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Fortress Iran is Virtually Impregnable to a Successful Invasion

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posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by WhatTheory

I'm gonna have to stand up for kindred here.
I'm pretty sure kindred like many, many others is absolutely sick of the USA destroying everything it puts its fat, greedy hands on.

Arrogance or confidence, either way... only a fine line divides it.

So many Americans these days are wondering why almost every other country are against your policy of destroying countries under false banners of liberty and democracy, whilst you lot then act like wounded sheep when people start reacting...

Now get of your wretched high horse and quit whining when somebody dares to dislike your hypocritical war-mongering intentions.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 10:07 AM
While it is true that we Americans value life quite highly we were hardly "brought to our knees" by the bombings of the Twin Towers.

It is relatively easy for a group of "ill-intending" people to enter a country that values personal freedom, though that could be debated at this time, and cause mayhem. Such is the way in highly industrialized/civilized cities/countries.

We are again learning the same lesson we apparently did not learn all that well in Vietnam. Small groups of fighters can cause quite a bit of damage to attacking forces. It is also easy to be these fighters when they blend in with the locals and have no problems using religious sites, schools, etc. to attack from and/or hide in. Our troops are told by our lovely politicians not to enter religious buildings for fear of angering the populace.

It is also relatively easy to recruit such forces when the individuals are brain washed from a very early age that all "non-believers" should be killed and they will be rewarded in their heaven for taking the "infidels" with them.
Add to the fact that there are few jobs or other ways, other than fighting, for these people to make a living. Then there are the stories of these groups entering villages and saying if they do not have "volunteers" to offer to them for the "holy war" they will destroy the village. This seems to be a bit of a radical "draft" what.

This is a dirty war and there is no easy way to win it or to get out of it.

[snip]Rather than cheering for the Iranians you may want to try to keep your country out of the hands of the Islamic fanatics. Once Shuria law is implented in your country I would suspect you will find out how much fun it really is. Grab a rock everyone lol.


Mod Edit: As I requested earlier... Thank you - Jak

[edit on 26/7/08 by JAK]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by Kai Winters

Hmm, so what exactly has knife crime got to do with anything? I find it amusing that in your post you mention value for life etc, yet its your country that is spewing out the psychopathic youth by the minute, *cough* columbine, *cough* Virginia tech.... you know these massacres commited by American people on American soil.... that my friend is terrorism.

Oh and Sharia law will NEVER be implemented in our country, that's an impossibility. It just shows how little you know and how xenophobic you really are.

Your country really was brought to its knee's after 9/11.... I remember how paranoid you lot got, panicking at every noise, grounding flights, removing your liberties at air ports, how your cops have turned tazer happy, how many innocent people you've blown to bits in your war OF terror.

Get a grip and wake up...

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
I'm gonna have to stand up for kindred here.

Wow, what a surprise!

I'm pretty sure kindred like many, many others is absolutely sick of the USA destroying everything it puts its fat, greedy hands on.

This is only your [snip] opinion.

Arrogance or confidence, either way... only a fine line divides it.

Sorry, but they are two totally different definitions with no fine line.

So many Americans these days are wondering why almost every other country are against your policy of destroying countries under false banners of liberty and democracy, whilst you lot then act like wounded sheep when people start reacting...

Again, this is only your [snip]opinion.
Sorry, but most Americans don't care what other countries think especially the socialists countries. The exception of course are the American libroids.

Now get of your wretched high horse and quit whining when somebody dares to dislike your hypocritical war-mongering intentions.

I guess you did not hear me the first time.
Nobody cares what you or your country thinks.
Vain much?


Mod Edit: Personal comments removed. Please see Terms and Conditions of Use section 2) Behaviour. Thank you - Jak

[edit on 26/7/08 by JAK]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 10:27 AM
Has every one on here forgotten about H.A.A.R.P ? and what it can do?

If America wanted to kick Irans AS* then what would stop them from flicking a few buttons and saying take that, not one single American life would have to be lost.

I would like to point out I don't want to see this happen in any way shape or form .

The American government needs to stop sticking it's nose in where it's not wanted and start looking after it's own back yard.

I know if my country was attacked i would be the first to take up arms and so would any other person.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Sorry, but most Americans don't care what other countries think especially the socialists countries. The exception of course are the American libroids.

Lol and that my friend is exactly your problem... You and your sorry lot are the reason we are heading into dark times, and you don't even care.

Your ignorance is reflected in your words, you don't care what any other country thinks. That is the reason you are failing.

Maybe it's jealousy, or the lack of history, but you Americans would do very well to learn from us brits. Our history is based upon triumphs and mistakes, we respect our enemy as well as our allies..... you'd do very well to learn that, otherwise you'll be lucky to have anything worth remembering.

