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Why was jesus crucified?

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posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:02 PM
Do you think he is in eternal damnation and do you think that was the intent of the people that crucified him. or do you think his soul is safe in heaven. i was wondering because all the heavy metals dipict jesus as some dark figure.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:26 PM
No.. It was because the Romans did that to people.. Nothing odd about it.. For the time period.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:27 PM
I have a suggestion, READ THE BIBLE. You don't have to become a believer, just read it.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by 38181
I have a suggestion, READ THE BIBLE. You don't have to become a believer, just read it.

That was not the answer he was looking for. People are so eager to say to READ THE BIBLE. just answer the question.. I did!

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Michael Pait
Do you think he is in eternal damnation and do you think that was the intent of the people that crucified him. or do you think his soul is safe in heaven. i was wondering because all the heavy metals dipict jesus as some dark figure.

Same reason why people were burned at the stake, beheaded and killed throughout history... Jesus and all the other millions of souls executed challenged the powerful people during the times they lived in. Its simple IMHO

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:40 PM
Jesus was crucified because he threatened a very profitable system of control and the acquisition of wealth that some powerful people were very attached to.

(Read, the religious establishment of the time.)

This pissed them off as he was essentially saying, "Those people who are claiming to know how to get you salvation, (and making a comfortable living in the process all the while controlling you handily) are far from the truth. They are selling you BS in a bottle, and you are buying it. You dont need them or to pay them or to dance to their tune to find salvation."

So, these pissed off religious leaders went to even MORE powerful people who had reason to want to be in control of people and said, "Look, this guy is making our life and money making scheme difficult. He is a threat to us, as he is saying "You dont need to listen to established authority." Well, we dont like it, and YOU shouldnt like it either, because YOUR established authority is maintained in part by our own. If WE go down, you guys have to fight from the bottom up to maintain your own little control and money making scheme."

The Romans thought about this and said, "You know what? You are right. He is a troublemaker."

Next thing you know, Jesus is crucified.

Whether or not "his soul is in heaven" depends entirely on the religion you ascribe to. In Jesus' belief system, it is. In Christian's belief system it is. In some other traditions, there is no heaven or no hell and so the question is moot.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Exactly!! I couldn't have said it better myself

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:49 PM
Just some things to ponder. The first link has plain english answers to many of your questions. (Copy / paste from 2nd link but I think this can answer your question.)

Jesus had to suffer and lay down His life for our sins. This is clearly shown in Isaiah 53. He did this for both Jews and Gentiles.

The Son of the Eternal Father's substitutional death on the cross stands at the heart of all other salvation truths revealed in the Bible. Jesus willingly took our place in suffering the penalty for sin. The demands of the Law against the transgressor were fully satisfied by His voluntary acceptance of our punishment that holy day in Jerusalem, when hanging on the cross He said; "it is finished".

It was the Savior's incarnate entrance into the human family which laid the foundation for the entire redemptive process. According to the Scriptures, He had to be born of a virgin in Bethlehem, live a sinless life, ride into Jerusalem on a foal of a donkey precisely on April 6, 32 A.D., exactly 173,880 days after the command to rebuild Jerusalem by the Babylonian king Artaxerxes.

Read Torah, Isaiah 53 3-6: "He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." Written: 712 BC (Before Christ)

Jesus rose again to sit with the Eternal Father, as one with the Father. It’s the greatest miracle God has ever performed. God’s Son who once was dead, has risen to new life forever. This great miracle is the joyous hope for humanity. Satan thought he was the winner. While Jesus hung on the cross outside of Jerusalem, Demons were roaring in triumph... only to realize to their horror that Jesus was the winner after all. Jesus descended into the demonic world and took the keys of death and life back from Satan's own claws. Jesus gave Himself to be killed, so that He could take away the authority of Satan over mankind.

