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Fascist Police State: More Cops conducting illegal checkpoints and violating 4th amendment

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posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by billybob

You missed the point obviously...

near as cool as some of the stories ive read

Who gets to post the most COOL Story...



posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 10:18 PM

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by billybob

good thing for the cops that people still trust them for the most part, because the cops are hopelessly outnumbered if push were to come to shove.

But that's the problem. People shouldn't still trust them after all that we see. But they do. So now your ratios become irrelevant. The number of police abuse victims grows, while those who have not been victimized by a cop tend to kiss piggy rear end.

In your 600:1 ratio, it won't matter a hill of beans that a police officer murdered your parents and raped your children, if out of those 600 people, only ten or twenty take your side.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

you're forgetting youtube. that narrows the 600:1 significantly.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by billybob

Well, I am certainly in favor of people seeing the police for what they really are, and getting the word out.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

well, if that's the aspect you'd like to focus on, then how about how "cool" tanks and jetfighters, and other killamajigs are? this is the age of fusion of the real and the virtually real. things that blow up are 'cool'. the bigger the destruction, the 'cooler'.
don't think that 'we' don't know the congratulatory bum slapping that goes on in the precinct locker room at the end of the shift.

"guy came at me with a knife, and i slammed him into the cruiser and cuffed him before he knew what hit him"
"i walked in on a $100,000 coke deal, today. two guys grabbed uzi's, but i popped them both before they could even raise them!"
"oh, yeah? well this drunk took out his shotgun, and pointed it right at my head and pulled the trigger, ....dumb drunk didn't know it wasn't loaded. DAMN! my lucky day!"
"wow. COOL!"
"i tazed a *derogatory adjective* chick who wouldn't get out her car. she was speeding."
"that's so cool. i hate those types."
"i had to punch a teenage girl in the stomach"
"not cool. but, i guess you had your reasons"
"damn, we tazed this crippled chick in a wheelchair so many times she DIED!"
"well, crippled people should be the first to give up. what was she thinking?"
"damn. oh, well."
"well, good work, boys. see ya tomorrow".

you know, i've done quite a few different types of work, and one thing that almost always happens, is you conform to the status quo of accepted behaviour on the job.
the police are too far separated from the people, now. in small towns, it's still 'cool', but in big cities there is a real "us VS. them" mentality.

"if you're not a cop, you're little people." ( warning to deckard in blade runner )

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by billybob


You missed my point... Completely

But that is ok..

On with the regularly scheduled Cop Bashing...


posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

well, instead of putting the onus on me to be psychic, why don't you explain more fully, and then, maybe, we can reach some friendly middle ground.

i notice you didn't respond to my response on your 'so, you hate the cops' thread.

my grandfather was a staff sergeant when he retired, and an excellent human being. even in his time, there were good cops and bad cops. he told me there was a special (radio) code in detroit for black shootings that basically meant, 'take your time or don't bother to respond at all'.
my uncle was a detective in the RCMP investigating corporate corruption, and it (literally) made him crazy. he retired early because of the extreme stress cause by trying to uphold the law while watching the 'law' (ie. corrupt higher ups) protect the (very rich and powerful) guilty.

the age of black and white is long gone, mr. always brave. i personally think it takes more bravery to stand up to a whole corrupt system, than to have to deal with it's nasty symptoms day after day.
why don't you try and bust a CIA plane smuggling coke, for a change, instead of picking on people videotaping 'checkpoints'.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by billybob

I did not respond to that thread for the same reasons as my comment on here....

Look closely at this comment..

I dont have anywhere near as cool as some of the stories ive read

That is the prevailing theme in many of these "stories"... Being as "cool" or more "cool" than the next guy...

As we only ever have the "one side" to any "REALLY COOL" story someone posts on here, as intellectual human beings, we have to take them with a grain of salt.. A HUGE GRAIN..

As there are always three sides to any story, Side one, side two and the truth, and also as we are only getting the "ONE" side and as this poster so eloquently put it, "cool stories", the truth is frequently only a version of the posters obvious prejudice and point of view..

so taking into account the only present "one" side of the story, and the fact that many only want to be 'more cool' than the next, and you have cop bashing and nothing of more substance...

That is why I generally avoid these threads..

(Maybe should have stayed with my own advice)

Nothing of real value


posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:09 AM
Last year in Gilpin County, Colorado, the Sheriff Department flagged motorists over at a checkpoint where samples of blood and saliva were requested.

Sgt. Bob Enney said deputies assisted the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation in stopping motorists at five sites along Colorado 119 for surveys on any drug and alcohol use. Surveyors then asked the motorists to voluntarily submit to tests of their breath, blood and saliva. At least 200 drivers were tested, Enney said. About five motorists later complained, he said.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Why would anyone volunteer to give these samples?

