Musician/Music teacher
Some mixture of Christianity, Buddhism, Deism, and a little Esotericism.
Politically I hope for a brighter world but all I see is a boot stamping on a human face.... forever.
1) Completely master jazz based improvisation on the valve trombone, trombone, and flugelhorn, and enjoy playing for the rest of my life.
2) Make some really nice recordings with some fantastic players.
3) Find true love, and raise a wonderful family.
4) Move out to the hinterlands and become self sufficient.
5) Become involved in local politics and help improve my community and help those less fortunate than me.
6) Travel the world.
7) Find out the true nature of existence and learn the truth about the way the world really works.
8) Grow spiritually and evolve morally and intellectually as a person, perhaps even attain enlightenment...
9) Greedy one now - I'd like to trade in my yamaha flugelhorn on a Kanstul 1525.
10) Another greedy one, I'd love a Black BMW M5, and a boat, but the boat doesn't have to be anything too fancy, just big enough to have some fun
11) Write some books or novels or screenplays.
12) Tell difficult and materialistic people whose company I don't enjoy exactly what I really think of them... oh boy, it would be so sweet.
There's probably loads more but this is what comes to mind right now.