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Ron Paul to Run For President! [UPDATE: He Will Not]

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posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 10:14 AM
BBC News

"The strongest message can be sent by rejecting the two-party system," he will tell a Washington news conference.

"This can be accomplished by voting for one of the non-establishment, principled candidates."

Those invited to attend Mr Paul's news conference include Green Party candidate Cynthia McKinney, a former Democratic congresswoman for Georgia, and Constitution Party contender Chuck Baldwin.

I'm saddened by this news.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by sos37
You were correct with your first sentence. Let's put this into perspective. Let's say Ron Paul's supporters follow his advice and vote for one of FOUR different minor candidates - can you be splitting the vote up any more than that? How in the heck is splitting your supporters' votes up one of four ways in any way going to help in this election? All it's going to do is take votes away from the two major candidates, but sprinkle them into one of four places - not nearly enough to make any sort of difference.

It's not about influencing the outcome of the election. That boat sailed long ago. Instead, this is about the voters re-learning how to vote. This concept encourages voters to vote their hearts and minds, and not to simply cast their vote for someone they were told to vote for. Very few people vote their conscience. Most are not even aware of where their conscience lies, as they don't have the slightest idea of their own candidates policies. They vote party lines, they vote based on race or gender, they vote on some conjecture they overheard at the office, they vote based on last nights commentary vomited by _____ networks talking heads.

By encouraging his supporters to vote for one of four candidates, Dr. Paul is essentially forcing them to investigate the other candidates, and come to a decision as to who they personally feel is best qualified to run this country.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by Unit541

Originally posted by sos37
You were correct with your first sentence. Let's put this into perspective. Let's say Ron Paul's supporters follow his advice and vote for one of FOUR different minor candidates - can you be splitting the vote up any more than that? How in the heck is splitting your supporters' votes up one of four ways in any way going to help in this election? All it's going to do is take votes away from the two major candidates, but sprinkle them into one of four places - not nearly enough to make any sort of difference.

It's not about influencing the outcome of the election. That boat sailed long ago. Instead, this is about the voters re-learning how to vote. This concept encourages voters to vote their hearts and minds, and not to simply cast their vote for someone they were told to vote for. Very few people vote their conscience. Most are not even aware of where their conscience lies, as they don't have the slightest idea of their own candidates policies. They vote party lines, they vote based on race or gender, they vote on some conjecture they overheard at the office, they vote based on last nights commentary vomited by _____ networks talking heads.

By encouraging his supporters to vote for one of four candidates, Dr. Paul is essentially forcing them to investigate the other candidates, and come to a decision as to who they personally feel is best qualified to run this country.

Okay, but how does that help unless you actually plan to win an election?

See, the problem is Dr. Paul is not saying WHICH of the four other candidates he thinks his supporters ought to vote for, he's saying "just pick one of the four".

So all of the sudden, you've gone from a support base of say (just an example, and averaged per choice) 400,000 to 100,000 spread amongst 4 candidates - and again only ONE will win.

Let me put it another way - if one of the two mainstream parties garners say 500,000 votes and Ron Paul's supporters equal 800,000 then he stands a great chance of winning if he ran on ONE party - but by telling his followers to pick one of four minor parties and not saying which one he backs, his 800,000 voter following just went to 200,000 per minor party (on average) and suddenly one of the two mainstream parties has won.

And in that sense, what have you actually gained but splitting your party's voter base up, and how is that any different than what Hilary did with her die-hard followers and the Democratic party?

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 10:50 AM
I just crapped my pants..........ill be right back

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by CaptGizmo
Hey it would be great if ATS did a fake election to see the numbers just from ATS of who would vote for who. All anonymous of course.


I think it would be great to see what happens.



posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 10:57 AM
The third party candidates definately need to Pick a Pres. and VP, then ask their supporters to vote for those Candidates ONLY. A splitup vote is suicide.

The Objective is to send a message to the Rep. &Dem parties that the people are waking up and watching.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by sos37

I understand fully what you're saying, but it's looking like you didn't read the post you quoted and responded to. The very first sentence proclaims "it's not about influencing the outcome of the election."

While it may seem pointless to you, let me respond a little closer to your line of thinking.