There were over 360 prophecies foretold about the coming Jewish Messiah - hundreds of years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Jesus fulfilled all 365 of these prophecies. Of these 360+ prophecies, there are 109 that only Jesus (Yeshua) could have fulfilled. See complete list of 365 Messianic Prophecies

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

This opens a whole broad spectrum, and I will endeavour to answer the question as best as I can, as it has many answers.
Why was he crucified? The authorities of the time (specifically the religious Jews) wanted him executed. Because they were under occupation by Rome, they had no authority to declare death sentances according to their own laws. Roman law ruled supreme. According to Jewish law, Jesus would've been stoned to death for his remarks. Anyhow...
He was crucified because...1, The religious Jews wanted him dead. The only way that was going to happen was to have him executed according to Roman law, seeing as they were under Roman jurisdiction.
Answer 2 has to do with the more theological aspects to the question.

Christianity holds that Jesus was the Son of GOD, or the Lamb of GOD as many called Him. This was more than a symbolic reference.
According to Old Testament Jewish Law, the sins of the people were only forgiven by the shedding of blood. Hence, lambs (perfect, splotless lambs without blemish) were offered on the altar as a sacrifice, a substitute for the one who had committed the sins.
Christians believe the Old Testament sacrifices were a shadow or pattern that spoke of a Messiah, Redeemer who would offer Himself as the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world, a perfect offering, without blemish, without sin.
GOD said in the law he revealed to Moses, 'Cursed is anyone who hangs upon a tree'. He is speaking of a form of death, not the act of hanging or swinging from a tree! According to the Christian faith, because Jesus died in this particular way, He became a curse, and also took the sins of all mankind (past present and future) upon himself, becoming the curse of sin and providing forgiveness for the curse of sin. The Christian faith also holds that, because Jesus was fully GOD and fully man, and without any sin of his own, death/hell/the grave could not hold him. It had no power or authority to. The bible says the life the Christ poured out for the world, he took back up when he was resurrected. That resurrected life is what Jesus died to give to all who believe in him. The life that raised him from the dead now resides in all those that believe in him.
Hope this answers your question to some degree!

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 02:09 PM
Crucifixion, as others replying to this thread have stated, is deeply seeded in our human history. Wikipedia's History of Crucifixion contributions are quite informative.

Most equate crucifixion to Jesus Christ, the most famous occurrence of this type of slow, painful execution at the hands of the Romans. It is written that Julius Caesar was captured by Pirates, was ransomed, and then turned around and captured and crucified every one of them. Spartacus, the gladiator/slave is another well-known case of mass crucifixion.

Crucifixion actually predates the Romans and was also used in all sorts of places around the world. According to the Wikipedia article I mentioned:

Crucifixion was used in Japan before and during the Tokugawa Shogunate. It was called Haritsuke in Japanese. The condemned—usually a sentenced criminal—was hoisted upon a T-shaped cross. Then, executioners finished him off with spear thrusts. The body was left to hang for a time before burial.

Also, shockingly enough, Crucifixion has seen use in recent years within Sudan, via an eerie interpretation of Shari'a law:

In the Fiftieth Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights (1994), local bishops reported several cases of crucifixion of Christian priests. Sudan's Penal Code, based upon the government's interpretation of Shari'a, provides for execution by crucifixion. The sentence has been passed as recently as 2002, when 88 people were condemned.

However, another weird and modern occurence is within Yemen:

As of 2000, Yemen provides for non-lethal crucifixion of criminals, though this punishment is apparently reserved for those also condemned to death.

While commonly reserved as punishment for the lowest of the low in human society, this famous method of execution was very effective at giving potent amounts of shame and pain to the victim.

If you're religious though, the answer is simple: "He died for our sin." However, if you're a scholar of written history, one would say, "Constantine and his mother, (St) Helena, were great catalysts of believable fiction for their time."

Regardless of the varied replies you receive to this thread, I hope you, Michael, are able to find some truths within yourself.


posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Rashaverak

If you're religious though, the answer is simple: "He died for our sin." However, if you're a scholar of written history, one would say, "Constantine and his mother, (St) Helena, were great catalysts of believable fiction for their time."

