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[HOAX]GFL spaceship DID NOT APPEAR on Oct.14th, 2008[HOAX]

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posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 04:49 PM
Wish this were true as presented, but if this happens, beware of them getting a "foot in the door" so they can control us subsequently. Also I have concerns about this being part of Nasa's "Project Bluebeam" which is about deception. Search YouTube on the topic.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Skipper1975

Well more good news. I really hope it does happen! But I will highly doubt it. I was never told a date. But I do know the base of what you speak is true. WE are not the only humans in the universe. There are many more types of humans out there.. Not only humans, but other beings from other places!
Ive always known this to be true. My mother at a very young age told us this truth. And my mother is not the type of woman who buys into conspiracy theory or anything off the wall. She is what we in this world consider to be straight laced and "normal". What ever that is.. She is based up the worldly plane of earth. And she even knows they are out ther!
So 14th of Oct is my mothers Bday.. Would be nice to see them come on her BDay when she was the one who told me about them.. So I wont deny your claim on this date.. We will wait and see.

But dont lose hope if they dont show up on that date.
I truely feel we are not ready for them yet. I dont think most people will be ready in my lifetime.
People for the most part are NOT ready.
45% of us are ready.. The rest of us, honestly dont want to deal with the idea of whats going to happen...

This world is full of alot of war, and pain. THey know up there we only want to hurt ourselfs and other beings.

And they know they can not help us! We have to help ourselfs!

Thats the base root of all theory.. One can not get help unless they are ready for the help.
So I doubt they are here to HELP us.. We are here to help ourselfs.

Maybe someday we will be ready to become part of the intergaltic block party.. But I dont think this is the year..

I have dreams and I talk with them often. Ive been in contact with many different beings from this universe. And all of them say nothing about a date, nor do they say anything about comming to save us.

They only tell me to trust myself, and belive in myself. Do right by this world, and do not seek greed. There are many things they are.
But in human terms I can not express this correctly. So I will leave it at that.. Thanks for the thread!

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 05:04 PM
They really do want to come here and take over, but first they have to clean the place up.
No one builds intergalactic ships to go out and bring love to everything in the Universe.
They are just using the peace - love stuff to disarm us.

Beware those who come bearing gifts.

I really think that this "channeling" stuff is a crock.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:15 AM
wow from what i just read we gunna need Jack, Samantha Carter and Danual Jaxson to get us out of this one.
the federation of galaxy of light incorperating the galactic command central intelligence agency for the better of mankind agianst the forcess of dark.
Im having some trouble swollowing this bugga whole but ill give it a whirl and wait.
got to share this though i once had a hart attack and i didnt go towards the light, do not go towards the light, unless your a moth

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 10:14 AM
I wonder how many gullible people are out there who believe this crap. Are these the people who will believe anything?

Mark my word: No spaceship on October 14th. Read my lips.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 10:50 AM
I'm not one for predictions, but I love to keep my options open.

I thought this article was interesting, and ties in nicely with the thread:

"It's an intervention that will take place. They're going to make contact. We weren't ready in the '50s and '60s, but we're ready now," said Ventre, who serves as Pennsylvania coordinator for the Mutual UFO Network, in addition to working as director of security at the UPS depot in New Stanton. The Colorado-based network with its 300 members, also known as MUFON, keeps track of UFO sightings. According to Ventre, Pennsylvanians led the way this summer in spotting unidentified flying objects.

full story

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 04:41 PM
Hi all...

update time

there is a website now where you can keep yourself up to date on this subject and do a little research

****OCTOBER 14 2008 WEBPAGE****

if there is anything else that is not on that website i will let you know

please feel free to add to this subject...

i love you all so much



posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Skipper1975

Okay. Here are two possibilities.

The first one. Yes, they will arrive. Then what? Well, who knows, but we will have a time to meditate on this that time.

The second, no, they will not arrive. What you, believers are going to do that time? Commit suicide, or what? By my opinion it would be good to meditate on this one.

