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The Mystery Behind the Pyramids

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posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by Mcloud313

I've been to Egypt, pyramids and also to Luxor (Thebes): the Temple of Karnack, King Tuts tomb, Queen Hetsheups burial palace is (forgive my spelling). The fungus is found in King Tuts underground tomb. It's dime sized dark gray in color and has a very furry appearance. It is called 'aspergillis niger'. Guides say to touch it because it brings good luck, but it doen't. I knew about the mold before I went and was very careful not to touch anything or touch my mouth or nose. Once I got out of the tomb, I walked 20 ft and told my friends, "I just got a cold" and it was very bad, totally closed up my ears and flying home with the cabin pressure change was my most painful experience of my life. I swear that this cold lasted 3 years before my ears cleared and felt better. If you have a weakened imune system, you can die and people still die on a regular basis since it's a fungas genis of something your body has never experienced before and can't easily fight it off.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by AlienCarnage
The History Channel had a show in 2007, Lost Wolds "Seven Wonders of the World", which showed evidence of one of the meathods used to build the Pyramids, and the reason they know is because there was physical evidence left behind. Unfortunately the history channel does not have a manuscript online that I have found, would have to buy the DVD which I am not about to since I can probably record it off TV next time it is on. But very interesting info on the construction of the Great pyramis as will as interesting CG of what it would have looked like when it was origionally finnished.

[edit on 8/6/2008 by AlienCarnage]

I'd very much like to know how they built it. It'd be surprising indeed if they built these things themselves using some kind of ancient technique or technology.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by WarBow
Actually, there was writing on the Pyramids. It was on the white facing stones that covered them. Heroditus mentions that there was writing all over the face of the prymids.

Sadly, when the locals needed building material they took the pretty white facing stones off of the pyramids; so we'll not soon know what it might have said.

That's interesting, because I never heard of writing on the casing stones.

Casing Stones

can you provide a link, as I would like to look into this some more.


posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 05:47 AM
I honestly don't know which way to lead with this, but one thing that really does boggle my mind, if the ancient egyptians really did have tools in 3000B.C. then why can't we in 2008 make pyramids to the exact specifications as the ones in giza? just a thought.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by Mcloud313

Goto and use the hyperlink at the bottom of the page called "Labryinth of Egypt". This may add to your questions or actually answer some of them.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by WarBow
Actually, there was writing on the Pyramids. It was on the white facing stones that covered them. Heroditus mentions that there was writing all over the face of the prymids.

Sadly, when the locals needed building material they took the pretty white facing stones off of the pyramids; so we'll not soon know what it might have said.

This do sound interesting and I have not heard about there actually being writings on the stones covering the pyramids but I have read that the locals took stones from the pyramids when they needed building material.

If there were writings, was it painted or chiseled I wonder. Surely a chiseled stone might still exist somewhere in the area where they are said to have taken the stones. The thought of painted stones covering the pyramids is exciting though, imagine what something like that would look like.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 07:59 AM
Having been diagnosed with mucocutaneous candiasis I can relate. It's not a very pleasant disease. I saw the best physicians in the Cleveland Clinic and they were astounded. 'Outside of my knowledge base' is what I remembered. Fungus among us, inside of us. Not good.
An anesthesiologist once said they'd write books about me. Lol. Wish it wasn't like this tho.
I'm a psudo mushroom. I like mushrooms......

[edit on 8/7/2008 by jpm1602]

[edit on 8/7/2008 by jpm1602]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by Mcloud313
Well I was stumbling just now and I came across a very interesting website that gave me even more questions than I previously had about the pyramids, so I thought I'd post it here on ATS and see what you guys had to say about it. Of course this topic has been brought up time and time again on this website but its a good topic so its worth being talked about a multitude of times.

First read this.

Now lets discuss, did the webpage give you more questions? Such as what was the fungi in King Tutu's tomb? Does anyone have any more information on that? Also what does everyone think about the hieroglyphics that look similar to an alien gray. Also the webpage suggests that the common theory behind using ramps to build the pyramids is wrong because it would've taken more stones to build the ramps than it would've taken to build the pyramids, and if they did build those ramps, where are the stones that built them after the pyramid was completed?

So what do you all think on this subject?

WoW thanks for that link. I've a million things whirling around in my mind now, wouldn't even know where to start.

Will contribute more once i've reorganised my thoughts on the subject.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Mcloud313
reply to post by network dude

I've heard of that, but I strongly disbelieve it seeing as how we have no giant skeletons laying around, at least none I've heard about. Those would have to be pretty big giants to to lift 1+ ton rocks and place them in heights of up to 450 feet.

Read up on them -

They have found giant skeletons in Ohio and in many other parts of the World. The Smithsoinian Institution silenced the findings years ago.



posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by internos

Originally posted by Mcloud313
Also what does everyone think about the hieroglyphics that look similar to an alien gray.

