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Iran ends cooperation with UN nuclear arms probe

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posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by 38181
Im suprised MANSON is not posting here yet...LOL.

But anyways do you guys think Russia will back Iran in this mess? If so this is scary. Please explain why you think they would and how.

[edit on 25-7-2008 by 38181]

Yes as will China............the US and EU will stand with Israel..........for the moment.

[edit on 25-7-2008 by heliosprime]

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Harlequin
you need to learn history before you carry on - iran has not started any war within 1000 years

Yeah, because they do it through a proxy.
They support numerous terror groups and are supporting the terrorists in Iraq who are killing U.S. forces and allies by providing money, men and arms. Yeah, they are so innocent.
BTW, It's debatable on who actually started the Iraq/Iran war.

[edit on 25-7-2008 by WhatTheory]

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by Memysabu
YES! Let Israel fight its own battles dude. WTF do we need to fight their battles for?

A) We would be helping Israel, not fighting their battle.
B) They are our friends. You always help your friends. Boy, I would hate for you to be my friend and a fight breaks out. I guess I cannot count on you to cover my back. Wow!

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by WhatTheory

... like the US did it in the past, like Russia did it, like China and so on. He is talking about actual wars. 40 years ago those organizations were called "freedom fighters" or "partisans", now they are terrorists.

I understand, that you try to "spread democracy" even in this forum, but please stay on the topic

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by Harlequin
you need to learn history before you carry on - iran has not started any war within 1000 years

Yeah, because they do it through a proxy.
They support numerous terror groups and are supporting the terrorists in Iraq who are killing U.S. forces and allies by providing money, men and arms. Yeah, they are so innocent.
BTW, It's debatable on who actually started the Iraq/Iran war.

[edit on 25-7-2008 by WhatTheory]

Relatively the same can be said about America as well as most of the rest of the leading nations of the world. Therefore, using the support of a terrorist organisation by a nation becomes an illegitimate rationale for the villification of said nation....

...if all things are equal.

However, we know not all things are equal.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by heliosprime

Don't think that IF there is a war between Iran and Israel/US we (the EU) will back you up again. Also, I don't think Russia or China will actually go to war because of Iran - they will back them up with weapons, money but thats it.

Those country's have too much interests in the EU and the US, witch give them more profit then Iran will do. Russia can't afford loosing their Oil and Gas deals with Europe, so there will be no military reaction.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by absente
reply to post by WhatTheory

... like the US did it in the past, like Russia did it, like China and so on. He is talking about actual wars. 40 years ago those organizations were called "freedom fighters" or "partisans", now they are terrorists.

I understand, that you try to "spread democracy" even in this forum, but please stay on the topic

such ignorance of fact..................(shakes head)

how many hamas/hezbolah killers have murdered innocent Israeli/Lebonese children. How many Iranian explosives have murdered american soldiers and Iraqi civilians?

Just because they are such cowards they hide behind words/wpmen/children and lack the "balls" to be real men...........

You are right the Irainians are not warriors anymore, just cowards blowing up innocents, and hiding behind the pages of the koran..........

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by absente
reply to post by heliosprime

Don't think that IF there is a war between Iran and Israel/US we (the EU) will back you up again. Also, I don't think Russia or China will actually go to war because of Iran - they will back them up with weapons, money but thats it.

Didn't say the EU would be doing it for the US, it would see the chance to take over the middle east oil for itself, and perhaps even russias too......

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:09 AM
I am amazed on how some Americans post here to take out the leaders and free the people of Iran. How would you feel if the world colaborated to attack your country to remove your corrupt government since your general population won't stand up to them. Same scenario, just the US is much more extreme and destructive.

Take a look in the mirror and deal with your own problems instead of taking out your aggresions on the rest of the world. Peace will only come once the world figures out that the people have the true power and together their power is greater than any government or Army.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by 38181
Im suprised MANSON is not posting here yet...LOL.

But anyways do you guys think Russia will back Iran in this mess? If so this is scary. Please explain why you think they would and how.