This GFL seems to be a cult to me. And one last thing. Please never use the name of any of the angels for cult things and false premonitions. They not really like this. Thanks.

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Sheridan]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 05:07 PM
If this spaceship shows up on oct 14th, then I will win the lottery.

[edit on 1-9-2008 by nutglow]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 06:56 PM
If the spaceships show up on October 14th then I am a fox-like, auburn-furred, bushy-tailed Tereskadian.

Then maybe they can take me home.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Thekherham
If the spaceships show up on October 14th then I am a fox-like, auburn-furred, bushy-tailed Tereskadian.

Then maybe they can take me home.

well hi there furry guy

these are exciting times..c'mon you skeptics don't be so grumpy

what if they do show up? then that would be a dream to meet our Brothers & Sisters...wouldn't it?

do you like the direction Humanity is going? how about the nwo? when do you think greed will end or any of the other negative stuff?

I want to see all of that end in my lifetime and so shall it be

when their ships arrive i will be waving and saying/thinking.. i love you!
lol i'll probably do the Lion'O jump from thundercats...hehe..probably not,but i'll be excited.

we are all from the stars and of the stars...

oh and lol this is not a cult..

if they don't show then we will keep on trucking doing what we have been doing..trying to save/heal Mother Earth our home and raise Human Consciousness

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Skipper1975

Skipper, I just want you to know that I really enjoy your thread.

I know if it doesn't happen it won't be your fault.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

So much stuff has been coming out, I honestly would not be surprised if something goes down, one way or another.

In the meantime you are right, got to keep fighting for Mother Earth no matter what happens.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:44 PM
this Galactic Federation of Light is nothing but a hoax just like the Georgia Bigfoot.

NOTHING will show up in the 14th October 2008

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:49 PM
If this spaceship shows up on Oct 14th, I hope Will Smith blows it out of the sky.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by Skipper1975

You know what? I wish they would show up; I've been dreaming about aliens, and wanting one of those ships to land for years.

If they are out there I want them to tell me how they travel across vast distances of space, considering the number of light-years involved.

Sure, it's wishful thinking, but I am being realistic. That's why I doubt anything will land.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by nutglow
If this spaceship shows up on Oct 14th, I hope Will Smith blows it out of the sky.

Is that the first thing you can think of? I guess you're one of those 'shoot-first-and-as-questions-later' kind of human.

If I really were an alien, I'd advise all my fellow aliens to avoid this planet at all costs. We'd probably call you 'dangerous barbarians.'

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 10:55 PM
Below are the follow on channellings after 8th August after putting out the ebook 'snap shot' as requested by The Federation Of Light. I shall be updating them as the weeks go on.

This first one doesn't appear very positive I must admit. Yet ... if I am going to be in my TRUTH and nothing else, this is how I was feeling this day.

(The Federation in bold print ... my words in plain print .)

1. Hiya … I have to say, I don’t know how much of a receptive mood I am in right now. My heart is exploding with anxiety regarding this whole event. I have been asked to speak for an hour on radio. What would you have me say? Of course I will be asked ‘Is this really going to happen?’ As indeed many have written to me asking. Again… YOU TELL ME!! People are asking me what excuse I will use and I say, it will be up to you to make the excuses. I am just the vessel. Some ‘bright spark’ suggested I record my excuse on CD and charge $25 for it. Good thinking Batman!
Guys, guys, guys, I seem to have my heart in my throat these days! I KNOW I am not mad. I KNOW I am not seeking attention (as many out there have suggested.) … God … I shy away from that, this is why this whole thing is so scary … I KNOW I did what I had to do … (as Frankie once sang!) and I guess I should just keep TRUSTING until that very important date and then ALL questions regarding whether or not this is for real will be answered. Please forgive my doubting … I reckon if you were me, down here on this earth plane, an unknown, you would be feeling the same. Wouldn't’t it have worked better if you had asked Oprah or Wayne Dwyer or someone of standing to tell the world of this? That’s what I don’t get … why me??

May we speak?

Sorry … go ahead.

We are aware that at this moment you have tears in your eyes and you are afraid.

