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Russia Warns of response to U.S. shield

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posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by crisko

Dude... there isn't a country in the middle east that has missiles that can even reach Poland, unless you mean the one's we gave Israel. It has nothing to do with missiles on their way to the US.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

I'm sick and tire of Russia trying to become wannabes of the rulers of the world. They should accept that they are weaklings since the end of the Cold War.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:04 PM
The US in its crusade to run and own the Planet is trying every trick in the book to get one over on its potential Enemies and that is Russia and China, possibly India, they have the fastest growing ecomomies and are spending their money on rearming. The US does not give a crap for Poland or any other former Soviet state as all its thinking off is to have the means to deal with the aforementioned.

I have never heard so much crap talked from that walking piece of Poo, Rice stating that the Missiles shield in Poland will protect them from Iran. What, when were constantly told by American brain dead patriots that the US can take on anyone it likes and win, so why dos it need weapons systems in other countries. The answer is that they know they cannot take anyone on like Russia or China so hence the offensive weapons dotted all over Europe and the ME.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by mythatsabigprobe

We can't hold down the ME forever from preventing them from designing more long range missiles. They have many alternatives to get their hands on the tech.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:11 PM
Delta, Russia are not wannabies they are still a nuke superpower and have more nukes than the US with a greater yield and thats a fact. Anyway as we see Russia as Europeans it will make a nice change from all those American big heads who think they can rule the World. Just wait till the ass wupping your going to get from Iran if you dare attack it, I hope you have got the hankies ready. I mean you after 5 years in Iraq you still not have WON and thats against a country with no military.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
reply to post by mr-lizard

I'm sick and tire of Russia trying to become wannabes of the rulers of the world. They should accept that they are weaklings since the end of the Cold War.

They're not trying to become the rulers of the world. They're trying to keep the future of their country in their own hands. They're just standing up to the US bullying, it's not their fault that they're the only ones with enough cajones to do so.

Calling the Russians "weaklings" is a severe underestimation of their capabilities, and especially of their resolve. They are a proud people, much more so than current US society, and their government's actions will have the full support of the people. This spells danger for those holding the stick that's poking the bear.

Also remember, militarily the US is in a weakened state currently, with troops spread out everywhere but where they need to be for a confrontation with Russia. I wouldn't be surprised however, if this situation turned into a proxy war via Iran (and don't think for a minute that Iran bears any similarity to Iraq (militarily)). Don't count out the "buddies" in this issue either. China could severely damage the US economically, which will only serve to take even more wind out of our military sails.

The US is not the global powerhouse that our current administration would like to believe it is. We're on not-so-friendly terms with nations who pose a serious threat, both economically and militarily.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by deltaboy

Oh please.. just go look at a map. A missile launched at the US from Iran would have to fly over Spain, about two and a half thousand miles away from Poland.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:12 PM
Its funny to think... All the rest of the people of earth are mere pawns for Russia and the U.S.

If you dont side with US your are against US so you are with THEM

Ok... so even if they are for neither side they are neutral and one side wants them so they will become the battle front... this is never ending.

All of this is like an ATOM They are trying to get to the core of the neucleus trying to infilitrate it at its deepest core... before they know it will become radioactive and Nuclear. These people have no right to be running our countrys. THey are greedy a holes.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:12 PM
Poland is a sovereign nation and does not answer to Russia so the deployment is legal and will go through. The only thing Russia can do is attack Poland to forcefully get rid of them.

The US is not going to back out of putting them in Poland and Poland want s them there because it symbolizes the US commitment to their defense, to come a running to their side if need be.

Speculation of the past was that the threat of deploying these missiles in Poland could have been a bargaining chip with Russia for other things, like Russia's neutrality in an Iran invasion. This is out the door now, once Poland signed they cannot take them away from Poland without making Poland look weak and undefended and an easy target for Russia to do with as it pleases.

Interestingly the negotiations were taking many months and the Polish govt. wanted the US to base patriot missiles there as well, which was a sticky point of contention. Once Russia went into Georgia that sealed the deal and the US saw things in Polands favor and agreed to the added patriots.
This is Russias own doing, going into Georgia and then threatening Poland sealed the deal for the missile batteries and US troops that will be manning them to be in place much faster and in greater numbers than otherwise would have been.

