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[HOAX]GFL spaceship DID NOT APPEAR on Oct.14th, 2008[HOAX]

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posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 03:36 PM
how do you guys know this isnt a disinformation tactic by the governments of the world, a first step to implant the NWO?

where are the proof that these are real aliens? how do i know there is really a Galactic Federation Of Light? How do i know it wont be a holografic image? What if they (if they exist which i doubt) decide they wont show up?

So many questions but where are the answers?

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Picollo30

That's right... in particular because of the unusual short notice of Goodchild's earth changing announcement.

Maybe they forced her to spread this disinfo to get the little version of Project Blue Beam on air... would give the Neocons at least some more time in power.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Picollo30

...just like I asked on the previous page of this thread. Then, lo and behold, one of the 'virtual spokespersons' posts WITHOUT referencing these concerns.

Any 'GFL members' around to answer these questions? Otherwise, it's not reassuring when 'web-bot' technology is predicting 'something' for Oct. 7:

All that seems implied by the data is that just as life 'changed' after 9/11, a much bigger change is expected in the 6-months following October 7th. In other word, the big emotional 'hit' was about 6-days and this one will approach six months.

...on that note, rumor is that technology predicted S11 to-the-day as a 'military accident' or 'stock market crash.'

[edit on 9-9-2008 by arktkchr]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 05:32 PM

Anyone investigating so-called 'channelling' phenomena right now would be wise to take this area of research into consideration. It will be noted that those who think of themselves as 'channellers' has escalated rapidly since this type of research was conducted. It is uncanny how similar their messages are, despite which entity they claim to be their source of divine guidance. It would suggest any individual considering the credibility of channelled information should be discerning and critically evaluate where the message they are receiving originates, and if the messages are specifically beneficial to the new world order.

Project Blue Beam

By Serge Monast

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 06:07 PM
Harvest\Hunters Full Moon on the 14th. Good day to pick as there would be enough light at night to view it if it were to happen. Here's to hoping that there's an Alien race that could put up with human ignorance on such a grand scale.

If they don't show..... I'm gonna guess they blame the Americans for it......

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 10:04 PM
where is the faith brothers!? & sisters


11 Etznab, 5 Zip, 4 Eb

Selamat Balik! We come before you again, bringing more interesting things to discuss with you! At present, we are watching as our Earth allies complete many essential operations. These steps are to give them the opportunity to restrict the various intrigues intended by the dark cabal to prevent the success of the Earth allies. The most frequently used of these ploys is the exploitation of a particular weak spot in those groups whose main responsibility is to carry out the prosperity deliveries throughout your globe. These difficulties are attracting our attention and we are therefore providing special 'resources' that can be used to surmount the most devious of these roadblocks. It is our intention to have our Earth allies reach the stage where the present illegal governments of your planet can be legally ousted from power. It is becoming increasingly clear that we can no longer tolerate the present chaotic situations on your world. Our many meetings concerning this matter have given rise to a potential scenario that we are currently discussing with Heaven.

The plan is simply to give our Earth allies a very considerable advantage here, thus permitting them to finish off the, by now, thoroughly flawed delivery process. It is this stumbling block which is delaying the other elements of this highly complex operation. Until now we have primarily observed, and done the little allowed by Heaven. Now, there is a definite requirement for us to do something a bit more dramatic. Despite the advantages garnered by our Earth allies and with our somewhat limited assistance, the dark, through a number of key and very powerful individuals, still manages to prevail. This situation needs to be resolved forthwith and we are ready to implement a variety of solutions once we gain divine approval. Our personnel understand why this is occurring and intend to 'take care of business' shortly. The dark dreads a higher level of involvement on our part. Their mischief making can easily be put a stop to with some well-placed pressure by our on-planet personnel. This form of pressure, however, can only be applied within the new general guidelines from our divine, heavenly masters.

