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2001 Obama Redistribution Audio BOGUS (i.e. creative editing)

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posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
Wow, people certainly have taken a single comment and rolled with it eh? A comment about the wealth.. which was in a nutshell saying those who can afford the taxes can pay them, those who can't will get a cut, and suddenly Obama is a Marxist socialist commie.

While I don't mind stating the truth, and the way a cantidate leans one way or the other, I wish we could go without the extremist and vastly overexaggerating views.

You just defined Socialism in your own post. From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.

And I guess the Audio of him talking to Joe the Plumber was creatively edited as well, he leaves no doubt that he is a Marxist in that little jewel.

Is this audio fake, more then likely not. The left is so twitterpated by Obama, that they think his poop smells like Roses and he cant do any wrong. But the guy admits to seeking out Marxists as friends and mentors, but no no no, hes not a Marxist, he just likes the hair style and didnt inhale.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by dariousg

Actually Obama has already said that if you hire Americans you'll get a tax break. So even if you make more then 250,000 a year if your business hires Americans, and not child slave labor in China, you get a tax break. So those self made millionaires that hire Americans will be getting a tax break. Maybe not as much as those making less then 250,000 but still a tax break.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by CepheidVariable

You've got to be kidding me? Oh no, don't beleive your ears folks. The Republicans used voice matching software to replicate Obama's voice! It makes perfect sense!

reply to post by fleabit

Wow, people certainly have taken a single comment and rolled with it eh

One comment? You must not pay good attention. Its lots of comments, quotes from his book, speeches and the people that he surrounds himself with. All of these things show a pattern. One that I would think all the "deny ignorance" people could see right away.

[edit on 29-10-2008 by Marcus Calpurnius]

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Marcus Calpurnius

They edited what he said. They cut things out and reworded it. it would be like... "And the social programs used to benefit Americans won't destroy the American way of like like my opponent says." is turned into "Social program used to destroy Americans." I've heard it done on Bob and Tom, they had this great bit, with Obama and McCain calling each other d*cks. "You have to understand, he's a huge d*ck." just by doing what the Republicans did.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by GamerGal
reply to post by dariousg

Actually Obama has already said that if you hire Americans you'll get a tax break. So even if you make more then 250,000 a year if your business hires Americans, and not child slave labor in China, you get a tax break. So those self made millionaires that hire Americans will be getting a tax break. Maybe not as much as those making less then 250,000 but still a tax break.

Hunney, you are so cute. Did you know it cost the average employer an average of $10k to hire and train a new employee? So even with Obama's $3k employer's are out $7k
Where is the incentive to hire? Why not just keep the status quo, don't make any more money because you will pay more taxes.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by deathhasnosound

10,000? Really? I know it didn't cost my place of work 10,000 to hire and train me. It cost... nothing. Just told me what to do and I did it in less than an hour.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by GamerGal
reply to post by Marcus Calpurnius

They edited what he said. They cut things out and reworded it. it would be like... "And the social programs used to benefit Americans won't destroy the American way of like like my opponent says." is turned into "Social program used to destroy Americans." I've heard it done on Bob and Tom, they had this great bit, with Obama and McCain calling each other d*cks. "You have to understand, he's a huge d*ck." just by doing what the Republicans did.

Ok, but thats has nothing to do with this case. What we heard Obama said, he really did say. We know this, because he know has a pattern of saying things like this.

You on the other hand want to deflect this as much as possible, so you make up these ridiculous excuses in a vein attempt to turn people away.

audio editing doesn't change:

-Marxist quotes in book
-surrounded by socialist/Marxist friends
-Joe the plumber comment

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 07:53 AM
This stuff just tanked Obama's campaign. I was wondering what it would be. Now the LA Times are holding back a video of a meeting with Obama and a bunch of radicals having lunch and slamming the US hard in the keaster while stuffing their millionare mouths with food. The final nail in the coffin is out there and it's about time.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 07:56 AM


posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by SectionEight
This stuff just tanked Obama's campaign. I was wondering what it would be. Now the LA Times are holding back a video of a meeting with Obama and a bunch of radicals having lunch and slamming the US hard in the keaster while stuffing their millionare mouths with food. The final nail in the coffin is out there and it's about time.
Unfortunately that tape will not be released until AFTER the election you can be sure of that.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by deathhasnosound