Even if Ron Paul did endorse a particular candidate, and request his supporters do the same, the number of votes still won't put this candidate in a position to win, and the election goes to one of the big two, just as it would if all those votes were split up among four candidates. However, splitting them up motivates the voters to inform themselves, because they've got to make their own decision. Do you see? This concept takes the first step to fixing the broken machine that is our current electoral process. The whole point is to get people to vote for who they want to vote for, and not who they're told to vote for. If you simply don't tell them to vote for someone, they're forced to make their own decision. If everyone made up their own mind, instead of letting the media and campaign hype form the basis for their decision, I postulate that we'd be living in a country that's quite different from the one we're living in today.

So again, it's not about winning the election, and it's not about redirecting votes to affect the outcome, or cost someone else the election. Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil. This, my friend, is about waking up the voters.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:29 PM
Ron Paul has announce that he is not running please change
the title or mark it as a hoax please help us deny ignorance.

heres the link for his announcement


posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Mekanic

Originally posted by Echtelion
But frankly, anyone voting for Paul is just throwing his/her vote away, since that guy will never be elected into office

Really? By voting for Ron Paul I'm throwing my vote away? That's the problem with this country, because that's what too many people believe. Lose that mentality and maybe third parties will stand a chance.

Been there, done that... with Perot in 92 and again in 96. It doesn't work, that is why most people aren't doing it. What is the logic in saying "I will vote for the best, and end up with the worst"?

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by greenjuice

glp = god like productions???

glp is a TAVISTOCK op.

If you mention anything about glp related to Tavistock, they will BAN you!

Read here:

Some of the banned words:

Alien earth, proxywhore refuge, modlikeproductions, juryroll, ghosthunterscry, abovetopsecret, rumor mill news, surfing the apocalypse, buddhas grove, malware, spyware, adware, Jason Lucas, Elaine, Defiler, tavistock, stanford research institute.

As you can note they have AboveTopSecret flagged.

So is this info about RP accurate and correct??

Maybe, Maybe not.

Take it with a grain of salt.

It seems that coming from glp that they are trying to do a bit of "Social Engineering"--What is your take on it??


posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by CaptGizmo

Originally posted by SectionEight
Well there goes the 10% hate Bush young fanatics that Obama would have got. McCain is in for sure now.

That 10% that you say hate Bush are 10% of Americans that care about the direction that this current criminal administration has taken the country. Not to mention what they have done to this countries Constitution. For the first time in my life during this administration I was ashamed of my country.I voted for him the first time in the belief that he would bring respectability back to the White House after Clinton's blatant misuses of a cigar in the oval office. I along with many other Americans that voted for him feel betrayed. I love my country and want to see us back to being a country people of the world could look up to with admiration not lies. This is excellent news to me. Call me a wacko,Ron Paulite,Ron Paul fanatic, call me whatever; I call myself part of the un-brainwashed. If more people stop and actually listen to what the man has to say then maybe...just maybe this country might have a chance at surviving the next 100 years with out the NWO.

And just for the record I don't hate Bush ....I hate his policies....In my opinion Bush is just a figure one in charge of a country could be that stupid and meet with dignataries from other countries and get anything accomplished.

[edit on 9/9/2008 by CaptGizmo]

[edit on 9/9/2008 by CaptGizmo]

[edit on 9/9/2008 by CaptGizmo]

Hello CaptGizmo
I could not agree more. Sort of took every darn word out of my mouth. Cheers for that & Much Kudos
Peace (& Ron Paul)

[edit on 10-9-2008 by kirky]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Tentickles
reply to post by greenjuice

This makes me want to actually vote now.
Obama and McCain just arnt the persons I want to see in the white house.

You read my mind Kudos

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:00 PM
I think the point of endorsing all of the 3rd paty canidates is to allow the greatest number of people seeking an alternative to find one.

If by chance a large percentage of votes went to the 3rd party canidates. It would send a strong signal to "the powers that be" that a large percentage of people were FED ( pun intended ) up with current policies or choices.

Weather or not the election is won, the message is still sent. And next time around even more voters will be freed up to make their own non-partisan choice. Paul's logic in this grand game of chess, I think is quite good.

Another plus is that I dont think Paul himself will be on the ballot in some or most states ( could be way off here) and I dont believe most states count write-ins. So this gives us yet another avenue to voice our opinions by registering a vote against the big two.

Power to the People

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by lunchmanstan
I think the point of endorsing all of the 3rd paty canidates is to allow the greatest number of people seeking an alternative to find one.

If by chance a large percentage of votes went to the 3rd party canidates. It would send a strong signal to "the powers that be" that a large percentage of people were FED ( pun intended ) up with current policies or choices.

