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Originally posted by kindred
Hey, when you say learn it the hard way do you mean learn it the way Europeans did?
I saw some photos of London from just 60 years ago. It was bombed into a heap. Learn like the Germans did? Like the French or the Russians or the Italians?
I see, Europeans of today want what happened to them to happen to America. Not only can't any European nation claim recent victory in War, they got #ed big time. It can be pointed out what they did to there own home and it never happened in America anywhere near that scale and I am happy to say, it never will. The Persian and Arabs want to happen in this land what has happened to them, but it won't and that's why everyone's seems so pissed off these days. You were counting on Bush, but he failed to get America destroyed.
YAWN!, keep peddling your ignorance. It's times like this that I sincerely wish I could teach my arse to speak. At least then I would be on a level playing field, and I might actually be able to relate to what you're saying.
It's people like you who seem to think you have the god given right, to sow death and destruction on anyone you please. Most of the time you don't even need a reason or an excuse which just about sums up your mentality. You also tend to gloat about how easily you can kill and destroy entire nations and then you have the audacity and nerve to call yourselves civilized. Most of the sane people on this thread, probably don't know whether to laugh or cry. What you do affects everyone on this planet, therefore we have every god damn right to be concerned and p***** at the same time.
One of the reasons Europeans are reluctant to wage war and instead favour diplomacy is because we have seen first hand the horrors of war, or have been told tales of these horrors by our grandparents. Being on the receiving end has taught us a valuable lesson in morality, something some of you Americans just don't get. Probably because your homeland has never been subjected to the ravages and horrors of war as our countries have. Unfortunately if you don't change your attitudes sometime soon, there's a strong chance that will change and I sincerely hope it doesn't.
What you said in regards to Bush just proves how paranoid and fearful you truly are. You'll probably find that most Europeans don't wish for the destruction of America. Quite the opposite, as I certainly don't and we just wish you would come to your senses. Hatred, begets hatred, just as war begets war and frankly we Europeans have truly grown sick and tired of those who peddle hatred, ignorance, death and destruction. Peace!!!
Shazam The Unbowed
Yep. The only reason we got so many itanians rattling sabres here is ause they are scared #less were gonna do to them what we did to iraq.
Geez another tough guy who brags about bringing death and destruction to others, but who'll nodobt be cowering under his computer desk if and when war does break out. Some of you yanks crack me up.
Yeah the terrorists are doing well. We have killed between 1 and 3 million Arabs and they have killed what 4000 American troops. Keep dreaming.
Another American who places immeasurable value on the life of a human being. Can't you just feel the love. Only 4000 Americans. To anyone whose sane, that's 4000 too many and I also bet their families don't see it that way. Only, pffftt.
[edit on 27-7-2008 by kindred]
Personally, I think it's a fait-a-compli that Israel will do so before the next President, whoever it is, is elected. AND, we should help and support them when they do.
So by getting the Yanks to act as dispensible bodyguards and defenders, the Israeli's will have little or nothing to fear knowing that president of the united states will happily send his own men to the slaughter as long as the Israeli interests are protected.
I wonder what would happen if the Americans needed Israels help? Would Israel be so quick to dispense equipment and weapons and human life?
Originally posted by Impreza
In Iran, the US will have the mujahideens, the peshmargas, most of the kurdish people, and a few other resistance groups that have taken refuge in northern Iraq. These guys know the Iranian mountains and valleys like the back of their hands.
Lol... laughable logic at best. We're talking about asymmetrical warfare here.
That they may cripple Iran's tanks and planes, but their huge militias and the other resistance movements that would arise wouldn't give a damn if you cut off the flow of oil.
As for the "Paper Tiger" remark that's funny, the world's second largest army, one of the most sophisticated, disciplined forces and they still cannot overcome an Insurgency that numbers in the ten's of thousands at the most.
The US has put one foot into quicksand here and nobody's throwing any life lines.
Putting the second foot in via Iran, is such a horrible move strategically, politically, globally; it just beggars belief anyone here could actually support it.
Right we're against war, therefore we're the enemy.
The old Republican mindset.
Lol.. "Backward culture"?
This may burst your bubble here, but modern Science, medicine, physics and astronomy all started in the Middle East.
Muslims pioneered those fields while Europe was in the Dark Ages:
The concepts of the number Zero, Botany, quarantine, Neurosurgery, Anthropology, Kinetics, decimals, the Arabic numeral system, heliocentric calenders, Dissection, Autopsy, Orbits, metabolism, pulsation, anatomy, the circulatory system, were all invented by Muslims.
