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Fascist Police State: More Cops conducting illegal checkpoints and violating 4th amendment

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posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Well, well, well.... you get what you wish for, huh?

I am the person who recorded, edited and uploaded the video to youtube.

In the video I did NOT tell the police that I am going to send this video to Alex Jones. And so what if I did?

What "agenda" do I have? Wait... you're right.. I DO have a SINISTER agenda. A truly evil one that can only be for my selfish benefit... and that is [sarcastically] to inform these police and through the video, inform all people of this country that our rights are being eroded away an inch at a time as we hurtle towards a totally tyrannical police state as we are seeing in parts of this country and especially great Britain that literally has Stasi-style "police-wanna-be's" enforcing the public and questioning Steven Watson for having his HAND in his pocket (I do believe it gets cold in Great Britain sometimes, right?)

So, again, I am clarifying my Agenda as I am obviously a transparent government op./corporate media whore who is doing this for a huge chunk of money so I can go splurge it on self-indulgences rather than spend it wisely helping my fellow human being. - Again - its not that I am SO SICK AND TIRED OF double-standards in this country. Its not that I am disgusted with what I see every day driving down the road. Homeless people living on the street, going through garbage cans and seeing poor little kids in dirty clothes going to school just to be indoctrinated into being "good consumers" for the Homeland (In Nazi Germany they called it "Father Land Security", btw).

Its not that I have woke up and continued to be flabbergasted by each discovery of layered control, treachery and programming that goes into our daily lives... I am just completely sick of not seeing any forward advancement. I am truly tired of seeing humans being held back just for financial gain of a few.

I see the StopLight Photo cameras everywhere in Los Angeles. After living in Seattle Washington were there were only a FEW in town, now where in Los Angeles there seems to be 3 per square mile! You know, being hit with a $400 ticket for "running a red light" (when all they SHOULD do is extend the yellow-light signal for 1 to 3 seconds) and being called a "danger to the public" for that is extremely hypocritical to me while the united states and the UK "Coalition forces" BOMB IRAQ NIGHT AND DAY WITH DEPLETED URANIUM which will kill and maim for 4.5 BILLION YEARS - it just seems hypocritical and unjust, doesn't it?

I can no longer keep my rant of sarcasm going to someone like this.. I just break down and cant take it anymore.. I see so much injustice and I want to fix it all. People are sleep walking and if they aren't? They just dont care about whats going on and it sickens me.

So, SpartanKingLeonidas, I am sorry if there were too many "umms and ahh"S in my video but I was starving and I was just HOPING mad, I had talked for over an hour with neighbors before going out there and after that video talking with others, I just about lost my voice that night. It was noisy, there was so much going on that night, talking with my girlfriend, to my friend over the phone, I just had a bite to eat and just fell straight to sleep after all of that..

I'll put my last ounce of strength and my last breath into fighting Tyranny and a fascist state... WHY? Because thats the only option.

I AM NOT GOING to the REX84 camps and I am NOT going to be like the Jews in the movie Schindler's list... thinking (praying!) that I am going to live to see tomorrow because I am an all-important "essential worker for Oscar Schindler". - OK?

So you want to question me? Go right ahead. So you don't like the way I talk? I am assured you are a S-Talking coward - go back to playing HALO. This is a GROWN-UP's game here, little boy!!

x Justin

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Darkaner
OMG... thats disgusting. we need to take charge. and a question: why dont people do something about this? i mean almost every person in this country just sits their and lets stuff happen. some cops nearly arrested a few of my friends for standing on a sidewalk for get this "dressing in a way that could scare people" they were waring identicle camo out fits.
cops have to much power. in my town we have 3 cops in jail because several of us have gotten jobs as cops and arrested fellow officers because of unlawfull actions. so in my town WE CONTROLL the police force which is very nice and so from now on we no longer deal with this. thanks for posing this its very important

Honestly I think this post should be it's own topic. It certainly raises some very good ideas worthy of discussion. I applaude your efforts. Not many people would walk into the Lion's den to make a difference and that is exactly what you have done. My hats off to you Sir.

I think the time has come to take things a step further. It is obvious that no one can just sit on the sidewalk and take video anymore without being lied to about the law, threatened with arrest, intimidated, or even arrested. I suggest not using standard video cameras anymore. They just draw negative attention to you. I think it would be best to use a combination of your standard (large noticable) video camera and then a back up "spy" camera that can be easily purchsed through any number of sites online. That way when you are forced to turn off the camera, you have another one running that will catch what is being said to you whn the police think they are not on tape. Being sneaky and catching them in the act will get more done than videos like this. In this video we are forced to take the cameraman at his word as to what he was told after the camera went off. Another recording device would eliminate any questions.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by SystemiK

SystemiK - I am here. Thanks for inviting me. I will be looking forward to replying to some of the posts here as soon as I have time.

