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Russia Warns of response to U.S. shield

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posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by kozmo

Totally agree with you... This is just a chess game to Russia and the U.S... I beleive in the end both are playing for the same team... this could be a tactic to drag russia into a war with the U.S and EU... and it is possible that the puppet masters want this to happen... For many reasons it could be that they actually want a Nuclear holocaust.? There has been allot of talk of population reduction by the elite ... this may be there way of getting it done. Also this will give great gains to the military industrial complex of the U.S and Russia... We should stop seeing which side is wrong and which side is right... And see the puppet masters pulling the strings of both sides..

[edit on 20-8-2008 by thefreepatriot]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by LwSiX

... Didn't we lose vietnam? I love how we in the U.S have this beleif that we are invinsible..

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

I agree in part.

It is not a threat in the real sense. It is however, a thorn (dent) in the side (pride) of Russia. Poland was part of their empire not too long ago and as it may be used as an excuse to launch a preemptive strike by Russia (which they are threatening- a Nuclear threat no less!) thus it becomes a real threat by default. The denouncement of President Bush of their attack on Georgia does not help either for obvious reasons.

Of course at the moment it is posturing on both sides. But Russia thinks it is more than ready to act (as is the US) and it scares the crap out of me. It reminds me of a recurrent dream my grandmother had, years ago where the Russians overran our country, killing everyone in their path. It hasn't happened but I for the first time in years, I am really worried.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:47 PM
I think most all of us can agree on one thing... as long as this continues, John McCain will get a boost. Think about it. Which is why I hope Obama picks Joe Biden to be his VP. Biden > McCain

I wanted Biden to be President, but no....everyone had to jump on the Obama wagon and I knew as soon as it was McCain VS Obama, some war would start or an attack would happen and McCain will win the election.

I have an ability to see into the future.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:51 PM
Putin may be a monster but he pales in comparison to 80% of the Presidents America has boasted.

I don't hate America , far from it we literally owe our freedom to the USA.

but to say they are innocent in geo-political corruption is nonsense

America is as corrupt as any other nation.
the only difference is you get to eat burgers and watch bay watch whilst its happening.

Think how it would be if Russia had stationed forces in Iraq right after we invaded on the back of a lie. then signed a deal with Cuba to place a missile defense system on America's door step.

We would be at war with Russia as we speak.

This kind of Sh*t might fly if a competent president is in office but not when you have a transparent fool like bush.

How can Bush convince Putin this is not a hostile gesture when American relations with the rest of the world are in tatters

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by L.HAMILTON

The U.S. says the missile defense system is aimed at protecting the U.S. and Europe from future attacks from states like Iran

So they've chosen Poland for this

How is being based there supposed to help?

Thats like saying we'll put a defense shield in Turkey to help protect the Middle East from China!

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by LwSiX
reply to post by magicmushroom

No one has beaten Russia? I guess you didnt count the invasion of afghanistan? Oh wait you mean a declared war? If thats the case no one has beaten America either my friend.

Your words are going to be twisted and distorted so ludicrously by these U.S. bashers that it'll make you sick. I guarantee one of them (or more) will post some drivel about America being beaten in Iraq, ignoring what you said about declared wars. Then when you point out what they ignored, they'll fall back on "Nobody's ever beaten Russia" and ignore the part about them getting their butts stomped in Afghanistan.

Circular logic and idiocy. Russia is allowed to attack other countries, but not the U.S. Well, Russia was defending Ossetia, and that's a just and noble cause. But then you point out that Saddam attacked his own people and killed far more civilians than Georgia did, and suddenly defending other countries is an "excuse."

Circular logic and idiocy. America attacks other countries, evil America, they don't know how to be diplomatic... But when Russians roll their tanks into Georgia and the U.S. suggests a ton of diplomatic measures, it becomes "Oh look at the weak Americans who can't fight back!" from Russia's European Cheerleading Squad here at ATS.

I'm with the guy who made the "anti-yank brigade" comment. Some of the people on this site make the most staggeringly ignorant statements. I don't even know why I still come here, their pathetic little forum gang has completely overrun the Breaking News section of ATS.

It's shameful, really. I won't be surprised if somebody hasn't already posted the arguments I just predicted by the time I hit "submit." Oh well, huh?

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by johnsky
I can't think of a way to say this diplomatically, so I'm going to be blunt about it...

The border of Russia is not on American soil, the US has no right to place missile sites along Russia's border, and in my opinion, Russia has every right to blow those missile sites sky high along with anyone manning them.