What we are preparing is a series of devices that can end, legally, the prevailing impasse. Thereafter, it is essential that the proper and legally empowered individuals be able to limit severely the type of actions presently allowed. Then the transfer of power can be made, as agreed to by our Earth allies and our diplomatic liaison teams. We have the technology to easily upset the dark's seemingly invincible 'applecart' and have almost had to use it on occasion in the past. Now the present situation warrants a more forceful solution. The requirement to have our Earth allies as the main agent of change creates situations that permit the dark to carry on its underhand methods of enforcing its self-perpetuation. We watch as these treacherous characters sabotage all efforts to remove them from power. The threat they fear most is the redressing of the inequality of wealth on your world, which they have reinforced and exploited for many millennia. Once this weapon is removed from their armory, they can be easily banished and reduced to a status similar to yours.

Knowing this, we have long urged our Earth allies to implement a means to seize this great wealth and redistribute it. On your world, money in such immense quantities is the reason for great power, and the dark uses all its ancillary abilities to preserve and protect this wealth. It also thinks up scandalous, flagrantly illegal ways to steal wealth from each other. These ones could accurately be described as an immense global nest of vipers! Their modus operandi can be used against them to procure their downfall, and we intend to do just that. On many occasions we have suggested to our Earth allies that they use these methods to get their many extensive changes to global banking and finance approved. These have worked as planned. Now it is necessary to do this on a much larger scale, using a somewhat altered method of approach. This requires the aforementioned new guidelines, and once they are approved we intend to use the new tactics against the dark immediately.

This world of yours is a very strange and illogical place. This collective was given to the Anunnaki long ago and it has served its purpose. Now a more Light-bearing reality is needed in order for you to transform back into your fully conscious selves, as preordained. This process is progressing unevenly at present, and it is this unevenness that is feeding into the dark's various stratagems. We need to integrate the shifting process and allow the great leaps in your abilities that are to follow the removal of the dark governments on your world. The interim regimes will pave the way for a very different realm from the one you now know. It is these governmental caretakers who are to make the dramatic announcements which will permit first contact to go off as planned. With these broadcasts in hand we can then proceed with our mass-landing scenario and finish up the job that these governments and their citizens started.

Mother Earth very much wishes you to have the opportunity to honor your home world before our mass arrival. She knows that we have contingency plans that can preempt the current strategy for legally ousting the many illegal regimes which daily bow to the dark's every whim. But it is also our wish that the most appropriate scenario be allowed to play out. Nevertheless, we have the pre-approval of Heaven to intervene in a number of different ways, the least likely being a direct intervention that permits us to preemptively neutralize the large amount of advanced weaponry in the dark's arsenal. This would then include our making suitable announcements and landing en masse on your beautiful shores. Our primary concern is transforming the oppression used by the dark to control and manipulate your world.

Your freedom and the opportunity for you to use your innate sovereignty are important to us. These states of being can prepare you for the environment of a post-contact world. Such is the environment we ourselves live in, enhanced, moreover, by the absence of wealth and power. We wake up each day with the knowledge that we can accomplish whatever we intend. We are highly supportive of one another and know the basic truths of our life and how to achieve our major life goals. Most of you are broken in spirit or feel limited in what you can posses by way of resources. 'Getting on' in your society is ruled by subtle and secret codes or social 'deals', which can help you, get what you think you want. Often this runs counter to your true-life purpose.

We want you to discover what is true and real in your lives and what is not, before we land. You need to learn about 'true purpose' and how to apply it, and the way it differs from the false desires that your dark environment smoothers you in. This learning can take place if present situations lead the first contact team in that direction. We say this to reassure you that one way or another we are coming, and the world you now know is going away. The precise timing cannot be divulged ahead of time. All we can say is that our arrival is very close. Until this momentous moment we are committed to doing all that is possible to move your world from its present mounting chaos to a more stable state. Remember, Together, We are indeed Victorious!


posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 10:06 PM
Today, we discussed what is happening on your world and touched on some of our permitted options. All told, we wish you to know once again of our unfailing commitment to first contact and that we cannot back away from it. We are now so close, and joyously wait for the magical time when we can all meet! We now leave. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

I Still Believe (Lost Boys) Tim Capello

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 10:54 PM
Got a question here. If these dudes are so technologically advanced, why are they using ATS to disseminate their information? Nothing wrong with ATS, but it's not what you'd call mainstream media. How come they're not talking to Oprah, after all, she gets more press?

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 11:02 PM
does this have anything to do with big foot being found down in the south also.. ??? Maybe now that bigfoot has been discovered ... the aliens figure they should make them selves known also.. or not??