I didnt know that my video would draw so much attention. After sitting for nearly 2 weeks on youtube with only a few hundred views, I saw that Alex Jones' website had been running other videos and stories, like the man who was arrested for taking a picture of a cop and went to jail for "illegally" taking a picture of a cop.

I decided to send my e-mail to right then and there. I sent my e-mail with an upload (30MB file) of the video and the link to Youtube. That was 3:30 PM Pacific time. By 6PM (2.5 hours later) I was going through infowars new stories, looking for new stuff, hopefully about Depleted Uranium and Doug Rokke and I saw the headline " Video: Cops Tell Citizen He Cannot Video Illegal Checkpoint and I thought "It couldn't be! Its too soon." and sure enough it was my video. Now I type that headline into google and see a lot of hits.

I have now been approached by a few people on youtube who live in Los Angeles who want to get together and organize. I think next time I create a video it'll be a lot better. There will be shots from different cameras and there will be more people with me to stand up to this fascist dictatorship.

Do we all think bush NEEDS to have cart-blanch wiretapping to keep us safe? Do we need to have our freedom violated to keep us safe? Do we need checkpoints at schools, airports, bus stations, roads, highways, movie theaters, clubs and even DISNEYLAND? (Have you been there recently! They want to search your bags! A sign says: "Be aware of heightened security measures" or something to the effect.).

Look at New York and Washington District of Criminals. NO GUNS but yet crime is exceptionally high. Rapes, murders, robberies, muggings, etc? Why? Because the thugs and criminals know their victims will be unarmed slaves.

I believe fully in the line that Alex Jones repeats only so often: "I believe that a freeman is a man with a gun in his hand"... I cant even buy an AR-15 in California! "Assault weapons ban". Well, its banned alright... but it hasn't done a THING to reduce the crime rate... a study said after the 10 year ban was up... no matter... they just pushed it through anyway... in total defiance of said logic... but ah... crazyness, right? No... VERY logical if you plan to introduce Martial Law.. then, the average american in california will be out-gunned and have a limited supply of ammo (10 rounds or less per clip, give me a break!).

Anyhow... I look forward to lengthy discussions and debates!

Thank you all who have posted and helped spread the world of this around!

x Justin

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by mrjustin5

Wow, that's an awful lot of hostility towards anyone, even someone who only had questions.

I'm not sure I like the tone you've used here, you're sounding worse than the "Nazi-Cops" you're accusing in a reply that was not accusatory in the least, and as fair and neutral as possible.

Neutral, to show both sides of an arguement.

You never mentioned possibly showing the tape to Alex Jones, or anyone else for that matter, huh?

You want to bet you didn't say that?

Because that's exactly what I and anyone else who has watched and listened to the video heard you tell the Officer in the video.

You just go ahead and keep attacking who I am because of your preconceived notions based on your attacking the avatar I have chosen, you're going to see exactly who will be here for three more years, and who will get banned very quickly.

If you want, I'll send the video to someone to have verbatim what you and the Officer have said transcribed exactly word for word, or I'll do it. I had the video on full screen and the speakers turned up on high, just to hear how intimidated you were on the video, as well as if the Officer was utilizing intimidation tactics. He was not being abusive in the least, possibly wrong, but not abusive. There's a distinct difference there.

I understand conflict de-escalation and counter to that I understand conflict escalation as well.

Who the Hell wants to end up in a Concentration Camp like a Rex-84 facility?

Not one citizen wants to be illegally or legally locked up anywhere, let alone in a death camp, which is exactly what Rex-84 as well as Gitmo will eventually become.

So, mrjustin5, you need to back off jack, before you attack this poster on ATS, as I attack back, and fiercely as Hell too.

If you even ask anyone, especially DimensionalDetective, the original thread poster, about who I am, you will see your error in attacking, as I am as adamantly against Civil Rights being raped by an ignorant President as any man, woman, or anyone else on this planet for that matter.

You want a war on here on ATS?

Is that what you seriously want?

