posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by Evisscerator
Hey, if a said candidate doesn't possess certain qualifications that's fair game for discussion and belongs in the arena especially with McCain's
history of cancer, and his age of 72, she could be thrust into office at any time and so this is definitely in the interest of the nation to talk
about. I always thought an insult was to call someone a name, or to disrespect the person but to call someone out on something that they said that
was false, or to point out deficiencies in someone's resume' isn't really an insult. However, I do think it was insulting for that woman and
Guiliani to use the tone and body language to belittle Barack's work in the mostly black and poor inner city which is something we need more of and
also speaks to his grass roots community oriented and down to the people's level resume' background and at the same time totally ignore his work in
graduate school and his work as a constitutional lawyer, or his several terms as a State legislature and then a US senator (then to add insult to
injury she goes on to say he didn't do anything; I think she said "nadda, ziltch" but I may be mistaken...when you do a search come to find out he
did quite a lot so that's a bold face lie and rubs salt in the wound having just insulted his work with the poor) me, having done a lot of
community service work, I can say this was incredibly insulting considering where it came from, how it was delivered, and received and used almost as
if it were part of stand up comedy. So we have two different things here in my opinion, but then I’m bias, having gone to graduate school at
University, worked in the community, and being progressive.
Finally I also wanted to comment on yours and other people's remarks on here that are blatantly sexist. Stop it! It wouldn't be appropriate on the
job or in a professional setting (which is what she is running for) and it's crass on here...but typical I suppose. Will we as a people ever change?
Women have come so far with the war on sexual harassment and sexism to have this stuff thrown in our faces...and even if it were a beauty
pageant...never mind, it makes me sick to my stomach to even have to address this issue. It's 2008, you'd think we would have surpassed this sort
of thing by now and matured a bit.
this election if you look at the map drips of sexism and racism and if one who looks at it ( for the electoral map) it's pretty
obvious. The bible belt and the bubba vote as it is called. Human behavior and cognition sure is interesting; for that matter so is corruption and
deception as it plays the map!
[edit on 16-9-2008 by skyshow]