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Video of Cop Assaulting Cyclist at Critical Mass Ride

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posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 09:58 AM
Oh the antics of NY area police. The police don't like the demonstrations so they do whatever they can to annoy the bikers. First amendment, not on my watch.

The officer did make one other mistake, he forgot to empty of couple of clips of bullets into the guy. Isn't that SOP for stopping criminals in that area.

I see dad passed on the ethics of the profession to his son.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:01 AM
i am sorry but some of the replies here are just UTTER TWADDLE

assault ????????????? were the heck did you get assault from ????

both the cyclist and police officer made critical errors of navigation

a conspiracy is there though - the mindboggling fact that rather than own up to joint cupability and learn from it - the cop attempted to lie his way out of the mess

the vid IMHO demostrates that both individuals need some remedial lessons on how to behave on the road

the police report demonstrates that the officer needs lessons in ethics and honesty

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

The cop chased him down after one of them came close to him so he got the next one in the line. Look at him accelerate towards the cyclist at the last second. Where was the cyclist supposed to go? The cop had him pinned almost to the curb before coming forth to check him. This was clearly intentional on the cops part.

Watch one more time. No, wait, repeatedly.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:11 AM
One thing about NYC cops. Its not justa thin blue line and a brotherhood. Its a BLUE WALL 20 FT THICK and a brotherhood of 90% crooks and thugs with a 10% halfassed better cops who don't indulge in this abominable behavior. This cyclist is in for 3-6 years of litigation and an apeal process that might not be worth the settlement he'd get because the damned lawyers will wack him for 90% of the end result for fees.
Some have mentioned fighting back against bad cops. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Some need to pay dearly for they're actions but the basic cop on the beat in most places do not indulge in the steroid hyper behavior this butthead did. To read what the father says about this behavior, you can realise what I mean about NYC cops.


posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:27 AM
that cop was just getting his hate out because there wasn't squat they could go about the critical mass riders. small minded child with a gun...

wonder how he chose his prey?

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
I used to think that it was apathy, but now I am starting to think it is fear. Cops like this are getting away with this stuff. If you react to them, you will be very likely tased and brought up on charges. This cops reaction (claiming that the guy tried to use his bike as a weapon to assault him) shows that they will lie to ensure that you get further punished for stepping out of line.

I think that people are afraid.

I don't condone violence except in situations like this. I would have loved to see hundreds of cyclists and bystanders attack that cop and any cop who came to his aid.

Mark my words policemen and women. Start policing your own, or we the citizens who you swore to protect and serve are going to start doing it for you.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:51 AM
Poor fella, at least he didn't 20 shocks from a taser, so he can be a little thankful...

As for New York Cops, where to begin?
Their thugs with badges... A glorified mob.

Need I remind people of Amadou Diallo, Ousmane Zongo, Sean Bell, Khiel Coppin, Patrick Dorismond, Abner Louima, Anthony Baez?

Innocent victims of gross incompetence and negligence of the NYPD.
People who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time when one of these walking timebombs decided to snap and vent some steam on some hapless bystander.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:10 AM
So, I'm a long time cyclist and I love to ride my bike but I think these "critical mass" rides do little except cause a lot of anger against cyclists.

I've been caught behind "critical mass" riders in my town and I'd like to see them arrested. They weave in and out of traffic (to stop traffic) and it's very dangerous to the riders.

All it does is make drivers angry. It doesn't do anything to raise awareness about alternate forms of transportation.

As to the police officer, I saw this on the news, and I think that the police office just walked into a lawsuit. Clearly he initiated the violence then falsified his report to justify his actions.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:16 AM
I just saw this article on msnbc.

Police stripped a New York City officer of his badge and gun Monday after a video posted on YouTube showed him body-checking a bicyclist who was part of a Times Square demonstration.

Officer stripped of his badge

So, for all of you who are so afraid of the police, relax, justice will take its course against the officer.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape
Are you serious??? That cop went way out of his way to knock the bike rider down. For absolutley no reason. Ignorant Ape? You certainly are.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:32 AM
Being a police officer for NYC is one of the hardest and most stressful jobs a person could ever have. It burns me that police are used more to build up money for their local governments rather than protecting and serving; however, I do find that a majority of people in areas that i work, and even on this site, do nothing but bash the police for the things that are supposedly doing wrong but then as soon as something of the smallest nature happens in their life,,, run to the police like little lost puppies.

We do not know what happened before this tape. I personally do not see any reason for the officer's action; however, what we do not see or what we do not hear may open up a new understanding within the subject matter. Maybe he did something up the block and the officer saw it. Maybe he said something as simple as "out of the way effing pig" which is more than enough reason to take someone down.. or maybe some members of this group were not protesting in a respectful manner.. and we all know organizations such as Critical Mass hold a number of members who do as much as they can to stay on or very very close to the fuzzy line of right and wrong.

