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Ron Paul to Run For President! [UPDATE: He Will Not]

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posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 03:48 PM
this would be epic!!!



thanks for posting this

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6

2. I watched Ron Paul on Colbert last week and gotta say, I was somewhat dismayed. I was actually a Paul supporter during the primaries, but he seemed different then. On Colbert he had absolutely no oratory, and he sounded very unimposing bordering on frail. For the first time I actually saw what some of his detractors have been saying, at times he does come off like a little old man who's weak in the poop.

The only thing that comes to mind from what you said here is Roosevelt. He was wheelchair bound and still kept things going during WWII. That's pretty frail yet he was able to do the job well.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by CaptGizmo

I understand, and please don't get me wrong, I love Ron Paul's ideas and think he's on the absolutely right track. The main difference would be Roosevelt, while wheelchair bound, sounded firm, resolute, and powerfull. Plus, it was the age of radio. I'm not sure the man could get elected today. That's more a commentary on us as a superficial society, but it is true.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by SectionEight
Well there goes the 10% hate Bush young fanatics that Obama would have got. McCain is in for sure now.

I am 31, a respected professional in my field. I don't live in my parents basement, I live in the "rich" part of Tampa, Florida. I have a beautiful wife who supports Obama. I am a fiscal conservative and social liberal, and I support Ron Paul 100%.

I take serious offense to each and every of your submissions in this thread. Talk to me about why you don't like Ron Paul rather than making broad generalizations about his supporters, which are completely false to say the least. As ONE example, I defy every one of your generalizations. I don't hate Bush, i'm not 18-25, i don't live in my parents basement, and i've got my sh*t together.

I've supported Ron Paul because I would like to see the United States return to the constitution. Obama and McCain, to my knowledge, haven't even brought up the constitution once.

If Ron Paul decided to re-declare his candidacy I would not only vote for him in a new york minute, i'd donate to him (as i said i would if he were in the general election), and I would volunteer for him.

As it stands, i'm not voting for Obama or McCain. I'm thinking of Bob Barr even though he's not all that appealing to me. He's the lesser of three evils in my book, at this point.

Take your incendiary remarks and point them back at the Obama crowd, please. We Ron Paul supporters are above that!

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 07:13 PM
I think that the reason there appears to be so many young people campaigning for Ron Paul, is the same reason there are young people campaigning for the other candidates. Old people just don't have the stamina to get out and do it. I am an old man and my wife is an old woman. We will be voting for the guy who's bumper sticker is on the back of our vehicles. RON PAUL. He isn't the first Libertarian presidential candidate that I have voted for. I consider myself a social liberal and a fiscal conservative and most of all an American. I am voting for the one candidate that I feel has what is in the best interest of my country as his main concern. I want to live in a country that I can be proud of, not one divided by nonsensical name calling.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by SectionEight

on Paul represents the 18 to 25 age college student or the kid that lives in his moms basement who hates Bush with a passion, and has Che guerva posters on his wall just like Obama does in his campaign headquarters.

Gee All the Ron Paul supporters I have met are college grads in their forties, fifties and sixties. It is nice to know he apeals to the younger crowd too.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 07:35 PM
If nothing happens before the next elections then there is a high chance Ron Paul can be elected. First of all not half and not a little bit....try a lot of Obamas supporters were once Ron Paul supporters. If he is coming back there goes a chunk of Obamas votes. Then there are the 10% who hate bush. If its not Ron Paul its going to be Obama.

Oh and by the way.....have a lot of you forgot the fact that not everyone in the U.S votes like they should? Sometimes i see people acting as if every American point to this is that the so called 90% someone mentioned isn't necessarily 90% of the U.S. Its a estimate of voters which sadly isn't a lot compared to how much Americans there are in the U.S. If i could vote i would vote for Ron Paul because if he doesn't make it we are all screwed.....i am a big conspiracy nut...NWO ect....but for once drop that and think about the facts here.

Also sorry for grammar.....been up for two days. BTW .. Flagged & Read.

