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2001 Obama Redistribution Audio BOGUS (i.e. creative editing)

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posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by IceColdPro

Originally posted by FX44rice
reply to post by ClintK
Well Obama and Biden lied and changed their tune TWICE already within weeks. First it was tax relief for those earning under $250k....Then it was for those under $200K........and Now it is for those earning under $150K.

What pieces of work these liars are. What makes you think they won't (and trust me they will) reduce the income number to $42K? Which is what the original tax plan from Obama was.

There's your CHANGE

[edit on 29-10-2008 by FX44rice]

This is the first i've heard of this, can you back any of these figures up?

Anyway, McCain has never changed his tax plan... right? - McCain flip flops on Tax

You really define the typical unaware voter casting a vote for Obama. You don't even know who or what you're voting for.

Here's the back-up straight from your heroes Obama & Bidens' lips.

Also I already stated in prior post, I am not here supporting McCain, but McCain is clearly the lesser of 2 far.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by FX44rice

Here's the back-up straight from your heroes Obama & Bidens' lips.

Come on! Have some intellectual honesty! The plan hasn't changed. Read the article below.

Click Here.

We all want may want our specific candidate to win, but let's at least try not to treat each other like idiots.

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