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War in Georgia

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posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by SailorinAZ

You've proved you haven't been reading this or if you did it didn't stick. The US has been supplying arms to Georgia, in itself an innocent act, when coupled with the fact that Georgia is fanatical about wiping out the Ossetians and have a history of very brutal conflicts with many lives lost... I don't think I need to finish that.

I'm not even going to comment on the last three paragraphs you wrote.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 02:51 PM
Russian and Georgian forces have just engaged - so, it's officially a war between Russia and Georgia.

The other break away region in Georgia is mobilising forces too, as well as other break away provinces in other countries in the Caucasus. Oh well, today is hard lesson why Kosovo (a non nation) shouldn't of been given independence on ethnic grounds - all other ethnic independence movement can legally justify independence.

That's what happening in South Ossetia.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 02:51 PM
Ok so the update is that Georgia actually has 2000 troops in iraq they want to get out and bring home to fight. They have requested to the pentagon that the US help airlift these troops from Iraq and bring them back to Georgia. The pentagon has NOT issued an evac yet of the 130 troops in Georgia right now on a training exercise.

The pentagon is keeping a close eye and preparing possible evacs though.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by SailorinAZ
I don't see how you justify that the USA has something to do with this.

Also, I am so sick of people saying we have not won the war in Iraq. We squashed the Iraqi government and military in record time.

We also wiped out the Taliban ran Government in Afghanistan very quickly. Something no one else seemed to be able to do.

We are fighting with one had tied behind are back in Iraq now. That is the problem.

It appears that you have not studied the history well enough my friend. All of the points you made above are erroneous.

First, the reason we were in Afghanistan was because of Bin Laden whom we PUT in Afghanistan with millions of dollars worth of modern weapons. We did that to draw out the USSR into a long lost cause of a war. It worked. So in essence, WE CREATED BIN LADEN. You probably won't believe that so I will let it drop there.

Wait, no I won't. So, we put Bin Laden in Afghanistan and they supported the Taliban. When we decide to pin 911 on Bin Laden, the scapegoat, the Taliban simply ask over and over "please show us the evidence you have against Bin Laden and we will turn him over." Well, that never happened and has YET to happen to this very day. We have NEVER provided ANY evidence against that man. Yet we use 911 to invade Afghanistan. Did we remove the Taliban? Well, obviously not since Gates is asking for the troops to be doubled there. Does that sound like very quickly since we attacked Afghansitan before Iraq? Dude, you are delusional.

Then on to Baghdad. Yup, we got rid of them in record time. That's why we're still there and losing people every day. Oh yeah! It's the TERROR...ISTS! Yup, the very ones that were there before we illegally invaded a country that DID NOT attack us or say they were GOING to attack us. That's why we are still there so many years and so many deaths later.

The only way we win the war in Iraq is when our government stops feeding the MSMs with all of the 'TERROR' attacks. Once that happens and the truth starts to get leaked out then it will appear that we finally won. Yup. You eat that stuff like it was candy it seems.

Now onto your first question. What DOES the U.S. have to do with Georgia? Hmmmmm, let's see. Can you read? It's been posted ALL OVER this thread. The same thing that happened in Afghanistan. We are supporting them with weapons and intel. Have been for quite some time. Why are we doing this? So that we can secure an import fuel transport pathway AND surround the Russians for the final stage of the 'Project for a New American Century'.

I know I shouldn't have responded but I am sick and tired of people not opening their eyes and simply drinking all of this poisen that they are fed by these criminals.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by grimreaper797
Ok so the update is that Georgia actually has 2000 troops in iraq they want to get out and bring home to fight. They have requested to the pentagon that the US help airlift these troops from Iraq and bring them back to Georgia. The pentagon has NOT issued an evac yet of the 130 troops in Georgia right now on a training exercise.

The pentagon is keeping a close eye and preparing possible evacs though.

This last part is what scares me. What happens if those troops happen to die due to Russian fire? Is that the excuse to finally attack Russia? A bold and extremely stupid move if it does come to that.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by grimreaper797

US will not airlift them, Russia won't be best pleased if the US is giving "open" aid to Georgia. Plus, the Chinese would rather America doesn't get involved in a war during the Olympics either.

