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[HOAX]GFL spaceship DID NOT APPEAR on Oct.14th, 2008[HOAX]

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posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by kidflash2008

Channels? Its not the messenger it's the message, Im not saying its true or false or that the information is right or wrong, process the information yourself, when the truth hits you, you'll know it. So what if the damn ship don't come, this will further expose the falseness of these groups. That is not to say that you should completely discredit the channels, for there are those that are true and non-dogmatic and for the expansion of human consciousness. Im not trying to plug here so please don't delete this, but I believe Jerry and his wife Esther Hicks to be the REAL DEAL.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 03:00 PM
This has come up on google news, or just read it below!
Sighting: Will it Force Disclosure to Occur?
by Stephane Wuttunee

Posted: 14:30 September 8, 2008

Blossom Goodchild
Like wildfires in the Australian outback, rumors of an upcoming mass televised UFO sighting over American skies are taking the Internet by storm. Blossom Goodchild, an Aussie actress and author, has the international Ufology community on its ear with channeled information concerning the eminent appearance of a massive extraterrestrial spacecraft for October 14th, 2008. Calling themselves ‘The Federation of Light’, these Beings from another world have stated to Goodchild that they intend not only to make themselves known, but also to remain more or less in place for a full 72 hour period, thereby providing the media with ample opportunity to once and for all capture on film evidence that will silence the skeptics and debunkers forever. The predicted rendezvous point? Alabama.


And here's the kicker; she isn't the only one making the prediction. Unbeknownst perhaps even to themselves, statements made by other individuals in the past corroborate her findings, one of these being immortalized on paper by Dannion Brinkley. In his latest book (entitled “Secrets of the Light” and published in 2004) on page 222 Brinkley says:

“By the year 2008, the fact that we are not alone in the universe will be made undeniably clear to everyone on the planet. With millions of planets and billions of stars, I cannot fathom how we could ever thought in any other terms. However, for those who have doubted, the extraterrestrials will make themselves known. I believe they feel they have no choice but to show themselves as we verge on self-annihilation, genocide and toxic poisoning. The truth of our inter-galactic lineage will become common knowledge. If I am to believe the vision, the truth of our intergalactic lineage will cause humanity to take one wild ride.”

A few things stand out in all this. For one, it is rather unusual for channels and mediums to give exact dates and places for events to occur - let alone the appearance of an alien spacecraft. Some leeway and margin of error is usually provided to allow for interpretation (and for people with less than honorable intentions, room to squiggle out from). Not in this case. Goodchild is adamant and steadfast on the date.

Another point to keep in mind is that from reading the materials on her web site (, Goodchild herself seems at odds with the information - almost as if she thinks herself unfit for the task of bringing this information to the world. This again, is quite unusual for channels and mediums. If anything, such people rarely exhibit doubt or disbelief in their own predictions.

Naysayers will immediately dismiss Goodchild’s statements as ludicrous. However, if Goodchild was consciously perpetrating a hoax and simply wanted to make money with all this (after all, she is an author and actress), she is definitely going about it in the wrong manner. Any skilled marketing representative would tell her to do two things: 1) Be less specific of the date on which the craft is supposed to appear (actually, they would most likely tell her to put it off by at least nine months), and 2) Flood the market with products and services (books, videos, seminar appearances and lectures, etc) so the money can start pouring in. She's done neither. Actually, her prediction was made on August 22nd of this year, with “showtime” being less than three months away - far too soon a timeline for the reaping of financial rewards or fame.
Speaking of which...

There is also the inevitable credibility factor to consider. If Goodchild proves to be wrong with this information, it is obvious that whoever enjoyed reading her materials before will begin to shun and avoid her in the future (much like our beloved and elusive Bigfoot hunters from Georgia). So on a personal level, quite a bit is at stake for Goodchild. And she would know this.

To stir the waters even further, consider that the Canadian Prime Minister Mr. Stephen Harper in the last week has called for surprise federal elections to occur on (you guessed it) … October 14th, 2008. According to Mr. Alfred Webre from, world officials are taking the announcement of the arrival of an extraterrestrial spacecraft in our skies seriously, and plans may already be underway to pull public focus away from such a seminal event and place it on more domestic and political issues instead. In this case, the controversy generated by surprise federal elections would tie up Canadian airwaves quite nicely. If extraterrestrials wish for their presence to be known to the world on that day, they would need to account for this type of potential interference, along with one million other variables.

Of course, being highly evolved Beings, they (hopefully) would.

In any case, the heat on the forums is palpable. YouTube videos on Goodchild’s predictions are everywhere. And as one forum member on Unexplained_Mysteries remarked, the date itself is unique because October 14th 2008 translates to 10-14-2008, which becomes (if you subtract each number from the next) …minus 2012. Coincidence? Perhaps.