How’s Edwina doing with that?? (see snap shot channellings)

We are not used to pain of the heart. The colour pink is fading.

And so is my courage!!

What would you have us say dearest one? We can only send you pulses of strength. Yet, on another level of yourself you knew of all of this. Of the ‘courage’ it would take to embark upon such a journey. You must understand that you were one of many many who volunteered and were considered for the post. Do you not see how delicate this matter is?


Do you think that with such a matter we would have pulled you name out of a hat? There are reasons beyond your comprehension at this time that …

Sorry chaps … Can’t do it today. It’s just all a bit too much. If you could just … appear to me with a sticker on your head saying Oct 14th and a tick … then perhaps I may feel stronger to carry on. The thing is … I KNOW that when we work that you are for real. I know ME, and I couldn’t possibly write in the intelligent fashion that you do. So … Why am I doubting that you are going to show?

Because you are allowing the fear in your human form to override the Truth that lies within the very depth of your soul. Ask yourself this Blossom? Would you lie to yourself? You cannot lie to another in anyway shape or form, so why would you think that you would treat the beauty of your soul in such a way?

I don’t know. I don’t know!! I’m just so blown away at the enormity of the task you have asked me to do … and did!! In all my life I never had an inkling of this, and it’s taken me completely by surprise. It all happened so quickly. I WILL work through this chaps and come out the other side. What choice do I have? God ... If I’m your spokesperson, I, of all people have to TRUST you are going to do as you said you will. I really apologize for my attitude of ‘nontrust’ today. Is that nontrust in you or me I wonder?

Neither … You are in your human form. You are behaving as any human in their RIGHT MIND would do. Any human in their RIGHT MIND who has humility and the desire to bring only TRUTH is a human that we are very proud to associate with.

OK … that did it for me. Burst in to tears! Gotta go … got a world to convince!! Swords of Light to the skies. What ho… And all that.

2. Next day ... feeling better! Much is happening on the planet in readiness for your arrival. I hope you’re sprucing up the outside of that ship; you’ve got to look your best you know! Many other channels it seems, have confirmed you’re coming on that date. Excitement is mounting down here … how’s plans going up there?

All is in order dear Lady. Although we are slightly concerned that many of your race are still unaware of this happening and we are worried of the shock to their systems and the damage that may cause to them. We wish to bring no harm to anyone. Sadly it will be of those who are harmed … damaging themselves … through lack of understanding and from the refusal to wake up when we have been sending messages to your planet for so long now. In accordance with Divine Law we have set the date of our arrival and in TRUST you have emitted that date out to your world. It is now for the individual to decide in their soul what to make of this news. For indeed it shall be news. There will be NO DOUBTING of that. It is necessary for us and you to bring in the LOVE and calm that will be required. For as we have stated there shall be much panic from those who did not want to know of us.
We come to change the ways of your world and by our very presentation we shall be setting those wheels in motion. Not only will we be bringing in the Higher vibration of LOVE to your planet, which will have a great affect on all things, but it shall have a greater effect on your thoughts. One’s soul will reconsider past doctrines. One’s soul will be uplifted for it will begin to listen more intently to what its inner most Truth is telling it. What will it be like for those of you who already are convinced of our coming? What will it be like for those who hope we are coming? What will it be like for those who think that what we have posted out via you Blossom, our vessel, is merely speculation and of no Truth at all?? How we desire for those souls of the latter sentence to search within. Just for a short moment and just consider the possibility of this taking place. Even that will assist them in some way.
We ask that in preparation for this, that those who are in Knowledge of the Truth send out Rays of Light to those in general who find us to be of a minds fantasy. Do not underestimate the power of those Rays when they come from the Truth of your heart. Add fervor to this quest. We ask you to remember of the Light that is in your heart. We ask you to recall LIGHT HEARTEDNESS. Be of bright and cheery dispositions dear ones. This is not a terrible thing that is to take place. It is of the opposite. It is of the utmost importance to your species as a whole. For the betterment of it. Surely that is something to celebrate. Surely one would feel the joy that such an event shall bring. Joy, because the TRUTH shall be apparent at last. There can be no more stalling. No more hiding of this great Truth. We The Federation have chosen to uncover our selves in our Truth for it is indeed time to reveal the mockery that has been presented to you as a Truth for so long. How those who have made others suffer, shall suffer. Forgive them. Assist their souls to rise. For in the Truth of yourselves there is no malice, no venom projected to another. Only Love dear friends. Only Love.

