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CNN: Video of UFO craft destroying missile nuke flying through the sky!

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posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by Jinni
Instead of human error you would rather believe in Aliens right?

In these cases I am convinced that it where indeed Extraterrestrials who where the real cause that those missiles became non-operational and that they therefore prevent human error, or better, human stupidity.

Originally posted by Jinni
I bow down to all your defence systems and safety engineering skills.

Thanks I really appreciate that.

Originally posted by Jinni
Which university did you get your PhD from?

Why do you ask, because do you really think that having a PhD from whatever university makes any difference in relation to what happened in those cases and for the fact that I am convinced that Extraterrestrials exist and are already here?
No way, there are so many people with a PhD from the best universities who even today think that humans are the only intelligence in this Universe.

[edit on 24/7/08 by spacevisitor]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by Pocky
reply to post by RiseToAddiction

It's happening here in the USA too. I'm thinking that it is harder to deny, when more people are going around with their digital cameras and cell cams. More footage, more people seeing this stuff happening. There is more time on people's hands now, they can look up, and also the fact that Hollywood is making movies about them, and the public is going to watch it in droves, that means they are interested in this topic. The masses are becoming less afraid to talk about it or admit they have seen something. I don't think the government can do much about this but distract people with something else.

I dont think the government is real worried about News Segments on this topic.. its mass broadcasted.. its alot easier to confuse people and make them afraid to believe if there gonna get ridiculed one way or the other...
unless you experience it for yourself.. you can NOT understand or truly believe... if you havent doesnt that mean you just want to believe?

and as for hollywood making movies about it... then ppl have MORE ammunition to make fun of alien believers "oh you saw that movie did you? well it was a movie"

Im not sayin I know everything but im pretty damn sure of ONE thing.. and that is the government will not lose control.. if its leaked.. its a controlled leak.. there not going to let anything get out of hand... if theyve kept it secret for this long.. 60 years... they must have a system that works

the trick is.. how do we brind down the corrupt?

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by kdial1
reply to post by spacevisitor

Wow a bunch of whining in the second video.


The skeptics whine beause they refuse to look SERIOUSLY at the ground truth traces that number moe than 1000 where nothig still grows after 40-50years, the gun-fottage and missle footage with iterconnected radar returns and tapes the CIA and DOD have NOT confiscated the tapes, along with the pages pages n pages n tapes that HAVE been covered up by the DOD-DARPA-through a unit I believe called SWORD...Space Wareface Oprations n Reconnasaince Division, It is this unit I think mCKinney in Britain got into when he found about "space wariors" on the DOD budget through a loophole of NASA.

Nye and Shostak have NEVER taken the subjects seriously no matter how many MILLIONS of matter the RANK of the people who come forth...they are the paid "disinformats" for the Illuminati.

And for further proof that religious and banking institutions are leading us down the wrong "Golden Path" with withholding this stuff because of the "Brookings Report" you MUST see this two hour movie...well worth downloading:

Don't know if anyone has seen this 2 hour movie that is banned by YouTube but is still being carried by Google...for now...if Google drops it I have a flv copy of it and will host it. An updated one is set for release in October this year.

Spread the link...awaken some sheeple !!!


[edit on 24-7-2008 by rhw007]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 09:25 AM
Where is the video? This is BS. It was just CGI. Not an actual video. Which makes this whole brouhaha nothing but speculation and exaggerated hearsay.

The fact that this incident happened more than 40 years ago and nothing conclusive ever came out of it is proof enough this case doesn't have any importance in the field of serious no-nonsense concrete scientific studies.

These sort of nonsense has been debunked by Project BlueBook years and years ago and mnay many times after that.

It was the post World War II era and a lot of paranoia and confusion and ignorance that lead the people to believe what they see as something out of the ordinary.

In Occam's Razor, there is a higer probability of them making these things up rather than aliens in their pie-tin spacecraft zapping a nuclear dud. The aliens were probably high on Venus gas to make such an idiotic assesment and decision to travel vast distance just to zap a dud.

The title of this thread is as fake as the vieo of that dud missile. Where's the video? Where? Where?

[edit on 24-7-2008 by AntisepticSkeptic]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:16 AM
Amazing, I'm still watching through all the material but I had never even heard of this phemonemon before...

UFO's knocking Nuclear missiles out of the sky?
Wow, there has to have been an exceptionally large cover-up to keep this secret for so long, that's astounding.

But with all the speculation aside, the how, where and what...
That's just scenery for the public.

What I want to know is WHY? Why are these UFO's so magnetically attracted to Nuclear Missiles and why do they disable them?

Is this some pacifistic, Alien civilisation spreading love across the galaxy?? lol
I don't get it.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 11:11 AM
Where is the real video? Where? This is not proof. This is all a bunch of old people yakking about made up stuff.

There was no REAL video by CNN. It was a fake CGI creation.

"CNN: Video of UFO craft destroying missile nuke flying through the sky!"

The title implies that CNN has a real footage of a UFO zapping a missile carrying a "nuke" (emphasize on Nuke=Nuclear), when in actuality it was a CGI composite of an ALLEGED incident of a UFO zapping a dud missile. A DUD. DUD DUD DUD. Not a missile carrying a nuke. Just a DUD.

The video is made up. CGI. And this alleged UFO incident didn't happen.

[edit on 24-7-2008 by AntisepticSkeptic]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 11:17 AM
This is wonderful, feels like disclosure may be around the corner.

Video 3, 1.14 secounds into it right before Larry cuts to comercials you can hear somone say somthing that sounded to me like "Jesus Christ" I think it may have been Bill Nye, after hearing about the upcoming 2 vs 2 debate.

