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Obama The Sexist: You Can Put Lipstick On A Pig

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posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 11:50 PM

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by '___'eed

Isn't your post a little ironic in a thread about sexism?

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 11:55 PM


posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:03 AM


posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by loam
reply to post by lee anoma

I don't have to be a conservative or a liberal to recognize *rude* when I see it.

PC has nothing to do with it.

Pfft, rude?
I've heard worse so far than this.

If however you are sensitive to this expression wait till the real blows start flying.

Oh and by PC I meant the many references to sexism being thrown around right now.

HINT: It's in the title of this very thread.

I was also referencing the many articles throwing "sexism" into the mix not anything YOU specifically said. Do a search, there are quite a few write-ups calling the remark sexist and I believe if you can't use a common and harmless expression without being labeled a sexist well then...PC does have something to do with it.

- Lee

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by lee anoma
Pfft, rude?
I've heard worse so far than this.

If however you are sensitive to this expression wait till the real blows start flying.

Haven't really seen those directly from McCain, have you?

Originally posted by lee anoma
I was also referencing the many articles throwing "sexism" into the mix not anything YOU specifically said. Do a search, there are quite a few write-ups calling the remark sexist and I believe if you can't use a common and harmless expression without being labeled a sexist well then...PC does have something to do with it.

Well, ok, but again, context has everything to do with it. Using the phrase in proximity to Palin's similar and recent use in reference to herself really makes the case you are making much weaker, imo.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:26 AM
Whether or not Obama was meaning "Palin" when he said this is debatable, yes, but what is not debatable is that he was talking about Republicans in some sort of context.

Idunno why, but I heard music when I read about Barry's comment. Anyone else hear Black Sabbath in thier head?

...It's sometimes called a protest song.

"Generals gathered in thier masses..."

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:34 AM
This was definitely directed at Sarah Palin because of her own "pitbull with lipstick" reference. You'd know this just by looking at the crowd's reaction. They knew it! Don't tell me otherwise.

On the other hand, if he'd had said "polishing a turd", it would have been less effective. (another common phrase meaning the same thing). He knew a phrase involving "lipstick" and "pig"--instead of "pitbull"(word association psychology--it's rlleay esay tjo illsutrate htw tge bairn wrkss!) would be more effective for this reason!

As an example, would you Libs tell me if the shoe was on the other foot and a Republican or Palin supporter had said "polishing a turd"-- referring to Obama's platform-- you would have taken it as JUST THAT? Or, more than likely, you'd have run away with it as being some sort of RACIAL REMARK against Obama!? Lets get real here! Obama knew what he was IMPLYING and about WHOM he was directing his choice of words!

Obama is hitting below the belt because he's scared and his little game of trying to be cute is going to backfire on him.

[edit on 10-9-2008 by CreeWolf]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:37 AM

reply to post by Fromabove

I guess it is a matter of opinion....

I read what he said, and took the time to notice that when he said "putting lipstick on a pig" was preceded by a phrase about.....CHANGE.

And, what he said about wrapping an old fish in newspaper was preceded by a phrase about.....CHANGE.

So, I deduct he was talking about.....CHANGE.

Poor choice of words? Yes.
Easily twisted? Yes.
Matter of interpretation? Maybe.
Meant as an obvious insult to Palin and McCain? More than likely not.

I think you should have added a veiled insult, instead of "Meant as an obvious insult to Palin and McCain? More than likely not."

I can see where what Obama said could be construed as sexist, But unless anyone here can read the mans mind to see how he meant it no one will ever know.

However given the context in which he used it and the crowds reaction to it, it is fair to assume he was trying to insult Gov. palin and then trying to insult Sen McCain with the "old fish" metaphor.

This seems like a desperate attempt to grab at straws by Obama. He's behind in the polls after the RNC. McCaine raised what $5 million dollars the other day in Chicago. ( don't ask for a source i saw it in a thread here at ATS.)

Plus add in Obama's Gaffe about "My Muslim faith." Alot of people are starting to wake up and smell the coffee, Not that plate full of crap Obama has been feeding them and calling it change.