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by Picollo30

....great idea posting that clip. Keep reminding 'people' that we're witnessing this pseudo-New Age programmed brainwashing.

As the months roll by and the UFO encounters become more frequent and up close, please tell your friends that we are being treated to a DECEPTION of the greatest magnitude by our home grown NWO traitors. Every bit of this scenario has been planned. What we are seeing (and will see) is all being STAGED for our benefit in order to deceive us and set us up for the One World government takeover.

"UFO Sky Shows Increasing; Project Blue Beam Unfolding As Planned

And onto the payoff, check the mark-of-the-beast total in number of "results" to this search:

"Blue Beam" hologram spaceship

[edit on 10-9-2008 by arktkchr]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by Skipper1975

Perhaps it will happen and perhaps it won't - my money on it wont - however, what i do notice is how worried these GFL dudes are about how LEGAL things are that they do here.

Hell, if i had a GFL ship that has a force field and i wanted to stop terrorism etc TO HELL with LEGALITY!! I would kick some ass and turn this world around!! Bugger LEGALITIES!

It's almost like they are afraid to P us off by remaining within the law. Hell, if i was coming X light years to sort out a planet and i had the upper hand and superior technology I would come in, and say "looky here MOFOs; you are screwing up this planet. Get a life, stop this BS. We are in charge now cos we are kinda peaceful you know. If your surname starts with A - stand there. If your surname starts with BUSH, stand HERE. If..."

Get the point? If a bunch of ants are in your sugar you are not going to say, "hey guys, this is naughty, i know it is against the law but i have to remove you from the sugar bowl." HELL NO, you are going to kill and remove them! You are not going to care what they say. You are at the top of the food chain.

Now if the dudes from the Girly Football League arrive, they will empty the whole sugar bowl in the trash and refill it - get it?

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by shearder

...absolutely, I totally see/understand both 'points of view' here. My concern is this is a government-sponsored 'event' forcing people into martial law and our 'friends' don't even exist.

This 'federation' should be more informative about their "plans" for world peace. Although citing a date is the ultimate "pay off" in the sense when that date passes, they'll either be silent permanently, or, those in doubt will know who's coordinating/in-charge of, then, propaganda on UNSUSPECTING PUBLIC.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 02:33 AM
A space flotilla is coming soon. Please read to the end.

"one of the most important tasks of the Alpha Centauri is to command the vast interplanetary fleet. It is composed of the most powerful spacecraft and crews chosen, made available through the planets faithful to God".

According to the revelations of Stefania Caterina

"Beyond the Barrier there is no more space nor time, as we designate them. The physical size no longer exists. There is only the size of the spirit, that buys all the thickness of the eternity.

The whole universal Church is engaged in the preparation of the great cosmic exodus that awaits the whole of creation, that is pure spirits, men both living and dead on each planet, all creatures. Everything that exists and has existed in time, will be brought to Jesus Christ to be subjected to him.

The great Archangels and all the angels are sent in every point of the Universe to collect the faithful and support them in the tests. Your brothers the faithful will visit over time established by God and will help you. The Church of the earth will be called to give her great contribution, according to the plans of God "(St. Raphael Archangel, 28/7/2007).

This contribution involves the evangelization of the "other humanity, as well as that on Earth, who live on different planets", and the "Baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire".

With regard to the "other humanity" scattered in the universe, there are those who are faithful to God, and those who are rebels. The rebellious humanity, precisely because do not like us, is linked to Satan with a Covenant, have a greater development and a more developed civilization, and Satan grants their powers and achievements used to destroy the faithful humanity, to achieve the "overwhelming superiority of the latter on all levels"; seek to establish contacts with the Earth "using telepathy, occultism, and with the help of powerful medium" and can sometimes visit our planet, but always under the strict supervision of the faithful of Alpha Centauri, so they are not so explicit.

Among the faithful humanity stands out clearly that of Alfa Centauri, which has kept many gifts of the original state of integrity. "However, some suffer the consequences of original sin for justice, because we belong to humanity that a majority has betrayed and was guilty before God "

The humanity of Alpha Centauri "has the highest degree of evolution in the universe", both spiritual and technological. On this planet, there is only one temple from which flows a source that gives water and the life. Among the best known, there is Aris - priest and king of my people, because with us these two aspects can not be divided. On our planet even priests have a bride, Who accompanies them in the life and mission. This is indispensable for us.

