reply to post by WhatTheory
Japan started the war and the U.S. finished it.
America was planning to get into WW2 long before Pearl Harbour happened.
The minute the Germans crossed the Polish border they knew they'd be fighting them in 3 years time.
America was recovering from the Wall Street Crash and Great Depression. The economy was near death. Everyone was out of work, inflation soaring and a
national atmosphere of "helplessness".
How would the US fix that?
WAR! Grab a rifle, go to the front, there's your job!
Head off to a factory, make a bomb, there's your job!
Fly a plane, drive a tank, pack ammunition, you get the idea...
Everyone was working again, the industry was booming, money started flowing, the war profits from sales to our Allies and support for them brought in
the dough and America was back on it's feet!
The Japanese didn't start jack, all Pearl Harbour did was give the US the right excuse. If Pearl Harbour never happened, they would have made it
They used Pearl Harbour because it fit in perfectly for a plan that had been in motion for years.
Exactly, since they fired the rocket. You are catching on fast.
So you then you agree, it's perfectly acceptable for Iran to supply proxy armies with weaponry?
Their not harming anyone at all?
Cool, glad we got that sorted. At least something managed to penetrate your dense skull.
reply to post by poet1b
Iran has been at war for a thousand years, aggressively pushing an Islamic agenda.
Oh no...
1. One thousand years ago
Iran wasn't even Muslim. It was Zoroastrian until the 7th Century, and only became Muslim thanks to an Arab invasion
and occupation of hundreds of years.
2. They haven't been pushing anything you misbegotten fool.
The Iranians became Muslim because they had no choice, the Arabs forced it onto them with a sword. They've hated the dominance they've had over them
an Islam.
They seek to eliminate it, not spread it even more.
Who are they pushing their so called "Islamic Agenda" onto anyway? Neighbouring Muslims?
Ahmadinejad is trying to convert Muslims to Muslims is that what your telling me?
3. Iran is Shiite, the rest of the Muslim world is Sunni.
Sunnis don't even see Shiites as legitimate Muslims, hence why their getting slaughtered in Iraq.
They don't consider them brothers at all. Why would any Islamic country accept Shiites views and influence?
It's better to keep your mouth closed and let people think your an idiot rather than to open it and remove all doubt.
and the Nuclear genie can't be put back into the bottle
Well thanks for opening the can of worms America now we can all share them around.
As long Israel snubs the IAEA and tells the world it doesn't have Nukes, Iran can have it's own Nuclear programme.
As long the US has the world's largest stockpile of Nuclear Weapons, mind you the only nation that has used them; Iran can have Nuclear weapons.
As long as other hostile Muslim nations, like Pakistan, who have threatened to use Nukes in the past, have Nuclear weapons, Iran can have Nuclear
especially an nation with as aggressive of tactics as Iran, from getting the A bomb should be a very high priority.
Right and the Israelis and tree-hugging peaceniks?
"All options are on the table, not only in the future."
Israel has nothing but love and care to spread to the Middle East as you can see:
Time to take your BLINDFOLD off.
If you can't see the difference between the U.S. and Iran, you are blind.
Of course I can.
One is Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. A seemingly normal guy with a hidden, dangerous agenda that's slowly rearing more and more of it's ugly head.
The other is Al Capone. At least the Iranians don't breach bullsh*t to the world and then commit crimes behind everyone's back.
Which only makes America worse. It's a self-proclaimed beacon of Freedom and Justice in the world and seeks to spread liberty, yet it's committed
some of the worst acts the world has seen, supported some of the most evil people in the world and sowed destruction and death on every continent.
I don't see Ahmadinejad going:
"I want nothing more than to spread liberty and democracy to all. Iran is a beacon of hope and justice!"
reply to post by Spock Shock
They should stop beating around the bush and just take iran out with some good old military action, if they really want to go to battle they
should stop whining about this
Well go ahead Armchair Warrior, lead the charge, we're right behind you Rambo!
Cut out the childish shoving games here, America needs war with Iran like it needs a friggin' meteor shower.
Until you grab a rifle and set into foot into a war zone I would stop advocating war as the only means of conflict resolution.
It really helps to bring out your immaturity.