[edit on 9-9-2008 by Mr.x211]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 07:42 PM
I still can't get over the speech he gave at the RP rally. Phenomenal. He touched on everything from the war to the federal reserve to hemp legalization. I couldn't believe I was watching it on C-Span on mainstream TV. I half expected him to get picked off right then and there. Which makes me wonder if he's somehow part of the whole thing, even unwillingly or unknowingly. Ah, I don't know, can't help but love the guy. You'd get my vote Ronny boy even though my friends say I'd only be helping John McCain get elected by throwing my vote away.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 07:44 PM
Oh good Ron Paul is jumping back in. Now Ill have someone worthy to hold the presidency to vote for.

Ron is the ONLY PROVABLY 100% honest candidate whom has NEVER violated his oath of office or the constitution.

It's sad really how most Americans have no clue about how their government is supposed to run, what it can and cant do.

The federal government is supposed to provide for a national defence...and thats pretty much it. It's up to the individual states to run themselves.

The Republican and Democratic parties have perverted this great nation for their own use.

There should NEVER be someone who is a "carer politician" it was never meant to be a lifelong job. No, politics should be handled by citizen statesmen who leave their jobs to serve their country for a time and then return to their jobs.....that is what this country was founded on and what this country needs.

[edit on 9-9-2008 by DisabledVet]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 07:51 PM
Well now Ron Paul, yea ... that would restore the balance a bit...
the funny thing is, Conservatives still think Ron Paul is a liberal - or
wacko from left field -- no one has told them to vote for Ron Paul.

[edit on 9-9-2008 by BornPatriot]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 07:52 PM
Considering that Obama and McCain are both Bilderberg chosen puppets that will follow the same script, no matter how they word it, I will be putting my vote in for Ron Paul although it is a hopeless effort.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Unit541
The number of people here with "wasted vote" syndrome is truly sickening. No vote, as long as it's cast by ones conscience, is a wasted vote. Voting for someone purely because they have a "better chance" of winning, is much more of a waste than voting for who you truly feel should be running this country. The election is not intended to be a "contest" to see who can get the most votes, it's a decision.

What really gets me, is none of the Ron Paul detractors, who so fervently admonish his supporters, can give a reasonable explanation of their views of Ron Paul. None of them can express what it is that they detest so thoroughly about him. Most of them don't have the slightest clue about his stances on the issues. If you're going to take the time and energy to sling mud at people for supporting a particular candidate, the least you could do is actually be able to make a point, as to why you think the candidate is a poor choice.

Quoting the whole post because it needs to be read by all. For years, it's pissed me off that people will vote "because the other guy has no chance", or because "this guy looks funny". I even heard a guy at work say that he voted for Bush because Kerry couldn't say Lambeau Field. Two of my wife's best friends vote based on who their parents vote for. My wife is planning on voting for Obama, only because "McCain is another Bush, and we'll be at war forever."

People, if you're going to vote, vote for what you truly want. Not every politician is going to have all of what you want. Choose what is most important to you. Pay attention to ALL of the candidates. In the primaries, I'm sure there were many other candidates who would have served our country much better than Obama, or McCain. But it seems to me, to many people don't know what really matters.

Let's turn this country upside down, make your vote count!

And for what it's worth, I'm voting for Ron Paul, based on what I have seen and read. I like what he stands for, I like his ideas.

[edit on 9-9-2008 by Mekanic]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 08:12 PM
I doubt he is actually going to announce he is running, judging from other posts and his statements in the past.

Which is a HUGE shame due in part to just the reaction alone on this board, let alone others, I know he would get ALOT of support and attention. He could make a damn good run of it if he actually bit the bullet and tossed his hat in.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 08:31 PM
The topic title needs to be changed since it's been misleading. I have not seen ANY confirmation from ANY sources about anything stated in the topic title.

If it was true, that'd be great, but don't put it up until it happens.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

Thats what I suspected. Nice addition to the discussion.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by greenjuice
this is the real October surprise.I am surprised that no one posted this.

Potential run as an independent

On September 5, 2008, the Constitution Party of Montana removed Chuck Baldwin from their presidential ticket, replacing him with Ron Paul for president and Michael Peroutka for vice president.

Wow. Talk about too little, too late.