Or Paul. (Saul) My own studies have brought me to the conclusion that the single person who insisted that it was the death of Jesus, and not living like him, that brings salvation. (Though Constantine certainly was efficient at spreading that meme and his own power.)

Jesus was quite clear that action, not belief, were required.

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

Paul takes us in a whole other direction by saying that belief is key, over action.

Jesus says we are to believe in him and live like him, (become like him) if we are to find heaven. He says that if you believe but do not live like him, you are saying his name only. Paul says we SHOULD live a certain way, but if we cant, thats ok, Jesus did all the work for you. Believe in THAT and you will go to heaven after you die.

It is a very subtle change, Jesus does speak of belief, and how important his sacrifice is, but he insists it is not enough on its own if you do not follow him.

Good point though, I love the history of the Bible, and who conclusively drove organized religion from the track Jesus was laying is up for debate, but the fact that it is off track today is, in my own opinion, without a doubt. If by the fruits of the religion the whole tree be known, the fruits are bitter.

Individual people do much better in my humble opinion.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 03:53 PM
I don't believe in A God, but I do believe Jesus existed and that he was crucified. Back in the day, girls or women who found themselves with child whether it be through a love affair, or rape without being married was killed, usually stoned to death.

Mary being a smart girl took the only way out she could, to save herself and her child. She claimed that she was carrying God's son. She used the myth for her own good. She had to continue the lie her whole life, whether she told her son or not, one can only guess, but he also continued in the lie. Who knows, maybe he was just a con artist who saw a profit in carrying on the lie?

Then he found himself in court, either way he went, he was in trouble. Admit to the lie and they all went down or continue the lie. Maybe he even believed in the lie himself. He was crucified, and the lie and the myth continues. It continues because people want so badly to believe. It's sad, really.

[edit on 24-8-2008 by goose]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by goose

Wether you "believe" in A god or not does not change the fact that one day, sure as you are born, you WILL die. It also does not change the fact that when you DO die, you will spend eternity in one of two places, Heaven or hell...Before you go down swinging over something that you clearly are not familiar with, it would probably be in your best interest to investigate the FACTS. Just because you do not belive in something does NOT mean that it does not exist. The greatest trick that satan ever pulled was making people think of him as this little red cartoon, dressed it a red suit with a pointed tail, horns, and carrying a pitchfork in his hand. The TRUTH is, he has had thousands upon thousands of years to subtly desensitize humans into thinking that he is a joke, and that THE LORD is not real (and that hell is some sort of party) ETERNITY is a very long time to be spending in a place of pure and relentless REAL and EVIL torture of which you will have no relief! I am praying right now that you come to your senses and discover the TRUTH! Otherwise, like it or not, you will be giving an account for your life in front of THE ONLY GOD, and being thrown into eternal damnation...pick up a bible, read it, then enter into a discussion iintellegently about wether something is a lie or not. Your life literally depends upon it!

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Michael Pait
Do you think he is in eternal damnation and do you think that was the intent of the people that crucified him. or do you think his soul is safe in heaven. i was wondering because all the heavy metals dipict jesus as some dark figure.

On Jethro Tull's Aqualung album he sings the song, My God and says "and the graven image (you know who) , you've got him fixed." Live, he says "the Catholic Church". They keep him on the cross so they can offer him as a sacrifice, every Mass. So, you can see why Metal, or whoever, can see him as a dark figure. Someone eternally suffering and dieing, over and over. They tell this lie to deny the living Christ, so they can usurp his throne and have their Pope sit on it.

[edit on 24-8-2008 by jmdewey60]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by jmdewey60

Originally posted by Michael Pait
Do you think he is in eternal damnation and do you think that was the intent of the people that crucified him. or do you think his soul is safe in heaven. i was wondering because all the heavy metals dipict jesus as some dark figure.

On Jethro Tull's Aquaman album he sings the song, My God and says "and the graven image (you know who) , you've got him fixed." Live, he says "the Catholic Church". They keep him on the cross so they can offer him as a sacrifice, every Mass. So, you can see why Metal, or whoever, can see him as a dark figure. Someone eternally suffering and dieing, over and over. They tell this lie to deny the living Christ, so they can usurp his throne and have their Pope sit on it.