[edit on 25-7-2008 by 38181]

Yes. Because Russia is funding Iran's nuclear plans to drive up the cost of oil in the Persian Gulf. Then they get more money for their own oil. Putin has big plans for the future of Russia.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by heliosprime

And how many Israelis killed innocent Palestinian kids not just in Palestine, but in Lebanon, or during the war? Please, don't even start this question. Should i remember you of the two British soldiers dressed up like terrorists carrying bombs.

Please inform yourself a little when you start speaking about Palestinians, read my debate with Rockpuck (to inform yourself, again)

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by absente

So you are an expert on terrorisim?

are you a member of the PLO? or hamas or hezbolah?

Spin this however you wish.........

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by WhatTheory

yeah cause the USA never , ever supports terror groups do they - oops yes they do

and thats just 1 country - there is massive eveidence they are supplying weapons to sudan and ethopia.

as for the iran-iraq war ; i have allready shown you that iraq started the war on september 22nd 1980 , with a 3 pronged invasion of iran ; the USA even went so far as to supply Hussein with intelligence and military aid , to ensure that iraq was NOT defeated

^^ video of rumsfeld meeting hussein

US gove press release of the meeting

the iran- iraq war was started by iraq with a ground invasion , border skirmishes are just , skirmish it is NOT a war.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by heliosprime

Wow do your own research...........the leadership became "arab" after 1979..............

Take your own medicine...

So your telling me Ayatollah Khomeini walked into a phone booth in 1979 and *SHAZZAM* came out a full-blooded Arab?

Arabs and Persians have been warring since before the Western world existed. There's great mutual animosity between the two.
The Iranian language belongs to the same language family English does.

Mmmm shocking I know! A Middle Eastern country who don't speak "Derka Derka" and walk around with towels on their heads...

Might be a little hard to grasp for you but here's a source even you can understand:

reply to post by WhatTheory

Yeah, because they do it through a proxy.

What's THAT?
Did I here Proxy?

Hmmm I wonder...

-Who gave Osama's old friends the Taliban weapons to fight the Soviets with in the 1980's? Where did those Stinger missiles come from?

-Who gave the Nicaraguan "Contras" money and arms to slaughter thousands of "dissidents"?

-Who gave Saddam his anthrax and mustard gas to kill the Kurds with, and planes and tanks to fight the Iranians with?

-Who overthrew the Allende Government in Chile and replaced them with a right-wing dictatorship?

-Who put Saddam's Ba'ath Party into power in the 1960's?

-Who overthrew democratically-elected President Mossadegh of Iran in 1953 and replaced him with the Shah who tortured and killed thousands of dissidents? Whom the Iranians later overthrew themselves....

Who, who, who...
Pssst... it was the USA!

America has funded every right-wing nutjob and terrorist group in the past 60 years in a vain attempt to "halt the spread of Communist ideologies".

Their even up to their old tricks in Iran right now, supporting Mujahideen-e-Khalq, a designated terrorist group responsible for many attacks on innocent civilians:

America can't expect other nations to take them seriously when they are not the poster-boy for morality and honesty.
Hypocrisy breeds contempt and hatred.
Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you.

Iran maybe supporting terrorists as well, but hey, takes one to know one...
If American doesn't like the taste of it's own medicine maybe it's time to finally come clean?

A) We would be helping Israel, not fighting their battle.
B) They are our friends.

Remind me again, when did Israel become the 51st State of America?

Friends are one thing, what the US and Israel have is a parasitic relationship.
Israel is the leech, America is the fat hog being slowly drained.

Since when does the US give any of it's other Allies $2.16 billion dollars in "aid" per year?
Israel is sucking the US into a blackhole slowly but surely and the American government are too blind to see their being dragged down by their so-called "friends" because of the Jewish Lobby in the US Congress.

American interests and Israeli interests conflict on so many levels, why should America sacrifice it's own national security to help Israel?

By supporting Israel, it gives justification to all those Islamic Fundamentalists to attack the US. That's why US troops are dying everyday.

America didn't create Israel, it didn't bring it on to it's feet, it's not Americas responsibility.

