reply to post by jprophet420
Oh no... I think you're going down a slippery slope on that one. The death blow is this:
An intersection that has hundreds of drug sales per day would grant expectation to reasonable search.
You see... cops should not EVER need to violate the 4th Amendment to be able to do their work. Don't you understand the MAGNITUDE of this problem?
Its a FUNDAMENTAL LAW. Cops are SWORN to uphold it! Its the law above ALL laws is the constitution and you're saying its "OK" to do it certain
circumstances? HELL NO!
Who dictates what circumstances is "OK" to violate the 4th amendment? Is it you? Me? A committee? POLITICIANS?! We KNOW we can trust Politicians
who dictate our lives, can't we?! GOD HELP US!
Look, for over 200 years they've had to uphold the constitution and NOT violate it to get the job done.
How about STOPPING the CIA from bringing in drugs into the united states? Huh?! How about THAT for most of the problem? Do you know that only about 1
out of 20,000 or 30,000 such planes crash? So times 4 tons of Cocaine by say, 25,000 and THAT is how much coc aine the CIA is bring into the
USA! Think about it and do the research! Watch
American Drug Wars: The Last White Hope
CIA Jet Carrying Four Tons of Cocaine Also Made Trips to Gitmo [VIDEO]
So here is the deal, you dont EVER, EVER break the fundamental laws of the united states! NOT EVER, NOT FOR ANY REASON. Ok? It must be treated as if
it were immovable and unbreakable. No exceptions. Do your job the old fashioned way with hard work and wisdom. Go for the ROOT of the problem, not the
end-result of the guy on the street corner selling Coke.
Can I make this ANY clearer? Do you guys understand? Are ALL of you acclimated into this "its ok if Jack Bauer does it. Its ok if we torture and
break basic laws of humanity and act like criminals as long as its keeping us - AMERICA safe! Who cares! Just do it!"
No... NO... NO!!!! You might NEVER get it! You'll be licking a BOOT to save your LIFE before you might ever get it! I sure hope it doesn't come to
Its just not safe, its not the legal and its a downward slope that we're on that we may NEVER recover from! The united states could be COMPLETELY
GONE in 50 years because of crap like this.
So again and again... NOT NO WAY, NOT NO HOW should we EVER violate the constitution and bill of rights for ANY reason. No movie action hero crap. No
TV nonsense saving the day by breaking the law. No kicking down a door to get evidence or to see who lives there like in the movie Se7en.
NO EXCEPTIONS! It is the law above all laws. We are NOT America and we are NOT AMERICANS if we let that law be broken to "keep us safe". Didn't
you learn anything in history classes? Haven't we seen the SAME PATTERNS repeat time and time again, countless times?! Dont we EVER learn
Do you WONDER why I am going out and videotaping this stuff and making a huge deal about it? Dont let Spartan-jibberish infect your brain with
nonsense, too!
I am about to have a heart-attack here!! Stop this madness! All of you! STAND UP AND FIGHT!! While we can still win! While we still have guns! While
we still have our WITS!!
[collapses on floor] I am just done.. I am finished... as long 1 out of 100 people think like this... we're finished... we're all finished. It
really is that dire. We need 100% of every american to fight this elite, these globalist... these Illuminati, these REPTILES, whatever you want to
call them! The problem STILL exists! Not one person should think like they do!
x Justin
[edit on 18-7-2008 by mrjustin5]