You don't find more avid supporters for Ron Paul than my wife and I. I mean REALLY don't find them. We are poor, and if he were to have made a run as an independent, we would have even given the max donation. And we don't make political donations... PERIOD.

Ron Paul said he would not make a 3rd party run back in March. So, if he were to change his mind in September, that would only make him wishy-washy, and would not even have the support of most who were totally gung-ho for him last year.

The funny thing is that Sarah Palin talked Ron Paul up during the primaries when she had no intention of being VP. And he has not given her the time of day. As much respect as I have for that man, a lot would be lost now if he were to flip on this. Not only would he not win, but he would not even garner 1% IMHO. But I doubt he would decide to run now.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by The Cyfre

Originally posted by SectionEight
Well there goes the 10% hate Bush young fanatics that Obama would have got. McCain is in for sure now.

I am 31, a respected professional in my field. I don't live in my parents basement, I live in the "rich" part of Tampa, Florida. I have a beautiful wife who supports Obama. I am a fiscal conservative and social liberal, and I support Ron Paul 100%.

I take serious offense to each and every of your submissions in this thread. Talk to me about why you don't like Ron Paul rather than making broad generalizations about his supporters, which are completely false to say the least. As ONE example, I defy every one of your generalizations. I don't hate Bush, i'm not 18-25, i don't live in my parents basement, and i've got my sh*t together.

I've supported Ron Paul because I would like to see the United States return to the constitution. Obama and McCain, to my knowledge, haven't even brought up the constitution once.

If Ron Paul decided to re-declare his candidacy I would not only vote for him in a new york minute, i'd donate to him (as i said i would if he were in the general election), and I would volunteer for him.

As it stands, i'm not voting for Obama or McCain. I'm thinking of Bob Barr even though he's not all that appealing to me. He's the lesser of three evils in my book, at this point.

Take your incendiary remarks and point them back at the Obama crowd, please. We Ron Paul supporters are above that!

You're sooo in trouble with your wife if she reads ATS over your shoulder...

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Mekanic
People, if you're going to vote, vote for what you truly want. Not every politician is going to have all of what you want. Choose what is most important to you. Pay attention to ALL of the candidates.

This makes no sense. With 3 or more parties, one only needs a plurality to win, and we end up with a candidate that most people don't want. Case in point: Bill Clinton in 1992.

So, to be blunt: Most Ron Paul supporters would not want Obama any more than McCain because compared to Ron Paul, they both suck big time.

But now that Palin has entered into the picture, at least there is one who many of us can vote for in good conscience (and perhaps McCain will croak?). Palin was a Ron Paul supporter too, so that kinda mixes things up a bit. Just because ATS people would vote for Ron Paul's gardener does not mean that this reflects the American people at all.

And the headline is misleading.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 08:47 PM
For the record.

Ron Paul was a guest on Neil Cavuto's show this afternoon and denied that he was re-entering the race as a 3rd party candidate, though he wouldn't say what his BIG news conference was about.

He did confirm that Candidate Barr would be there and said he didn't have confirmation that Jesse Ventura attending.

Cavuto later asked if Paul could be a 4th party candidate and Paul kind of hesitated, but said he would stick by his statements from earlier this year.

I will go and see if I can get the transcript from the show.

Be right back

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by DisabledVet
The federal government is supposed to provide for a national defence...and thats pretty much it. It's up to the individual states to run themselves... The Republican and Democratic parties have perverted this great nation for their own use.

Everything you are saying is exactly how I feel it should be, and how the country was designed. But to be honest, it is not true either.

If the Federal government were only for defense and everything else were left to the states, our country would likely have not lasted 30 years. After we fought the revolution, instigated largely by the revolts over taxes, President Washington and co. had to squash some 25 rebellions, the most well known being the Whiskey Rebellion. Other issues like Marbury v. Madison have played as much of a role in this Nation's history as the U.S. Constitution did. And unfortunately, even the PATRIOT Act is not as new as many would have us believe, as the Alien and Sedition Acts happened very early in our nation's history.

There is a tension, and states rights is only one side of the issue. We would not have won two World Wars with state militias. So it is really biased and one-sided to make the statement above. I am NOT a leftie, and I do support the Constitution. But I also do have to be honest.

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