[edit on 24-8-2008 by jmdewey60]

Good one Jimdewey..
thats why its important to recognize the truth of the cross but go on as well to the Pentecost!!!! and then don't leave it there but go on to "greater things"........and to live a life in Yeshua Christ by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit...

And as to Paul the Apostle - he emphasized faith because Yeshua emphasized faith - they were Torah followers and the Torah clearly states that "without faith it is impossible to please G-d" - without faith "the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen" ones "actions" are ineffective.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:42 PM
I do not believe in worshiping the death of jesus, nor do I think that merely believing in him is all you have to do.

It makes 0 logical sense why god would send his only son here to die and then we would be forgiven by believing in him. God could simply do this on his own, there is no need at all for his death to be sacrificial.

I believe Jesus came here to show mankind how god would/does act and to show people the correct way to live. And that he showed that even if you are to be killed for it, death is better than taking up arms and becoming the very evil you claim to be fighting against.

And in order to show people the correct way, then yes god did need to show people through his son, and those who truly believe will walk in his footsteps. I can't remember the verse, but Jesus says that as well.

I do not believe in church or going to church at all. All I have ever gotten from the church was a religion that worshiped the image of jesus and taught dogmas. I do not subscribe to a single dogma and I believe the so called dogmas only exist due to the lies being told and the dogmas are proof of those lives.

What sucks is the church turns people away from Christ because of these things and the history. It did me, but I was lucky and got to see the truth for myself.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 10:39 PM
Maybe ... just maybe ... he wasn't crucified ...

According to Islam, Jesus never died on the cross, nor ever wanted to die on the cross, nor ever was born to die on the cross. Muslims believe that Jesus was sentenced to death, and people thought that he got executed on the cross. The Holy Quran rejects this idea, and claims that it is a false one. Jesus never died on the cross, nor he ever died for anyone's sins.

And ...

Jesus was not crucified!

mmm ... so maybe the OP asked the wrong question ...

Edit - addition of new information

[edit on 24/8/08 by Horza]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 11:21 PM
Sometimes it helps to be specific when refering to "the Bible".
There is the "Torah" which the Jews consider to be their Bible. Christians refer to this book as the "Old Testament" because in their view it doesn't apply to them, and you won't find any info on Jesus in it unless you're of the conspiracy mind.
The Christians consider their Bible to be "The New Testament.
You will find all kinds of info on Jesus in this book.
Then there is the "Book of Morman" which the Mormans consider to be their Bible.
The "Book of Morman has alot of info on Jesus too.
The "Koran" is another book that the Muslims consider to be their Bible and even has quite a bit of info on Jesus.
Of course there are many other bibles too.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Michael Pait
Do you think he is in eternal damnation and do you think that was the intent of the people that crucified him. or do you think his soul is safe in heaven. i was wondering because all the heavy metals dipict jesus as some dark figure.
It was capital punishment in the Roman Empire at that time.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by 4x4fun
Sometimes it helps to be specific when refering to "the Bible".
There is the "Torah" which the Jews consider to be their Bible. Christians refer to this book as the "Old Testament" because in their view it doesn't apply to them, and you won't find any info on Jesus in it unless you're of the conspiracy mind.
The Christians consider their Bible to be "The New Testament.
You will find all kinds of info on Jesus in this book.
Then there is the "Book of Morman" which the Mormans consider to be their Bible.
The "Book of Morman has alot of info on Jesus too.
The "Koran" is another book that the Muslims consider to be their Bible and even has quite a bit of info on Jesus.
Of course there are many other bibles too.

There are over 300 prophecies about Jesus in the OT. That statement above isn't accurate. It's also not accurate to say that the Christians don't consider the OT to also be the Word of God, because "we" do.

When I say "we", I mean fundamental Christianity. Not some "Christian" cult.

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