Sadly, i think the reason your country is falling is due to the fact that you ignore advice, you ignore criticism, you fail to respond coherently to any arguement and you fail to learn from mistakes.

Good luck.

[edit on 26-7-2008 by mr-lizard]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
Lol and that my friend is exactly your problem... You and your sorry lot are the reason we are heading into dark times, and you don't even care.

You are silly.

So I guess you are also blaming your country right? Since the UK does follow the U.S. lead.
What's funny is that unfortunately you don't see how far along your country is of actually becoming lost because of the police state and other Islamic reasons.

Your ignorance is reflected in your words, you don't care what any other country thinks. That is the reason you are failing.

That is your ignorant opinion.
Since we are not failing, your entire point is moot. America has always had up's and down's and have always come out stronger for it. This is no different. Besides, you have room to talk. You are in the UK man! Have you forgotten this fact?

Maybe it's jealousy

I think you just nailed your problem.
I understand why you could be jealous but just try and better yourself first, then you might feel better.

[edit on 26-7-2008 by WhatTheory]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 10:42 AM
A secret concerning the British: Up until about 18 months ago, the Brits had a strong foot inside America and to some degree the two countries were close.

But now the British have lost their foothold in this country and they are quickly realizing that their future is very dim; nearly dark. Some Brits, like the ones on this thread, have turned on America violently; mostly words though.

The Brits tried to set us up for destruction in Iraq, but it didn't work out the way they had planned. The end of the war is less than a month away and they are realizing they're stuck. They won't have a city of london representative in the white house, maybe a janitor or something, but noone of power. They are realizing that the money America generated for them is gone forever. They are realizing that their military force will be about as potent as that of any second world nation. The Brits are the worlds newest dinosaur. How does irrelevance feel Brit?

I was watching a show on cable concerning the worlds wealthy young royalty last weekend. William and Harry's estimated worth has surely diminished greatly over the last 5 or so years. But America's secret royalty is stacking cash these days; isn't he.

We'll never go to war with you, but thank you for leaving behind all of this money, loser!! A fitting end for a lying whore! As far as Iran is concerned, they have already been defeated and won't be able to save you.

[edit on 26-7-2008 by bruxfain]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 10:56 AM
Some interesting points, but without proof they are only words...

Nice to see the Yanks sticking together, throwing insults at anybody who dares to disagree with them or show them the error of their ways.

Please make your mind up regarding the state of our country, we can't be a an islamic state / 51st state/ police state.... all at the same time.

C'mon at least get some coherence before you start using the word 'ignorant' against anybody who disagrees with your silly policies. You can use that word a thousand times against me, but it won't mean you are right, it just makes you look like you're trying too hard.

Oh and if the Uk is so low on the global scale, why don't you go and learn your own McYank languange and quit tainting our beautiful way with words.

Besides, not every Brit is a royalist, not every Brit blindly followed you lot into your stupid war and not every Brit is obsessed with the government.

Mostly we are just not too keen on your ignorance of everything that lies outside your country (and NO watching cable programs doesn't really count as knowledge).

Sorry but you're wrong.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
Please make your mind up regarding the state of our country, we can't be a an islamic state / 51st state/ police state.... all at the same time.

Sure it can, why not?
But one or the other might prevail and we will have to see which one does come out on top. Which one are you routing for? Police state or Islamic state?
Personally, I hope neither because for the most part, I like the UK but it's not looking good.

C'mon at least get some coherence before you start using the word 'ignorant' against anybody who disagrees with your silly policies.

No, it's just you in this thread.
If the shoe fits......

Oh and if the Uk is so low on the global scale, why don't you go and learn your own McYank languange and quit tainting our beautiful way with words.

You got it mate!
You are bloody right.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by WhatTheory

Sorry, but most Americans don't care what other countries think especially the socialists countries. The exception of course are the American libroids.

Exactly why your on the brink of war with Iran right now.

You don't care if they have Nuclear weapons at all. It's not the point.

The point is to secure influence over one of the most crucial regions in the world when it comes to Energy Reserves and Oil.

Which the US & the Republican Party guzzle like mouth wash.

And you can't have some angry, anti-Western towelhead sitting atop such a huge reserve of Oil in Iran.

So what do you need to do? Bump him off...

1953 ring any bells? President Mossadegh's overthrow?
How quickly people forget.

Since the UK does follow the U.S. lead.
What's funny is that unfortunately you don't see how far along your country is of actually becoming lost because of the police state

Police State?

You do realise some joe at the CIA or NSA is probably reading your reply there right now and it's being logged by the Carnivore program into a huge database along with your IP...
Because your a member of "dissident" website.

That's rich coming from an American.
Police State... lol

As I recall Bush considers your constitution, "A goddamned piece of paper."
He's walked all over you and the American public like a doormat and trampled on your liberties.

