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Why was jesus crucified?

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posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 01:37 AM
Why was Jesus crucified?
Well besides all the other things, religious type of things.
The Romans who ruled the world at that time.
Were a very violent harsh bunch.
And they pretty much killed everyone.
And there favorite form of killing was crucifixion.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 01:55 AM
Why was Jesus crucified....

There are several answers to that question that would fit very well.

1. Paranoia.
2. Control.
3. Fear.
4. Power.
5. Denial.
6. Jealousy.
7. Tolorance...lack of.
8. Ignorance.
9. Different.


posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by RFBurns
There are several answers to that question that would fit very well.

All good reasons, if you see it from a psychological angle and overlook the fact that both the Romans present and the people living in the land we call Israel or Palestina were under Roman law. Jews also kept the Mosaic Law with several additions making it an impossible task to follow. That made more or less all Jews into sinners subject to a reaction from their superiors. However, since the Jews were not allowed to complete any punnishment they would have to hand him over to the Romans and accuse him for something the Romans would react to. But which Roman law did Jesus break, that Judas told the Romans? If you ask me there is one distinct subject that comes up. Jesus was seen as the Messiah, i.e. king of the Jews. Well that has a political side, and what was it Jesus used most of his life as a trained rabbi for? He argued with the politicans of the Pharicee and Sadduchean (political) parties. At some stage a crowd wanted to make him king, but Jesus fled, probably fearing what would happen if the Romans found out. Maybe Judas brought a Tannakh and explained for the Romans that Jesus was the promised Messiah, king. The Romans would then start fearing an uprising and probably see a war with the Jews over Judea if they did not react and kill off this king. Pilate even asks if Jesus is the king of the Jews, and place a trophy plate over the bleeding head of Jesus while on the cross proclaiming that the Roman empire has killed yet another king. Jesus was killed because he was the Messiah and had to fulfill an aeon of written prophecies, among them be sacrificed like a lamb. His throne was the cross, just like the polestar is in the middle of the cellestial cross where we see an old man sitting in a chair with a lamb in his lap. The pole star is in the Lamb or Ursa Minor in Roman myths, the Little Bear, so to the Romans, if Jesus was like a little bear, he would grow up to become the Great Bear or the Son of Man, Ursa Major, and eventually threaten the Emperor himselg becoming the Father, or like the Romans liked it: the Dragon, Draco. It's all about politics, astrology, prophecy and Jesus claiming to be the Son of Man and the people believing him to be the Messiah.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Michael Pait
Do you think he is in eternal damnation and do you think that was the intent of the people that crucified him. or do you think his soul is safe in heaven. i was wondering because all the heavy metals dipict jesus as some dark figure.

Although I don't fully agree with them, some christians consider the heavy metal folk to be under satans spell and are unsuprised at the critical lyrics.

I read somewhere that the babylonians first introduced it and it was possible considered (for those times) to be a more humane way of capital punishment compared with the sudden and violent trauma of an actual weapon being used.
It may of been introduced due the visual impact and deterrent on others.
This is quite ironic as the symbol of the cross and crucifix is now a very powerful foundation of faith within and without the Christian community.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 07:19 AM
It's quite interresting to note that the early Christians scoffed at the symbol of the cross. They would see the cross like we see the swastika.

And another thing. Since it is my belief that Jesus never really died on the cross, I don't see a dilemma with him being in limbo or worse. Besides Jesus was beamed up infront of his followers, and was probably treated for ageing and such, so that he is still healthy, alive and kicking

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic
It's quite interresting to note that the early Christians scoffed at the symbol of the cross. They would see the cross like we see the swastika.

And another thing. Since it is my belief that Jesus never really died on the cross, I don't see a dilemma with him being in limbo or worse. Besides Jesus was beamed up infront of his followers, and was probably treated for ageing and such, so that he is still healthy, alive and kicking

There is a box containing Peter's bones in Israel that has a cross inscribed on it.

That throws the idea out of the water that Jesus wasn't crucified on a cross.

"An inscription, found on a first century coffin bearing the sign of the cross, reads: "Shimon Bar Yonah" = "Simon [Peter] son of Jonah".

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:19 PM
Jesus only ever symbolically died on the cross, and continues to do so every year.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
There is a box containing Peter's bones in Israel that has a cross inscribed on it.

You mean the forged box that suddenly placed Peter's remains in Jerusalem and not in Rome? Peter's tomb is under the Vatican. The aussary with Peter's name and a cross can't be anything than a forgery... Just like many other relics. Forging artifacts and antiquities is big business.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
There is a box containing Peter's bones in Israel that has a cross inscribed on it.

You mean the forged box that suddenly placed Peter's remains in Jerusalem and not in Rome? Peter's tomb is under the Vatican. The aussary with Peter's name and a cross can't be anything than a forgery... Just like many other relics. Forging artifacts and antiquities is big business.

Right, Peter's family just lied and forged/faked his name on the box. That makes a ton of sense.

Because we all know at the time of his death how absolutely loved and revered Peter was in Israel.

*rolls eyes*

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 04:06 AM
Jesus was crucified,
For without Jesus being crucified,
you'd not be pondering the question,
"Why was Jesus Crucified?".

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
There is a box containing Peter's bones in Israel that has a cross inscribed on it.