Obama's camp and his misguided supporters are in full damage control. I personally think Obama sank any chance of becoming POTUS. first he slips up and lets the truth about his muslim faith out. which hate pigs and think they are filthy. unless it can be proven he wasn't insulting Gov. Palin he's a racist sexist person.

he insulted not just white women but all women in one speech. Granted some of those women are more forgiving than others but there is an old saying hell hath no furry like a scorned woman. Yeah Obama showed his true colors and it will cost him not only POTUS but any other political office he tries for.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:42 AM
Obama's lip stick / pig remark ... and, Biden's unsavory children with special needs remarks show us what a couple of creeps these two candidates are. In lieu of Sarah Palin's comment about hockey moms, pit bulls and lip stick, Obama's lip stick/ pig remark was extremely demeaning. Even though I am not an Obama supporter, at least I thought he had some degree of class and sophistication. He can try to cover his tracks by saying that the lip stick remark was not directed towards Governor Palin, but anyone with half a brain knows that's exactly what he meant. I think Obama knows his campaign is in real trouble, and that's why he's stooping to such desperate, insulting and distasteful attacks. Obama is definitely not Presidential material.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:50 AM
...and just when you thought it couldn't get any worse for the Dems, now it's Biden turn to take a shot a Palin.
How will parents of kids with down syndrome react to this Biden comment?

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:57 AM
why must the dems open mouth insert foot?

This will not help there cause. i think they should lay off trying to insult gov. Palin.

Biden also had another gaffe durring his speech today
Biden Gaffe: Tells Cripple to 'Stand Up'

edit so i didn't go completely off topic

[edit on 10-9-2008 by Mercenary2007]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:06 AM
If you want to stop the kind of trolling and rude commentary that has been going on, the first thing you have to do is actually be open minded about your candidate.

There is no mistaking this.

It was directed at Palin

Obama does this alot, he has a history in dealing with people on the street, the community, it was a "diss"

any person who has truely spent time on the streets of an inner city in their life time knows this, if they say otherwise they are lying because they know this sort of thing can fly right over a more wonder bread types head.

He does this alot... his face, his expressions, his body language, he throws the invisable insult well, he's hip like that.

And I'm not saying it as an insult, it appeals to some people, it's in the end WHY he is taken as Black and has almost unanimous support from the Black community.

and i'm not PC, I say stop with the veils and just say it... both parties, I hate PC it sickens me.

But his Guy is very well practiced at throwing an insult that some of those who support him hear, while it goes right over the heads of people who aren't supposed to hear it.

and, you know, good for him... I don't want to hear people yell "sexist" and "racist" on every remark

But Obama... you can see his view on sex right in his family, use the word sexist or traditional

Obama, values a quiet Woman at home, protects his wife fiercely "a woman" obviously has no place in this... "leave my wife alone" and why leave her alone? Because she is... a woman who couldn't defend herself, not in this, and that's what he likes... and that's fine, it's not sexist, it who he is and what he wants and believes should be

and you know something about him from it... he's no Feminist

And Palin, has a stance on Abortion some women might not like, she has a conservative view of Feminism... ( I personally like it) where a Woman is a woman and can still be successful, she doesn't put women on a pedastil and doesn't think you can't be a woman and a VP

and you know somethings about her too

Palin is a Conservative Feminist... but a Feminist

Knowing with almost certainty that roe vs wade will probably never have a hope of being overturned unless multiple branches of govt feel this way (which isn't the case) Women should know what role each candidate has in mind for them... from thier lives and vote accordingly and remember Roe vs Wade isn't going anywhere because the Potus disagrees with it... if you want Feminism and things that are modern for women, Obamas not your Man. You wont get much address on womens issues that actually affect you or might make it to law.

What would those be? Support for disabled children and Mothers for a start, Maternity leave, Parents rights involved in kids education (obama has a plan for schools, nothing for parents)

You have to look to thier lives for this answer in regards to Sex roles... not quips and veiled insults.

A woman needs to ask, would I rather be like Palin and is that a life I want or would I rather be like Michelle Obama

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by loam
Haven't really seen those directly from McCain, have you?

Hang on a second...I want to make this clear first. I don't think EITHER candidate is beyond making a rude remark whether intentional or inadvertent. I don't hold any idealistic view of either of these men.

That said...are you serious??!

Of course I have heard offensive remarks made by McCain, and most of his more sexist comments have been circulating for a while now.

I could pull up some of McCains more blatantly offensive remarks that most have deemed sexist like when he joked about beating his wife on ABC News in addition to calling her a trollop and the c-word while campaigning in the 90's, the alleged rape joke heard by a number of reporters, his superficial attacks on Chelsea Clinton and Janet Reno's looks, and more but I don't think it is necessary.

You find Obama's use of this particular figure of speech rude, I don't, but this is a bit of a subjective area we are entering.

McCain is no saint and neither is Obama.

I hope we can both agree on that.
I mean do we really have to go there?

Well, ok, but again, context has everything to do with it.

I agree.

Which is why I caution the anti-PC crowd on seizing on this ridiculous story as proof of sexism or they risk looking like hypocrites.

I have considered the context and found it appropriate and not intentionally sexist but certainly a barb or dig not unlike those that both sides have been hurling at each other for months.