Then why didn't this work in 1992 to send a message? No, we just ended up with Clinton who made a mockery of the Presidency.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:19 PM

This is the best news I've read in awhile...I for one will be voting for Ron Paul 2008...

Even If he doesn't win...this will send a ripple effect through the country If he get's enough attention. I for one will be doing my part and showing my support by walking around the streets passing out Ron Paul flyers.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by UnderTheirRadar

Ron Paul announced today that he will not be running....

What a good man in office go for Bob Barr.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:38 PM
Since Ron Paul is not running and will most likely not be on the ballot, does anyone know how write ins work?

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by kcfusion
reply to post by SectionEight

"It doesn't matter to the rest of america what Ron Paul claims to stand for, we never got past the 911 conspiracy garbage he was for. Maybe if he didn't start his message out in the fruitcake section we would have gotten futher into his agenda."

Maybe he was wrong in how what he believes happened 911, hey the government have things wrapped up so tightly he would have to be on the inside to truly know what went on, which in turn would make him a mule of the government. What if i told you that yes it happened exactly the way we were all told but how it was ALLOWED to happen will never be told. There are many many many things that dont add up about how the attacks themselves actually happened in the first place, enough to make people like Ron believe that there is substance to what people claim happened. I'd love to know what makes you so sure that your government, with everything thats gone on over the years, would without a shadow of a doubt, not be in anyway responsible for the 911 attacks. Please fill me in.

"He only garners at best 10% and that was not even evident nationwide in the primaries. His demographic is easily seen by who shows up at his rallyies, does his viral internet campaigning and disrupted strawpolls."

When is it going to sink in that Ron could be the start of rebuilding the structures that are failing you at this moment. He does not have to be right about everything, he is human after all, but he could be the starting block that paves the way for a new way of life for Americans and the rest of the World, where brilliant, bright, intelligent people who actually care about you, can actually get to be YOUR President and run your government and not people bought by corporations, who DO NOT care about YOU.
I feel sad for you for it only being 10%, because guess what, in a few years (max) time you will realise, that not one thing has changed for the better. Someday you will realise that just because the people pulling the strings have new puppets does not mean that they have changed their ways. And worse still please remember that it was as obvious as the nose on your face.
Oh and the only thing viral that I can see is your attitude in your posts.

Damn I just realised what a waste of time this post is. Your mind is made up nothing I can do or say will change that. Good luck with your life. Peace!

[edit on 9-9-2008 by kcfusion]

Hi SectionEight
Chin up m8, your post was not in vain. I live in Ireland/am Irish. Believe it or not, there are many of us here that feel your pain/anguish. Remember there are many of our Brothers/Sisters/descendants living amongst you, and yes some of them have been brainwashed unfortunately and it aint any better in UK/Ireland…hey when you only got 2 choices of business as usual wadaya do…

But there are some that see the through the hogwash, spin and outright corruption. We have seen our beloved sister country go from the highest respected Nation of the planet, the “almost utopia”, the “Land where dreams CAN come true” , to one of that is now despised in many nations across the planet. Your Allies/possible allies are now seriously considering the threat from the USA policing the planet.. Its really so sad and I know that a majority of the US populace kinda don’t care..Blame TV, it’s a good starting point. (at this point imagine Kirk smashing a TV to ****ing pieces lol)

I hate saying that, it HURTS to say this…. God I want to admire America again, I mean I got loads o blood over there… But alas if polls, if they anything to go by, its sadly true. But I for one believe that its just a tiny minuscule percentage of your leaders that have done this to the US. Nuff said. I wont go on about the past, timelines are all there to see if your keen enough to do the research

If Ron Paul (like some of us believe over here) represents a fundamental change in governing, it needs to happen, because from the current political status quo of your country regardless if its Obama or McCain its business as usual pal…and I’m so pissed at business lately…100 year war anyone..

but alas it probably won’t happen overnight. Jesus there’s nearly 300 million of you’s guys over there. But remember the rest of the planet watches the USA for leadership. Make us proud again USA.. and lead the way..I know you will, someday…
from small acorns…


posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by secret space

Why would you write him in? as some kinda symbolic gesture? why not vote for the candidate that he's supporting?

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:47 PM

Bob Barr just asked Ron Paul to be his VP

Atlanta, GA – Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party nominee for president, has invited GOP Congressman Ron Paul to be his running mate in the upcoming election. In a letter sent to Paul, Barr called Paul one of the “few American patriots” who exist in today’s society, and asked him to “seriously consider this final offer as an opportunity to show true, lasting leadership beyond party politics.”

Ron Paul for VP

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