Anyone else notice this?

Oh, and Antiseptic, you posted your reply at 11:11, somthing else I noticed

[edit on 24-7-2008 by Snozaz]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 12:07 PM
Hi people my 2 cents on the issue;

If the video is legitimate and it is a UFO there is always the possibility that it is "simply" higher existing technology of our own.

Many things are kept under wraps and by the time it is shown to the public it is obsolete. eg stealth aircraft tech, genetic engineering, bio-warfare and microchip to name a few.

Keeping your true capabilities has always been an advantage.
In poker if you "flop the nuts" you have two options; either keep a straight face or you talk down your own hand. You play it right you win the pot, and nobody even gets a chance to see your cards!

If the very culture and mind-frame given to us is fake/fraudulent, is it too far fetched that the UFO events are a fraud perpetuated by the powers that be...

Think of the war of the worlds event, some recent news articles suggest it was a planned experiment, to assess the feasibility of using an alien invasion as a propaganda tool for future manipulation.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 12:22 PM
I think Larry King is so interested in opening us up for the idea of extraterrestrials living on Earth because...c'mon look at Larry does he look like human?

I think he is just fed up hiding and pretending he is a human

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:29 PM
Anyone verify where these nukes are coming from and who is giving the orders.

It took 7 days in May, 1945 to convince Truman he had to accept Hitlers

I don't think Truman gave any orders to bomb Japan.
The plan was going on with out his orders so he had to own up
to the bombing of Japan. See he was the figure head USA president.

You won't see any nukes going off from land.
If a sub blows up, so what. Thats how the Germans did it eventually
after making two airborne A bombs.

Did the Germans design the B-29 to fit that Fat Man.
It just about fit.
I can't find much on the defecting American designer for the
Russian bombers, anyone got links to a web page or can make
any kind of statement. I'll check in ATS aviation forum.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 02:42 PM

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by FIFIGI
I think Larry King is so interested in opening us up for the idea of extraterrestrials living on Earth because...c'mon look at Larry does he look like human?

I think he is just fed up hiding and pretending he is a human


posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:27 PM
First time I post on ATS just to clarify something here about the 4th part of the video. At one point the guy in the middle talks about France and a report that has been released. I'm french and if I'm right he's talking about the COMETA report that was written by scientists and given to the government about 7 years ago. It's mostly a compilation of pretty convincing reports made by Military and civilian pilots. This COMETA file is available to the public online. However all along the show they seem to use the word UFO when they actually mean Aliens. Indeed COMETA admitted the existence of UFOS not Aliens. That's the obvious reason why nobody jumped out the windows as Larry said. There's nothing new about this whereas this guy is acting like disclosure already happened in France which of course isn't true.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by 2991brownj

The people who tout extraterrestrials are the ones making every one
mentally, well lets say historically and scientifically deficient or challenged.

Not any one on ATS, just the big wig Illuminati in charge of Tesla
Free Energy (TFE).

Mental is when the Illuminati get rid of someone like Forestall.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 05:13 PM
Could be trying to save humanity - or preparing to take it down without a hitch. I'd like to believe it's the former of the two!

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Snozaz
This is wonderful, feels like disclosure may be around the corner.

Video 3, 1.14 secounds into it right before Larry cuts to comercials you can hear somone say somthing that sounded to me like "Jesus Christ" I think it may have been Bill Nye, after hearing about the upcoming 2 vs 2 debate.

Anyone else notice this?

Oh, and Antiseptic, you posted your reply at 11:11, somthing else I noticed

[edit on 24-7-2008 by Snozaz]

The best that will happen is that the Governemnt discloses the UFOs are real and piloted by aliens and they are responsible for global war, rising oil prices, poverty, weather problems etc, How convenient!

What they won't disclose is the truth however.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 06:09 PM
Springer, I take issue with your original comment;

This video combined with the testimony of these former Air Force officers is one of the BEST in Ufology in my humble opinion

How is it "the BEST"? To me, it seems like another case of "Oh I had some awesome evidence but as usual, it was stolen, so I can't show it to you. "
Its great that they're air force officers, but as my father said many times, Rank does NOT equal character.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 06:20 PM
ok first off ufo been seen for many more yrs then reported .why are they here simple i read some where there a unlimited power source here on earth which they can use they reguard this above anythink else.Aduction there some think they need from us its been said they class us as a container .imagine a cow with a nuc your wanna keep an eye on it or one day it turn round and fire back. the us and any other gov on earth could nt do nothink but bind time till tech catches up .the us have sold the human race down the tube for 50 yrs and they should realease the list aquired names off all aduction up to 1979 which was agreed between the us and the ebe.s for exchange off tech the us gov should be held accountable and other gov to . the co op between the gov and the ebes stopped in 1979 when there was a fire fight between forces at dulce underground base since then where been intercepting incoming ufos and destroying there underground bases on land and sea hence so many nuc test around the world .all ways made me wonder we know how to make nuc and to set them off why keep testing them when we know they work

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 07:23 PM
Again I may ask. WHERE IS THE VIDEO? The thread title is misleading. Where is the video? The thread title suggests this is an actual video which it wasn't.



posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 07:30 PM
Human beings operate with sense perception. We like also like to reason, and have faith when needed. Hearing that we are a genetic altered race even from Government oficials, military officials blowing whistles, that's nice, but in the end a conditioned human needs the five senses to validate, other then that we go: Maybe, Maybe not. We then go back to living life without ETs physicaly in it.

Again WHERE IS THIS VIDEO? WHERE? (CGIs don't count, They're FAKE. F....A....K....EEEE.... FAKE!)

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