YOU ARE OF THIS. That is why when we bring in this higher frequency , it shall resonate deeply within the core of your being. For it is a message from home. A postcard from your loved ones letting you know all is well back in the wisdom of your origin.

We shall of course be in discourse with you as the days draw ever closer to our arrival. Hold on to your hats.

That should have been the name of this book!! For I am always hearing it from you. Perhaps you could write a signature tune. I laughingly see an impression of your ship coming in and everyone holding onto their hats due to the enormous wind incurred by you doing so!!
Just as an off side … Everyone wants to be at the event. I guess I just accept that I probably won’t be, even though I don’t know where it is you are going to show. And that I will just be so relieved to see it on TV , knowing that ‘we did it’. Yet, if I think a little deeper, what a spectacle it shall be, to see in person. On the other hand, as I say, I accept, and ‘what will be will be’. I know White Clouds Truth and that certainly is a teaching that assists me greatly to adhere by. Anything else?

That is all for today, accept we say to you they word ‘snow cone’.

Snow cone??? What on earth does that mean? Never even heard of it. It makes me think of a mountain. The plot thickens. Many thanks. Trusting you will be close by to guide me through my Radio interview tomorrow. I am trying the best I can to let go of fear.
We TRUST in you.
Good … I will try to TRUST in me too!!

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:09 PM
Below are the follow on channellings after 8th August after putting out the ebook 'snap shot' as requested by The Federation Of Light. I shall be updating them as the weeks go on.

This first one doesn't appear very positive I must admit. Yet ... if I am going to be in my TRUTH and nothing else, this is how I was feeling this day.

(The Federation in bold print ... my words in plain print .)

1. Hiya … I have to say, I don’t know how much of a receptive mood I am in right now. My heart is exploding with anxiety regarding this whole event. I have been asked to speak for an hour on radio. What would you have me say? Of course I will be asked ‘Is this really going to happen?’ As indeed many have written to me asking. Again… YOU TELL ME!! People are asking me what excuse I will use and I say, it will be up to you to make the excuses. I am just the vessel. Some ‘bright spark’ suggested I record my excuse on CD and charge $25 for it. Good thinking Batman!
Guys, guys, guys, I seem to have my heart in my throat these days! I KNOW I am not mad. I KNOW I am not seeking attention (as many out there have suggested.) … God … I shy away from that, this is why this whole thing is so scary … I KNOW I did what I had to do … (as Frankie once sang!) and I guess I should just keep TRUSTING until that very important date and then ALL questions regarding whether or not this is for real will be answered. Please forgive my doubting … I reckon if you were me, down here on this earth plane, an unknown, you would be feeling the same. Wouldn't’t it have worked better if you had asked Oprah or Wayne Dwyer or someone of standing to tell the world of this? That’s what I don’t get … why me??

May we speak?

Sorry … go ahead.

We are aware that at this moment you have tears in your eyes and you are afraid.

How’s Edwina doing with that?? (see snap shot channellings)

We are not used to pain of the heart. The colour pink is fading.

And so is my courage!!

What would you have us say dearest one? We can only send you pulses of strength. Yet, on another level of yourself you knew of all of this. Of the ‘courage’ it would take to embark upon such a journey. You must understand that you were one of many many who volunteered and were considered for the post. Do you not see how delicate this matter is?


Do you think that with such a matter we would have pulled you name out of a hat? There are reasons beyond your comprehension at this time that …

Sorry chaps … Can’t do it today. It’s just all a bit too much. If you could just … appear to me with a sticker on your head saying Oct 14th and a tick … then perhaps I may feel stronger to carry on. The thing is … I KNOW that when we work that you are for real. I know ME, and I couldn’t possibly write in the intelligent fashion that you do. So … Why am I doubting that you are going to show?