It is the brightest star in the constellation Centaurus, and is the fourth brightest star of the night sky.

Ashtar Sheran, the commander of interplanetary powerful fleet, is a scientist, engineer and designer, as well as his wife Kalna, while many women are among the crews of ships. "We share with the planets, which are ready to receive them, even our scientific and technological knowledge, for their own good, but not to satisfy the curiosity of anyone".

"Even now, our spaceships are in orbit around the Earth, on the orders of God, to prevent the humanity of the Earth from self destruction. We have so far prevented many disasters and wars on your planet. Our scientific discoveries go far beyond your reach".

Though strictly non-violent and therefore vegetarians, Alpha Centauri exercises an interplanetary mission police, "simply put out of use the weapons of others".

"God sends us in the universe to make those missions that the angels can not perform, since they don't have a body".

"one of the most important tasks of the Alpha Centauri is to command the vast interplanetary fleet. It is composed of (continues)

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by Skipper1975

Ah and before i forget; convenient that the sound file contains a woman with an American accent LMFAO - sorry, couldn't help myself. I guess all GFL persons have American accents?

Why would the GFL ship only be over Alabama? Why not New York or Johannesburg or ALL major cities - send out "daughter" ships

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by Skipper1975
Galactic Federation of Light spaceship to appear over Alabama for 3 days continuously beginning October 14, 2008....

Just a thought.

Today, the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator has been activated.

In 14 days or so, the first collision will appear.

What if the whole CERN particle accelerator scheme is used to open a stargate? Then, the timing at October 14th, 2008 will be perfect for our visitors.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 06:12 AM

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Spooky Fox Mulder

it is a stargate/wormhole or something like it

did you feel anything when they turned it on?


September 06, 2008

Pixie and the 9 speak on the Large Hadron Collider

September 10, 2008
After experiencing a huge surge in energy, enough to wake me from my sleep, at the exact moment the Large Hadron Collider was turned on, I have been into channel with the Collective, Consciousness of Nine to see what they could tell me about this.

Edited by MagentaPixie
The surge of energy created by the Large Hadron Collider

This Video will be up for 24 hours - It is Awakening Peace for the World as the Central Stream of White Light to empower new creation. The CERN activation begins at 3AM EDT and for 24 hours this video will be part of this ceremony of creation and awakening. go to www-premieres-com for the high resolution version
WHITE LIGHT - Being Harmonic Oneness

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Skipper1975

Skipper, would you please make the ATS readers a promise that when this spaceship doesn't appear on Oct. 14th 2008 you will post a public apology, acknowledge you are a hoaxer, and never come back? If you don't address this post, and overlook it like you did all the other ones, you are a coward. You haven't addressed ONE of my posts yet.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by rocksarerocks
reply to post by Skipper1975

Skipper, would you please make the ATS readers a promise that when this spaceship doesn't appear on Oct. 14th 2008 you will post a public apology, acknowledge you are a hoaxer, and never come back? If you don't address this post, and overlook it like you did all the other ones, you are a coward. You haven't addressed ONE of my posts yet.


yes i will

how do you know it's not going to appear though?

sorry i didn't know you were asking for me to do that...

...if....if this doesn't happen then it has at least a fair amount of people thinking about this,right?

this event will raise Human Consciousness by a huge amount don't you think so? ..i want us all to rise up to a new reality...don't leave me hanging!! hehe

..we are amazing beings of Love/Light....your intuition is your higher self and all that good stuff..

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:43 PM
Atmos 10-September-2008

There are going to be many changes before long, and they will direct your attention away from the pressures of everyday life. You have looked for signs that signal the emergence of a new consciousness, which will create a different path to your present one. That is now about to manifest and carried forward by your greater expectancy, aroused by opportunities for change that are coming in the next few months. These energies are raising people’s awareness, and their demands are more difficult for the opposition to ignore.