We all talk a big game about having an open mind, but as of late I am seeing a number of ATS members being no better than any of the causes you are trying to fight for or against. I guess the saying is true.. absolute power corrupts absolutely..and now i can see it can be expanded to virtual power as well.

But then again.. what do i know. To some of you i worship Lucifer (PBUH) to others.. who know me off line and my personal affiliations with other clubs and organizations.. i am the reason the world is as it is. Have some respect for the men and women in uniform that do serve and protect us. I would be more than correct to state that they do not want to do anything with you or your liberties; rather, they just want to get up in the morning, drink their coffee, get dressed, put in a day's work, get paid and go home.. so just live your life and if you are doing anything that might be against the law.. don't do it in front of a cop. This video is a perfect reminder to us that A. We cannot assume to things we do not know and B. Just because you carry a badge and a gun, you are still very much human inside.

"The illusion of power is strong, but the illusion of being powerless is catastrophic."- Matthew R. Seton Schur

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by ThirtySecond

Keep in mind, that respect is earned, not given.

Are you actually defending what this guy did?

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:40 AM
The sad thing is that if this happened 25 years ago the crowd would have stopped and beaten the crap out of that cop - now days we jsut stand, watch, and wonder in dismay

[edit on 29-7-2008 by audas]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:41 AM
I am defending the NYPD as a whole. And respect has been earned by me over years and years of good they have done. I do not respect any actions that are against the law, more so, if these actions were made by one who is suppose to uphold said law. If there is no other evidence that finds this office innocent, he should be stripped of all ability to ever become anything close to a police officer.. not even a mall security guard.

So in short. No. I do not respect his actions, but it is predicated on the out come of more analysis.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by audas

25 years ago.. cops in NYC would have done much more than knock someone off a bike. I dont know if you remember NYC that long ago but it wasn't the outside shopping mall that it is today.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 12:21 PM
Well, I have a strong respect for most police officers. I know many that are good cops and I see a lot of good work that has been done.

But, I know that there are a lot of bad cops out there and this guy is right up on top of the list. There are a lot more of them out there. When it comes to the Critical Mass group, apparently the cops have had it out for them for a long time.


Notice about halfway in, a citizen is asked "are you a member of Critical Mass?" and when responded "no", they just left them alone. So, apparently it is a personal battle (as stated in the OPs story link) that they just want to get rid of this group.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 12:35 PM
This is absolutely disgusting...That cops should not only be fired, and barred from serving in LE ever, he should also be brought up on assualt and battery charges. I would like to see how different this was if the cop was on the bike, and the dude was walking in the streets and did the same thing...He'd be spending time on federal prison for A&B on an officer

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by titorite

I have lived in a few different places in the Uk and our cops can be arseholes but i dont see the cr@p you guys put up with over here.....

Im glad i live in the Uk! I have been to the states a few times and I loved it. Vegas, Maui, LA, San Diego, Chicago - I have had brilliant times in the USA.

But every time I get to passport control.....i get harrassed. I have an asian surname and that immediately rings alarm bells in the airport- it does my head in. So much so, I dont think i will go back.

I wish you Americans all the best and my heart go's out to victims like this!!!

I remember watching the Rodney King footage many years ago - Sickening

Im sorry to say but your country is so f****d up! You need to take it back or get the hell out.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by davidifty]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Wildbob77
So, I'm a long time cyclist and I love to ride my bike but I think these "critical mass" rides do little except cause a lot of anger against cyclists.

I've been caught behind "critical mass" riders in my town and I'd like to see them arrested. They weave in and out of traffic (to stop traffic) and it's very dangerous to the riders.

All it does is make drivers angry. It doesn't do anything to raise awareness about alternate forms of transportation.

As to the police officer, I saw this on the news, and I think that the police office just walked into a lawsuit. Clearly he initiated the violence then falsified his report to justify his actions.

If there are posters on this thread that don't know what Critical Mass is, or haven't witnessed a CM rally in person, I suggest you do some more research.

Critical Mass is supposed to encourage biking, but it usually does nothing but the opposite. I am not in any way condoning the action of the officer in this incident - but we are not seeing the whole story here.

It is not uncommon for Critical Massers to intentionally taunt traffic, be vulgar, rude, and overly aggressive. We had a similar event happen in Minneapolis here a few years ago and I am not surprised it has happened again. It is not all of the Critical Massers, but there is always one or two that go completely overboard.

MY guess is this rider was taunting people in cars, and on the street, if not worse. Again, the officer overreacted, but Critical Mass is an infuriating event to get stuck in and I am not surprised to see this reaction. This is the reaction they are looking to provoke to "prove their point".

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, and I am all for bikers having rights to the road as long as they are willing to participate in abiding the laws of the road.

I think that their are huge problems with our domestic police force, but Critical Mass is not the way to point it out. There are several huge looming arguments at hand with this occurrence and both sides are in the wrong.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 03:03 PM
Here we can settle this now.

That's the police report. What do you think ?

Sorry the pics dont fit right . Heres the link

[edit on 29-7-2008 by d11_m_na_c05]

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