The "alien" of the wall in the tomb of Ptahhotep in Mastabas, North Saqqara, is actually a vase with 2 lotus flowers inside: in this case it was being used during food offerings:
this image, uncropped, should help.

[edit on 5/8/2008 by internos]

notice how hes holding a bird as if hes reaching for a lotus, to ingest it and fly away in vision state. Notice too the middle lotus is open, or rather the stargate or middle pillar. So he can communicate telepathicly with "awaiss" (go wiki that word btw) a benevolent alien looking creature somewhere in time and space.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 10:00 AM
Our scientist only came up with theories about how the pyramid got built base on physical evidence and physical tools. They have a 'boarder' on what can be used in their theories and what cannot. Scientist do not believe in 'spiritual' powers so that was not used in their theories. As far as we know it, Scientist work for the government or only allow certain information to go through. Keeping it simple is how these guys wants it, I don't think they wanna discover something truthful and change the way things are. It would be funny to be in science class, being taught that aliens came down to earth and zap this pyramid in it's place, or a army of workers moved blocks with their mind. HaHa.

Egyptians had bigger pineal glands, they had abnormal Head sizes.

Many Years later, not using the pineal glands, the Pineal Gland has evolved into a pea size.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Awarenessiskey
It would be funny to be in science class, being taught that aliens came down to earth and zap this pyramid in it's place, or a army of workers moved blocks with their mind. HaHa.

Your teachers didn`t teach you that?
Honestly, I think it would be great if they did, true or not. Maybe then people would not be so close minded about alternative theories
Maybe not about aliens but just something about how what we know about the pyramids is not so crystal clear as they say.

Any ideas on the pyramids being a power source of sort? If so, then a power source for what?

Is it a beacon of some kind or does it power up a ...... stargate? yea I said

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:19 PM
Brilliant thread. We may never know the full answer in this lifetime or fully understand it, but i think levitation played an important part in the construction of the pyramids, maybe following celestrial blueprints? The geometry, angles, order in regards to star constellations is just to perfect for them to be grand tombs. This link isnt so much relevant in regards to pyramids but gives a better understanding of how they may have been built. Atleast food for thought.


posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:51 PM
Giants in the ancient times - there is some real credibility here

Most of the ancient text/legends talk of giants including Homer However, in Heridotus "the father of history" - who collected stories from all around the known world - writes that he had actually seen some bones reflecting a giant (sorry can't quote pages in the book where - just the words echo'd around my brain) .

Accept that this could have been a tall tribe

Also - we have evidence of the Greeks having technology that was lost and then later found (they had steam power ball - steam wasn't reinvented as a power until thousands of years later). SO lost technology seems reasonable as well

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Paper_Chaser

Good link, I have read that before about the mysterious Dr. Jarl and Henry KJellson (in Swedish, sorry could not find anything in English).

There is a video posted here earlier showing levitation using sound waves and harmonics, indeed interesting.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:59 PM
I knew, i knew that we had many people really acknowledged on this stuff: i feel envy, because i know a heck of a nothing about pyramids and stuff like that, despite i've been in Egypt for two years

What i feel reading about all these theories, is like a breath of fresh air in this situation of utter and complete garbage being posted on ATS.

Thanks to everyone for your contributes, but special thanks to the OP.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Mcloud313

look at "hermes trismegistos" tabula smaragdina...
he told, that there is a room under the sphinx, where the ufo is now waiting...
those who know the words, will open it at the end...



posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by internos

I refuse to believe you don`t have anything to bring to the table
internos I always find your posts to be informative, well mannered and polite

In one of the videos posted here they mentioned a Leyden Jar and how it got power while inside the pyramid. That lead me to this Kirlian Photography and then this

Don`t ask

[edit on 7-8-2008 by Vordul Megallah]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 11:33 PM
What I do know is that there are coordination throughout the globe, where high amount of cosmic energy that beam onto planet, are stronger then usual. Possibly more concentrated, Where is this cosmic energy coming from? The great pyramids of Giza were built in a location, where it was suppose to be able to harvest or receive this cosmic energy. It was built precisely and on the correct coordination. Possibly so correct, it was at one point, matched the coordination of the Orion's Belt (3 Points).

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 01:00 AM
I happen to be at work right now, but I am curious about what one of the previous posters said. Someone suggested or was wondering what was on the opposite side of the world according to longitude and latitude. Can anyone figure it out by maybe using Google earth or something? I am willing to bet it is nothing but ocean though.

Also I thank everyone for their links and interest that only keep adding to my questions and the mysteries of the Pyramids. I hope we keep this topic going and come up with even more questions and maybe if we're lucky some possible answers?

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