Even if Blossom turns out to be wrong and nothing occurs on or around October 14th this year, it is clear by humanity's current state of affairs that something of this nature needs to occur anyhow - and sooner rather than later. Full on contact and (to a degree) interference within human affairs cannot occur prior to a series of events such as these that will undeniably make the entire world acknowledge once and for all that Extraterrestrials are real. Whomever is watching over us needs to make themselves known, and any medium is viable, whether they are electronic, or human.

I say Bring it on, Baby!

I guess time will tell.

[edit on 8-9-2008 by tarifa37]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 04:45 PM
thank you for bringing this article to my attention..

my anticipation is getting higher and higher, im just a little upset that fallout 3 for the playstation 3 comes out on oct 28th but i wont have time or energy to play it due to the new, REVELATION that may or maynot be going on in the world.

keep posting articles as you find them on this thread,why not.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 06:10 PM
When people question, why fly over America? I just laugh.. go out and take a look, our country is probably the most corrupt, lavish, and spiritually disconnected place on the planet. I think it would be a great place to start. I'm not sure I buy into this "channeler's" information, but I find it interesting that there are many others corroborating this information from other sources. I'm looking at Sept. 30-th - Oct 13th as being a very rough time for our country. Looming economic difficulty, the always possible declaration of martial law, etc. When Freedman talked about the 13th being a date for a possible false flag event, that got me wondering. Anyway, at this point I really don't care if this message is disinfo or just misunderstood information. I am ready to change myself from within and radiate the intent to open my consciousness to everything that is available.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 06:40 PM
Hey, I didn't know 2008, however since childhood I have always held the date Oct 14 as being something special.

There was never anything special about that date. Why was I always moved to hold that date as a special one. A date for something out of the ordinary, I have been waiting my whole life for?

Now I have an event scheduled for Oct 14th to watch for.

OP-thanks for the thread

So much vile hatred pointed at this message. What is up with that? I guess that is why they will have their shields on full power.

Well, pee off................ can't you wait a couple of weeks before going ballistic?

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by NightVision

Starred for you!!

I like your style.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 07:08 PM
Already mentioned? The specific date in question historically:

1968 - First live telecast from a manned U.S. spacecraft Apollo 7.

[edit on 8-9-2008 by arktkchr]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by euclid
reply to post by DisabledVet

I agree with you... but do you think that ATS will change the policy? Not a chance.... I used to get mad at these kinds of posts.... it's what got me suspended from posting and several thousand points deducted... which I thought was really unfair. So now... I turned over a new leaf.... when I see ridiculous posts I post something equally ridiculous. Simple.

I was posting some very serious information in another thread and the thread got totally derailed and mired in new age BS... it got me kind of upset because it really is a serious issue. But the typical new ager philosophic nonsense took over the thread and in devolved the discussion.

So now I'm just having fun........ quid quo pro.... nonsense for nonsense.


Yes, and you have posted more than one page of garbage in this thread.

Your comments could/should earn you an ignore, then the thread would be more readable. You only needed one response.

After reading more of the op's posts it is obvious this was meant as a heads up. Thanks for that.

If this is a fake or the Evil one trying to deceive us, time will tell.

You do know the Catholic Church wrote the current bible, I hope. That group is the biggest offender of truth on the face of the earth. They are more interested in buggery than truth. (former alter boy speaking from experience)

So that leaves us with a corrupted bible.

Who knows what really went on?...... It is in the hall of records.

That is the first place I am going, the first chance I get. I will be able to trust the people who oversee that. If they have no access, they will not get my support. I have information that says when this goes down, we will have access to those records for our scrutiny.

Those people have told me things about my life that no one knows. They have also given me direction, which was true. I trust few and believe fewer, when it comes to humans.(truly a sad state of affairs

Oct 14 surprised me. I knew the date well from birth till today, like it was programed into my memory.

On a second thought, because I still think all things through. We did hear rumblings of a "false flag" operation and some warnings from dark4knight about something false showing up. The Thomas in me says I will have to be involved personally.

Will the media be taken over by these visitors? If yes, we will be shown a lot of earth's history during this time, not baseball.....go Jets, Favre for pres!

[edit on 8-9-2008 by win 52]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by win 52

hi all

good post bro..

are you talking about the Akashic records?

yes there is a lot of information being hidden from us and that will be known in due time.

this will NOT be a project blue beam event,but i bet we will see more and more blue beam and alien invasion type threads on the internet as we get closer to the visit since the government doesnt want Human enlightenment...

i expect the shills to be crawling our of the

replace fear with love....cause thats what our star family is all about


Galactic Federation Message by SaLuSa created on 9/05/08.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

Link for We Are Ready to Change the World Petition

[edit on 9-9-2008 by Skipper1975]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 09:25 AM

****OCTOBER 14 2008 WEBPAGE****

Indian in the machine - October 14 2008


posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 10:21 AM
I believe it will appear over Florala, AL.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Skipper1975

"i expect the shills to be crawling our of the"

Well Skipper, you can laugh. But, I wouldn`t laugh to long and hard. You may find these "shills" may just know more about things then you may want to believe, or understand. And to call other humans "shills", is not very "light" of you, now is it? Remember what I said earlier in this discussion about channeling?