It is time to bid the old farewell, as a new paradigm must replace the present outworn one. It comes in the shape of the Ascension process that will come into its own very shortly, and lead you on to the Golden Age. So many souls have set their sights upon it, and know that it will permanently release them from the cycle of duality. As a result there are now two distinct groups and they are drifting further apart, and it is in both of their interests to be free to follow their own desires. Those of the Light see quite clearly what lies ahead, whereas those that have not yet awakened continue to accept their present environment with little vision of a new future.

Yet out of the experience of duality each and every soul will learn valuable lessons, which will hold good for their next cycle of experience. Wherever you go and whatever you choose for your continued growth, you will find other souls also pursuing the same pathways. Those who have gone before you will become your mentors and guides, and this is normal in the higher realms. All help each other as they walk in Unconditional Love for all life. It is the recognition of these levels of attainment that drives you ever onwards. It is your goal, yet it is only the beginning of a great adventure that will take you anywhere in the Cosmos.

Can you see that your true reality is far removed from your present existence, and that you are truly Beings of Light. You are returning to your true home amongst the stars, and you will immediately feel as though you have never left it. You will gain superconsciousness and powers of creation that you have never dreamt of before. Project your thoughts into your most realistic vision of what lies ahead and live it now as far as you can, and you will surely be well prepared for your quantum leap into the future. The more you do so the less you will rely on your present existence, which has been your home for millennia of time.

We are well advanced in our preparations, and work with our allies to remove the last obstacles that hold us back. You are admirably doing your part, and it is fast becoming a scenario where we need to speed matters up. We must trigger off the first of many changes that are essential to our coming. We know the weaknesses of the dark, and will combat their arrogance and defiance by playing upon them. A game it may be, but nevertheless one that is most serious in its implications for Humanity. As we have told you so often the changes must come as decreed, and we cannot tolerate any more interference. Our ways are not heavy handed, but at the same time we have unlimited power and authority to achieve our aims. We have tried to guide your leaders into the Light of reasoning, and acceptance that their dreams are now impossible to fulfil. However, they defiantly ignore our requests to move aside, and will therefore have to be removed by whatever legal means we have at our disposal. Any other method may cause us to be seen in a different light, and it is so important that there is nothing untoward in our actions.

The Galactic Federation could at a stroke achieve its aim but we have to win your confidence and trust, and show that we are of Love and Light. It is not for us to flex our muscles and use force, but we do have the means to repel every weapon that your world can use against us. Our way is to defend ourselves without using aggression, as we come to you as a Universal Peace Force. We have no intention of being drawn into one of your battles, and we shall achieve victory in a way that you will see as a peaceful approach. That time draws ever nearer, and the deadline is rapidly approaching. You are in a period where out of the confusion shall come definite signs of what is to be, and gradually it will manifest as desired by us.

You yearn to be rid of the oppressive rule that is normal with most governments of the world. In a relatively short time you have moved beyond their agendas, and seek what is rightly yours. You are sovereign Beings entitled to your freedom, and expect your leaders to acknowledge it by implementing adequate laws to protect them. Instead under the guise of different pretexts, they continue to take away your rights and have little regard for the sanctity of life. Our coming will answer your pleas and restore your rights, and move you into a new era of peace and prosperity. Mother Earth will also be released from her responsibilities towards you, as new ways of living will no longer necessitate using up her resources. Major changes will quickly take place and your way of life will benefit immediately. The release of the financial pressures upon you will free you up to follow your own desires. Man was always meant to express his talents and skills for the benefit of everyone else.

Your society faces massive changes, but all for your good and in preparation of Ascension. You cannot move into the new cycle whilst attached to the old energies, and we come to lift you into the Light. Much education and information will allow you to release from the old paradigm, as it now belongs to your past and no longer serves any purpose. Those who know very little of the plans for Humanity, will be given every opportunity to grow in awareness of the truth. It will then be up to you to choose whether to move on, or stay in your present dimension.

I am Atmos from Sirius, and you will be pleasantly surprised to find that we are almost identical to you in appearance. You will be delighted to be in our presence, as our energy carries so much Love and Light that it will lift you up. That is not meant to be boastful but we are ascended Light Beings, and stand where you will soon join us as our equals. Life is all about your ability to Love all other life forms, by seeing the Light within them and their link to the Source.

Thank you Atmos.

Mike Quinsey.

much love to you all

Namaste "I bow to your divinity"

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