History of zero
The concept of zero as a number, and not merely a symbol for separation is attributed to India.[10] In India, practical calculations were carried out using zero, which was treated like any other number by the 9th century CE, even in case of division.[10][11]
Ancient India
Early examples of plant taxonomy occur in the Rigveda, that divides plants into Vrska (tree), Osadhi (herbs useful to humans) and Virudha (creepers). which are further subdivided. The Atharvaveda divides plants into eight classes, Visakha (spreading branches), Manjari (leaves with long clusters), Sthambini (bushy plants), Prastanavati (which expands); Ekasrnga (those with monopodial growth), Pratanavati (creeping plants), Amsumati (with many stalks), and Kandini (plants with knotty joints). The Taittiriya Samhita and classifies the plant kingdom into vrksa, vana and druma (trees), visakha (shrubs with spreading branches), sasa (herbs), amsumali (a spreading or deliquescent plant), vratati (climber), stambini (bushy plant), pratanavati (creeper), and alasala (those spreading on the ground).
Manusmriti proposed a classification of plants in eight major categories. Charaka Samhitā and Sushruta Samhita and the Vaisesikas also present an elaborate taxonomy.
Parashara, the author of Vrksayurveda (the science of life of trees), classifies plants into Dvimatrka (Dicotyledons) and Ekamatrka (Monocotyledons). These are further classified into Samiganiya (Fabaceae), Puplikagalniya (Rutaceae), Svastikaganiya (Cruciferae), Tripuspaganiya (Cucurbitaceae), Mallikaganiya (Apocynaceae), and Kurcapuspaganiya (Asteraceae).[3]
Important medieval Indian works of plant physiology include the Prthviniraparyam of Udayana, Nyayavindutika of Dharmottara, Saddarsana-samuccaya of Gunaratna, and Upaskara of Sankaramisra.[3]
Ancient China
In ancient China, the recorded listing of different plants and herb concoctions for pharmaceutical purposes spans back to at least the Warring States (481 BC-221 BC). Many Chinese writers over the centuries contributed to the written knowledge of herbal pharmaceutics. There was the Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD) written work of the Huangdi Neijing and the famous pharmacologist Zhang Zhongjing of the 2nd century. There was also the 11th century scientists and statesmen Su Song and Shen Kuo, who compiled treatises on herbal medicine and included the use of mineralogy.
Greco-Roman world
Among the earliest of botanical works in Europe, written around 300 B.C., are two large treatises by Theophrastus: On the History of Plants (Historia Plantarum) and On the Causes of Plants. Together these books constitute the most important contribution to botanical science during antiquity and on into the Middle Ages. The Roman medical writer Dioscorides provides important evidence on Greek and Roman knowledge of medicinal plants.
So much for "anti-science" ey?
Actually you did. Let me refresh your stale memory:
* August 20, 1984. 96 TOW anti-tank missiles
* September 14, 1984. 408 more TOWs
* November 24, 1984. 18 Hawk anti-aircraft missiles
* February 17, 1986. 500 TOWs
* February 27, 1986. 500 TOWs
* May 24, 1986. 508 TOWs, 240 Hawk spare parts
* August 4, 1986. More Hawk spares
* October 28, 1986. 500 TOWs
You sold to the Iranians even when they were your enemies in the 1980's.
And it wasn't just a few thousand rocket launchers either.
How the hell do you think the Iranian Airforce got its hands on F-14's?
Or Cobra Gunships?
Or Hueys?
Or F-4's?
You guys threw weapons and cash at them like there was no tomorrow.
Besides, it's not like they need much American help, the Russians & Chinese have got that covered:
Originally posted by Nunny
You do know we have Bombers and Fighters that can strike from 40,000 feet, right? And that we have bunker busting bombs that can penetrate up to 500 feet before exploding? And that our sensors can find nuclear facilities even shield in lead from 40,000 feet?
The bomb underwent critical testing in Nevada at the Tonopah Test Range, a major test facility for United States Department of Energy funded weapon programs. It proved capable of penetrating over 30 metres (100 feet) of earth or 6 metres (20 feet) of solid concrete.[3]
Personally, I think it's a fait-a-compli that Israel will do so before the next President, whoever it is, is elected. AND, we should help and support them when they do.
Originally posted by FredT
Support for what? An act of total agression?
Originally posted by OldMedic
Yes indeed, the people of the middle east were once heads and shoulders above the west in math, science and medicine.
Then, they stagnated and went backward. They became primitive, and went back to a tribal way of life. They abhorred education, science, the arts, and any form of human advancement.
If it takes a few nuclear bombs to make the western world safe from their threats, then that is what they brought down upon themselves.
Originally posted by Shazam The Unbowed
Originally posted by mr-lizard
Ahh yes, because pussified pacsifists who are unable to recognise or respond to a threat is exactly what America needs.
I'd much rather be a 'pussified pacifist' than a slave to Israel, but i'm neither so you're totally wrong on both accounts.
I just abhor idiots and uneccesary violence.
[edit on 27-7-2008 by mr-lizard]