But hell you probably wouldn't give a damn if he set your neighbours house on fire because he was Muslim would you?

You are in the UK man! Have you forgotten this fact?

The UK gave birth to your country MAN...

Have you forgotten THAT fact?

Sigh... Ignorance all round.

[edit on 26/7/08 by The Godfather of Conspira]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 11:13 AM

You are bloody right.

I know I am.

Besides you not wishing either an islamic state / police state on our country, I don't wish your country any ill either, although it would be nice if you guys actually took some advice and quit belittling people who give advice or criticism.

Besides calling me ignorant isn't doing much for your arguement either, as insults do little to strengthen your opinion. If anything it just makes you look like the ignoramus with a limited vocabulary / imagination.

Which i doubt since you've given me a good debate so far (despite your fox news-esque opinions, i'll let you off on that one since you do at least have the gift of humour)...

Keep it up, you're doing well.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by The Godfather of Conspira

Ok, it's obvious to me you are only reading what you want to read and jumping on that.

Let me ask you something, define "professional" soldiers. What exactly do you mean when you say "professional" soldiers, do you mean Iran hires 355 mercenaries, or are those not the soldiers that Iran has trained themselves? They still have a significant conscripted army, the US has none.

Oh please, as if wikipedia doesn't quote from news sources and websites LIKE Yeah anyways, call me stupid for using a source that a significant amount of other users on ATS use, see how far that gets you.

You just listed a significante amount of military hardware that is far inferior to American military hardware. What do you think is going to happen when those things meet each other on the battlefield? It doesn't really even matter what Iran has new or not ANYWAYS because they lack the QUANTITY of those units to make any real difference. Yeah, they can defend a few garrisons with mobile units, woopdee-doo.

What I do fear from Iran is their Anti-Air Defense network, which users like planeman have significantly mapped out here on ATS. The Iranians have a very intricate system of SAMs and AAA all around their bases and points of interest.

And by 7 million suicide troopers, I'm referring to the men Iran called upon during the Iran-Iraq war; these men did nothing but tie a red sash to their forehead with a key and then run in waves on to Iraqi gun fire with no weapons , nothing, only the hope that when they die the key on their foreheads will get them into heaven. The idea was: Get the enemy to spend all their bullets. With no ammunition, it's very difficult to fight a battle nowadays.

ANYWAYS, I'm not refuting this. To me it's not about being right or "wrong" as you like to say, but rather it's about acknowledging the main truth at hand, Iran is not a war the US needs at the moment. And that I'll agree with you and that should be the only thing that really matters.

Please read my whole post next time, you probably wouldn't have attacked my wikipedia source if you read my whole post.

Shattered OUT...

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 11:21 AM
Mark my words, once the iran conflict is underway it will be the proving grounds for all these "quiet weapons" we have been hearing about.

You will see the US and its allies use more and more non lethal measures to gain ground, Such as directed energy and sleepy gas. They will fly over strategic areas and drop bombs filled with some type of sleeping agent that will incapasitate anyone who breaths it in. This combined with focused microwave and sound beams mounted on planes and satelites will allow the US and co to round up mass ammounts of the hostile populace before they get a chance to dissapear into the mountains to start there gurrila war. Once this happens pakistan will do a complete 360 and crack down on there boarders thus sinching the supply routes supplying the insurgents in iraq and afganistan. Once you have all these areas coperating it will make for a much smoother operating controll grid.

Then syria will fall. and the middle east will be a much diferent place.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by The Godfather of Conspira
Exactly why your on the brink of war with Iran right now.

No, that has nothing to do with it. I don't even see how you can link the two.

The point is to secure influence over one of the most crucial regions in the world when it comes to Energy Reserves and Oil.

Stop being silly. If this were the case, the U.S. would have taken all the oil by now. We have enough of our own and don't need the stinking middle east oil.

Police State?

Yes, police state. Did I stutter?
There are more cameras in the UK than anywhere in the world.
You cannot even sneeze without the government knowing.

You do realise some joe at the CIA or NSA is probably reading your reply there right now and it's being logged by the Carnivore program into a huge database along with your IP...
Because your a member of "dissident" website.

Take your conspiracy theory elsewhere please.

He's walked all over you and the American public like a doormat and trampled on your liberties.

Again, you are entitles to your wrong opinion. Only libroids think like you do.

But hell you probably wouldn't give a damn if he set your neighbours house on fire because he was Muslim would you?

Aw, you got it all figured out.
You must be the smartest person on the planet.

The UK gave birth to your country MAN

No, throwing you back across the pond gave birth to America.

Sigh... Ignorance all round.

Don't worry, one day you will not be so ignorant.

