Hello; i'm a long time observer of abovetopsecret and I have only made a handful of posts. I will try to explain what my feelings are about the 14th
October and why it did not happen.
I'm only 21 years old but i've been researching this world for 3 years now and I came to a couple of conclusions. First of all, it is easy to see
that there IS a ruling elite on this planet that is trying to take control of our lives. MANY scientific books have been written by this and this is
one of the best accounts I know:
Second of all; I you look closely into our worlds history, and what they do NOT want you to know about it, you'll find that the idea of Reptilian
aliens ruling over our planet is not at all uncommon. It has been discussed for centuries and a LOT of good books written by credible, intelligent
persons are about this subject. They chose Earth because Earth's Alpha frequency resembles their home planet's Alpha frequency and they use a
psychic "disguise" to look like humans. A simple video about their history can be found here:
Third, I want to talk about the Frequency. I'm part of an experimental group of progressive musicians and our band is called Frequency. Frequency, in
our eyes, is the connection that all of us, and this world have. If you look closely into this world and your own experiences, you will see that they
always come as lessons at the right place at the right time. If you study coïncidence it seems like everything that happens, happens for a reason, a
clear reason. This is hard to explain in a short amount of text but I know many of you can also feel this. This leads to the idea that we are living
inside of some kind of "matrix" which makes sure everyone and every event is interconnected to one each other.
Fourth I want to talk about the real matrix: The fact that the Annunaki or reptilian "gods" have not only created this world for their power
mongering; they have also created "heaven". As a controlled propaganda station which collected "souls" after death, to make them think they were
on the right track, and force them to return to Earth in their next life. While this is all part of the "system" to keep our souls in check for
their plans. The real "heaven" we are looking for is beyond the manufactured heaven that the Reptilians have created...
The next article is not very well grammatically; but very, VERY interesting..
Last but not least I will state that the existence of a race which consists of "non-physical" beings from the Pleiades; who are in fact the same
beings, or even synonyms for our souls, is also documented throughout history. A lot of books have been written about them for thousands of years. At
the moment the want to destroy this "consciousness" cycle the Reptilians have created to enslave us. In fact, the Reptilians are also Pleiadians in
spirit, but they are renegades and thus "fallen angels" as the Bible and many other religions plea.
This stated; I really do believe that Blossom contacted the Pleiadians, but I really believe that they did not show themselves to us on the 14th
because we are not yet ready as a whole of humanity to be "freed" from this matrix. I believe the Pleiadians do not want to cause any harm on Earth
and they knew by our reactions that we were not ready yet and a lot of wars would have broken out if they had shown themselves. Don't forget that
they are essentially already in the other "dimension", the afterlife, and that mixing two dimensions has always been stated as "extremely
dangerous" and "unpredictable" by every human scientist that wrote a book about the subject. See also the enormous resistence to the activation of
the Particle Accelerator where they want to discover the Higg's particle.; this is in fact the same "mixing of dimensions" we are talking about.
But in 2012 the definite mixing of dimensions will engage