Because you are allowing the fear in your human form to override the Truth that lies within the very depth of your soul. Ask yourself this Blossom? Would you lie to yourself? You cannot lie to another in anyway shape or form, so why would you think that you would treat the beauty of your soul in such a way?

I don’t know. I don’t know!! I’m just so blown away at the enormity of the task you have asked me to do … and did!! In all my life I never had an inkling of this, and it’s taken me completely by surprise. It all happened so quickly. I WILL work through this chaps and come out the other side. What choice do I have? God ... If I’m your spokesperson, I, of all people have to TRUST you are going to do as you said you will. I really apologize for my attitude of ‘nontrust’ today. Is that nontrust in you or me I wonder?

Neither … You are in your human form. You are behaving as any human in their RIGHT MIND would do. Any human in their RIGHT MIND who has humility and the desire to bring only TRUTH is a human that we are very proud to associate with.

OK … that did it for me. Burst in to tears! Gotta go … got a world to convince!! Swords of Light to the skies. What ho… And all that.

2. Next day ... feeling better! Much is happening on the planet in readiness for your arrival. I hope you’re sprucing up the outside of that ship; you’ve got to look your best you know! Many other channels it seems, have confirmed you’re coming on that date. Excitement is mounting down here … how’s plans going up there?

All is in order dear Lady. Although we are slightly concerned that many of your race are still unaware of this happening and we are worried of the shock to their systems and the damage that may cause to them. We wish to bring no harm to anyone. Sadly it will be of those who are harmed … damaging themselves … through lack of understanding and from the refusal to wake up when we have been sending messages to your planet for so long now. In accordance with Divine Law we have set the date of our arrival and in TRUST you have emitted that date out to your world. It is now for the individual to decide in their soul what to make of this news. For indeed it shall be news. There will be NO DOUBTING of that. It is necessary for us and you to bring in the LOVE and calm that will be required. For as we have stated there shall be much panic from those who did not want to know of us.
We come to change the ways of your world and by our very presentation we shall be setting those wheels in motion. Not only will we be bringing in the Higher vibration of LOVE to your planet, which will have a great affect on all things, but it shall have a greater effect on your thoughts. One’s soul will reconsider past doctrines. One’s soul will be uplifted for it will begin to listen more intently to what its inner most Truth is telling it. What will it be like for those of you who already are convinced of our coming? What will it be like for those who hope we are coming? What will it be like for those who think that what we have posted out via you Blossom, our vessel, is merely speculation and of no Truth at all?? How we desire for those souls of the latter sentence to search within. Just for a short moment and just consider the possibility of this taking place. Even that will assist them in some way.
We ask that in preparation for this, that those who are in Knowledge of the Truth send out Rays of Light to those in general who find us to be of a minds fantasy. Do not underestimate the power of those Rays when they come from the Truth of your heart. Add fervor to this quest. We ask you to remember of the Light that is in your heart. We ask you to recall LIGHT HEARTEDNESS. Be of bright and cheery dispositions dear ones. This is not a terrible thing that is to take place. It is of the opposite. It is of the utmost importance to your species as a whole. For the betterment of it. Surely that is something to celebrate. Surely one would feel the joy that such an event shall bring. Joy, because the TRUTH shall be apparent at last. There can be no more stalling. No more hiding of this great Truth. We The Federation have chosen to uncover our selves in our Truth for it is indeed time to reveal the mockery that has been presented to you as a Truth for so long. How those who have made others suffer, shall suffer. Forgive them. Assist their souls to rise. For in the Truth of yourselves there is no malice, no venom projected to another. Only Love dear friends. Only Love.

YOU ARE OF THIS. That is why when we bring in this higher frequency , it shall resonate deeply within the core of your being. For it is a message from home. A postcard from your loved ones letting you know all is well back in the wisdom of your origin.

We shall of course be in discourse with you as the days draw ever closer to our arrival. Hold on to your hats.