This war will be a meaningless bloodbath caused by Georgia that will achieve nothing.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by dariousg
This last part is what scares me. What happens if those troops happen to die due to Russian fire? Is that the excuse to finally attack Russia? A bold and extremely stupid move if it does come to that.

I think if God forbid this happens, Russia will issue an apology and a compensation and that'll be it. Both the US and Russia know that Russia won't back down on this one, so there won't be a war between them.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:11 PM

I just think that everyone wants to hate and blame the USA but so many want to live here. (Not saying you do). Would you prefer if China was the great world power? They wouldn't even allow ATS.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by SailorinAZ

Oh My God. We can't prove that he is not guilty? Are you F***ing kidding me?

It's NOT ON US TO PROVE HE DIDN'T DO IT!! The burdon of proof is on this administration that USED him to go to war to prove that he actually DID DO IT.

Don't you find it funny that our own FBI lists him as the most wanted yet his crimes DO NOT LIST September 11th? I wonder why?

Oh, I know! *light bulb*

WE HAVE NO EVIDENCE!! He is a scapegoat to achieve an ends to a means that was spelled out quite clearly by the CFR exactly one year before 911. They listed that Afghanistan is first, then Iraq and then Iran. IN THAT ORDER. Wow, what a flipping koinkadink! Man, I wish I had that kind of luck when I went to Vegas.

Open your eyes my friend. How many times do you need your government to LIE to you before you start to believe that maybe they lie about some other things? They LIED us into Iraq simply because boy George had to finish up what papa couldn't do. That and the fact that his good pal Dick(head) Cheney and his pals made out like bandits on the defense contracts.

It's all out there for you to find. You just have to open your mind up a bit and question the government.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:21 PM
i'm pretty sure many people here realize what a huge deal this event is. Here's some reasons why we should be worried. It's been widely known that Russia has been selling weapons to Iran. Here's an article from 2006

Anyway with the US and Israel on the border of war with Iran one should mention if Russia will take Iran's side. With this new conflict with a US supported country being invaded and Russia giving aid to Iran to kill troops in Iraq it could be a catalyst for the USA to attack Iran and therefore giving a clear reason for the US to stop and confront the Russians. It doesn't have to be militarily but I believe the US will be involved in someway.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by SailorinAZ

I just think that everyone wants to hate and blame the USA but so many want to live here. (Not saying you do). Would you prefer if China was the great world power? They wouldn't even allow ATS.

And this is why I AM so passionate about this. I DON'T hate America. I love this country to no end. THAT is why I am questioning these people that have been proven to have lied to us. Those lies cost us lives. Those lies have cost us trillions in debt. Those lies MADE THEM and THEIR FRIENDS RICH.

It's one of the oldest tricks in the book. Almost as old as prostitution. It's called profiteering. They are experts at it and it is obvious.

So, if you love this country then you too will question the actions of this administration.

China is not in charge. Does that mean we need to go and take care of them too now just in case they may try to attack us? You see? That's playing right into the hands of the people that control the MIC. They made money hands over fists while they send our brave troops into foreign lands based off of lies and maybe's. I'm sick of it.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:24 PM
In latest news from Russia, fighting in Tskhinval is again raging on, during the night. What tragedy. I think tomorrow will be a bloody day as well, with Russian air assets out in force.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:26 PM
Thats all just to keep Russia busy. China has its Olymics games since a few hours.

The real deal happens here:

EU expands Iran nuclear sanctions

and here

Massive US Naval Armada Heads For Iran

This is only the beginning as the US/EU is about to attempt a Naval blockade of Iran. And when a Chinese or Russian Naval warship attempts to escort a tanker through this blockade the missiles will start flying in all directions.