You wanna talk about state-sponsored terrorism? There's a shining example.
Look what Israel does with all of those shiny, big toys America gives it:

War crimes, war crimes, breaches of this, that and the other.

And what does your friend give back to you exactly?
Felafel? Free residency for American Jews?

WOW! What a relationship. Seems the love is a little one-sided to me.
Your so called "friend" is a backstabbing leech.
If you consider that a friend, I'd hate to see your idea of "enemies".

[edit on 25/7/08 by The Godfather of Conspira]

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 11:04 AM
For all those who don't know much about Iran and the mentality of it's people. Here's a good place to start.

An excellent and insightful article by the national geographic.

In fact, the first thing people said when I asked what they wanted the world to know about them was, "We are not Arabs!" (followed closely by, "We are not terrorists!"). A certain Persian chauvinism creeps into the dialogue. Even though economically they're not performing as well as Arab states like Dubai and Qatar, they still feel exceptional. The Arabs who conquered Iran are commonly regarded as having been little more than Bedouin living in tents, with no culture of their own aside from what Iran gave them, and from the vehemence with which they are still railed against, you would think it happened not 14 centuries ago but last week.

I met a woman at a wedding who gave off the air of an aging movie star, her dapper husband beside her wearing his white dinner jacket and smoking out of a cigarette holder, and it wasn't five minutes before she lit into the Arabs.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by absente
... like the US did it in the past, like Russia did it, like China and so on. He is talking about actual wars. 40 years ago those organizations were called "freedom fighters" or "partisans", now they are terrorists.

Please, give me a break!
Just because a government does not actually declare war does not mean they are not fighting a war by proxy. You are splitting hairs.

I understand, that you try to "spread democracy" even in this forum, but please stay on the topic

You understand nothing because I am trying to 'spead nothing'. I'm pointing out obvious flaws in some people's logic.
Focus, I know you can do it.

[edit on 25-7-2008 by WhatTheory]

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by madhatr137
Relatively the same can be said about America as well as most of the rest of the leading nations of the world. Therefore, using the support of a terrorist organisation by a nation becomes an illegitimate rationale for the villification of said nation....

...if all things are equal.

Ok, if you are going to vilify the U.S. and other nations then you should be vilifing Iran right? At least you admit they are supporting terrorists groups. So, as usual, I am correct. Thanks!

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 11:37 AM

Why do you even still believe that it is about nuclear weapons?
Why do you even believe for one moment that the nuclear bomb is the most dangerous form of weapon out there?

This is a lie.
Nuclear weapons are dangerous yes, but far less dangerous than the weapons we have now.

Do you seriously believe that we would still use Nukes, come on!
Nuclear weapons began design in the late 1930's haha
Thats some old gear.

Nuclear weapons don't matter, and its never been about the nuclear weapons.
The weapons we have now are not even comparable to Nukes!
Its like comparing rock throwing to missile launchers.

And all of you who think that attacking Iran is the way to go, well you're all douches! You're all sheep, you are told what to think and what to believe.


posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Harlequin
yeah cause the USA never , ever supports terror groups do they

Do you even know why groups are called terrorists? I guess not. Terror groups are named as such because they purposefully attack innocent woman and children in order to make a point instead of a government or the military.

Did you even read the article you posted? Guess not.
From your article:

"In the past year there has been a wave of unrest in ethnic minority border areas of Iran, with bombing and assassination campaigns against soldiers and government officials."

I'm not sure if I even believe the article but if true the key words would be a campain against soldiers and government officials. It does not say innocent civilians are being purposefully targeted.

the iran- iraq war was started by iraq with a ground invasion , border skirmishes are just , skirmish it is NOT a war.

Umm....the battles and skirmishes are part of the war. It's what started the war. You are splitting hairs in a attempt to love Iran.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Drewdatt
And all of you who think that attacking Iran is the way to go, well you're all douches! You're all sheep, you are told what to think and what to believe.

Ok, I'll play your same game.

All of you who think that NOT attacking Iran is the way to go, well you're all douches! You're all sheep, you are told what to think and what to believe. You are a libroid.

See, now how does that bring anything worthy to the discussion? Answer: It doesn't.

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