That should have been the name of this book!! For I am always hearing it from you. Perhaps you could write a signature tune. I laughingly see an impression of your ship coming in and everyone holding onto their hats due to the enormous wind incurred by you doing so!!
Just as an off side … Everyone wants to be at the event. I guess I just accept that I probably won’t be, even though I don’t know where it is you are going to show. And that I will just be so relieved to see it on TV , knowing that ‘we did it’. Yet, if I think a little deeper, what a spectacle it shall be, to see in person. On the other hand, as I say, I accept, and ‘what will be will be’. I know White Clouds Truth and that certainly is a teaching that assists me greatly to adhere by. Anything else?

That is all for today, accept we say to you they word ‘snow cone’.

Snow cone??? What on earth does that mean? Never even heard of it. It makes me think of a mountain. The plot thickens. Many thanks. Trusting you will be close by to guide me through my Radio interview tomorrow. I am trying the best I can to let go of fear.
We TRUST in you.
Good … I will try to TRUST in me too!!

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:10 PM
3.Sorry … a little late for work today!! Was busy being your P.A.!!! Radio got cancelled. That’s fine. ‘All is as’ etc. I have a feeling it will be more appropriate when it is rebooked. I have to say I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard! I was going to say ‘I know… coward’… but all things considered I don’t think I am!! Anyone about?

Challenges are ahead.

No offence… but do I really want to hear this ?

Have you not faced challenges before Blossom? And may we say with glee, you intervened before allowing us to finish our sentence …

Oops sorry!

We in fact were not speaking directly to you. We speak to those who are of courage and read these words knowing in their heart of the ordeals that may be presented to your race as the coming of our ship into your skies draws near. Yet we ask you … NOT TO BE AFRAID. You have enough fear upon your planet do you not? Our aim is to decrease it not to enhance it. That is why we need you to search your souls for your TRUTH. For indeed when you find it you will know that FEAR is unnecessary. You yourself Blossom have experienced great fear within your being from the effect that our message has brought to the sudden change of your everyday living. You yourself have had to find a way to move through it and come out smiling. And as you continue you are finding a strength and indeed a joy that is surprising you are you not?

Now and then! Depends on where I allow myself to go with it all really. It certainly is teaching me to live in the now for no-one can foresee what your appearance shall do to those in our world and how things will change. You have to admit, it’s a bit bigger than the Queen popping over for a visit (with all respect Your Majesty!) And of course we are all wondering if our daily lives will cease to be and a thousand other questions that your quest conjures up.

We fully accept your thoughts. We understand of the trepidation and yet, if you follow our words as a TRUE SOURCE, then we have repeatedly expressed to you that all shall be well. YES. There shall be initial upheaval on a large scale, but to counteract that experience there shall be a PEACE entering your planet that has not yet been able to be induced. If you allow yourself to breathe in that PEACE you shall feel an understanding in your soul and you shall simply KNOW that IT HAS BEGUN. Your fear will instantly subside, for there shall be NO DENYING OF THIS TRUTH that we have come to guide you on the pathway home. How your hearts will sing my warriors. How you shall shine in the Light of your hearts contentment. For so long have you as a race been awaiting your calling. For so long have you listened out into the silence and yet still you new that we would not desert you and that these days were never far away. For you could feel it in your being. As many of you feel it now. You can actually ‘feel’ us tapping into your energy. To prepare you. To just say ‘hello’. As we prepare you, so you must prepare your selves. Diligently. Take/find the time in these future days to sink into the comfort of the soul’s remembrance. You are, at these times of meditation being ‘fed’ the nutrients your soul requires for these times. You have long awaited these times that are coming. It is with enormous validity (?) that what we shall present to you shall be of absolute conviction to the answers that each one of you are asking.

Thanks for that. Got to be honest. That last bit was a little difficult to get through and I always feel it best to stop when it feels that way, so as not to have to TRY … if you know what I mean. So thank you for this information. We got the e-book out today. So when you said way back that it would be in print before the year was out and I doubted that … I shouldn’t have. I know it’s not in book form yet, but it doesn’t have a cover! And … you wanted it to be called ‘snapshot’… naturally it had s crossed my mind that the cover might be a picture of ‘THE VISIT’!