Getting ugly soon IMHO.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by chibuddy23
i'm pretty sure many people here realize what a huge deal this event is. Here's some reasons why we should be worried. It's been widely known that Russia has been selling weapons to Iran. Here's an article from 2006

Anyway with the US and Israel on the border of war with Iran one should mention if Russia will take Iran's side. With this new conflict with a US supported country being invaded and Russia giving aid to Iran to kill troops in Iraq it could be a catalyst for the USA to attack Iran and therefore giving a clear reason for the US to stop and confront the Russians. It doesn't have to be militarily but I believe the US will be involved in someway.

First off my friend. I wouldn't take ANYTHING that the CFR posts as based on facts in any way. They are the ones that released this plan that is in action in the first place. Have you ever read their document on the New American Century? Coincidentally released on September 11, 2000. Where, as I have stated above, they lay out the necessary plans for securing our future as the ONLY super power? First we must secure Afghanistan, then Iraq and then Iran. After that we are then poised to move into the 'far east'. They didn't explain but that means China in my book. THEY SAID THIS IN A PUBLIC DOCUMENT. They also stated that this will take roughly 100 years to accomplish without an event such as a new pearl harbor.

Yes, this has been discussed over and over on this site. I'm just saying that if you are going to swallow what the CFR has to say then you are already sold on the fact that we needed to be in Afghanistan and Iraq and probably Iran.

I have the pdf of this document. I can't find it on their site anymore so I am glad I took the time to download it. It's very large at around 70 megs. Since they don't have the source up on their site anymore I can't post stuff from it. I have to provide a source. Sucks.

Just pisses me off that people can't see what is going on. This is all part of the big plan that began with the 'new pearl harbor' a.k.a. 911.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Russia has stopped all transportation links to Georgia. Rumours that Russia may step up air strikes against other Georgian cities and towns - especially their capital - are starting to spread around.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:42 PM

The Russian Representative at the UN Emergency Security Meeting is now making a live statement and amongst the things stated, he has said the following;

"Georgian Snipers, who were trained and funded by foreign powers are shooting ambulances and emergency vehicles attempting to save russian citizens"

"Russia has to call into doubt the Georgian national integrity and borders"

"Russian civilians will be protected by whatever means are needed"

this is not verbatim but as close to as he spoke it, the flavor is right a verb or two wrong thats all.

I wish for a peaceful settlement very quickly indeed. Pray for the civilians and innocents being killed and maimed now, whoever you god, or not, may be.

Oh what timing eh?



As an aside with the mention of the Iran thing etc, if anyone looks at a map they will see that if georgi was to be taken over again by Russia, they would be a hell of a lot closer to the Persian Gulf, esp the Turkey,Iraq,Iran border and the issues happening with the Marsh Arabs, and Iran, USA Turkey Syria involvement too.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by MischeviousElf]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:44 PM
This is all about who will control the Trans-Caucus oil pipeline,guys US-NWO-Georgia proxy or Russia this is a land grab plain and simple.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

This is sad. It almost seems like he may be taking a swipe at the U.S. involvement in the 'training' exercise that is going on there. Training who and to do what?

I just hope that there is no spillover into getting the U.S. involved. Then again I guess it would surely put an end to Iraq and Afghanistan since there is no way in hell we would start a fight with one of the other big kids on the block while being spread so thin.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:47 PM
Stalin annexed South Ossetia. The rest of Ossetia is apart of the Russian Federation. Another one of Stalin's bright ideas

Full out war is going to happen no matter what. Russia is upset, the Chinese don't care, Europe wants a peace process and America has told Russia sod off.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:59 PM

France has surrendered.


Okay only joking, but seriously this does raise some big issues about how stable the world political forum actually is these days. I've had suspicions about Russia wanting to get back to its old tricks when they began renewed military build-up a few years ago, but this is just spoiling for a fight with the US.

I would have thought if the Russians where trying to be subtle about the situation they wouldn't have jumped quite so eagerly to fighting. The fact that this has happened on the first day of the olympics I also find highly interesting. The whole world is looking at China and worrying about their human rights issues while Russia sneaks in behind us.

Although the chances of this developing into a second cold war I think are thankfully slim, it does have a lot of potential to turn the whole area into a bloodbath once more.

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