I think you better back down little boy, you're the only one who is going to lose.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

Mod Note: General ATS Discussion Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 03:22 PM
welcome, justin!
enough people like you(like, for example, this guy in montreal), and the fascist state WILL be DEFEATED.

spartan king, you attacked him first, in absentia, and i feel he has good reason to be terse with you.

and, he never said he was going to send it alex jones, he said he listens to alex jones.

and, if there is no TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT POLICE STATE, why should the mention of alex jones matter an iota? the fact is, there is a TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT POLICE STATE growing nastier every passing day, and if it only gets soft soaped by the likes of you, it will succeed. it is only through the bravery and diligence of the likes of alex jones, and justin, here, that there is even a smidgen of hope for the sovereign individual.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by billybob]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 03:32 PM
Everyone :

Civility and Decorum Are Required

Thank You.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Alright, SpartanKingLeonidas... I have other things to do than go on with a lifetime battle with you over something that doesn't even matter.

I am not looking to "win" any "wars" with you - or battle or whatever you said.

If you want, I'll send the video to someone to have verbatim what you and the Officer have said transcribed exactly word for word, or I'll do it.

Go ahead! Do it! I am the one that recorded the video. I edited it and during that time I heard it about 20 times. I said "I KEEP UP ON STUFF LIKE THIS, LIKE INFOWARS.COM AND ALEX JONES" I didn't say "I am going to record you and I am going to taddle-tale this over to Alex Jones! I am going to EXPOSE YOU!" or whatever you're trying to insinuate. And SO WHAT even if I did? Would it be WRONG to tell them: "Hey! You violate my rights and break the law I am going to put this on youtube and a website that gets MILLIONS of hits?!" Whats wrong even if I did? You're out to get me, I guess you just dont like the sound of my voice or something. You're demeaning and pompous and all I am trying to do is wake people up and do my part to get a movement started! Why dont you reply to THAT part, huh?!

Look, I dont like how you personally attacked me and how I talked in the video and what I did. As if YOU could do better. DO YOU have any videos where you go and directly speak to the police? Can you PLEASE post those? What have you done lately for the the "raping of rights" as you called it. And please, dont attack me in the next post for any quotes I made that weren't word-for-exact-word, ok?

I got over my intimidation of the police YEARS ago. I have a few friends who clam up, dont say a word and look straight ahead, scared, while in the car when or IF we ever get pulled over... but I am not intimidated by them anymore. Again, that was years ago. Now I see them as bullish guys in uniform that are there to MONEY MAKERS FOR THE SYSTEM and thats it. Guns don't scare me, tasers or night-sticks or whatever you call them. They've lost their credibility for me, as I know its all about money.

You'll notice I don;t cower in fear and try to elevate them by calling them: "Sir" or "Officer" or "Your Majesty" or "Your honor".

I am done with you, Spartan5-whatever... So do the transcript. All I said was "I keep up on stuff like this on, Alex Jones...." and he made the gesture to wait or be silent as he listened to his police radio... then he shinned the light on my camera and the papers I was holding. So sure! Do that transcript. Try to attack me.... whatever good that does FIGHTING AMONGST OURSELVES instead of solving REAL problems!

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 03:49 PM

I can confirm that that is in Los Angeles and it sure looks like the neighborhood the OP described. Been in it a few times.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by BASSPLYR]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 04:32 PM
so... did nobody else notice that the date on the video was July, 27th 2008????

it's july 17th 2008 right now.... i call BS that this even happened.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 04:36 PM
While as a ATS Member and since withdrawing, I have contined tossing out warnings and attempts to overcome the disinformation and do what I could to wake people up. I am of course far from alone in this effort but came to the conclusion some time ago that there was no point, nothing could be done to avoid the collapse of the American economy, way of life and dream, which was always ust that..a Dream based upon many lies. 9-11 was an CIA False Flag Operation coordinated by Chaney and others with them; we are the Number 1 Terrorists on the planet; the NWO will collapse our dollar, move us to the Amero and Chip all of you inevitably. The worst is all true for most Americans and the worst has long since begun. The Governemtn has been recruiting more police and expanding the ranks of their Minions to deal with you. Operation Garden Plot is real and the War on Terror was realy a War On Our Constitution, The American People and Way of Life. Me and mine have long since sold our properties, liquidated assets and bought gold and silver, which we easily convert to dollars when we need them but many love being paid in gold and bartering is "IN". We are very self sustaining; our own water, electricity and thousands of gallons of gas are ust part of the resources we have stockpiled over the past carts are great and mother nature is alive and well. Meantime, I expect your neighbor will be eating your dog in the not so distant is your karma. Think about all the immorality that you have supported or turned a blind eye to...think about all the abortions and divorces and thing I can not mention because my post would be censored. Take a honest look in the mirror and you will know you all deserve what you are and will be getting. The earth will never end..the human race will go on..this governemtn will collapse and the NWO will fail. Very hard times and much death and destruction is coming but, on the other side is a new beginning, a beginning without the wealthy owning mankind. Watch the Olympics in China, the worst will begin when they begin... Good luck

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by elevatedone

Yeah, I tried for civility elevatedone. I also tried to bring seriousness to a discussion through intelligence, because the video in question seems to be completely bogus in its intent, content, as well as context altogether.