$10k to train the average employee? Can you please back up your wild and far fetched claims with some actual evidence that shows that this is true. I am an employer and I certainly don't spend that much on the average employees training, everything is done in-house and at a very cheap cost (if any). I myself have my own "training" budget so that I can visit industry conferences, congresses and expo's and it is around the $10 p/a mark and I am MD of the company.

Further more, I'm sure most non-specialist jobs out there don't pay costs to train their employees, they simply have an experienced staff member show them how to do the job. $10k? that must be the amount wall street is paying for employee training costs, and it clearly wasn't "risk management" training!

These are the types of rough figures and talking points that cloud peoples judgement!

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 08:19 AM
The reason news media uses snippets of interviews is to focus on the subject matter. Obama tends to ramble on about hope and change and really says little at all so when he does make a slip, they use that slid to nail him on it.

As for deregulation. Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd are the culprits, and community organizing groups such as acorn who made banks give out risky loans to people they "knew" could not pay them back.

As for Hitler and Obama. Hitler was elected to office under the party that was socialist in nature. He offered hope and change and good feelings. He had swarms of comminity organize groups called the brigades.

Obama said in one radio interview in that he was critisizing the US Constitution for prohibiting the government from doing things to people, he said that the power would be mainly in the community organizations.

Think on that one for awhile.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 08:19 AM
wow, has this thread turned into a he said/he said loop or what?

political ads are mainly edits and out of context snippets of damaging language. What needs to happen is a layman's overview of what has happened over the past couple of presidencies with the nation and the nation's image world-wide and see what went right and wrong. compare that with each candidate's proposals and ideologies and vote accordingly. sadly, most americans stopped doing homework in middle school.

as for the Obama marxist/radical/america-hating church stuff... well i like the saying, keep you friends close, but your enemies closer. knowing who these people are and what they are so on about is much better than the kill 'em all mentality. i'll give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. better not to be so blind by things that are potentially enemies down the road- Pakistan anyone?

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 08:24 AM
The more I read these posts about the election, the more I understand why Obama's lead just keeps getting bigger and bigger. So many of the people who oppose him are largely hysterical, have made no effort whatsoever to know what he really stands for and are incapable of talking about him in any way that couldn't be characterized as totally extremist or preposterous.

Moreover, just based on this thread, they appear to be totally ignorant of what a Marxist is, totally ignorant of Obama's tax policy (which would see most of them getting a tax cut -- only those making over 250 thousand per year would get an increase), and really, really eager to believe total nonsense. Every time some new piece of anti-Obama propoganda comes out they completely believe it without question and are jumping up and down in joy absolutely certain that it will finally doom any prospects of an Obama presidency!!!!!!!

The fact that all the gullible, paranoid simpletons are lining up against him cannot possibly hurt Obama at all. It can only help.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by CepheidVariable

You know whats really sickening about this whole affair is that the s#b wrote a damn book stating his sickening non american beliefs. Stated these things in "HIS OWN WORDS" ON PAPER and still no one is paying attention! Now that I think of it he has 2 books out mabe people should get off their behinds and go read them.( I am not saying Mccain doesnt have skeletons like this at all)
That my friends is the sad state of affairs in this who MESS of an election. Before you go bashing; I am not for either one of them !Hell I may not even vote come nov 4 .I just cant look my kids in the face and tell them I choose a horrible person because there was no one else to chose from.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 08:49 AM
Bringing up one supposed incident doesn't cancel out all the other facts, I see some have never run a buisness or were self employed,things always seem different from the other side of the fence,this guy came out of nowhere and I was always told not to judge a person on his words judge him on his actions,and his actions speak for themselves,hope some people open their eyes and not believe this overnight quick fix he proposes

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by Fromabove

The reason news media uses snippets of interviews is to focus on the subject matter. Obama tends to ramble on about hope and change and really says little at all so when he does make a slip, they use that slid to nail him on it.