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

i assure you, it was the cops that PHYSICALLY bashed me before i began verbally 'bashing' cops.
i chose not to try and paint a target on my head by 'legally' pursuing these three individuals. that does not mean i will lie down in the face of injustice and whimper. it means i choose to attack the cause, and not the symptom.
i used to have 100% respect and trust for the cops before they beat me for no reason.
since then, i have looked into it, and it turns out that the cops are even more criminal than criminals, because they are betraying the public trust for the sake of their own police power continuum.
and, you know, words this, words that, the trends are clear and omnipresent, so rather than try and convince people on a website, why don't you try and convince the next person you detain under false, unconstitutional pretenses?

dude, you seem like not too bad a person, so you should realise that some of your brethren are overstepping their bounds by leaps and bounds, and that spells out 'breach of trust'.
'trust' is not (just) a 'word'. it is a bunch of letters used to describe a gut feeling.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 02:42 PM
I'm still older and feel I have a better veiw of this "abuse of some power" troubles of human beings. With the on going urge toward the ability to "bear arms". Shouldn't we have some lead way to shoot some of these police? We don't have to "think they may be armed". Look at what the attorneys will be doing. I don't have the specific article but they are using this "right to bear arms" as a defense for those convicted of felonies, and were then found in the possession of a fire arm. If the traffic stop is an abuse of power then we should have the right to protect ourselves. Something should be done about the power mad gang with guns in your town. I just never understood. Have they ever prevented something, therefore protecting you from their further need of abusive service toward you?

[edit on 21-7-2008 by rightwingnut]

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by rightwingnut

The police cannot protect you. They are there to pick up the pieces when your life is shattered by someone who knows that the police can't protect you.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
reply to post by billybob


You missed my point... Completely

But that is ok..

On with the regularly scheduled Cop Bashing...



I count many police officers as friends & don't want to bash the entire field because of a few bad apples who are on power trips. Every type of career has these bad apples, unfortuantely, the bad officers usually get noticed since they have a gun & can arrest you.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by lynn112

I take a different tack these days. It is the system itself that is corrupt and evil. The few good guys who are still counted among those who don the uniform, are in the wrong line of work.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by jackinthebox

I guess I just hold out hope that the good men among their ranks will outweigh the bad when it's most important. Besides, without those good guys, we would be completely scr*wed.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by lynn112

As far as where we would be without them, consider the fact that the police haven't even been around for two-hundred years. Civilization came a long way without them. The police come to pick up the pieces, that's about it. If they were an effective deterrent or crime-stopping force, then we wouldn't be where we are today.

I am sad to say that your "hopes" are actually quite naieve, but I don't mean that in a derrogatory way at all, please understand. Here are a few examples of what I mean.

This first one shows the group dynamic. How many of the "good guys" are right in there laughing about violating this woman's Constitutional rights, as well as inflicting injury with a weapon...

Now imagine if that rubber bullet which hit her in the head had gone off an inch to the left or right. She would be dead. And for what?

This next video really irks me. At first, simply because what the officer did was completely out of line. But as I reviewed it, I found something that made me even more angry. The cop actually seems like a good guy, a nice guy. Good guys doing bad things. This is the product of a system and a government that has lost it's way...

It is no longer a matter of "bad cops." Of course, that's to say nothing of the tremendous power that the real bad cops actually wield and the damage they cause to our society.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

consider the fact that the police haven't even been around for two-hundred years.


The first police force comparable to present-day police was established in 1667 under King Louis XIV in France

In Western culture, the contemporary concept of a police paid by the government was developed by French legal scholars and practitioners in the 17th and early 18th centuries, notably with Nicolas Delamare's Traité de la Police ("Treatise on the Police"), first published in 1705

Just some Really accurate, and True information.. For a change..


posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Well, I will go so far as a partial consession and say that we are both right to a degree, however...

After much deliberation in Parliament, the British statesman Sir Robert Peel in 1829 established the London Metropolitan Police, which became the world's first modern organized police force.

With a link to my source...

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 04:03 PM
Yes, you post a lot of stupid crap that has no relationship to reality. You see a conspiracy in everything.

Maybe the cops ARE watching you, for a good reason.

You can think what you want, it is only when you try to put your paranoid ideation into action that you get into trouble.

Oh big brother is out to get me! Well, maybe, just maybe you are doing things to bring down the government, and they are trying to stop you [snip]

Sorry, but your rights end at the tip of my nose. In other words, your rights end when they effect another person in a way they do not wish to be effected.


Personal attack removed

Please read (from the T&C's)

2) Behavior: You will not behave in an abusive, hateful and/or racist manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack anyone.

[edit on 22/7/08 by masqua]

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