I'll apologize to ATS for the lack of decorum I showed after being attacked, but not to the junior-leaguer who thrashed what I had to say.

No one deserves to be intimidated by anyone, and anyone who can not at least call an Officer "sir" or "ma'am" when they are not being thrown to the ground, isn't worth respecting to begin with.

reply to post by BASSPLYR

If it's Los Angeles, I'm not even going to take the person who filmed it seriously in the least, another Rodney King type who would rather not understand that Law Enforcement has a job to perform, and who was not hurt physically but who would rather trash Law Enforcement altogether.

reply to post by mrjustin5

Personally, I could care less what you think now, you've just proved exactly what I thought all along, someone who hates Law Enforcement.

Your video belongs here on this thread instead :

So You Hate Cops

Your responses on ATS have Drama Queen written all over them, and no I am not calling you a Drama Queen, just so you know in the contextual sense I'm not attacking you, but the response alone are what I am referring to here.

reply to post by BASSPLYR

If it's Los Angeles, and you've been there, is it a "bad neighborhood" or a relatively quiet one?

My original points still stands, there is information that is not supplied about the content of the video, whether it is done through lack of knowledge, or willing intent to attack Law Enforcement is as yet, unknown.

All of the things I pointed out are things that are very important, as they leave too many things to question. I've done investigations as a Security Officer where I had to ask detailed questions, I know to properly do a job, you've got to have knowledge of every angle of the event that is unfolding.

I went back and re-watched the video, and if it's at 11:50pm like the video states, then this means it more than likely is a DUI checkpoint, due to the hour it's supposedly being filmed, but the whole video is suspect in the fact that it's incorrectly edited to show the date of July 27th, 2008 to begin with, so it shows this person was too interested in posting something they felt was a "smoking gun" than to take the time to edit it correctly to begin with.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Considering that your writing skills seem quite organized, I find it very "interesting" that your reasoning is not.

-re: no city or state documented...There is and intersection at the beginning of the vid...If you distrust the authenticity or locale, try a google map search using the street view...quite simple to use.

-re: no search actually taped...Does that really make a difference? The point is that people are being stopped at a check point for no apparent reason.

-re: Your perspective of the vidiographer being "intimidated" by the officers isn't necessarily a bad thing...From my perspective he is merely trying to avoid being arrested on trumped up charges. Yes, it happens all the time...I have been witness to this myself, more than once, even in my upper middle class, yuppies filled city of Valencia, CA.

-re: small town or large town or South Central...what difference does it make? It makes it O.K. in South Central but not West L.A.?

I am glad there are people observant enough and have the gumption to video the cops whenever possible. Sure the cops don't like it...they might get caught!

When I was a kid, (30+years ago) my Dad carried an instamatic camera stowed under the seat of the car. Every time we saw a cop hiding in the bushes he would click a few pics...Yes, "hiding" is against policy, hence the black and white paint job. It's too bad there are not more people documenting the cops actions...after all it their word against ours without documentation.

The CHP once had a DUI check point near us at about 3a.m. There were CHP officers everywhere, generators, lights, the whole shabang! I bet every officer was making plenty of overtime ...funny thing was, they were set up in a city that has no alcohol sales after midnight and no bars! Figure that one out!

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by SRTkid86

So are you implying that the vid was staged? Good production job, if it was!

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by NeverJones

Yep, I missed the video opening, due to internet capability.

Darn internet, always causing problems.

The location does matter due to whether it's a small quiet town, or one where the Police are shot back at all the time. My reasoning behind that statement is that it brings into question whether the Officer was wondering if he was being set up.

Yes, it goes both ways, unfortuanately, that Police are set up, just as much as what you stated.

There are people who are out just to get Police in trouble, believe it or not.

Yes, I do have to wonder as to the videos autheticity as well as location, because of the reasoning previously mentioned in the post I did before this, the date is 10 days from now. Someone was in a hurry doing their editing. Editing can be used in more than one way, either through actual documentation, or propganda purposes.