Interesting, because my opinion is that he is the opponent that rambles on the least, McCain has been so generic and broad with his policy's that it is hard to tell EXACTLY what it is he is going to do that is different to Bush. With Obama, there are CLEARLY stated points about the change he is going to bring and we will have to hold him to those promises when he is sworn in as the next president. Obama is the most educated of the two and you can see this when he speaks and by the content of his campaign.

As for deregulation. Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd are the culprits, and community organizing groups such as acorn who made banks give out risky loans to people they "knew" could not pay them back.

Right... and neither of these men are Obama, sure they may be democrats, but your political party membership doesn't mean that ALL your values are coming from the party and vice versa for the above gentlemen. With regards to Acorn, this is a company that John McCain endorsed and worked with in the past, hell, he even delivered a key note speech endorsing Acorns work. Please don't make me search for the audio of G.W. Bush saying that HE will make loans more accessible to more people... The banks were the people responsible for giving out the risky loans. With regards to the financial market de-regulation, McCain has constantly refered to himself as "The De-regulator", so under McCain don't expect the banks to start operating in a more sustainable way.

Obama said in one radio interview in that he was critisizing the US Constitution for prohibiting the government from doing things to people, he said that the power would be mainly in the community organizations.

I would like to know where I can find this audio, because this is NEW to me. Obama supports the constitution, if there is one government who has done their best to destroy it, it's been the Bush regime. Obama even declared that upon being sworn in, one of the first things he would do would be to overturn all of the unconstitutional bills that bush put in place.

reply to post by xoxo stacie

You know whats really sickening about this whole affair is that the s#b wrote a damn book stating his sickening non american beliefs. Stated these things in "HIS OWN WORDS" ON PAPER and still no one is paying attention! Now that I think of it he has 2 books out mabe people should get off their behinds and go read them.( I am not saying Mccain doesnt have skeletons like this at all) That my friends is the sad state of affairs in this who MESS of an election. Before you go bashing; I am not for either one of them !Hell I may not even vote come nov 4 .I just cant look my kids in the face and tell them I choose a horrible person because there was no one else to chose from.

Unfortunately I don't see ANYTHING "non-american" about Barack Obama, I consider him to be as patriotic as any other American who loves their country. I've read both of his books and quite frankly I have no idea what you are referring to that is non-american. We are all individuals not clones, accept it that some people have a heritage and a culture, and believe me, preserving this in your life is VERY American.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 09:40 AM

Hilarious Obama Mccain video.......actually its not its more scary how they red the same speech over and over every debate.


[edit on 29-10-2008 by Alferd Packer]

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
Horse Hocky, Obama has made more than one speech on this issue and they speak for themselves. The Obamaites can try to spin this any way they choose but the FACT remains, this man is a Soviet Style Socialist. Spreading the wealth means taking from someone who has excelled in a field and giving the fruits of that labor to those who do nothing to deserve it!


When you say "Spreading wealth" yada yada you mean tax credits right?
Giving refunds or "credits" to those that have not payed taxes?

DO you have any clue that this was championed by RONALD REAGAN. Was he a socialist? Google Reagan and Earned Income Tax Credit and McCain etc...



SEE MY THREAD ON THE MATTER.....Does McCain think Reagan was a Socialist?

Enough of the BS!!!!!

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by IceColdPro
reply to post by deathhasnosound

These are the types of rough figures and talking points that cloud peoples judgement!

I was actually being generous. Check out these links to see that I am not spewing simple talking points....I will await for your apology.

According to John Dooney, manager of strategic research at the Society for Human Resource Management, if no other employee leaves due to the departure of the original departing employee, the cost of losing an employee is about 38 percent of the departing employee's annual wage. If another employee of similar rank/pay leaves the percentage doubles. Here are some key factors to use in calculating the cost of turnover.

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