You mean the forged box that suddenly placed Peter's remains in Jerusalem and not in Rome? Peter's tomb is under the Vatican. The aussary with Peter's name and a cross can't be anything than a forgery... Just like many other relics. Forging artifacts and antiquities is big business.

Right, Peter's family just lied and forged/faked his name on the box. That makes a ton of sense.

Because we all know at the time of his death how absolutely loved and revered Peter was in Israel.

*rolls eyes*

Who said anything about Peter's family lying and forging his name on the box? Ever consider that it is a MODERN forgery? Please read my post (I don't think you really did) in the other thread:

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by Incarnated
Jesus was crucified,
For without Jesus being crucified,
you'd not be pondering the question,
"Why was Jesus Crucified?".

Possibly the worst logic ever for trying to prove the existence of Jesus, congrats to you sir!

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic
Forging artifacts and antiquities is big business.

Right, Peter's family just lied and forged/faked his name on the box. That makes a ton of sense.

Because we all know at the time of his death how absolutely loved and revered Peter was in Israel.

*rolls eyes*

Beats me. History and church tradition tells us that Peter was crusified upside down and died a slow and agonising death in ROME, ITALY, under Cæsar Nero in AD 64 where he was also buried. More precisely beneath the high altar of St. Peter's Basilica situated in the Vatican. The fact is that it was because Peter was buried there that Rome became the center of Christendom in the first place. If we listen to the Cath. Church they will list St. Peter as the first bishop of Rome and in effect the first pope. And they would open the bible in the Gospel of Matthew and read: "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it". They will then go on to explain how this prophecy was fulfilled when the St Peter's Basilica was built on top of his grave. Since then and even before that, the Vatican height has been the epi-center of power within the Catholic Church.

Looks like someone has forgotten something. Finding disciples' ousuaries is quite in at the time. Not long ago they "found" a similar box with "Jacob, son of Joseph, brother of Jesjuah". And many other similar artifacts have been found. But the box of Jacob/James and most other relics have been revealed as fakes. like I said, faking ancient artifacts is big business, and a ousuary like the one you refer to may be sold for millions of dollars at the auctions. It's your choice.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:11 PM
seems to me that going into the temple and overthrowing the money changers would sorta be against the law and a reason why "those in charge of the money' may want to make an example of him

also should that be true....i'm pretty sure that anyone retelling this story to a population ( religious organization ...who may be in power.....would have ties with the money changers) and would not want to tell the story from a angle that puts a FOCUS on JC being so outraged at the Usury and debt peonage the money changers used the temple in this perverse way...

From at least as early as 2400 BC it was normal for Sumerian and Babylonian rulers to annul the population’s personal and agrarian “barley” debts upon taking the throne for their first full year of rule. In addition to annulling these debts, Mesopotamian Clean Slates freed bondservants and restored self-support land to former owners who had forfeited their crop rights to foreclosing creditors. The Babylonian word for these Clean Slates was andurarum, and Jewish law adopted them with the cognate Hebrew word deror. But by the first millennium BC, kings had come to represent local oligarchies, so Mosaic Law took Clean Slates out of the hands of rulers and placed them at the center of Judaic religion in the Jubilee Year of Leviticus 25. Like Babylonian law, it cancelled personal debts, freed bondservants and restored land tenure to its “original” holders.

Debt cancellation is at the heart of the laws of Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy calling for debts to be cancelled periodically, and to liberate indebted bondservants. Ezra and Nehemiah describe how they returned from Babylon to restore order by canceling the debts – and re-discovering the Book of Deuteronomy. But creditor oligarchies were on the rise throughout the Mediterranean region in the centuries that followed. By the time of Jesus the mainstream of Jewish leadership had mounted an attack on the Jubilee Year, endorsing Rabbi Hillel’s prosbul, a legal clause by which creditors forced debtors to sign away their rights to debt annulment at the Jubilee. In his first sermon, Jesus sought to retain the Jubilee year by unrolling the scroll of Isaiah and announcing that he had come to proclaim the Year of Our Lord.

to add insult to injury jesus (from matThew 21:12) cast out the money changers who were indebting the citizens (no matter how poor) on a host of money making tax's and fee's

The Jewish oligarchy appealed to Rome to crucify Jesus. As he and his followers gained adherents by advocating debt forgiveness, Rome used violence against them. But Christianity grew by creating communities of mutual aid. Upon achieving political power, the new religion’s most important economic achievement was to outlaw debt bondage throughout Western civilization. However, the idea of a Clean Slate had to be postponed until the Day of Judgment at the end of history.

and now here we are in 2009.....waiting for the administration to cut ties with the financial oligarchs of the 21'st century .....who have positions in the white house (lawrence summers)...Geithner...etc....What would Jesus do!? isn't that an idea for a t-shirt that will hit some political nerves and have some oligarchs shaking that it could catch on

[edit on 14-4-2009 by cpdaman]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 09:00 PM
Easy answer, because at the old passover tradition by the
Temple where everyone had to go there was the scape goat
that traveled the same path Jesus took and people would
celibate with the crucified lamb, a sort of suspension arrangement
for roasting the lamb.

Yeah it sort of a traditional and object image thing but Jesus knew
it would hit home, well after the Pentecost for the newly formed
12 Apostles who got the blast of enlightenment and checked out
the whole of scriptures as being fulfilled right under their noses.

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