4.Whoa! What a ride this last month has been. And I have a feeling this is just the beginning! My mind is filled with a thousand things that I never knew of before I sent out your message. Many channellers world wide are confirming your announcement. Many have asked me to ask you questions. I feel more at home sticking to the way we have always worked and just TRUSTING in the fact that what you need to be known you shall make me aware of. I can feel your eagerness to begin … so lets!

Indeed there is excitement commencing in your world and MANY others. Blossom, we commend you for your bravery. Look how by being of this, we have been able to do our side in making sure that we are heard. And as you say … this is just the beginning. As days draw closer to our arrival, let it be known that there will be a tremor … a rumbling would be more apt. This is to be of no fear, but it is unavoidable.

Dear ones, who read these words. Understand this. From our hearts we wish that you be of PEACE on our arrival. This is essential. Do not succumb to the scare mongers of your world. We ask that you pay heed to the feeling within yourselves and KNOW that we are of THE LIGHT. For you shall be told otherwise. This is to deter.
We say CONGRATULATIONS to you souls of earth. For without your expectancy this ‘showing’ would not be possible. There is little time left now. We shall be there … as you say in your world … with bells on!

There are questions in my mind, such as the whereabouts etc, yet I know you have your reasons and therefore I shall abide by your knowledge in what is best for us as a race.

You are surprised as we are not flowing forth as you thought we may. Is this so?

Indeed … funnily enough though … I understand. I am keen to put up more postings as I am aware many wish for the next installment … And yet … I can feel that you intend to leave it as it is for now. I shall respect that. Although a tad frustrating. On the other hand, your silence is sending me a calmness of KNOWING and I don’t know what it is I am KNOWING, but I KNOW I KNOW! I shall try again when I feel it appropriate. Thank you my friends, for TRUSTING in ME. I feel all the support I have been shown has been encouraged by you … and it was much needed. I feel stronger about all this daily. When you’re ready then. In Love.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:11 PM
5.Well, your announcement continues to rock the world it seems!! I have been asked to ask you so many questions, which you are probably aware of. I put my TRUST in you (CLEARLY!) and know that you will say what needs to be said. However … if I may be so bold … other channells that have confirmed this date have said that it could be changed at the last minute for our safety. Someone who I have come to highly respect has suggested to me this would be because … and I quote …

‘The Galactic Federation do not want a confrontation where they are forced to defend themselves, not that they couldn't as they clearly can deal with whatever is thrown at them. It would give the impression that some kind of Space War was starting, and that is the last thing they want. That may also put some of our people at risk, so they would not take chances where our safety was concerned.’

As much as I understand that …and if this is so … wouldn’t that be the case what ever date you showed up? I feel this is also a reason why you are being so discrete about where that ‘showing up’ is going to be. However … if I may be so bold? IF you don’t show up on the 14th, you are not only going to make me lose MY street cred but YOURS as well!! I KNOW you KNOW all this (here we go again) but are you able to enlighten me on this matter? I FEEL it is imperative you show on that day or people will just put it down to another crackpot under a ridiculous illusion. (Especially my mum, love her as I do!)

Welcome to you first and foremost. We see how we have turned your everyday living into something very different from what it was and we send you energy as you have asked.
Regarding the subject matter of which you have just mentioned … ALL PLANS are underway for this date. We, as mentioned before, have subsidiary notions should they be necessary, but at this point in YOUR time we see no reason that threatens us to a point that we should have to deter. We are exceedingly happy about this forthcoming event. We continue to prepare, even though we have been doing this for as long as we can remember, it seems. There is still work to do at your end and this shall be disclosed when we feel it necessary to be revealed to your nation as a whole. Excitement is building which is making our tasks easier to perform. Yet there are still many who are unaware of our coming and we need to ‘step up the bar’ as you would say.