It's the season for it, my friend.

- Lee

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Alxandro

If Barry is a sexist because of that comment then the guy who made the "black hole" comment is a racist.

I like the "five kids" comment. VERY subtle. So subtle that even people like you who analyses everything Barry says looking for something incriminating didn't even see it.

[edit on 10-9-2008 by Lannock]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by lee anoma

Originally posted by lee anoma
McCain is no saint and neither is Obama.

I hope we can both agree on that.
I mean do we really have to go there?

Well, I was really asking in reference to each other. But ok, I will not generally disagree on the broader point.

Originally posted by lee anoma
Which is why I caution the anti-PC crowd on seizing on this ridiculous story as proof of sexism or they risk looking like hypocrites.

I have considered the context and found it appropriate and not intentionally sexist but certainly a barb or dig not unlike those that both sides have been hurling at each other for months.

Here too I do not fully disagree.

I haven't really focused on the sexist nature of the comment, but more so on the unnecessary and un-statesman-like "barb" from a candidate who claimed to be committed to doing otherwise.

[edit on 10-9-2008 by loam]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
Obama does this alot, he has a history in dealing with people on the street, the community, it was a "diss"

Huh? The street?

It's gone from sexist, to rude, and now a street "diss"?
That slang is so 90's by the way.

any person who has truely spent time on the streets of an inner city in their life time knows this, if they say otherwise they are lying because they know this sort of thing can fly right over a more wonder bread types head.

Everyone on the "streets" uses the pig and lipstick expression?

Your streets were far tamer than mine.
They didn't start with the word "Sesame" did they?

He does this alot... his face, his expressions, his body language, he throws the invisable insult well, he's hip like that. And I'm not saying it as an insult, it appeals to some people, it's in the end WHY he is taken as Black and has almost unanimous support from the Black community.

You can't be serious?
Is this a joke?

He's accepted as black because he throws invisible insults and uses old expressions?

Aside from being a silly generalization what gives you the authority to decided what gestures or insults determine one to be a part of the black community?

How ignorant it is, to say Blacks support Obama because of gestures, "invisible signals" and the use of coded expressions. You don't think that any Black person may support him based on the political issues, ideas, and potential policies? You have reduced the intelligence of every Black person in America to that of a five year old memorized by Barney and Teletubbies dancing on screen.


You do know he has overwhelming non-black support as well right?

Why do they support him?
Are they all secretly black and dig those "street" codes Obama is throwing out?

But Obama... you can see his view on sex right in his family, use the word sexist or traditional Obama, values a quiet Woman at home, protects his wife fiercely "a woman" obviously has no place in this... "leave my wife alone" and why leave her alone?

Anyone with the observational skills of a millworm can see that Michelle Obama wears the pants in the family. She came across so strong they had to tone her down. Your nonsensical rant is rife with the same generalizations and offenses you attribute to Obama.

This is the pot calling the forget it.

This is certainly no time for more figures of speech.

- Lee

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by bknapple32

I wish we all could bring up and stick to a subject that is more important as I feel what was said isnt very important. What is realy important these days is the way we all can maybe help find a alternative fuel source for all of us a we are all going down the tubes.
With the cost of housing heating fuel oil at maybe at $4 a gallon I shudder with pain as many may have to leave their houses and sleep in schools and warming shelters. I have an old retired aunt and other relatives living in Mass and I dnt see how this old woman and hundreds of thousands like her can heat her house this coming winter with these heating oil prices we see now

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 02:25 AM
I doubt it meant Palin is ugly, I suspect he is referring to her policies instead.

She's quite hot, I'd do her, but her policies...not so much.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by Alxandro
I think you need to learn how to "read between the lines".

Alxandro are you sure you aren't seeing a reflection of yourself there?

That's not a dig, but usually when we attack others we are actually attacking what we don't like in ourselves. Maybe you saw what you wanted to see.

You look at this and see "sexist attack", but I see an attempt to throw a barb at the republican candidates as simply being the same old story repackaged.

That's what he meant folks.
It really is as simple and literal as it looks.

He's merely saying that it doesn't matter if he adds Palin to the ticket, McCain is still going to be the same President that Bush is. That's his opinion and I expect him to say nothing less during this campaign.

If you want to send the "PC police" to his door then by all means, have at it.

Just remember when you send those guys out, that if you hate what political correctness represents (and I KNOW from some of the threads I've read, some members crying sexism in this one do claim to) then you too are susceptible to the mindset. You can't have it both ways when it suits your cause or you're being a hypocrite.

Maybe being hypocritical comes easy to some but I try and stand by what I profess to believe in.


- Lee

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