It depends on the motive, intent, and content of how the video is done.

As for the "no apparent reason" that is a part of what I was trying to establish in the very first post, there's no reasoning given as to why there's a checkpoint, and being that it says, whether the time is correct or not, that it is 11:50pm, this is around the time of a regular DUI checkpoint is usually done, and since the date is altogether wrong in the video, we can not see if it's a Tuesday or Saturday night, or St Patricks Day for that matter.

Tuesday, not a usual night for a DUI checkpoint, unless it's a St Patricks Day, or even the recent holiday, the 4th of July (Friday night this year), Friday and Saturday night, usual nights of DUI checkpoints.

reply to post by billybob

Actually, I never attacked the man doing the video taping, I called into question some legitimate questions, and was fairly neutral in what I had to say.

If I was attacking it or him, I'd have called the video total garbage, and the videographer a moron, but I never did that, nor had the intent or thought of that in mind.

Intent through verbage, as well as content of the stated wording.

My intent was clearly some valid questions, and the content was what I was wondering.

I've been "verbally attacked through written form" now, because of it.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:20 PM
(once again I am the person who video taped this illegal checkpoint, my name is MrJustin5 on Youtube as well).

Some people are not seeing the ANNOTATIONS in this video. PLEASE watch my video DIRECTLY on Youtube and be sure to click the "WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY" link!

My confrontation of an unconstitutional (illegal) checkpoint

Lots of people have pointed out THE DATE IS WRONG - YES IT IS. Can you SURMISE it was intended to be JUNE 27th? Please watch the video with annotations!

Also, someone just said on this forum that the date is wrong so the whole thing is BS. What did I do? Have actors in the video? Or I created CGI and dubbed in dialogs? I mean HOW could I fake this and WHY would I?

I return to this forum renewed and energized. I see a lot of great responses by very well read individuals and I am so happy to be a apart of things like this with people who are passionate about this.

Here are some concerns I had when video taping this.... I purposely left my ID at home because, I dont want them to try to harass or stalk me (YES that happens! Look it up!) and I wanted to be free from further questions regarding my drivers license, where I live, what do I do for work, how old am I, where I went to school, and every other IRRELEVANT question cops have been known to ask that is simply none of their business.

There was a video of a woman who went through a checkpoint in Alex Jones Police State 2000 video of Abby Newman: Unlawful search

If they want to fight Drunk Driving? Fine! Why not change some of those commercials on TV? Notice its always young people and hot chicks having a blast such? Its never someone in reality - a person going through a mid-life crisis. Addicted to alcohol. Going to work drunk, passing out every night at 8PM drunk. Upsetting family, ruining lives. Out of 200,000 or 250,000 PEOPLE WHO DIE in car crashes every year... only 16,000 of which are RELATED to Alcohol - that is... the crashes are NOT a direct result of drinking. Usually its speeding. This is debatable to some degree, but please, lets stay on topic about CHECKPOINTS. I myself have been very distracted by Spartanman and I dont want to kill this forum thread by arguing nonsense.

Please watch this video:
Youtube - Statistical Analysis of Ohio's Drunk Driving Laws.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by mrjustin5]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:22 PM
ok so check this out. today I am driving to my job and right when i'm about to pull into the lot a cop pulls up and puts his lights on. i pull into my lot at work and the stop ensues. apparently my inspection was slightly late. upon pulling me over, he asks me to step out of the vehicle. he proceeded to search my ENTIRE vehicle. every cigarette pack, the trunk, took the seats out, he even took my ti-83 out of my computer bag and searched the battery compartment. after finding NOTHING he simply let me go and told me I should clean my car.

now, I'll tell you what, I am sick and god damn tired of this happening in this country. We should not be afraid of these people. The fact that this can happen to any one of you at any point in time is outrageous. now my co-workers think i'm a drug addict and I caught rubbish from my boss all day about what I should and shouldn't be doing. All I can say to anyone here is buy guns. not too many. but enough. one day were going to have to use them. this is wrong. its an abomination, and I'm getting real tired of it. I'm sick of being told what I can and can't do by people who never consulted me on what is right and wrong in the first place. I have a feeling most of my generation feels the same way, so I suggest the police should probably start playing nice or they will be earning their badges in the near future.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by mrjustin5

Thanks for videotaping everyday realities that goes mostly unnoticed in our fascist nation.

We need more people around videotaping everything that seems unusual about our own police force.

People needs to organized and fight this madness.

