posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 06:17 PM
Well, I don't usually like entertaining prospects of kicking the bucket, but I have to say this thread is
great and has inspired people to
define and affirm the goals important to them. Kudos to Dave!
I love the posts so far. There are some really good ideas that I will be sharing in this post. I'd also like to remind everyone to actively pursue
their lists and put plans into action. Waste not a day! I hope that you all achieve your goals in good time.
I've been fortunate to cross off the list 2 or 3 things already. They are finding mutually true love, and finding truth to some meaningful
My List
Straight, Single
Christian (non-affiliation)
1. Explore in depth Europe, Russia, and America. I would also like to visit Greenland, Hong Kong, and see the temples at Java Indonesia.
2. Complete my script and accompanying book. Do my hardest to get it considered for film production or as a last resort finance an independent
3. Actually write and create some decent music, at the least one album.
4. Try to make sure I touch all lives positively. Always leave a wake I can be proud of.
5. Indulgent one: Walk on the moon!
And I'm sure many more, but those are the ones that stick out in my mind currently.