Is there to be something big going to happen Oct. 14th? Yes, I believe there may be, and yes, it may have a little to do about UFO`s. What could happen on that date? It`s called discloser. It very well could be a day we all may just get the truth to all the things that we have been through, and are now going through. I`m talking in the terms of what we have been "fed" over the years by the system (government).

Am I right in what I am saying? Hey, I`m just giving it a shot in the dark like those who channel are. Who knows. The point is, don`t post something that you can not prove to be right. Neither one of us can prove our cases. And saying, well, just check out these videos, that is not proof, not in the least. My proof? I go by my gut feeling. Can I prove it? No more then you can.

One thing for sure, it seems to be a date that many have come up with. Could it be the correct date? Who can tell, when you dealing with human perception. Sometimes the human ego can get in the way when dealing with information of any type.

I`m just setting back and watching this topic to see what is posted, and waiting for that date to get here. One of us may be right, and the other wrong. Then again, it may just be, we are both wrong. This is my opinion.

[edit on 9-9-2008 by FiatLux]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by tarifa37

Not true... here comes the first money earning part:

Happy to announce that the new e-book 'Snap shot' from THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT is now available on the books page. (we have rushed this through as so many of you wish to read the channellings leading up to the Oct14th message.) Enjoy! Many thanks.

Taken from

You can buy the e-book for $15 now! *lol*

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 11:21 AM
She may have got this book out, and hoped to make a little money quick because if this doesn't happen, she's actually going to be going through more hardships than she already has encountered, and I read that she was experiencing this already. The date is far to close to the prediction, to earn her anything substantial, and ebooks rarely do that anyway.
I've been reading about those who are considered light workers, and the many involved in this movement, and though they get criticized a great deal, they're marvelous people with integrity, vision for this world, and the highest sentiments: meditative, health conscious, educated, intuitive. She had nothing to gain by this announcement, and from what I understand really didn't want to put herself on the line with it.
My own experiences have led to an enormous amount of research. If the GFL has a heart, and actually cares about the people who are raising their consciousness in such a large way, that they are the farthest thing from what one may term primitive, then they will show up just as she was told telepathically. Because I have been led to a lot of things about how we are considered to be very primitive as a race, and that allows these ever so sophisticated and advanced races (often human) to use us any way they feel like. I actually judge nations by how they treat the most vulnerable and least of their citizens, and I'm keeping my eyes out now on what groups patrol our area. If they have a heart, they will keep their word. They have a lot of followers who are very nice people. My heart and warm wishes go out to Blossom, no matter what happens. That took some kind of courage.
Edit to add: and more trust than I have!

[edit on 9-9-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by FiatLux
Is there to be something big going to happen Oct. 14th? Yes, I believe there may be, and yes, it may have a little to do about UFO`s. What could happen on that date? It`s called discloser.

Imagine if Bush stood up on the White House podium and told us everything we believed about UFO's and Aliens was true... except that they are really not nice guys and have now broken the treaty (or refused to resign it
) and are now coming in full force to 'take care' of us pesky little vermin...

Now he would of course have to cancel the election and declare martial Law... to meet this threat from space

There is your disclosure...

[edit on 9-9-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by zorgon

...and the same scenario with a Project Blue Beam 'attack' via hologram technology written about a lot in these parts, even speculation that the S11 airplanes were holograms.

'They' could even maintain this 'threat' for an indefinite period of time, especially considering our 'GLF' "friends" only mention 'being' in the skies for a certain amount of time.

On these notes, to the OP, a 'virtual spokesperson' and a couple of other posters for the 'GLF' -- will there be 'announcements' from this spaceship, or, any element that may prove it NOT a hologram??!

...let's see that this post is either ignored and then my personal doubt is reinforced, or, a little more explanation then the typical "love and light" messages thus far and nothing too 'practical' for a near-'first contact' (as 'they' have been referencing OP date) preparation.

[edit on 9-9-2008 by arktkchr]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by zorgon

I`m not just talking aliens, I`m talking anything from 9/11 to the bailout of today. And no, Bush wouldn`t be the one to tell it. It would be someone not connected to the system(government).

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 12:52 PM
When this doesn't happen, will you agree to seek professional, medical help?

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by FiatLux

what is wrong to say i expect shills aka.government agents to show up all over the net to cause fear?

i'm sure it will happen unless the government has a change of heart soon...

we shall see

Humanity needs to wake's time for major changes

i'm talking about NESARA/first contact type changes

make it so!

edit= and yes i will post videos to prepare should feel completly comfortable with our star family visits...

you will feel the doubt

[edit on 9-9-2008 by Skipper1975]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by SlightlyAbovePar

Which one, me or Skipper? (LOL) Hey, I was just showing him anyone can make a prediction. But it doesn`t mean that they will come true. Ok,...... i`ll take my medication and go back to bed now. (sigh)

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