The anti-american conspiracy theorists will contend that it is all the US doiing with secret stuff and all that, bit it is impossible to explain Russia's direct threats to Poland after invading Georgia unless you think Putin is a Puppet of Washington. Pretty far fetched stuff.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:15 PM
Blah... blah... blah...

Let's not mince words here - Russia is making threats that it has no intention of backing up. Poland is a sovereign nation and they are within their rights to enter into any agreement that they wish - with any nation. Russia is crying because they have lost their sphere of influence in the region - which it only initially had through force and most recently through it's bahvior in cutting off resources to Eastern Europe.

Be assured, this current campaign of force du jour by Russia is not likely to be effective in helping them to establish their regional goals, not will it earn them favour with the rest of the world.

The United States is no more "poking the bear" than Russia has been to the U.S. with long range nuclear bombers skirting the edges of US territory for over a year now and their threats to engage Cuba with a military base. Selling weapons to Chavez and supplying the Iranians with weaponry and nuclear technology.

I know and understand it's vogue to slam the United States these days - it seems to be the first tactic of the ignorant when they know and understand virtually nothing about the current situation. I'm hardly defending my government's actions, but to be so dismissive of the Russian's recent behavior and instead blame America first - well, that is completely pathetic.

It takes two to tango and rest assured, BOTH of these political entities are tangoing. I say political entities because if you asked the average Joe on the street of either country, they would tell you that they are sickened by what their governments are doing on their behalf.

Lastly, since this is conspiracy forum allow me to speculate that perhaps the hand moving the pieces on the chess board belong to the same body. Remeber, there was a vast network of military industrialists making billions every year from the cold war and they weren't happy when it ended - the money dried up in a hurry. I feel like all of this posturing and threatening is happening with a wink-wink, nod-nod behind the scenes - to the chagrin of those who stand to benefit from newly formed tensions.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by SectionEight

Russia invaded Ossetia? Last I read the Georgians started the whole thing, and Ossetia had the legal right to break off, as does the state of Texas. Russia therefore had the legal right to defend a provence that had the legal right to decide how it wanted to share its sovereignty.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by mythatsabigprobe

I guess we are underestimating the Persians as a proud nation hell bent on getting their hands on missiles. Indeed lets look at the map. North Korea for example manage to get their missiles over Japan, which freaked them out as well as us. They can hit Alaska. Unbelieveable. The Iranians use to be inventive people until the Ayatollahs took over and haven't make any major contribution to the world involving major discovery. Unless you count their determination of ballistic missiles.

Just cause we look at a map and think its impossible, does not mean they will never be able to build a long range missile. Give them a few years. North Korea didn't have a long range missile to begin with either until they kept their R&D on the platform.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:17 PM
Wow the war mongering in this thread is quite sickening. The fact is this is a serious situation and the "Bush Haters" as one put has every right to be bashing him. Russia has grown quite a bit in wealth and in military this past 8 years while Bush sat sat back and said "I can see into Putins soul" Oh Yeah? Putin has been laughing his arse off as the US wastes our money and resources fighting some bogus war on terror. Now they have cart blanc to do what the hell they want and what are we going to do?

Bush will go down in history as the most incompetent president which used to be held to his old relative Franklin Pierce the 14th President and Bushs long lost relative. In fact Ron Paul (A Real President if he could get the time of day) saw this coming in 2002 and is on record as saying such. The fact is Bush and this 2 party dictatorship wants war. Bush to fullfill his sick religious fantasies of the world ending and the democrats to get their pockets filled.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

I agree totally mr Lizard i mean come on...enough inough ..just let other countries be. Why do they always have to be the fake RAMBO of the whole situation..The US is pissing me off and personally if they had to go to war again , i think that would be the end of a sense that most of the people in europe would disagree, well most of the world., as yet again the US is attacking someone....oh jesus

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by kozmo

...yet Russia may be able to answer the threats through a round about manner since it controls most of Europe's food sources, nat gas, and oil. As commods go up in the near future, paralled with the exponential rise in populations, Russia may indeed have the upper hand...