If a country dared to place missile sites around North America in an attempt to box us in... I'd demand we destroy those missile sites.

Russia is no different.

To the US government, stop messing with the world, or the world is going to mess with us. THINK for crying out loud.

Well this is what Rice said today.

"It's also the case that when you threaten Poland, you perhaps forget that it is not 1988," Rice said. "It's 2008 and the United States has a ... firm treaty guarantee to defend Poland's territory as if it was the territory of the United States. So it's probably not wise to throw these threats around."

Im still not sure if all this will fizzle out, depends on what moves are made, who's pushing the agenda?

And whats the agenda?

Source courtesy of ufo reality.

[edit on 20-8-2008 by Denied]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:59 PM
The U.S. thinks they're high and mighty, and do no wrong. We're the most arrogant country in the world. We hardly ever put ourselves in other people's shoes. We just don't think like that over here. I like living here, but I often times get sick of the culture and attitudes here. Being number 1 has it's benefits, but it also has it's down side if you're not careful with the power you yield...I'm not saying Russia isn't doing anything wrong, they are...but we're far from perfect and we must realize it.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 05:01 PM
"It's also the case that when you threaten Poland, you perhaps forget that it is not 1988," Rice said. "It's 2008 and the United States has a ... firm treaty guarantee to defend Poland's territory as if it was the territory of the United States. So it's probably not wise to throw these threats around."

They are throwing around some pretty bold statements. I don't see how they can take this up any higher without war. This sucks because all we peons can do is sit back and watch...

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 05:03 PM
Matt, is it possible that the reason why America objected to Russia's actions that it did not want to be found with its hand inside the cookie jar, in other words helping the Georgians attack Russia, to divert their attention off Iran. And it may appear that the US underestimated the Russian response so goes from potential aggressor to appeaser, a kind of double bluff?

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

One of my fears is that young people, who have been taught rewritten history, will make bad decisions and not understand the beast behind this Russian aggression. This is the real deal folks. Russia is Empire Building again.

And who let Russia rebuild to where it is today the Democrats? The Republicans? Both? The fact is before WW2 we built Germany right up just like we are doing now for Russia. War is inevitable I hate to say it. The bankers are in trouble right now and the only way to get out is a HUGE bank financed war to get out of this mess. Millions will die so the bankers can get rich. Sucks doesnt it?

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 05:26 PM
I totally agree with some of you. I agree that all US military should come home to be with their families and defend their homeland. Yes, let the Iraqi government be taken over by people who are unwilling to change, their rich are fat and happy and the rest of the peasants can live in their huts with no hope of education or economical growth. Yes, lets leave Africa so the chinese can move in and control Africas oil fields. Yes, lets let Israel get overrun by the other countries in the ME. Yes, lets let the Russians do what they want to do with Europe. How long after they retake poland will they be in Italy, Spain, France, Turkey and the best for last...on the shores of merry old England? Its so easy to talk $#!* when you are not in the military or are a politician. I'm not saying that we The US are the saviors of the world but what I am saying is that the US spearheads alot of the programs and treaties that are of a great benifit to the world as a whole not to mention our own security. I have been to more countries than I can count and in all of them Americans are welcomed warmly for the most part. I dont know if alot of you even thing about what you are saying before you come out and do so. Yes the US has made mistakes and it will make more undoubtedly, but can you fault someone who is making a mistake for the greater good than for evil? How many of you have been to Iraq where the schools are opening and women are going to school and the barber shop is now open across from the coffee shop? And the people are seeing the US military as friends, not as conquerers. And yes Iraq does have a military and we are fighting side by side with them. Do you really think that if the Russians strike with Nukes that we will not respond in kind? As for the Russian military, they hardly can pay their soldiers enough, their subs are rusting at the piers, their Navy is in shambles (and Im not downing the Russians, I think they are a great people) I really dont think its in the best interest of any country to engage in war but sometimes its inevitable. The Iraq war didnt start in 2003, it started in 1991 and has been ongoing since then, just ask the pilots who flew constant missions over the nofly zone while being attacked by SAMs or ask the people of Iraq who were systematicaly hunted down for their part in Desert Storm. I spent a year and a half of my life protecting the Iraqi oil terminals off the coast of Um Qasar, and so have the Brits, the Polish, The Aussies and so many more countries are working behind the scenes, while the only profiteer of that oil is Iraq itself. Of course the US wants to be able to get oil on the cheap, its not going to be much cheaper than it is now but its not going to be used to hold us hostage either. Who would not want to pay less on fuel than they are now? If you dont know, its fuel that makes the world as we know it work. Just think back to the World Wars, did the US start those? (There was oil and insurgency involved in those too). No, but we helped out our allies and thats exactly what we will do in Poland or any other Allied country. The US didnt start those wars but we have certainly learned from them. Would you let a bully run down your street and do whatever he wanted? Of course not, you would call the cops. And if there were no cops to be called, what would you do? GB is no more and no less than any other US President. People say GB is a bully, but we work with some very stringent guidelines and the Pres is not above the law so everything he does is looked over with a finetoothed comb before it becomes policy (granted, it doesnt always work out so well). This is a Great Forum and I thank you for letting me post, maybe I will register.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 05:36 PM
Here is a good article relating to this mess, written by Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration.