[edit on 26-7-2008 by WhatTheory]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 11:31 AM
"A" leader from the east is given a great battel. " Could be Iran "

The leader from the east defeats the Mystery babylon "Could be the US" with help from a foreign God in only one night.

Mystery Babylon roames the world like Gods because they worship their Powerfull weapons " No doubt that this is the US". But are beaten in only one day.

Dont skin the bear before the bear is dead.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 11:32 AM
I'd also like to remind everyone, that in the past two weeks in the reading I've been doing, America is possibly the only country in the current nuclear talks who is actually seeking a diplomatic solution.

Of the other countries (Israel, China, Russia, Germany, Britain); the president of Iran said that America was the one who showed a very positive steps in talks.

Right now it's talks that's all that this is. Both British members and American members on this thread are talking about a sole American Invasion on Iran, when the reality is that there are other nations that are more for it.

It's true if Israel jumps in, so will the US. But lets see how much backing the Israelis really have when the US tells them not to go in.

My opinion, I think people here would be scared if there wasn't a war with Iran because then that would prove that their time of discussion was worthless, they got all riled up for nothing. People just want to be right at the expense of life. Just my opinion really and you can all refute this as much as you'd like. But it's just the conclusion I've come to after seeing all the hate on this thread.

Shattered OUT...

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Retikx

I've been talking with my old contacts in the weapons research area about these types of weapons. They are inclined to agree with your hypothesis. Large amounts of capital have been expended on the weapons mentioned and the testing has been going on for at least 5 years. How many of these weapons have been procured and actualy built is the real question. I guess you and I will see if we are right in the very near future.


posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by ShatteredSkies

Let me ask you something, define "professional" soldiers. What exactly do you mean when you say "professional" soldiers,

I mean as in half of their army went to a recruiting centre in Iran and signed up to become soldiers.
What did you think I meant?

Besides, your telling me US Marines want to walk into bullets?
They want to be thrown into another meat grinder in the Middle East and never see their kids again?

I honestly think another fruitless war and America can forget about meeting recruitment figures for good.

And don't talk about Drafts. Look back at Vietnam, the 1970's.
Your country went into an uproar, riots, political polarisation, etc...

It'll be no different today.
Find me an American who wants to be used as a vehicle to further the Bush Administration's greed and Imperialistic agenda?

Oh please, as if wikipedia doesn't quote from news sources and websites LIKE

I wasn't calling you stupid. Your source is questionable though.

I know Wikipedia samples a wide variety of Internet sources but remember they can't just copy stuff verbatim out of other people's work due to copyrights.

So whenever you read something on Wikipedia it's been changed around or edited to seem more "encyclopaedic" and more often than not, by some editor with an agenda.
Just like us ATS users.

Hey I use Wikipedia too, I'm not ridiculing you for that but I never reference it, it's good for background stuff but as foundation to stand on?

You just listed a significante amount of military hardware that is far inferior to American military hardware.

Their standard issue Rifle is a carbon copy of an M-16 with a new shell.

Their tanks are based on British Challengers, their planes on your F-14's you sold them, their howitzers and artillery on the Soviet pieces they got in the 80's, etc...

I know it maybe difficult to swallow that the Iranians could come up with a decent, half-organized military to throw at the US if the sh*t hits the fan but I'm not the only one saying this:

And by 7 million suicide troopers, I'm referring to the men Iran called upon during the Iran-Iraq war;

That was 1980 though. They had been fighting for 8 years against Iraq and were dirt poor to begin with.

Iran has one of the highest GDP's in the Middle East nowadays.
Trust me, their not to be underestimated.

Rest assured their guns will be full of lead the next time somebody crosses their borders.

To me it's not about being right or "wrong" as you like to say, but rather it's about acknowledging the main truth at hand, Iran is not a war the US needs at the moment. And that I'll agree with you and that should be the only thing that really matters.

Well it's off topic actually but yeah I agree with you.

America invading Iran would be another chapter to add in a series of horribly futile wars that achieved nothing and I wouldn't like to see it happen.

But sadly, it could easily swing that way...

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
Besides you not wishing either an islamic state / police state on our country, I don't wish your country any ill either

Of course I don't want to see harm come to the UK.
I love you Brits!
All I'm saying is that from the outside, it looks like unfortunately the UK is slowly being transformed into either a police state or a islamic nation. It's like the frog analogy. If you slowly turn up the heat, the frog will not jump out of the boiling water because it's so gradual of a change. You need to fight these transformations.

Off topic: In fact, my favorite TV show of all time has to be Doctor Who. Especially the classic series. Brit comedies are really funny, like Faulty Towers. I would just hate to see the 'uniqueness' of the Brits change.

[edit on 26-7-2008 by WhatTheory]

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