I’m sorry to interrupt , but I have never used that expression .. Is it one?

We believe so. Complimentary acceptance of our message is abounding. How so many of you are ‘listening’ to your ‘home station’! For in your souls you have known of this.

In accordance with immeasurable data regarding this planned occurrence we ask those of you on earth who are willing to assist us in our cause to ‘jump on the bandwagon’ and spread our message further. Although it has been received by many we ask you to be brave and continue to spread our original message.


Prepare your beings for this day. It is of High importance to do so.

Friends of earth … we implore you to work vigilantly within your beings to anchor your energy as it lifts into a Higher Light. When we say you shall need to keep your feet on the ground … we mean it … literally. We do not wish to baffle and yet we are unable to reveal certain Truths at this point and you Blossom accept this. We ask others to do the same.The CHANGE that has been long awaited is here. Rejoice in the power of yourself and feel it uplift you in the knowing of its TRUTH … at last. May we say further more that those of you who wish to excel in the time frame allocated, make it your ‘duty’ to ‘soften the blow’ (?)

Not connected with ‘hold on to your hats’ by any chance???

Dearest Blossom … we ask others to be like you. To remain in LIGHT spirit regarding these events that are to …as you say … ‘Rock your world’.

Have to be honest and perhaps a bit egotistical here (oh ...I do hope not), but this rock the world thing … is it in my mind because a lady wrote to me and called me ‘The woman who rocked the world’! I told my husband and he said Suzie Quatro might be a little put out … Earth joke… you might need o get your ‘funny’ dictionary out! In these recent days instead of saying ‘God I HOPE you turn up’. I have found myself saying ‘I know you’re coming. I know you’re coming’. And what a wonder it shall be. We need this so much. Oh dear … and now, out of the blue, tears filling my eyes. I guess because my soul feels the earth’s pain perhaps.

We could leave it no longer and we say that it has been brought forward from its intended date originally. For in past days it was expected that it would not be for a few more of your earth years and yet events have been scheduled in conjunction with suitable time frames to coincide with our appearance and it is accepted that we are carrying out necessary movement in order for your planet to remain one of great beauty. Beauty that it once was and shall soon be able to return to.
Do not be down hearted friends. You will be amazed at how tolerant your species can be of such changes, when they KNOW in their Truth that we are of a kind that please not dis/ease. Many shall awaken in your month of Oct. before and after the event. Your mother dear Blossom being one of them.

You have NO IDEA how that would thrill me! Should have invested in some tissues today!! But all is good.

And finally this session we would like to make an announcement.

I sort of felt that coming!

We that are not from your atmospheres state categorically that we intend to ‘shake’ your world. It has remained stagnant for too long and we now appear in your skies to bring about the ‘shift’ that is necessary to take the vibration that you are now residing within into a Higher level of LOVE. Prepare for this. Prepare your souls and prepare others. We do not jest when we say ‘Allegiance to the Nations of the Federation is set in stones of history and future alike. They are one and the same. Fellow beings of Light, as has been foretold … we are coming to unveil the mists. And when this has taken its rightful place, so too shall you. Join with us brothers and sisters of The Oneness.
Be with us in standing of strength and courage and the knowledge that we are close to fulfilling the prophesies that are set in stone.

That made me think of carvings that have been found in caves etc.
Thank you for today. Whilst writing I have been filled with a sort of ‘swords of light to the skies’ comradery. Where I’m getting these kind of words from I don’t know for I don’t speak like this in my every day chat. Actually ‘der!’… Of course I know where I’m getting it from. I continue to be your messenger and I am very proud to do so, now that the initial shock of doing what I had to do is slowly but surely settling down within my being. Until next time my space mates, have a good day Oh; if I were you I’d fill your fuel tanks up before you come … its very expensive down here!! Yep … dictionary!

Unnecessary for both fuel and dictionary. Adieu.

Adieu? That’s White Cloud’s signature as you know. Interesting! But I know that must be all for today. Many thanks in Love, Light and that Laughter that should be made compulsory. A good day for us both I feel.

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