Today at my local military base it was a lot of comment about how the sell of guns in the PX was the highest for the last few months.

It seems that more Americans are becoming aware that we need to keep ourselves armed, perhaps for protections from criminals all kind of criminals.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by marg6043]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by mrjustin5

Quoting you word for word here, so there's no mistaking what you've said.

Some people are not seeing the ANNOTATIONS in this video. PLEASE watch my video DIRECTLY on Youtube and be sure to click the "WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY" link!

My confrontation of an unconstitutional (illegal) checkpoint

Lots of people have pointed out THE DATE IS WRONG - YES IT IS. Can you SURMISE it was intended to be JUNE 27th? Please watch the video with annotations!

If what you are stating, is that the date should have been June 27th, a Friday night, and if the time of the video is correct, and for this part, I'll assume it is, then does it not through routine operation sound like it was potentially a regular DUI checkpoint.

Did you ask what the checkpoint was for?

Did you ask for the Officers badge number?

You state, quite literally I might add, that you left your identification at home, so as to not be "harrassed" by Law Enforcement, but did you walk, or drive to this location?

If you walked, hip hip hooray, but if you drove, then you broke a law, while getting to the location. You also now have further incrimintated yourself, because in the video you made a false statement to a Law Enforcement Officer when he asked about your identification, and now through your own written admission, have corroborated as such.

If you drove down to see what all the hubbub was bub, you could have simply left the ID in the car, or with someone if there were other people with you, and even then a simply but honestly stated "no, I don't have it on me" would have sufficed, which would not have been a lie, or false statement to a Law Enforcement Officer, because not physically having it on you, it is the truth.

I'm going to admit here, I was mistaken, in not seeing the opening bit with the location, time, and date, but only because of the internet, not because I intentionally lied to anyone.

One sure has to wonder, if you are willing to lie to a Law Enforcement Officer, who else are you willing to lie to.

I sure hope you walked or at the least got a ride there.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by mrjustin5
(once again I am the person who video taped this illegal checkpoint, my name is MrJustin5 on Youtube as well).

Lots of people have pointed out THE DATE IS WRONG - YES IT IS. Can you SURMISE it was intended to be JUNE 27th? Please watch the video with annotations!

Also, someone just said on this forum that the date is wrong so the whole thing is BS. What did I do? Have actors in the video? Or I created CGI and dubbed in dialogs? I mean HOW could I fake this and WHY would I?

Here are some concerns I had when video taping this.... I purposely left my ID at home because, I dont want them to try to harass or stalk me (YES that happens! Look it up!) and I wanted to be free from further questions regarding my drivers license, where I live, what do I do for work, how old am I, where I went to school, and every other IRRELEVANT question cops have been known to ask that is simply none of their business.

If they want to fight Drunk Driving? Fine! Why not change some of those commercials on TV? Notice its always young people and hot chicks having a blast such? Its never someone in reality - a person going through a mid-life crisis. Addicted to alcohol. Going to work drunk, passing out every night at 8PM drunk. Upsetting family, ruining lives. Out of 200,000 or 250,000 PEOPLE WHO DIE in car crashes every year... only 16,000 of which are RELATED to Alcohol - that is... the crashes are NOT a direct result of drinking. Usually its speeding. This is debatable to some degree, but please, lets stay on topic about CHECKPOINTS. I myself have been very distracted by Spartanman and I dont want to kill this forum thread by arguing nonsense.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by mrjustin5]

I appreciate you bringing this video to light...I hope people can be open minded enough to realize that just because the cops do it, doesn't mean it's legal.
As far as the date thing goes, I am surprised that a few readers didn't come up with the theory that the 6 is right next to the 7 on the keyboard and that just perhaps it was a typo! Highly more likely, I believe, than the vid being a very elaborate "BS" production

You were smart by leaving your I.D. at home. I always leave mine in the glove compartment of the car. As a result, I have had to remind the cops, on a couple of occasions, that is is NOT the law to carry must only ID themselves verbally.
Are we the only ones that have experienced the "may I see your ID" method of opening a can of worms?
As far a DUI's go, I am sure they would be more effective by patrolling in their black and whites, looking for people weaving, etc...
Thanks for starting this thread...

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by SRTkid86
so... did nobody else notice that the date on the video was July, 27th 2008????

it's july 17th 2008 right now.... i call BS that this even happened.

Hey Jr., did the thought ever come to mind that the 6 and 7 are next to each other on the keyboard and that the date of the vid just could be, maybe, a typo? Or do you really think it's more likely to be an outstanding video production?

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