posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 09:40 PM
Age: 19
Undecided on Religion at this point in my life
No particular order but:
1. Write an important philosophical work which challenges everything that came before it and causes people to open their minds.
2. Hang out with Eddie Vedder. He is my hero.
3. Live in 5 different countries for at least a year each.
4. Discover a cure for cancer, and then proceed to cure all cancer.
5. Abolish the Federal Reserve.
5. Eliminate the Monetary System and enjoy a world where motive is not based on money but a genuine desire to help others selflessly.
6. Convince everyone I meet that love and humility could save us from our own demise.
7. Develop an Irish or British accent. I love them.
8. Find a woman who challenges me intellectually, is beautiful both on the outside and the inside, and loves children and animals.
9. I know this one is farfetched, but if it was possible, my ultimate goal would be to fly (would help me lose my acrophobia
10. Have a significant impact on the world through both my life and my death. I want my death to be just as important as my life.
10 1/2. Hang out with Eddie Vedder.