This has come up on google news, or just read it below!
Sighting: Will it Force Disclosure to Occur?
by Stephane Wuttunee
Posted: 14:30 September 8, 2008
Blossom Goodchild
Like wildfires in the Australian outback, rumors of an upcoming mass televised UFO sighting over American skies are taking the Internet by storm.
Blossom Goodchild, an Aussie actress and author, has the international Ufology community on its ear with channeled information concerning the eminent
appearance of a massive extraterrestrial spacecraft for October 14th, 2008. Calling themselves ‘The Federation of Light’, these Beings from
another world have stated to Goodchild that they intend not only to make themselves known, but also to remain more or less in place for a full 72 hour
period, thereby providing the media with ample opportunity to once and for all capture on film evidence that will silence the skeptics and debunkers
forever. The predicted rendezvous point? Alabama.
And here's the kicker; she isn't the only one making the prediction. Unbeknownst perhaps even to themselves, statements made by other individuals in
the past corroborate her findings, one of these being immortalized on paper by Dannion Brinkley. In his latest book (entitled “Secrets of the
Light” and published in 2004) on page 222 Brinkley says:
“By the year 2008, the fact that we are not alone in the universe will be made undeniably clear to everyone on the planet. With millions of planets
and billions of stars, I cannot fathom how we could ever thought in any other terms. However, for those who have doubted, the extraterrestrials will
make themselves known. I believe they feel they have no choice but to show themselves as we verge on self-annihilation, genocide and toxic poisoning.
The truth of our inter-galactic lineage will become common knowledge. If I am to believe the vision, the truth of our intergalactic lineage will cause
humanity to take one wild ride.”
A few things stand out in all this. For one, it is rather unusual for channels and mediums to give exact dates and places for events to occur - let
alone the appearance of an alien spacecraft. Some leeway and margin of error is usually provided to allow for interpretation (and for people with less
than honorable intentions, room to squiggle out from). Not in this case. Goodchild is adamant and steadfast on the date.
Another point to keep in mind is that from reading the materials on her web site (, Goodchild herself seems at odds with the
information - almost as if she thinks herself unfit for the task of bringing this information to the world. This again, is quite unusual for channels
and mediums. If anything, such people rarely exhibit doubt or disbelief in their own predictions.
Naysayers will immediately dismiss Goodchild’s statements as ludicrous. However, if Goodchild was consciously perpetrating a hoax and simply wanted
to make money with all this (after all, she is an author and actress), she is definitely going about it in the wrong manner. Any skilled marketing
representative would tell her to do two things: 1) Be less specific of the date on which the craft is supposed to appear (actually, they would most
likely tell her to put it off by at least nine months), and 2) Flood the market with products and services (books, videos, seminar appearances and
lectures, etc) so the money can start pouring in. She's done neither. Actually, her prediction was made on August 22nd of this year, with
“showtime” being less than three months away - far too soon a timeline for the reaping of financial rewards or fame.
Speaking of which...
There is also the inevitable credibility factor to consider. If Goodchild proves to be wrong with this information, it is obvious that whoever enjoyed
reading her materials before will begin to shun and avoid her in the future (much like our beloved and elusive Bigfoot hunters from Georgia). So on a
personal level, quite a bit is at stake for Goodchild. And she would know this.
To stir the waters even further, consider that the Canadian Prime Minister Mr. Stephen Harper in the last week has called for surprise federal
elections to occur on (you guessed it) … October 14th, 2008. According to Mr. Alfred Webre from, world officials are taking the
announcement of the arrival of an extraterrestrial spacecraft in our skies seriously, and plans may already be underway to pull public focus away from
such a seminal event and place it on more domestic and political issues instead. In this case, the controversy generated by surprise federal elections
would tie up Canadian airwaves quite nicely. If extraterrestrials wish for their presence to be known to the world on that day, they would need to
account for this type of potential interference, along with one million other variables.
Of course, being highly evolved Beings, they (hopefully) would.
In any case, the heat on the forums is palpable. YouTube videos on Goodchild’s predictions are everywhere. And as one forum member on
Unexplained_Mysteries remarked, the date itself is unique because October 14th 2008 translates to 10-14-2008, which becomes (if you subtract each
number from the next) …minus 2012. Coincidence? Perhaps.
Even if Blossom turns out to be wrong and nothing occurs on or around October 14th this year, it is clear by humanity's current state of affairs that
something of this nature needs to occur anyhow - and sooner rather than later. Full on contact and (to a degree) interference within human affairs
cannot occur prior to a series of events such as these that will undeniably make the entire world acknowledge once and for all that Extraterrestrials
are real. Whomever is watching over us needs to make themselves known, and any medium is viable, whether they are electronic, or human.
I say Bring it on, Baby!
I guess time will tell.
[edit on 8-9-2008 by tarifa37]