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

Couldnt agree more

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
reply to post by mythatsabigprobe

I guess we are underestimating the Persians as a proud nation hell bent on getting their hands on missiles. Indeed lets look at the map. North Korea for example manage to get their missiles over Japan, which freaked them out as well as us. They can hit Alaska. Unbelieveable. The Iranians use to be inventive people until the Ayatollahs took over and haven't make any major contribution to the world involving major discovery. Unless you count their determination of ballistic missiles.

Just cause we look at a map and think its impossible, does not mean they will never be able to build a long range missile. Give them a few years. North Korea didn't have a long range missile to begin with either until they kept their R&D on the platform.

wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose having a missile defense shield in poland? because in the process you're creating a new more powerful enemy the russians

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:21 PM
And yes lets look at America that can get its missiles all over the World and happens the be the only country in the history of mankind that has used nukes on civililians so lets look at them again. And lets not forget Israel that has hundreds of nukes and has threatened to use them. So before we start dreaming uo countries that may or may not have nukes lets look at the ones that have used them and those that say they will, they are the real threat.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Unit541
They're not trying to become the rulers of the world. They're trying to keep the future of their country in their own hands. They're just standing up to the US bullying, it's not their fault that they're the only ones with enough cajones to do so.

Sending a couple of bombers to Alaska or Europe does not send a message that they want to keep their future in their own hands.

Calling the Russians "weaklings" is a severe underestimation of their capabilities, and especially of their resolve. They are a proud people, much more so than current US society, and their government's actions will have the full support of the people. This spells danger for those holding the stick that's poking the bear.

Weaklings I call them because thats how they feel. They are indeed proud to try to correct that misconception. They sure felt embarrassed about the Chechen war which they lost, and did a round 2 against Chechnya again and won.

Also remember, militarily the US is in a weakened state currently, with troops spread out everywhere but where they need to be for a confrontation with Russia. I wouldn't be surprised however, if this situation turned into a proxy war via Iran (and don't think for a minute that Iran bears any similarity to Iraq (militarily)). Don't count out the "buddies" in this issue either. China could severely damage the US economically, which will only serve to take even more wind out of our military sails.

Much of our ground forces are involved, but not our airforce and navy. We can also commit a proxy force against Russia, by using Chechens to help fight them, just like we use the Mujahadeen against the Soviet Union. REMEMBER THAT RUSSIA HAS MORE MUSLIMS IN ITS OWN TERRITORIES than what the Russians would like to have. China could severly damage our economy, but China be hurting themselves. Look at the banks who loan the money, imagine China like that with all those possible junk bonds.

[quoteThe US is not the global powerhouse that our current administration would like to believe it is. We're on not-so-friendly terms with nations who pose a serious threat, both economically and militarily.

Agreed, and we have to deal with them.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 02:23 PM

Russia has threatened that Poland faces being targeted by nuclear warheads in retaliation for agreeing to host the US missile system.

Enough already

You know something comes to mind in all this absolute BS, that is a very large amount of the American Military are currently based in the middle East fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the threat of Iran also plaguing the world, this shield is in the perfect place to stop any Russian missiles reaching US forces fighting in the countries ive just mentioned.

Once this shield is in place you watch America try and do what it pleases with Iran, and their troops will be protected, there is nothing to threaten America in the middle East that i or any sane person can see, i can also see the British Government pulling our troops away from the middle East because of this unforgivable stupid stunt.

And as for that rice Woman, what a smarmy cow, who the bloody hell does she think she is?

I wish someone would grab Bush by his (see i cant say because ill get a damn ban) but im sure you all get the drift of what im getting at, as for those who are defending what the Bush Admin are doing, then i hope you sleep well tonight and every night until all this crap is put to rest one way or another, IMO maybe its time for the UN and NATO to draw up a different battle plan.

For the sake of everyone America this is in your hands, stop this fella before he kills us all.

And yes that includes you and everyone you hold dear to you.

Im really sorry if i offend anyone, we only have one chance at this, there won't be a livable world for decades if this goes too far.

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