to see,need to see, and have to see in order that your newage movement will be valid in your own eyes.

Every religion needs a persecutor.
You see them where thay don't exist.

much hatred and darkness.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:18 AM
I'm not being negative when I'm responding to you, in fact I'm accepting your way of doing things for you. But, to say that people who are aware of bad things because it has come to their attention, and history is full of people who are aware of bad things, that it is a fixation on their part to pray, meditate or attempt to change things is somewhat slanted. So all the good people praying and mediating and doing various works as their faiths allow, from my grandmother waking in the night to pray for the third world children frequently, feeling the Spirit of God with her, to mother Theresa spending long hours in prayer and mediation (she didn't sleep much) in order to, (despite her diminutive size lift a dying person and carry them to hospital after hospital being refused each time. This was the beginning of her ministry), to the shamans and earth religions of old and modern times and many other people exploring spirituality in many other ways, having powerful visions and dream time, astral time, meditation time work, this is all useless. These people are all negative. They are fixated on the negative, though its right in their face a lot of the time. They should just pretend they're living in a happy happy joy joy world and never imagine they were given spiritual natures to help. I respect your positivity but thats ridiculous.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by cbass

I can see both sides, while most of us are living out our perfect cozy little lives that seem so perfect and beautiful, we have a nice home with a view and garden, a great family, food clothing and a whole lot of entertainment. The sun is shining, it’s a beautiful day, people seem to be going about their business in the usual way while all at the same time there are children starving to death and dying, crying out for help, sex rings and child prostitution and abuse taking place, cannibalism in many parts of the world due to lack of food, war and disease, suffering, horrendous torturous acts taking place , murders, rapes, the list goes on and on of horror and terrors that are happening right now as I type this, there is not a second that passes where someone is not suffering or starving to death.

So the point is I think you need to at least be aware of what is really happening in the world to others, if you were to trade your life with another who was in such a situation it would turn your world upside down in a week. You would be begging for your life back if you even made it through the week, you would be crying out in spirit begging for help. Now that is what is going on in the world and there are unseen forces that are in fact dark and mischievous going about to destroy people’s lives, they are sticking to negative people like flies on glue. The most important thing out of this entire message is conscious awareness in my opinion, we all should be aware of what is happening to others in this world and stay humble about it and count our many blessings and be appreciative for what we have never taking anything for granted. If we can stay positive and humble and help people in need we are doing our part on this earth to fight off the dark and negative forces that really do exist.

Of course you don’t see them but believe me if you did your world would be changed upside down. I have had a taste of the negative entities and although these are only words to you on some conspiracy website and I would never expect you to take my word on it but I think you should open your eyes a little wider and at least consider that there may be a lot of things going on that you have not yet had experience with. I enjoy some of your posts honestly you do have a sense of humor that cracks me up but let’s keep it on a level of respect as well. There is no need to tear apart Antar’s character after all she did come here take the time to share something she felt personal so whether we agree with that or not I think you should at least try to understand that not everybody out there has a perfect, happy, blissful, beautiful life like you may have. You are truly blessed if that is the case and you have a lot to answer for. I believe to those who are given much, much is expected. Something to think about.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by mystiq

And I respect your right to be a negative force in this world and to focus/fixate on the negative.
this was your calling.
It is a good thing we have people like you who can battle the evil dark ones so that the rest of us can go blissfully unware, tiptoeing thru the daisys and playing hopscotch with our friends while licking on lollypops.

Thank you for fighting the dark ones for me.
Hey, maybe instead of veterans day we should have lightworker day,where we all go up to a lightworker and thank them for defending us against the dark ones so that we may live in freedom.

Thank you for

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:30 AM
Antar-this was a very interesting, to say the least, time in your life. Do you feel if you had been in a different frame of mind during this time that your perception of the events that took place would have been different?

When you said you were thrown into the fire, were you literally thrown in or were you speaking metaphorically?

Take care..

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by cbass

If you're truly trying to stay focused on the positive, then you probably wouldn't be posting in here. If you're doing it to try to stave off the "darkness" then I guess that would make you a "light worker" too....although if that's the case(trying to focus on the positive) then all you're doing if you're not attacking the OP is projecting your own fears by not offering up a practical solution to this situation whether you realize it or not & if you're truly concerned about the OP's mental health, you'd be asking better questions other then "how many drugs have you done?" It appears to me you're the one bringing the most negativity to this thread, not the OP who's simply telling a story about a difficult time.

Fine you think it's fake, thank you for your opinion, nothing for you to see here then...

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by cbass

Respecting your right to see only the positive, which may be a form of LOD and draw it, which is what I was trying to get at as your way to deal with things, does not mean I accept for one moment you have the right to call me a negative force. I am not a negative anything. What has occurred in my life, is what has made me aware of what this world is like, and I respond to the bad things with love and a great concern for everyone's, everything's happiness joy and evolution/redemption. I don't believe in a permanent hell or Sleeper's version a soul shredder, which I read about with horror on his sight. You don't have the right to call me anything. The lessons we go through in this life are given by God, and we pray and do our jobs as we are led, if we search for God in our heart and what He/She wants for us.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Malevolent_Aliens
reply to post by cbass

If we can stay positive and humble and help people in need we are doing our part on this earth to fight of the dark and negative forces that really do exist.

I'll drink to that. That was probly the wisest thing that has been posted by one of you lightpole workers.
That sums up my point. That is the way you "fight" these "dark forces" that you people yammer on about.
There is so much fixation on the "dark forces" it makes me sick.
And, no, my world isn't rosy.
I have plenty of my own problems but the difference is, I do not have a victim mentality the way you people do.
Is there poverty and suffering in this world??Sure there is.

If there was no poverty
I would have no one to give a dollar to.
If no one was starving
I would have no one to feed.
If there were no homeless
I would have no one to take in out of the cold.
If there were no suffering,
It would rob me of the opportunity to provide relief. [remember..permission from the author]

The suffering you see is affording you the opportunity to truely evolve and spiritually advance, and at a great price to the sufferers too.
So be thankful for the opportunity you have been given and graceously accept the challenge and begin fixating on more positive forces.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by cbass]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Shakesbeer
reply to post by cbass

you'd be asking better questions other then "how many drugs have you done?"

Ohhh do please show me where I said that..I would love that.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

I am with RiverGoddess completely on this. I want to hear all you have to say, and why.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by cbass

The statement in quotes was used as a paraphrasing to illustrate what you've been effectively communicating which is "How many drugs have you taken Antar & you have mental health problems" when you say things like:

Originally posted by cbass
I do not hold out hope for the OPs mental illness to subside but only try to protect those whos minds are not strong enough to discern truth from fantasy.


Originally posted by cbass
You have a bunch of people looking to you for advice,direction,and understanding, just like a religeous figure ie; pastor,preacher,priest etc.
You seem to or project the quality of having most of if not ALL of the answers to any questions asked (except the important ones ie; drug abuse and mental health) and people obviously trust you.

But I guess satire isn't the easiest thing to recognize sometimes, especially when it's aimed directly at us...

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Shakesbeer

Believe it or not, I have good intentions. I really do.
I fully and completley belive with every fibre of my being, right down to the core, that,
The OP needs to get a mental health eval.
That is my opinion and is not a message being sent by the "dark one"
thru any "gates"
It is clear and obvious to any level headed person that this thread screams of Parnoid schitzophrenic delusions.

That is not a slam against anyone.
I am not being hateful when I sqay that.
I am being 100% sincere and honest with you.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by cbass]

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