are you ready for nuclear war?

I don't think it will come to that but here is a taste of the article:

Back during the Nixon years, my Ph.D. dissertation chairman, Warren Nutter, was Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. One day in his Pentagon office I asked him how the US government got foreign governments to do what the US wanted. “Money,” he replied.

Back during the Nixon years, my Ph.D. dissertation chairman, Warren Nutter, was Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. One day in his Pentagon office I asked him how the US government got foreign governments to do what the US wanted. “Money,” he replied.

“You mean foreign aid?” I asked.

“No,” he replied, “we just buy the leaders with money.”

Maybe this was done with the georgian president?

The Committee on the Present Danger regarded the neocons as crazy people who would get America into a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. The neocons hated President Reagan, because he ended the cold war with diplomacy, when they desired a military victory over the Soviet Union.

If there really is a NWO behind the scenes pulling the strings, they are crazy indeed.

Russia has made no threats against America. The post-Soviet Russian government has sought to cooperate with the US and Europe. Russia has made it clear over and over that it is prepared to obey international law and treaties. It is the Americans who have thrown international law and treaties into the trash can, not the Russians.

I truly think this will end with an agreement between USA and Rusia of some sort, and right now they are both just showing muscles.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
So before we start dreaming uo countries that may or may not have nukes lets look at the ones that have used them and those that say they will, they are the real threat.

You mean like Russia that you so adamantly defend.

Shame on you you hypocrite!

[edit on 20-8-2008 by LiquidMirage]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 06:01 PM
possible Poland/US will simply have to "invite" russian specialists to see that the defence shiled is for defence, without any attack capability. They Russia will have to shut up !

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by LiquidMirage

Originally posted by magicmushroom
So before we start dreaming uo countries that may or may not have nukes lets look at the ones that have used them and those that say they will, they are the real threat.

You mean like Russia that you so adamantly defend.

Shame on you you hypocrite!

[edit on 20-8-2008 by LiquidMirage]

Um... I never read anything he wrote saying he defends their right to have nukes.

Please, don't be so black and white.

Personally, I defend Russia regarding their entrance into Georgia, because Georgia shelled a city predominately consisting of Russians. How could Russia not respond to that?
However, I don't support them driving further than the South Ossetian border.

Notice I'm not completely defending them? In fact I accuse and defend the same people regarding different topics...

He likely doesn't either.

The world isn't black and white. We're not talking about the local sports team here.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 06:30 PM
Russia could install nuclear capable systems in the middle east (Iran/Syria)or South America(Cuba/Venezuela)and of course South Ossetia(ss-21) to counter the US/ NATO's "mistake shield". Economically Russia could turn the taps off to Europe ,basically a direct strike is out of the question.IMO there is no turning back now, a new cold war has officially begun.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

edit: nevermind - its not even worth the bother.

[edit on 20-8-2008 by LwSiX]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 06:35 PM
Russia pulling out of NATO, threating close allies, as well as the US...They've lost their mind and frankly, I don't understand why or how they're getting away with all these threats.

No longer are the Russians allies. This time they're enemies. Clearly theres a lot of bad blood against us for supporting nations Russia doesn't agree with...but you never threaten to attack us or them bluntly like that. They are cocky and antsy to show the world how they do things. Unfortunately for them, they still can't defeat the U.S. When it comes down to it- our technology surpasses them, even though I'm sure they've got equally the same amount of nukes...but thats why we're allies with Israel as well.

Keep in mind that if for some reason Russia invaded Israel instead of Georgia- we would have ran to help. Georgia isn't an ally worth fighting for I guess...Sad though.

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